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Predator Game mode- or AVP mode if xenos are around.


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You get the idea,


They would come in a pack of 3. armed with their own little ship that gets them too and fro in the same fashion as the Vox skipjack. They should have acsess to stealth cloak, hunting spear, biomask that acts as a universal translator, as well as a oxygen supply that never runs out not to be more broken but it should also have the option to activate thermal vision. Armor that acts somewhat as a hardsuit. A plasma pistol or advanced energy laser. an E-net for capturing prey. Wrist blades that pretty much act as claw attack for when they are disarmed. For the sake of sneaky insertions into the ship they may need some form of E-mag like device. Any additional gear could be things the admins decide to leave in their ship for the predators to select from.


They should be able to heal slowly on their own, but leave glowing green blood if injured to the point of bleeding. Making them somewhat easy to track untill they heal up. Their main focus should be collecting the heads of worthy adversaries, and would have an ability to rip an enemies head off after having critically wounded or killed them. Preforming a ROAR in the process as they do so, to mark their victory over a quarrel.


Yuatja Predator64.png hunt dangerous targets, and worthy adversaries. The grand apex of a worthy adversary on the most dangerous station in the known galaxy, Is the dreaded Xenomorph. Yuatja should have a high chance to be selected during Xenomorph rounds. And the three people who select to join in will be grouped into the hunting Pack the predators commonly use. Given short one word names that sum up a nickname that would be given to them by humans, such as wolf, dark, scar, hunter, Falconer, things in that fashion.


Predator players, who are in the hunt should be discouraged, or refrain from attacking individuals who pose no threat or medical personnel. Due to the fact that Security, some Scientists, and command staff tend to be more formidable targets than a doctor or nurse. This should also discourage them from going after people who are in a state of delusion already, either from being drunk or mindbreaker. As the predators believe in an honorable hunt, they should do their best to go undetected, and collect their trophies. Being the kind they are they will often shy away from indirect killings of the opponent and refrain from finish off injured that they didn't fight in the first place. But collecting trophies is no excuse to murderbone.


Hm I had more, but I'm hoping I'm not missing anything.


I hope to see you all in the hunt very soon. Also give feed back!


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So, give them tons of weapons and kill objectives.... and not expect murderboning? They seem like a more powerful ninja in a 3-pack.


As much as I love predators, I think it is too much to code and way too overpowered.


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I quite like the idea of a sneaky infiltration by heavily-armed trophy-hunters... but a straight copy of the Predators from the movies sounds like a lot of coding and art, and might not lead to the most fun gameplay anyway.


Perhaps instead these antag could be a modified version of Space Ninjas with a different loadout of abilities. E.g. replace the Phase Shift and Phase Jaunt ninja abilities with the Cloak Of Darkness and Chameleon genetic powers, and maybe give them a syndicate Chemeleon Projector too.


Call them, I don't know, Wolf Clan instead of Spider Clan. They would still be required to honorably stalk prey and collect bodypart trophies in the way a Predator would, they're just ninjas rather than aliens.


To stop it being murderbony I'd give them each a single specific target to stalk and kill. E.g.

Objective 1: Kill Kevin Fish and steal his severed head

Objective 2: Remain undetected by all other station personnel

Objective 3: Escape alive on the escape shuttle.


(p.s. I play Kevin Fish on the server ;) )


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