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Everything posted by Sideburner

  1. The Disco room above the library seems like the most sensible place to put a DJ's broadcast equipment, since it already has a DJ desk. That way the DJ could be responsible for organising raves, as well as broadcasting on the radio.
  2. Hair dye should be made craftable by Chemistry too, so that the Barber can replenish his supply. Ground crayons + Ammonia perhaps? hmmmmm.... hair dye foam grenades.....
  3. The annoying thing about pill bottles as a chemist is they allow doctors to walk off with the entire supply of medicine from the fridge then never bring it back, when they really only needed one pill to treat their patient. Meaning, for example, you end up making a whole new pill bottle of Imidazoline for every single patient with eye damage who comes into medbay. It would be handy to have the option to "empty contents of pill bottle into fridge" as well as "put pill bottle in fridge" so you can force light-fingered doctors to vend one pill at a time, without your needing to stand by the fridge and load them in by hand. Alternatively, let the MedFridge vend the contents of a pill bottle one at a time, so you can put your properly-labelled pill bottle into the fridge and the doctors can vend one pill, 5 pills, etc. of it's contents (or vend the pill bottle itself if they really need to).
  4. Perhaps instead of a thing that destroys the singularity, the Chief Engineer could have access to a singularity beacon like the ones Syndicate can spawn. That way a canny engineering team could tow the beacon out into space and keep the escaped singularity safely away from the station while they try and repair the engine.
  5. I quite like the idea of a sneaky infiltration by heavily-armed trophy-hunters... but a straight copy of the Predators from the movies sounds like a lot of coding and art, and might not lead to the most fun gameplay anyway. Perhaps instead these antag could be a modified version of Space Ninjas with a different loadout of abilities. E.g. replace the Phase Shift and Phase Jaunt ninja abilities with the Cloak Of Darkness and Chameleon genetic powers, and maybe give them a syndicate Chemeleon Projector too. Call them, I don't know, Wolf Clan instead of Spider Clan. They would still be required to honorably stalk prey and collect bodypart trophies in the way a Predator would, they're just ninjas rather than aliens. To stop it being murderbony I'd give them each a single specific target to stalk and kill. E.g. Objective 1: Kill Kevin Fish and steal his severed head Objective 2: Remain undetected by all other station personnel Objective 3: Escape alive on the escape shuttle. (p.s. I play Kevin Fish on the server )
  6. Add a few empty display cases dotted around the public areas of the station that Xenoarchaeologists can put their finds in. Ideally with a descriptive plaque where you can type some fluff about your find's historical significance, to be read by anyone who examines the display case. Advantages: - Xenoarchaeologists get to show off their discoveries (if anybody cares to look at them) - Non-Xenoarch players get to see some exotic and unusual decorative items (then break glass and steal them) - Xenoarchaeologists have a plausible reason to be walking around the main staion during traitor rounds
  7. Yoghurt? Specially bred bacteria + Nanopaste + Space Milk = Yoghurt Monster. Could be fun But a sentient player-controlled bacteria doesn't neccesarily need a body at all, it could work like a Cortical Borer and control whatever creature it's currently infecting.
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