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Remove Nations from secret.


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Let's be honest here, most people hate Nations. No one RPs during Nations. It's extremely unbalanced (Commandzakstan has all the heads, and they all have laser guns from the start, while the rest of the nations don't have anything).

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I think Nations could be handled better than it currently is.


Do away with flags being used for anything other than aesthetics. A nation survives in its people's hearts, nowhere else.


Commandistan is a bad idea in its current form, only the HoP and Captain should be included by default. All other heads should have their access stripped and be loyal to their respective departments in the beginning.


Any group should be able to declare independence and claim nationhood. Any individual should be free to defect at any time.


There should continue to be the possibility of outside threats to the station such as syndicate attack and aliens.


The round should only end via OOC vote or when 98% of the crew are dead. Its not about winning or loosing its how you play the game.


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A random idea that could change Nations into a more of a Civil War


All departments start united under Commandistan. The station functions normally with everyone doing their jobs.


Through diplomacy and friction between the departments, independence or war could be declared.


Essentially, instead of starting out in a warlike state, everyone is at peace. This would allow for less RDM and more RP reasons for violence.


Flags are a problem! The fact that someone can ninja there way into a department, steal their flag, and vassalize them shouldn't be the way this game mode is played. How do you expect people to RP in a game of CTF? I know it's difficult, but there has to be something that can replace the flag mechanic of Nations.


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Another possible solution for nations is to make a multi department objective like building a escape shuttle and leaving. They would need resources from cargonia, parts from RnD, is a large construction so it must be built outside the station so the engineers would space walk. Accidents will happen and medbay is always needed, security to keep the shuttle construction area safe and comandistan to coordinate the efforts or something like that.


Also some crewmembers (probably filthy traitors) could have the objective to twart those efforts


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From what I've gathered:


Atmos can't be used as a weapon

Viruses can't be used as a weapon

AIs and borgs are allowed to support the nation they were created by/for, but must at least try to remain within their laws

You can only kill people who are invading your department. (so you'd better have a very good reason for killing the NT Rep since he can't pick up flags)


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  • 3 weeks later...


While I don't personally like nations rounds, we get a ridiculously large number of requests for it so it seems fairly popular.


When a nations round comes around, personally for me that's just my 'chat on OOC' time. Since I'm usually admining rather than playing, I don't have a character in the round to worry about so I realize that's easier for me than it is for other people. If I'm the only admin, I force-secret to get other round-types since I'm not comfortable running nations.


I can't really answer questions about the rules of nations rounds, since I let people more familiar with that round-type handle the ahelps and attack-logs during those rounds. My best guess would be that the rules are the same but everyone counts roughly as an antagonist to those of opposing factions with an objective of stealing flags, but I'm really not sure so take that with a grain of salt.


Still, with something so many people enjoy it's not too likely to be taken out of rotation (this isn't saying not to ask, since I'd like to see how people feel, I'm just saying that I don't see it as likely).


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