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New Biohazard


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I felt like i should add another biohazard. That's when it hit me. Zombies. Thats when a brick hit me and i realized. Zombies are boring. Thats when in my concussion i realized. Flesh Worm/Flesh Eater.

Mid Round Antag

Biohazard Level: 4 (only when final stage is achieved)

Stage 1: 1-3 spawns: its a very weak small worm like creature that can move 1.5x faster than a running person. This worm can paralyze people directly next or diagonal to it for 3 seconds. It can then insert itself in 1.2-1.5 seconds (yeah a lot like borer).

Stage 2: inside it's host it slowly changes to stage 3. it can do things such as immobilize a single limb for 5 seconds (targeting an arm/hand makes that arm/hand unusable, targeting a leg makes you move 50% your regular speed, targeting head causes blurry vision). It also slowly inflicts uncurable toxin damage until it reaches the next stage. The worm can be surgically removed via organ manipulation on the chest, and all toxin damage vanishes after the worm is removed. This worm has to wriggle out of your hands for 5 seconds and get cancelled if you move. During this time you can use it in hand to kill it directly without risk.

Stage 3: it can now control the host directly. There is enough toxin damage now that the person should be rendered dead along with some brute building up. After 5 minutes if the worm still hasnt been removed it changes to stage 4.

Stage 4: the host becomes covered in red bulbous/bumpy flesh masses. It now has abilities such as organic acid that can melt the limb of people it targets causing it to fall off and turn to bone after a few seconds or turn foods/animals into goop. Grabs also are instantly aggressive and the neck grabs become an infect move that when you perform them it injects a control worm into the person that turns into stage 4 after 2.5 seconds. They can do a burst move that instantly kills them but sprays toxin liquids 5 tiles from it that cause tons of damage and spreads worms into those who are 1 tile from it, unlike regular worms these ones die instantly if they dont touch someone but they instantly insert themselves into a stage 4. They cause severe toxin damage and medium brute damage on a hit and have twice the health of a normal person. They are able to withstand high pressures and lava but die extremely fast in the freezing cold or low pressure. They can pry open doors in 4 seconds and bolted doors in 7 seconds. Brute damage does 2.5x damage against them. Biohazard suits protect against their worm spreading abilities along with the toxin parts of their attacks.

Edited by DerpehBoi
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