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Permaban for 3 events without connection?

Praise Dun Bun

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Admin(s) Key: Host?
Your ckey (Byond username): Praise Dun Bun
Your Discord name (if applicable): Praise Dun Bun

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 4:25 10/05/2019

Nature of complaint: Other

Brief description : This is not going anywhere but whatever

Full description of events:

Since aparently I got banned by the host I suposse this isn't going far anyways and I will get never unbanned or even reasoned with, but I'll leave this here for the sake of doing it

So, from simple incident as an AI wich I'll explain :

-A guy entered chemistry in medbay and was making space lube which of course would cause expenses if used on the floors (I was corporate AI) so I though that I could make small 5 units potasium water explosions that only knock out and nothing else, which I did, but then the guy changed the chem dispenser to 30 units, I didnt notice, he added water I added potasium and chemistry went boom, the admin in question (who I suposse Is the host from the ban info) contacted me, and I told him the exact same thing, that it was an accident.

This was the first incident, then when the round ended and merely were 5 seconds of round left (The admins had already released tesla) I announced the shuttle to come for reason: COCK AND BALL TORTURE, Which I thought was just a funny joke to me and it did not damage anyone anyways since it was only visible for 5 seconds

Then on the next round prep OOC I made a simple joke when someone asked what happened to the Gateway Explorers, since the gateway led to a Russian outpost, I said 'They got fucked by putin' and for that someone called me out saying that it was 'political chat' to which I said something like 'that is not political chat, adding the name of someone famous (and a meme) does not make the statement political' and before that some other people also admited that putin was just a meme, so I said 'get cucked' as a joke you know, like, gotem.

But then the same guy contacts me, the one from the AI incident, saying that he gave me another oportunity and I said 'Cock and Ball torture in the Ai anouncement' and 'Said get cucked to a ADMIN (which I did know was a admin, though their colour was pink so I should have noticed). I told him the AI announcement was just a end round meme and something I should have said was that the 'get cucked thing' shoudl have been called out by the admin that I said it to, cause you know, he should be the one offended.

And then just 3 seconds from that message I get this 'I think you need some time down our server', 20 seconds later I get PERMABANNED 

So what I got from this is: You cant mess up IC cause it has OOC consecuences and that when admins can reign havok in the end round you cant say a meme via announcement and that admins should be treated as balls of purity that should never be tainted by our responses.

EDIT : I just wanna add here that this was the only server where I have been playing SS13 and after 100h and 1 karma away from the robot people this just makes me more sad than angry to be honest

Edited by Praise Dun Bun
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About the admin key, after looking into it I was banned by Admin Key : evadablemoxie


Sorry about all the host stuff but I supossed it was it who banned me since it said banned by host, and fairly I wasn't given any oportunity to explain myself

Edited by Praise Dun Bun
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Hi there,

I'm not really sure of the exact nature of this complaint. You describe a series of events, each one of which seems a problem, and somehow think they're unconnected, when the connection to me here is quite clear - they were all done by the same person in a short time.

Telling an admin to "get cucked" is generally never a good idea - especially when they're trying to get people in OOC to stop with a certain line of conversation. 

Hence you received a ban.

I'm failing to see anything wrong with this. I don't know why admins being able to spawn things and wreak havoc at the end round has anything to do with this.

Again, i'm not really sure of the nature of this complaint - are you saying your actions should have been acceptable and you should not have been banned? I don't understand why you're saying admins should be treated as "balls of purity" either.

Thus I can't really say much to this without some actual clarification on what the complaint is, as this is coming across as a more generic rant and complaint at your ban, without any specifics.

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Perhaps the inital post is a bit 'emotion driven', I will specify the main points:

- Even if the admin decided to not take the chemistry explosion as an accident, the problem itself is only from the job, it was a failure of me as an AI and not a attack to the community or the server in any way, the maximum it should have gotten me is a job ban even if it wasn't deserved.

-The announcement I would have been cool with the warn or even a 1 day ban, although the announcement itself wasn't bad at all, in a game that the AI can say 'fucking' 'ass blast' 'comdom' and many other things, that usually some AIs use constantly without any problems (not that I heard of, off course)

-When I said 'get cucked' to an admin I said it in a joking manner and without any context more than a simple phrase, the problem itself should have been warned to me at least by the admin who I said it too IF he felt attacked by it or offended, in which way I would have been ok with a warning

In conclusion this complain is about how a: IC problem, a out-of-round meme and a OOC problem all got me a permaban in a matter of half a hour and with a last warning of just a mere minute, without any place for a discussion except the IC problem itself, no one in the server complained about the end of round announcement and the admin that I told 'get cucked' hasn't even said anything about it, its like seeing a guy hit another guy, they both are cool with it but a third guy jails the harmer without any complains with the receiver of the hit.

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For point 1, you were warned, rather than jobbanned. I don't see the issue here. No one is saying you attacked the community or server - you were merely given a warning and a note was added. The maximum that you think that should be "worth" being a job ban is irrelevant. 

For point 2, there is a huge difference between being able to  'fucking' 'ass blast' 'comdom' and talking about Cock and Ball Torture. Talking about fetishes, let alone quite specific and violent ones, has always been frowned upon at the least - or worthy of a ban, if they admin in question isn't incredibly merciful 

However, you weren't banned exclusively for this - despite what you said on reddit. Something to keep in mind next time you see someone complain about being banned - they're likely leaving a hell of a lot of detail out, like you did.

For point 3 - Directly insulting an admin who is trying to get people to move off a topic in OOC is a pretty bad idea. That'll generally cop you a permaban, yes. When an admin tells people to do or not to do something, arguing with them then saying "get cucked" is a really bad idea. That will result in a ban.

For you conclusion:

Yes, the three things, combined, ended up with you permabanned. I see nothing wrong with that.

You were given a place for discussion - on the server, for a start. Telling an admin to "get cucked" however, shuts that avenue of discussion down. That's your fault. The other place you were given for discussion is the forums...which you are doing right now. 

Thus there's nothing at all valid about this complaint - just another case of someone breaking the rules, getting banned, then acting like the victim rather than realising their behavior wasn't ok. 

Complaint resolved.

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