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Jaxon Harrold


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Name: Jaxon Harrold

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Species: Human

Blood Type: A-


Notable Employment factors

Bilingual: Siik'tajr

(Given reason: "You ever tried to talk to them in common? It's like a constant game of "Which fuck are they talking about now?")

Remarkably fast learner: Efficiency evaluation resulted with a proficiency at over five random given tasks within a 24 hour period

No current ties off station. States that they have family but refused to give further details on subject.

[Employment history]


  • Clinical Psychiatrist: eight years

  • Bouncer: one year

Bartender: fifteen years

Nanotransen Station Bartender: eight weeks

Nanotransen Station Xenobiologist: Two days

Nanotransen Station Profiler and Forensic analysis: six days, requested transfer.

Nanotransen Station Clinical Psychologist: Ongoing



PhD in Psychology

Minor in criminology

Five week Nanotransen intensive training in Xenobiology

Five week Nanotransen support group for the recently cloned

Crash Course in forensic technology



Psychological Evaluation

I initially mistook Jaxon for another one of the recently "Re-educated" employees of Nanotransen by his polite demeanor with underlying morbidity but according to his records he was never placed under these treatments. These personality factors seem to have already been in place, which I speculate will help him remain sane under the extreme stresses of this kind of employment.

As for potential employment risks it seems whoever evaluated him previously; misdiagnosed him as an anger-management risk. While the extreme reactions are violent, this seems to stem from a combination of paranoia and obsession with common courtesy. He seems to become extremely agitated in response to violent actions and failure of responsibility, while being almost borderline enamored with those who prove to be helpful. I speculate that the extreme importance of responsibility must stem from events in his past which he is being pertinently vague about.

Jaxon keeps a light, and very joking manner about him. However I have reason to believe he is consistently evaluating those around him. Both his movement and speech seems premeditated and practiced, I worry whether or not he is attempting to control his actions but as a doctor I am forced to take his statements at face value.

FINAL EVALUATION:, Unlikely to be a serious threat but keep under a watchful eye

~ Dr. Roland No.



Jaxon Harrold was born on Earth to a small farming family. He proved remarkably successful in school and quickly graduated after receiving a full ride from a minor University in the area. After obtaining his PhD in clinical psychology he practiced for some fair amount of time before his license was revoked under special circumstances. Being of fair physique he found work as a Bouncer at a local club where he made fast friends with the owner. When the owner retired a year later he hired Jaxon to manage and run the bar there where he kept it running for many years after. When the owner died the Bar was inherited by the son who chose to renovate it into some kind of casino. Jaxon chose to move on and applied to be stationed on one of the Nanotransen Plasma research stations. He got the job but soon realized that the drunks and mooks of his home planet had nothing on the usual bar goers of Space Station 13. He doubted the life expectancy in any job that regularly comes with a bean bag shot gun as usual equipment in a recreational area. He quickly applied and learned the skills of the first open job he could convince the Head of Personal to give him.


Xeno biology... Didn't work out. Unfortunately a side effect of the improper cloning he suffered resulted in his eyes needing biomechanical replacements. After being reborn through the cloning pods Jaxon gained a new morbid view on his life. He seems to have a newfound obsession with justice, as well as a petulant distrust of the slime people.


Jaxon was offered a shuttle back home but instead chose to apply as the forensic specialist on the station. On the third day he was reprimanded for interjecting into a ongoing interrogation with contrary evidence. On the fourth day he forgot to punch in and was reprimanded instead for loading his gun with lethal rounds. On the fifth day he submitted request for a transfer that "More accurately reflected his skills" and spent quite a bit of time in the bar and on the sixth day he was transferred to medical psychiatric needs where he was given a crash course in SoP as his former supervisor was suffering from multiple shrapnel wounds from a "damaged" tank valve, and was declared unfit for duty due to paranoia.


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