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Misconceptions about RnD


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Meex's Guide to RnD tells it all kinda. These are all assuming cargo doesn't need absolutely every single supply point they can get, which if you check at the end of each round you'll see this is rarely the case. These are updated findings using state of the art code-diving techniques (AstroGrep'ing the source code for keywords like "powerstorage" = 7). Non of this takes trading into account (level 10 stuff).

List of OK level 6's: Plasmatech, Power, Engineering, Data

1.) Deconstructing gibbed monkey parts (brain/heart).

  • The cybernetic heart takes care of biotech.

2.) Minebot AI, lazarous injector, and anything else besides the jetpack

  • Yes, while the minebot AI upgrade is the only reasonable way to achieve data 7 (toy AI is the other, wtf is that?), there is no item in the game that requires data 7 to construct.
  • The Lazarus injector is taken care of by the P-X Telsa Cannon

3.) Machine Prototype

  • This is the only item in the game that can get engineering to 7. There are no items that take engineering 7.
  • This is good, however, if the miners don't give you the jetpack (engineering 6).
  • Order it anyways, its more reliable than miners and if you get both hurray you get engineering 7.

4.) Yellow Slime Cores/Glowcaps

  • Glowcaps are the only way in the game to get power to 7. There are no items that take power 7.
  • This is good, however, if you don't charged cores from xeno (but lets be honest, when has botany ever came through before xeno...).

5.) Botany in general

  • Botany can speed up RnD tenfold by providing death nettle (replaces chain of command), ambrosia gia (bio max), glowshrooms (plasma max), and glowcaps (power max) THAT'S IT.
  • Every single one of these can be replaced except for glowshrooms, however there is only one item in the game that can be printed with plasmatech=7 and I've never seen anyone use it (decloner).

6.) Xenobiology

  • Friggen please upgrade xeno first, you can get infinite monkeys with an upgraded slime processor (use plasma on grey slime extract).
  • Sentience potion and charge core replaces the need for botany, the single only other way (besides traitor uplink) to achieve these levels (and as we know botany can be, *cough*, slow at times).
  • Xeno can provide RnD with bluespace crystals, replacing the need mining for projects such as telescience or the quantum pad train station.
  • Give xeno more attention

7.) You literally need nothing else in the game except for Meex's guide, don't try and be a smart guy and deconstruct your own items.

  • Check my comment at the bottom of their post for an updated list (Meex's original isn't the smallest). This is probably the single most or very near smallest number of items you could deconstruct and still get the levels, meaning its all you need and nothing more. With that said, most of the topics on this post are addressed in this manner, such as the lazarus injector. If it's not in Meex's guide, you don't need it.
  • There are very few replacements for items on this guide, meaning yet again don't stray away from it (again check my comment for cheaper stuff).


Fun fact, sentience potion/gia = xray.

Hopefully I didn't sound like duche in making this, yall probably already know this and just want to see pretty 7's or give cargo points anyways. Just thought I'd clear things up to give miners their points back and to let RnD enthusiasts rest easy with level 6's. PLEASE COMMENT EDIT SUGGESTIONS/ARGUE WITH ME. This is a democracy after all (or is it?)

Edited by Jazz
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