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Race Suggestion: Syrix


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I'm gonna keep this as brief as possible. I'm wanting to make a new race for Paradise. It's something that's been on my mind since the dawn of time and I came up with an idea I thought was cool. The idea is a crystal humanoid species, reliant on Nitrogen to keep themselves alive. Their bluespace cores provide them with their sentience, and their beauty is matched only by their eloquent tongue. Their body is capable of making layers of crystals, capable of serving different purposes. Some for aesthetics, some for armor.


Also, there are some things that I wanted to bring to the table, but are not part of the documentation:

  • Inclusion of a Subspecies system, allowing for extra conditions to be added to the race.
    • Examples include: Resistances to certain chemicals, weaknesses to other chemicals, etc.
    • This is NOT something that has been fully worked through yet.
  • Chemical reactions to CONCENTRATIONS of the air rather than the CONTENTS of the air.
  • Reactions to chemicals injected into their bodies.
    • These can be buffs and debuffs depending on what's injected.
      • These SHOULD be different from the way humans/other species react.


The following is a list of possible mechanics I could think up of.


Everything in this document is subject to change and is not official. Things in the final draft will be placed in another file which is currently non-existent. The purpose of this document is to make a large list of items that COULD be part of this race. Of this large list, only a few will be chosen for the final drafts.





Syrix are capable of extending an airtight exo-suit made of hardened crystals inside their body.

The exo-suit provides a Syrix with robust protection to brute damage.

This protection should be like a suit of natural armor, and should provide similar armor to security gear (see 1ai1). While it can be shattered, it takes a lot of damage. It should be said that the exo-suit is still part of the Syrix, so any damage taken to the exo-suit will still damage them, albeit a major decrease.

Protection values should match a full suit of SWAT armor, except only guarding against explosion and brute damage.

Syrix can move throughout the vacuum of space safely while their exo-suit is extended.

The pressured crystals will not crumble in a vacuum, creating an airtight skin for space exploration.

Syrix can use storage containers with Nitrogen inside it to provide themselves with “air” by placing it in their exosuit storage slot.

Only beakers or tanks will work, nothing else will.


Syrix can regenerate their bodies when exposed to large amounts of nitrogen.

This not only applies to damage, but also shattered limbs.

This restores all types of damage a Syrix may have.

Exact values are as follows:

15u of Nitrogen can heal 15 damage of all types.

If the cell a Syrix is standing in has more than a 86% concentration of Nitrogen or has over 100kPa of Nitrogen (regardless of percentage values), regeneration will occur on its own, recovering on the scale that every 5% = 1 point of restoration and every 10 kPa = 2 points of restoration.





Syrix are weak against plasma, and will take damage when exposed to plasma either on or in their bodies.

IC, Syrix’s bodies react heavily with plasma. The presence of plasma will begin to dissolve a Syrix’s body due to atomic reactions. This will cause brute damage and is the only non-object method capable of shattering a Syrix’s limbs.

Plasma additionally prevents crystal growth, meaning that a Syrix cannot extend their exo-suit until they are removed from the plasma source (unless the plasma is injected)

If plasma is injected into a Syrix’s body, it will deal brute damage and will deal damage to a Syrix’s core directly, which is difficult to fix.


Syrix, though having no need to breathe, can still be choked in the vacuum of space, and can be suffocated in a chokehold.

This is not because Syrix use air for obvious methods. They need Nitrogen in order to provide their body with the means to move, and without it, they will slowly die; their core will shut down slowly.

In the vacuum of space, there is no nitrogen at all, which will slowly freeze them.

In a chokehold, you have to hold them close to your body. This suffocates their body due to the limited surface area of their body that is exposed.


Syrix are incredibly weak to brute damage if their exosuit is not extended. The crystals that make up their skin are extremely malleable, and break easily.

Because of the debuff displayed in #4, Syrix can have their limbs shattered if they take critical brute damage.

If said limb is in the red, it will take only one hit to shatter it. The head and torso cannot be shattered, but hands/arms/legs/feet can be shattered.

Shattered limbs cannot be recovered until Nitrogen is administered or a high-nitrogen atmos is present around the Syrix.

Damage that breaks a bone will shatter the limb.



Due to the hardness of their exo-suits, Syrix cannot move as fast as when the exo-suit is retracted.

They move normally when the exo-suit is retracted.

When the exo-suit is extended, they will move as fast as a Diona.


Other Information/Mechanics


Syrix cannot wear jumpsuits. They have a layer of aesthetic crystals that coat their body, mimicking clothing.

This can be restyled as they wish. There will be several styles, and the plan will be either to redesign some clothing models specifically for the race or to make entirely new sprites for the designs.

In addition, they should be able to be colored so as to help with designating departments and such. They can be colored as they wish, but the base skin tone will always be some form of aquamarine.


Syrix have organ analogues as adaptations to the newer atmosphere of their work environment.

Brain: Syrix have a central core, similar to a slime person.

Eyes: Syrix do not have eyes. Their entire head serves as their “eye”. If it is damaged significantly, they will experience difficulties seeing. A missing head means they are blind.

Mouth: Syrix do not have a mouth, and cannot use implants applied to the mouth.

Heart: Syrix do not have a heart, as they have no pulse.

Stomach: Syrix do not have stomachs, as they cannot use solid food as a source of energy.

Lungs: Syrix contain stored gasses in a set of small cells in their body.

Liver: Syrix contain stored liquids in a larger cell in their body.

Kidneys: Syrix do not have kidneys.

The following is a little snippet of information


Syrix Naming Schemes:


In accordance with their language, most Syrix will choose a first name that contains several S, T, and CH sounds, with no real correlation in between sound and meaning. An example of which would be Chista.



Syrix Physiology:



Due to the methods of which Syrix are made, height ranges based on how much crystal substance is linked to their core. The absolute minimal amount of crystal substance that is required to split from a mother crystal will often produce a body that is 91.44cm, and there is a virtually limitless amount of crystal substance that can be linked to a core.






Syrix are capable of producing a resonating sound that contains several hissing and clicking sounds, which is incomprehensible to most other races, but perfectly understood by other Syrix. Most attempts to replicate the sound perfectly for translations to synthetic units had failed, but a basic dictionary has been made available.


A surgery guide I did. This is up for possible revision as well.


Organ Manipulation (Upper Body, Lower Body, Arms, Legs, Hands, Feet)

[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter, Mining Drill, Surgical Saw] (Ghetto: Crowbar (90%), Chainsaw (60%), Armblade (30%), Exosuit Drill (10%)): This step makes the required cuts to access the inside layers of crystals in a Syrix.

[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter, Surgical Saw] (Ghetto: Crowbar (90%), Chainsaw (40%), Armblade (30%)): This step carefully opens up a Syrix to their “organs”.

[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter] (Ghetto: Crowbar (90%), Armblade (60%)): This step is complex, as it allows you to do any of the following:

1. Use Nitrogen to repair a Syrix’s insides.

2. Implant something into a Syrix.

[Bone Setter] (Ghetto: Wrench (90%)): This step sets the destroyed crystals back into place.

[Advanced Trauma Kit, Nitrogen Patch (15u+)] (Ghetto: Glue (90%), Tape (60%)): This step will allow for the crystals to meld back into the Syrix’s body, restoring damage done to them.


Forced Exosuit Removal (Upper Body)


[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter, Mining Drill, Surgical Saw] (Ghetto: Chainsaw (90%), Armblade (60%), Exosuit Drill (30%)): This step splits the Exosuit into removable pieces by targeting point areas in their exosuit that are easy to crack.

[Pickaxe, Bone Setter] (Ghetto: Armblade (90%), Crowbar (90%), Hatchet (60%)): This step will forcefully pry their exosuit from their body. This step does a ton of damage, dealing 120 BRUTE damage in total across all body parts. You are virtually flaying them alive.


Core Removal (Upper Body)


[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter, Mining Drill, Surgical Saw] (Ghetto: Chainsaw (60%), Armblade (40%), Exosuit Drill (30%)): This step brute forces the crystals in a Syrix’s chest, exposing their core.

[Pickaxe, Plasma Cutter, Surgical Saw] (Ghetto: Crowbar (90%), Armblade (40%)): This step cuts around the core of a Syrix, preparing them for extraction.

[Hands] (Ghetto: Hands (100%)): This step pulls the core from its body, de-braining the Syrix.


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I think this race could be interesting, altough, I got some questions.


1 point of restoration and every 10 kPa = 2 points of restoration.

To heal, do they absorb that nitrogen, effectively reducing pressure, or would it only need to be in the air to work?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

Syrix can move throughout the vacuum of space safely while their exo-suit is extended.

Can Syrix move wihout a jetpack or are they just immune to the pressure?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

15u of Nitrogen can heal 15 damage of all types.

Does it include organ damage?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

In the vacuum of space, there is no nitrogen at all, which will slowly freeze them.

So they have the same resistance to temperature as humans?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

Damage that breaks a bone will shatter the limb.

I'm assuming a shattered limb is pretty much a fractured one.


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

Syrix are incredibly weak to brute damage if their exosuit is not extended. The crystals that make up their skin are extremely malleable, and break easily.

Do they have the same protection for burn damage regardless if the exosuit is extended or not?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

Syrix cannot wear jumpsuits. They have a layer of aesthetic crystals that coat their body, mimicking clothing.

This can be restyled as they wish. There will be several styles, and the plan will be either to redesign some clothing models specifically for the race or to make entirely new sprites for the designs.

In addition, they should be able to be colored so as to help with designating departments and such. They can be colored as they wish, but the base skin tone will always be some form of aquamarine.

Can their appearance be changed only in the character setup, or can it be changed whenever a Syrix wants?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

Mouth: Syrix do not have a mouth, and cannot use implants applied to the mouth.[...] Stomach: Syrix do not have stomachs, as they cannot use solid food as a source of energy.

Does that mean they can sustain themselves wihouth eating, or can they only eat by injections?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

basic dictionary has been made available.

Does that mean synthetics can partially understand Syrix language?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

1. Use Nitrogen to repair a Syrix’s insides.

I'm assuming liquid nitrogen in a beaker?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

This step will forcefully pry their exosuit from their body. This step does a ton of damage, dealing 120 BRUTE damage in total across all body parts.

Does it include Organ damage?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

You are virtually flaying them alive.

Will they be able to regenerate their exosuits with nitrogen?


39 minutes ago, ZaeCathe said:

This step pulls the core from its body, de-braining the Syrix.

Can a Syrix brain be put into an MMI?

Edited by alex1222003
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Sorry, @alex1222003. I was bogged down with other stuff, but here's the answers you were wanting.



To heal, do they absorb that nitrogen, effectively reducing pressure, or would it only need to be in the air to work?

They would absorb the nitrogen, reducing kPa over time.



Can Syrix move wihout a jetpack or are they just immune to the pressure?

No. They still need a jetpack. It was worded weirdly, and I'm sorry, but it's just a hardsuit. In addition, you didn't ask this, but I'll say it anyways, the crystals don't provide any nitrogen on their own. They still need a source of nitrogen with the exo-suit extended.



Does it include organ damage?

This is a problem. I'm wanting to make it so that INJECTED nitrogen can heal organs, but nitrogen ABSORBED from the air will not. I'm not sure if this can happen, but if it can't, Nitrogen will heal organs no matter its source.



So they have the same resistance to temperature as humans?

Another fun case of "ZaeCathe can't word right". What I meant was that without nitrogen, the crystals of their body would stop moving. This would cause them to move slower and slower until they "freeze", quote unquote. This would also kill them.



I'm assuming a shattered limb is pretty much a fractured one.




Do they have the same protection for burn damage regardless if the exosuit is extended or not?

Syrix are immune to burn damage. There's nothing in or on their body that burns. Now, high pressure would still affect them (in the case of a plasma fire or fastmos), but they can't be set on fire unless there's something present that can allow for the burning to happen (For example, being covered in gasoline), and even then, it wouldn't hurt them.



Can their appearance be changed only in the character setup, or can it be changed whenever a Syrix wants?

Both. It would be an "ability" that re-skins the "jumpsuit" layer's sprite depending on their choice.

In addition, the sprite could be recolored based on either their department (Blue for Medical, Purple for Science, Yellow for Engineering, Orange for Supply, Black for Service, Red for Security, and Grey for Assistants) or by using a dye from the barber.



Does that mean they can sustain themselves wihouth eating, or can they only eat by injections?

Their bodies require Nitrogen to function. This means that there either needs to be nitrogen in the air (and enough of it that they can sustain themselves), or it needs to be injected into their bodies. One of the two, or both.



Does that mean synthetics can partially understand Syrix language?

Yes. The plan is to make any word above 6-8 characters not translate. This could vary in time, depending on how the admins want the balance to be.



I'm assuming liquid nitrogen in a beaker?

Yup. Depending on how damaged it is, it will use different amounts of nitrogen. 1:1 scale, yo!



Does it include Organ damage?

It would not. The procedure forcefully removes the exo-suit itself, it would only hurt the skin layer. The idea is to just give brute damage to the limb itself.



Can a Syrix brain be put into an MMI?

I've been thinking about that, and I can't decide. I'm considering making it like an IPC, where you just have to insert it, considering the core itself doesn't need something like an MMI to survive, but this might change. I'd lean more towards no for now.


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Thank you for the replies. Altough creating a new race is something that requires a fair amount of coding, that unpaid devs will have to do (This migth mean the race migth be rejected because of that). Even if the chance of this race being added is kinda low, it's a +1 for me. I'm hyped for the race sprite.

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