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ENTROPY's Research Notes

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You see white notebook laying in Sci-chems desk marked "Property of ENTROPY", you take the book and begin to read Intently...


Project Name: Mixed Space

Project Importance: Red


Entry 1

"I recently, while doing my usual experiments on monkies that when Bluespace energy comes into contact with redspace energy, the resulting reaction is seemingly violent, causing a explosion, the more concentrated the energy beams are the more powerful the reaction. applications for this I am still looking into seems to suggest this can be potentially weaponised, if its possible to contain bluespace and redspace energy into a form of battery in the first place"


"It is also apparent when both energies converge results in a sickly purplish glow, maybe the result of the reaction"


Entry 2

"Studying the reaction closely proved successful, the reaction seems to occur due the redspace energies and bluespace energies violently attempting to destroy eachother at the atomic scale, subjecting the energies to supercooled plasma gas prevents the reaction from occurring, making it possible to store these energies, also subjecting the energies to a diamond focuses the energy into a beam. more testing will be needed. need to secure funding to make a mock scale of what I have planned"


"Maybe mister Einlich will give me more funding if I complete his needed project. need to secure more, in his term,  "desirable" Vulpkanin DNA samples, the hairs will do, for now."


Entry 3

"I successfully made a small scale variant of what I wanted, concentrated bursts within the Mixed Space Vortex Apparatus (MSVA for short) cause the Energies to mix without violently exploding, allowing me to create a Mixed Space vortex, I don't know what happens to anything sucked into the vortex but it certainly tears through its surroundings, made a nasty hull breach on the IMMV Gatecrasher, Regardless, impressive.


"The perfect test came when that Ikamura Pest tried to stop me getting more test subjects for my other projects, I am sure he wont come back now he is stuck wherever I sent him, vile fleabag lapdog, as for the Orphans Test subjects, they will be put to good use"

Edited by Kitchi Ikamura
Update, Entry Three
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