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DF Old Masterwork (0.34), possible SUCCession game


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So I am interested in who of you nerds knows Dwarf Fortress. Probably many. Good, now who of you know about the masterwork mod? Less I assume.

Masterwork is a mod for Dwarf Fortress which adds a ton of (sometimes slithgly buggy) content. You can for instance play as Orcs, warlocks (read wizards with necromancy powers), kobolds, supremacists (humans), Hermit (A single guy.), Dwarfs (Duh), Gnomes (They are shorter than dwarves, but use high tech shit like Railguns etc) and last but not least SUCCubus (Lewd Demons). All factions are very unique and got completly different playstyles. Dwarfs have alot more content and can research shit, SUCCubus succ prisoners and convert them into semi demons, Gnomes got High Tech toys, orcs go raid other factions for stuff, humans got a bit of everything, kobolds is zerg mode, hermit is one man army and warlocks are all about growing an army of undead and demons with a few very powerfull, albeit limited in number, warlocks which can learn spells and shit.

If you know DF and still have a 0.34 version arround I recommend to try out the Masterwork mod. Its like playing an entirely new game... with each faction. And it got tons of hidden fun aswell like archeology which can instantly cause a doomsday like scenario depending what relic you take. 

Oh and alot of eastereggs, even facehugger "vermin" which, when attacking (coded as biting) a dwarf or other sentient, implants them with a syndrom which kills them and spawns a xenobeast (literally a xenomorph). It is also adding to that a few none playable factions/races like frost giants which are utterly powerfull compareable to the HFS in the regular game, but armed with adamantine grade weapons, or automatons which use rifles. And megabeasts/semi megabeasts/Fun Stuff got extended too, there are now plaguewraith (carry 2 bloodsteel/steel scythes as body parts and inject venom), shoggoths (literally unkillable by regular means), umbral hulks (They can kill a unit instantly once a month and can mind control... jesus what is it with that theme of mind control and shadows), floating brains (More mind control shit), Fungal Thralls (kinda like a zombie plague, but worse), Blood and Carp cults infiltrating your fortress just to name a few.

Anyways if some of you nerds play DF AND actually know masterwork I would really be up for a succession game, any race for that matter.



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