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Admin Complaint: Saul Argon


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Admin Key: Saul Argon

Complaint: Saul Argon's has left a warning on my account for self antagging, I dispute this warning. I forced someone to consume alcohol, and due to proper IC justification which was given and due to it being minor criminal activity; I believe it is not a violation of rule 7. Furthermore Saul was very dismissive in his treatment of me during his questioning as to why I did what I did. Refusing to believe I had read the rules. If I remember correctly he was asking me why self-antagging is not allowed and said "think carefully now, what i do to you next depends on your answer." I reply that self-antagging is disallowed due to it ruining the round for other players, and he replied, something along the lines of "no, you obviously didnt read the rules." He then recited back to me that self-antagging is disallowed due to it ruining the round for other players, but in different words. I state that I gave the same explanation using different terms and he ignored me. The way Saul Argon treated me during our conversation, then immediately left was very frustrating. I wish to both discuss the matter of Sauls dismissive and patronising attitude, and perhaps remove the warning from my account.

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Hi there,

Thank you for the complaint. I've been looking through the logs, and it seems the first thing you were asked is, "I'm wondering why you fed that guy in the bar absinthe, and then attacked him?"

There is absolutely no accusations or anything said except "heya" before that. I do believe that is a calm way of asking the reasoning for things.

I see no evidence of you being "verbally attacked". No accusations of being a troll or griefer at all seem present. I don't see a single PM at all in fact with "troll" or "grief" in it to you ever. 


I'm not sure how you could misremember this so badly, and currently have little choice but to think you're intentionally lying.

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It was not months ago. It was less than a month ago by a few days. I do not see how you could confabulate,


 "I'm wondering why you fed that guy in the bar absinthe, and then attacked him?"

to be ANYTHING like

1 hour ago, elliohow said:

Further, he accused me of intentionally breaking the rules BEFORE asking for IC justification of why I fed one beer to someone. He never gave me an opportunity to explain the situation and immediately attacked me verbally. I believe Saul should have first calmly asked what was the IC reason I fed the beer to someone, instead of immediately opening up and accusing me of being a troll and griefer. Not being a troll or griefer, this was highly frustrating.


That's a huge stretch. Remembering getting highly frustrated over accusations that were never even remotely made about you is beyond normal confabulation. And to imagine them opening up with verbal attacks and then specifically saying they never asked you that question? That's a pretty big change in reality, and seems to conveniently make the admin you're complaining about look pretty damn terrible. 

Or, more simply, you're outright lying, and it never occurred to you that we have logs.

Now as for the actual complaint, looking over the logs - a few minutes after the barfight that you instigated, you found the person, said you're going to kill him, and started attacking him. That kinda comes across as attempted murder, but it seems you failed. Then you said you were "gonna get some slimes to kill these assholes", while talking about how "i need to go kill a bitch".

A bit later Saul messages you, discussing the self antagging rules and their meanings with you. A warning is given about them and a note put on your account.  I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. This isn't even a slap on the wrist and I don't know what to call something lighter than a slap on the wrist apart from "warning" someone.


Thus, the complaint is without merit and will be marked as resolved.


The other issue however is the outright lies here. This goes beyond "misremembering" something into straight up crazyness. I'd say you're lying, but you'd have to be kinda crazy to think we wouldn't check so basic a thing. It'll be noted in future that your word is not to be trusted. Whether that's because you're a liar or due to failing mental faculties is up to you.

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