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Rescue Technician - Karma Role


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Some folk here are going to scream at me that this is just a step up from paramedic BUT bare with me...


Rank: Rescue Technician


Access: Limited Engineering, Maintenance and Limited Medbay.


Communication: Medical & Engineering


Reports to: Head of Personnel


Role: To respond to on-going fluid incidents on board station, rescue and retrieve trapped, injured and deceased personnel, respond to on-board fires, anomalies and other hazards that endanger the lives of the crew and/or the integrity and safety of the station with an aim to resolve situation. If evacuation is underway to assist in the orderly and controlled evacuation of ALL NanoTransen employee's.


Equipment: Fire fighting equipment, cutting/breaching equipment (to breach walls and make entry into closed areas), Oxygen Supplies with Respiration Equipment, Flares, radios & first aid kits.




The station goes to hell relatively quickly even when you have an experienced crew on board who know what they are doing, this really came to ahead for me the other day when an atmospherics tech had vented the air in his little hideaway and it took me and a janitor to bust in there to drag his now very dead body to genetics - we could've saved him had we had the means to bust in quicker, rather then smash the glass then kick out the panelling.


Of course once the Evac shuttle is called it's everyone for themselves generally and people get left trapped in areas with no means to escape... A Rescue Tech would be the last on the shuttle ensuring that as many crew as possible are off of the station.


This role is less about stabilising patients and more about getting to them and getting them out of harms way, I frankly do not like the paramedic role and believe it should be replaced with a 'Rescue Technician' as in reality ships out to sea have people trained in firefighting and basic rescue/first aid - you don't have paramedics on board ships or oil rigs and frankly this is what the station is.... A giant, corporate industrial platform/Oil Rig in Space/Ship.


This role could of course work hand in hand with the Paramedic role, the Rescue techs breach and make entry, the paramedics provide basic first aid, stabilise patients and transport them to Medbay.


Why a Karma Role?


Well two fold, its a pretty interesting concept that generally people will want to play as and secondly these guys are going to have access to some pretty decent equipment, I'd even go as far as to give them some cannisters of thermite for Emergency breaches *cough* AI CORE *cough* locked away in case of very dire situations.


All in all it's an interesting role that when played appropriately will greatly benefit the station, it may even get certain members of the player-base more invested in the Karma system - certainly a better pick then the 'Customs Officer' role on offer.




I figure a 'Rescue Tech' would fit nicely into making the station more independent without relying on a 'ERT' from CentComm to be called every five minutes (or every shift as it seems lately.)


I generally serve as Medical Doctor/CMO on board and you find that whilst Medbay may be functioning properly and at a decent efficiency level the rest of the station isn't, resulting in casualties being left in areas when in reality they could be rescued had someone been around with the right equipment to do so.


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Heh, I was thinking of pretty much the same thing a while ago.

And that atmos tech was me, started the round as normal, went to put on my hardsuit and bam, pass out, N2o is flooding the air. Never did find out how I got gased as I had to log before I was cloned. Thanks for trying to rescue me there.


I do agree that it is a role very much needed, I try to play atmos like this but I do not really have access to the right equipment.


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Also, the rescue tech would also need an item similar to the fireaxe-breaking windows/grilles in one hit, opening shutters, just without double handed and the huge damage it does.

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Also, the rescue tech would also need an item similar to the fireaxe-breaking windows/grilles in one hit, opening shutters, just without double handed and the huge damage it does.




Perhaps some form of cutting torch, Rescue Axe or even thermite for emergency breaches.


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So... a wielded Fire Axe?




A professional rank dedicated to the rescue, orderly evacuation, fire/anomaly fighting role on the station.


A means of the station being able to stand on it's own two feet.


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So... a wielded Fire Axe?


Without being double handed or doing a large amount of damage to players.


EDIT: couple of items the S&R tech could have-

Emergency floodlight

Box of flares

Special firefighting gear: better fire extinguisher, firefighting grenade, something to cool rooms

Fast deploy barricade to stop idiots from spreading plasma fires

Fast deploy airlock so you can access dangerous areas

Special, much larger oxy and firemedkit

Special gasmask that gives some protection from most gases


May add a few more later with some pics of where its department could be.


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To be honest, I think the Paramedic has more than enough to do the job of the Rescue Technician.


Giving him firefighting gear, grenades, barricades, axes and a special gas-mask isn't going to improve the SS13 experience imo, the Rescue Technician is just going to overshadow the paramedic with all the special things it can do, and reduce the importance of other jobs like Atmospheric Technician and Engineer and ERT.

Moreover, I hate the idea of creating special jobs that most people won't be able to play right off the bat. I don't know why, but people seem to think that giving a job a karma-point requirement is an adequate enough barrier to suggest 'hero-mode' characters that come with special and powerful gear. It's nice for players to have as much choice in the job they want to play as possible.

Paramedic is hero enough, imo. If you want him to be more heroic, just give him engineering access. That seems to solve most of your issues with rescuing people anyway.


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I think you are seeing the role wrong. He would be a first responder, his role would be to gain access to the scene, provide first aid to any wounded/ move them out of the danger zone, extinguish any fires, provide lighting and then once atmos techs/engies/paramedic get there just keep people away from the scene. They would not be sealing breaches or fixing pipes.


Your ERT point is moot, they are rarely called and when they are the last thing they would do is respond to some idiot setting chem alight.


Some cool gear that only he has is needed as his role is rather situational, even moreso then the paramedic. Otherwise you could just play an atmos tech.(but have problems of gaining access anywhere, fighting fires, getting medical supplies, or even just getting to the damn scene in time!


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Yes but by doing so the rescue technician would be making other jobs obselete. By putting out fires he's making atmos techs obsolete, by providing lighting, he's making Janitors and Engineers obsolete; by keeping people away from the scene he's making security obsolete.

There's no need for this role other than for one guy to feel like a hero.


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Have you even played those roles much?


Fires are damn hard to fight, having atmos give the tech backup would be vital. They have access to cooling gases, scrubers, pumps and loads of fire gear. And once the fire is out the room needs to be cooled and refilled.


By lighting I mean putting down a flare or maybe a floodlight for a large area. The tech is hardly going to bother replacing lightbulbs!


Not going to bother debating about sec becoming obsolete.


Plus, all those jobs are busy enough, having a rescue tech would mean less frantic running about and more rooms getting repaired properly. Rebuilding a room wiped out by a bomb with an atmos tech and an engie can take longer then an entire round!


Your criticisms are starting to seem less like logical reasons why it wouldn't work and more like desperate attempts to derail this for whatever reason.


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Attacking my motivations doesn't devalue my concerns. Please don't attack me personally, it's shitty.


As for this, I still disagree with it. If anything I think we should be focusing on improving current roles and making them more effective at their jobs as opposed to creating entirely new roles that are hidden behind karma barriers.


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Then please do not make very broad statements about jobs suddenly becoming obsolete, its just silly.


I really do not see how the karma system is a problem, it rewards good players with fun jobs that wouldn't really work as normal one.


While I agree about expanding jobs, currently medical, atmos, engieering and security have plenty of content, I would quite like mining or cargo to be expanded instead. You can also make them more effective to a point before they either become OP, too complex to play or pretty much a new job.


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Calm your tits, people. Also, you should accept criticism Fj45, it's not even your own suggestion thread...


Except for the few tricks (flares, barricades) everything you describe here can be done by a medical cyborg. I'm not sure to see the point in creating a new (karma) job specialized in that.


Creating a new cyborg class might be a better idea.


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Calm your tits, people. Also, you should accept criticism Fj45, it's not even your own suggestion thread...


Except for the few tricks (flares, barricades) everything you describe here can be done by a medical cyborg. I'm not sure to see the point in creating a new (karma) job specialized in that.


Creating a new cyborg class might be a better idea.


Don't necessarily agree with having cyborgs undertake this job, you might aswell have a cyborg do everything in that case - Imagine the uproar from the 'Human Space Union' if everyones jobs were being sidelined by Cyborgs/Robots! :D


This suggestion was meant to be a fun little thread over a fairly cool suggestion, some like it others don't but at the end of the day if we can have a 'Customs Officer' as a Karma job why the hell not a Rescue Technician that would benefit the station 10x what a customs cop does? Actually getting important tasks done instead of relying on the 'Rescue Team' to come in and save the day.


I'm just saying...


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