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Vendable and renamable plates


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So here's the idea. The chef should be able to vend clean plates (right now plates are just trash, and look dirty all the time), and rename them after putting some food on it. For example, if the chef puts chicken and waffles on a plate, it shows up as "Chicken and Waffles on a plate" (I know chicken doesn't exist, this is just for an example). With this, he could rename the plate to something like "Chicken n' Waffles", or you could give more complex dishes some random string of French words.


I'd be happy to do the sprite work and program this in, I just want to see the general opinion on this.

Edited by Valkyrie
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Wouldn't mind seeing this, it'd probably be pretty funny to see what the crew can come up with. Also:

54 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

For example, if the chef puts chicken and waffles on a plate, it shows up as "Chicken and Waffles on a plate"


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You can already rename foods. Use a pen on it. Now instead of "Brain Burger", you can name it "Vegan's Nightmare", "Zombie Chow", or "Chef's Surprise". You can also literally put your name on a bag of chips so your friend feels guilty for eating your chips (but not enough to stop them from doing it anyways).


I definitely agree there needs to be a way to clean those damn plates though.

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