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Posts posted by BadApple797


    Once I was a DS, way back in the insta-stun baton days - the admin spawned us late, so I bee-lined for the shuttle to ''prevent the crew from escaping'' but none of the other DS even made it to escape


    I shot an officer 4 times in the back with my pulse rifle, when he got aboard and simply waited next to the entrance, one tilee round the corner so I couldn't shoot him. I hit him with my e-sword, he hits once with the baton - game over, steals my e-sword, cut cut baton cut cut baton cut cut baton cut cut dea


    The stun baton is now back to being the best melee weapon in the game, and the tasers are now up there for ranged (obviously outclassed by the now extremely deadly e-gun)


    Many people stated paincrit wasn't that much different, as 1 shot slowed you to a crawl, and 4 or so made you unconcious


    But those few seconds between when they open fire were so precious, you could open a canister, and airlock, detonate a bomb, SHOOT BACK, weld an airlock shut, jump into space, hit them with a bottle.

    But still didn't give you time to run up and disarm the officer, so they would always win in the situations where they really should


    Also it made all lethal weapons a class above non-lethals, now its the reverse, a criminal with an E-gun is now way more dangerous than one with a laser canon.


    Additionally pain-crit was great RP wise because it caused pain in the players, nothing signaled shitcurtiy more than the screams off a buckle-cuffed clown being tasered.


    Also I liked being able to change the batteries - good officers that communicated instead of simply grunting and hitting could gain a huge buff pretty easily if they talked to science, and you could re-load your stolen weapons without having to go to a charger. Also the devious scientist with the break a bone objective on a sec officer could always give them an irresistible super-cap cell, secretly injected with plasma.



    I remember an admin stating when we changed it that the two big differences were that they

    1) Aren't considered crew

    2) Don't get maint access


    Personally I think not being considered crew is excellent punishment for being a good-for-nothing gooey greyshirt



    I love it. Way better than instant stuns, as it in combat what you are really looking for is to get someone on the ground



    What really sucks is how Tramadol is extremely OP in the fact that it lets you resist all stuns.



    I'm thinking make it so certain levels of pain will make you collapse regardless of whether you can feel it or not, but mainly ones caused by incredible amounts of damage / non-lethal hits



    Some of the screens I've collected over the weeks



    During a blob round - at least medbay was somewhat effective




    Guy putting on a performance for us - quiet the turn out




    someone telecrystaled a revolver into escape in a last ditch antag attempt. I helped the injured onto the shuttle




    I made a packet of healthy cigarettes, perfect for the blueshield who likes style




    I made a secret hideout in security maint - the door could be bolted or booby trapped by signals from my PDA




    speaks for itself




    Didn't go as planned.




    I don't know why I even bother








    Our CE asked us why we where playing cards and what work we had done. We actually finished the game of go-fish, we tied






    Engineering is always so understaffed...




    a particularly good shift




    CE released the singlo in a blob round, and it saved the station.....kinda




    Captain fired me for carding the AI to check its laws (It asked me too, to get everyone to quit crying malf) so I decided to make myself a centcomm officer with whatever I could grab with civilian access. Also one of the few people to survive that shift ( which notably excludes the captain!)



    1) This is really awesome


    2) An ideal engine is kinda like atmos is now: Fine for the round unless something goes wrong, lots of ways to upgrade and run, few ways to royally fuck up - If its really complex we'll just never have enough trained people on to run it, so I think its really about balancing and tweaking the thresholds to make it pretty idiot proof



    3) Nice to have rad system than instant toxins and the hallucinations and stuff. I've noticed we got a full rad level system you can even scan people for, but it would be nice if radiation was more about long delayed toxins release, horrible mutations, and burns at high levels,

    Meaning people can go into high rad areas and fix stuff at the price of a slow, extremely horrible death later, rather than instantly falling on the floor and puking. Gives us more Chernobyl like events with nuclear reactors


    4) Big coding problem I see up front is the steam - I was under the impression that all 5 gases in game are hard coded in, so adding a new one would be a big challenge. So its use the smoke system that all the chemicals use (which is kinda weird and probably wouldn't work fantastic) or use hot air ( which would work pretty well)



    The cart is awesome lemme just say that - normally I need extra batteries, metal, glass, extra wire (and thats the backpack filled up) glass, plasteel, and electrical toolbox filled electronics, not to mention two pipe dispensers and floor tiles / Rglass that I make onsite, to fix any major explosion.


    While the engineering cart only saves you a single trip as the sole (working) engineer, it also greatly serves organisation, as you can store half of those goodies on it where they won't be stolen as much or sucked out a breach, or get mixed up with the huge multitude of shit lying around.


    Personally I want it to hold power cells, wire, floor tiles and rods, as those are the things I most often have trouble carrying back after fixing something, and what I access most while fixing something, but don't always have room for in my backpack.


    Of course we could always use lockers, which hold a fuckton of anything you can physically move, but thats no fun.



    Also it would be SUPER FUCKING COOL if it had an automatic pickup function for any glass, metal, rods or floor tiles it rolls over, but I imagine that is something for me to salivate in my sleep over.




    End result is that it takes 30-50 minutes before you start noticing power going out when before it was ~12-16.

    Well one round a scientist and NT req stole a shield genrator. My response was to cut off power, hoping their APC would simply lose charge in a matter of moments, but it seemed to just sit pretty on 97% despite the fact that it had load of like, 600 000 watts



    A nice as it would be to use the supermatter, with all the cool modifications you can make, it would get ejected at least every third round.



    and really at this point it doesn't matter, because the station never loses power unless an engi traitor uses a power sink (in which case they sabotage the power supply anyway)



    maybe make it work a bit like IPC revival - if you manage to remove some of the damage that killed them, and they haven't been dead for long, it can bring them back, meaning it can save people who only just don't make it under the hands of a competent doctor, but won't just give medbay a huge buff


    But supposedly Defibs IRL can only help people who are still alive with a minor heartbeat, and I think are mostly useful for people undergoing cardiac arrest. As most people die from pure brute or o2 suffocation I'm not sure it would be, factually correct (if we care about it that much)


  10. The thing that gets me is that pepper spray or a flash isn't gunna give you too much of an upperhand over an officer (provided they wear their damn glasses), but a stun revolver or baton pretty much means you're matched in terms of combat, which really shouldn't be happening for the scientists unless shit has really hit the fan


    When I'm trying to save someone, I just inject everything I can get my hands on, with harm intent :P


    50 units dexalin

    20 impropawhatever

    10 tramadol

    20 units vodka


    Then put em in a cryo tube with a hardsuit on, and leave it on when I pull them out.




    Also whats with doctors not stabilizing patients before or during surgery? Or ever checking their status during? I got killed the other day during liver surgery because the doctors thought it would be funny to replace all my limbs with robotic ones (they even still cut off the robot one I already had), and they were all surprised like they didn't expect it to happen



    I have to agree with almost everything you said, but this one allways confuses me:



    Why is it that almost everyone assumes that "having access" is the same than beeing allowed to pocket it and potentially misuse it?






    I usually don't grab one unless I see that security isn't gunna be of much help that round(read:manifest shows they are badly understaffed/ they all seem to be dead). It just pisses me off that scientists are allow to run around with a stun-revolver, power armor and temp gun, and then I stop a civillian from murdering the bartender only to have my flash trigger an interrogation session.


    Whats more I've had officers try and take my flash when I'm CE, which is just....


    I have absolutely zero problem with officers confiscating make shiftbatons, flamerthrowers


  13. There is only one good thing that would come from being able to build or move a chem dispenser, and that would be being able to build and move a booze dispenser (an almost identical machine)


    Whenever you manage to sneakily nick a sec radio, only to hear a depressing silence on it for the rest of the round, despite 6+security members


    When you PDA sec about someone breaking into your department, and they reply 'what do you want me to do about it?'


    When your fixing up anomaly damage in chapel, tearing up floor tiles and laying down cables, and an officer comes, points their tazer at you and demands to know what you're doing


    When an officer is outside EVA demanding what you (an engineer with access) is doing in there while ignoring the cries of someone being murdered in medbay


    Most of these aren't that bad, but they still annoy me


    When you find report a murder over comms, for an officer to show up at the scene and immediately taze you to crit and cuff you


    When you have your flash confiscated by an officer three times (while having access to em)


    When you have a murderer cuffed, and in brig, and no officers will come to take them off you


    (This was captain) When you're questioned about dragging a fueltank towards science, when the entire crew has been fighting a blob there for the last 40 minutes. When you explain they say 'oh you guys still haven't killed that thing yet?'


    When tell the HOS explicitly that they are not to release the atmos tech they arrested without demoting them, only for said tech to be released and welder-bomb atmos


    When security takes your dead corpse to the drunk tank for a few minutes to let it sober up


    When a sec officer saying they'll robust and beat you up for insulting them, when you have a flash and they aren't wearing glasses


    When sec puts a living ling inside a cell only to have it vent crawl out as a monkey, for the second time in a row


    Getting shot at because you are retrieving a corpse


    And my personal favorite, when sec threatens to arrest you for not replacing their lights, when your an engineer



    Well any engineer can fuck the station with the supermatter or singlo, any atmos tech can gas the entire station, any scientist can do any number of horrible things.....if we start karma-locking every job that has a chance to cause mass grief, slippery slope and all that


    Maybe give the virologist something more useful to do, seeing how any useful viruses they do make always seem to have some hidden horrible symptom or mutated one




    As for the bar only serving rum, you are totally free to do so, it is an RP thing, just remember that you must RP what consequences it has, so long as it doesn't break the server rules


    Such as a certain machine mysteriously going missing, and Cole 'finding' a large amount of vodka in a 'maint tunnel'



    If I was CE that round, they would've been referred to security for breaking space law, ignoring a direct order, insubordination, and not doing their job. Half an hour in the brig will make them (knowing that type of player) ssd.


    Problem solved.


    If I was on security and knew they were doing this, I'd brig them myself as long as the CE wanted it.



    This means sec has to A) listen to you and B) catch them


    which we all know is a bit much to want for most rounds



    Yeah problem is you get fucked lungs to easily, from broken ribs or decompresses - also, can't you live with a single lung anyway? Do we even have two seperate lungs in this game?


    And I thought space was cold because you lost energy from infra-red radiation



    Well I appreciate the thought going into all this


    First of all, I like all the nerfs to stuns/knockdowns, getting knocked down in combat is pretty much a death sentence, and the new changes make it so a stunbaton can no longer go up against an e-sword, and now lethal weapons are FAR more powerful than non-lethal. The sec officers complain, but it means I can't make a stunbaton and mug them so easily


    I also love how the stunbaton makes people scream now - makes it so it seems bad when sec officers beat someone with them without just cause.


    Of course the new system means there is now a bigger advantage to having a hardsuit, as its biggest down side (Taking longer to stand back up) now doesn't apply - so obviously they needed something done about them.


    Now the engineer suit (and I assume similar for the others) speed is a bit better, still slow but not useless, and the whole new way to put it on and off makes it feel like a damn tank(In a good way). But this just makes me more reluctant to ditch it as an engineer - because I know if I need it, Its gunna take a damn long time to get to engineering, put it on, and walk to where-ever blew up. (walking to a place slow is faster than walking to a place slow+walking to engineering+putting on suit)


    I think if we're gunna go the route of slow strong engineering suits, it would be best to add places for them around the map, near external airlocks and the like, to make it so you can grab one closer to where ever you need it.


    Only other way to balance this I can think of is to make it so wearing a suit makes you collapse under less pain because of its weight or whatever.


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