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Posts posted by BadApple797


    The medwall vendors are great as not only to they act as a medkit some ASSHAT can't just take for themselves when they loot engineering, but also you can hack em and mix up tricord and shit. Can't fix major injuries and require a hack to be really useful, but I think their locations need to be adjusted



    Cargo use to have one, now just has a regular medkit, kinda sucks for them


    Science has none, I know they have some good medkits on their outpost but they could use one in their main hallway or something


    Engineering has 2 right next to each other neither of which can be accessed by atmos techs, one should be moved to atmos



    Battery has been and will be abused by sec

    Back in my toy sword days I got brigged for Assault, Assualt of an Officer, or Assualt of a Head, like 80% of the time, so I am all for getting less time in brig this way. Shitcurity cannot be stopped, but having battery would make it stand out more when an officer is being a jerk and would at least persuade some of them to give you lesser timers.


    I've had some security members play dead when I hit them with toys, or pick on up and fight back- fantastic. Its a nice little bit of fun, but considering its more likely the player will stun, cuff, parade you around brig before stripping you naked and setting your timer for 4x what it should be it, its safest to just do your job like a robot each round least security so much as notices you.

    The amount a security officer can just decide to be a cuff-crazy red-suited arsehole is huge, but its nothing we're EVER gunna fix.




    Frankly, if you can't handle being slipped or pushed every once in a while without anything else happening, you shouldn't play sec. You probably shouldn't play at all




    That's partly the problem. When we have no shitty officers, we more often than not simply have no officers, Good players avoid sec because of the average mentality of their co-workers and greytide alike.






    I helped Bulma build a coms console and then syndicate commandos stormed the station and installed her as the new leader




    "ITS ON"




    Security officer followed me back to bar upon my release from sec. Talked big until the shoe was on the other foot, or should I say cuffs.....




    Small disclaimer, other, irrelevant, phrases have been edited out and I know these are all just screens of logs but deal with it.



    Low pop ling round. Telecoms got screwed, no security or command, lings ran around tasing, cuffing, eating literally everyone one the server except bulma.



    Can we add it so if you try to defib a ling who's in regenerative stasis they eat your hands like




    Doesn't the detective have security and medical records (uneditable) on their PDA?


    But really doubt we'll ever get to a point where the detective properly investigates and security then arrests the people they gather evidence on. With luck taking away their officer like abilities would change the players that chose that role, so we get less officers that want a cool coat, shoot themselves in the head 20 minutes in, and more people with a taste for sleuthing



    Vortex ALWAYS do a large enough area of damage, and they destroy EVERYTHING.


    At least when an atmos anomaly goes off all you usually have to fix is floor tiles and windows. Maybe a few walls. With vortexes you lose cable, pipes, floor tiles, walls, windows, APC's, air alarms, doors, fire-shutters, computers and equipments(once one ate all the RnD machines) and you are almost certainly gunna lose them every time.


    Additionally I would like to share my luckiest anomaly ever:http://i.imgur.com/a5750Rv.png

    It was an atmos one, in arrivals. Fortunately it spawned in the airlock so the total damage was 6 floor tiles and 2 windows



    I feel if we have an economy it should be mostly optional / non-game affecting. As soon as we need to have rules around it, we'll also need admins policing it and I don't think the admin-power it takes away from the server. Thats my main concern, as we all know how many times Condom HOP or geneticist has stolen everyone's money.


    I would like a persistent economy for the same reason I like the accounts now - for interesting RP situations, but nothing game changing. Between the chaos of most rounds the last thing I need to worry about ontop is shitcurity fining me to finance themselves and becoming poor.


    One easy way to make it non-abusable is for it to act more like a highscore, undrainable, the money you end a round with goes into an untouchable "long-term savings account" meaning if the HoP or whoever wants to be a condom to you they can only depraive you of a rounds worth of credits.


    I mean it could be used to buy fluff items in character selection or something if you want (but server donations do that and we already have a karma unlock system so not a fan of that idea)


    Side note: Transaction Logs for your account as background for characters would be nice, the same as medical or security records, but specifically to list your characters expenses





    They start the instant they spawn, are super deadly to go near and cause more damage than any other anomaly. They can damage pipes while leaving their tile above untouched, which makes them incredibly hard to repair even once you move the fuckton of broken walls, glass shards and dead crew members.


    My only problem with bluespace is that it turns everyone mute



    1) Breaking hands is two easy. It also makes that hand useless for atleast 30 minutes on your average round.

    half a dozen floor tiles and you can effectively make an officer useless. I would prefer for broken hands to drop things in a manner more like damaged robotic hands - chance based, so if you're quick you can still use them


    2) Stabbing people in the eye with screwdrivers breaks the skull long before turning them blind, like only a few hits. Additionally I had my skull broken by e-gun lasers, which is weird.


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