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Posts posted by Nakhi


    Do I have a list of things that piss me off. More IC than OOC, OOCly it tends to amuse me more than aggravate.


    - Command staff that think the Blueshield is their personal servant.


    - Captains that think they can demote the Blueshield for calling them a condom or getting an attitude with them when they're an idiot.


    - Heads that want to be heroes and rush at the nearest emergency on their own rather than trying to coordinate their departments.


    - Medical staff that don't set up cryo and drag critically injured people around trying to figure out why it won't work.


    - Being cloned on a blob round and having medical not know that "imperfectly cloned" can be fixed and thus wanting to kill me.


    - Security that shoots first and asks questions never.


    - Heads of Security that do the same thing.


    - Being a Vampire Blueshield and being automatically blamed for things I cannot rationally do. (Such as killing the captain when I am across the station and he only went SSD)


    - People who set the boomboxes to play only the Papers, Please theme.


    - People that shout "SHITCURITY" and complain to admins about it when they were caught breaking into x location with a, b, and c traitor items firing d weapon.


    - Geneticists that don't do their jobs.


    - Geneticists that do do their jobs and then give everyone superpowers.


    - Heads that get those superpowers.


    - Assistants that want a job when I am Head of Personnel, decide to cause issues for me, then complain when I deny any further requests from them.


    Honestly this list could go on damn near forever. There are just so many gripes from an IC perspective with how some people act.



    The cap should get a pair of sechuds as well.


    I disagree entirely, but this isn't the place, so I'll keep it short. Captain isn't security. Captain shouldn't act like security. Captain should sit in his office. If he is playing crime fighter, someone or something really fucked up.



    Plus, having two Blueshields allows proper teamwork.


    I am inclined to agree with this actually. A second Blueshield would ease a lot of burden off one person, but there's a flipside to that. If you have competant heads of staff then a single Blueshield can keep an eye on everyone because everyone won't be fucking off to play Super CaptainCop or something. They'll do their jobs and not take risks.


    With a second Blueshield, especially with the implementation of ambassadors at some point, things would be easier, particularly when there are bad heads of staff (always). Adding them into the office would be fairly easy too. Remove the closet and crew monitor (or move them), add in another desk to make a T, add a locker and a rack and a chair on the opposite side. Maybe not perfect, but it would sort of work. Maybe.





    Isn't that kind of the point of a Blueshield, ignore the clown breaking into EVA, tag him for sec and just keep the heads safe?

    Most of the blueshields I've seen inevitably end up being super cop, med sun glasses to lure them away from the sec HuDs can only be a good thing.


    When I play, I hardly even use the Medical HUD anymore (because of the flashes that people love to use on me), and just stick to regular sunglasses. Sec HUD can be nice, but ultimately unnecessary. If you're doing Sec's job, you're not doing the Blueshield job. But with that being said...


    I can see about making flashproof med huds for blushield


    Why not a blue colored Medglasses, rather than the Sec Red? Really the medical HUD on its own shouldn't be flash proof, given it's a fairly transparent HUD over one eye, not both. Sort of impractical to make it flashproof if it shouldn't realistically be so.


    Also, because I was writing this, did the minor tweak to an idea of what I had in mind.



    Name: Klara Rio

    Age: 30

    Gender: Female+

    Race: Tajaran

    Blood Type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s):

    - Blueshield Lieutenant



    Despite being Tajaran, Klara was born and raised in human space among humans. As such, she adopted most of the mannerisms of the humans she lived with and around, and a more human sounding name to separate herself from the rest of her kind. Though she is fluent in Siik'Tajr, she resents its use. Early on she had an interest in the sciences as they continually advanced and progressed, and wanting to, in her words "be on the forefront of technological advancement". She was recruited into NanoTrasen when she was 17 and has worked various odd jobs while getting special education. She was turned down for a Scientist position, despite it being what she had wanted to do, and instead received forensic training.



    - Command Training

    - Security Training

    - Forensic Training

    - Weapons Training

    - Basic Engineering Knowledge

    - Basic Medical Knowledge

    - Basic Surgical Knowledge


    Employment Records:

    Since joining the corporation, Klara has had a meritorious service. After an initial rotation through various jobs in her early days as she received forensic training, she was quick to adjust to the role of a detective and was not one to stand by idly as a station was threatened. That was what, rapidly, jumped her from Detective to Head of Security by saving and protecting a Captain. Her service as Head of Security was typically very eventful, dealing with various threats both internal and external and gathering the prejudices and lessons that shaped her current career.


    Eventually she reached a level of Captaincy due to her achievements, and as such settled down into a more stable role. After some time she was chosen as a candidate for the Blueshields, and rapidly rose to become a Lieutenant. She still does odd jobs on the NCS Cyberiad, but focuses primarily on the jobs that brought her to her current level within the corporation.


    There are rumors that Klara is feared among the xenomorph hives, though all rumors are unconfirmed.


    Previous Occupations:

    In Order from First to Most Recent:

    - Cargo Technician

    - Security Officer

    - Detective

    - Head of Security

    - Captain

    - Blueshield


    Security Records:

    All around Klara has a clean security record aside from minor incidents and an "attempted murder" charge after shooting an officer with a shotgun during her initial rotation. Any other crimes have been whitewashed or pardoned due to minor faults or proper corporate service.


    Medical Records:

    Mostly fit and healthy, Klara has lost her right arm and right leg, having them replaced with robotic prostheses. She received a new, mechanical heart after extensive damage to her chest caused her natural one to cease functioning. Her eyes were replaced with mechanical eyes after another accident on the job. Otherwise she's as healthy as a Tajaran woman can get at her age.


    Klara has been noted on records, for quite a while, as being a known vampire and actively working with NanoTrasen due to enjoyment of employment. Unlike many, she keeps thirst in check most of the time, which causes a falling off of her abilities during that period.


    Mental Evaluation:

    While mentally stable, Klara has a particular hatred of the Unathi for currently unknown reasons, or at least reasons that she will not share. Typically shrugs off generally racist remarks, but is known to threaten violence for more overt and hostile remarks directed at her.



    Only known family - the only family she'll admit to having - are all also employed by NanoTrasen in various roles. Her biological mother, Kyla Rio, works chiefly as a Roboticist on various stations. Her stepsister, Luca Rio, works as a Virologist and is a former Chief Engineer, and a Blueshield before that. She is recently married to Si'Makra, a fellow Tajaran.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    Standing just under five and a half feet tall, Klara is hardly intimidating for a person of her standing and experience. Were she to remove her uniforms, she'd show seemingly countless scars on her body from the fights she was in and the actions she partook in over the many years working for NanoTrasen. She keeps herself neatly groomed though, covering up the worst of the scars and maintaining an excellent appearance overall. One thing that stands out from the clean appearance she keeps are blue silks around her tail as part of Tajaran culture, signifying a marriage.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:

    -Medal of Robustness. (In delivery process)


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:



    Having a leap would be nice or maybe call it pounce it would suit their cat like abilities very well but the Retractable Claws seems pointless and would just lead to people being confused to whether their claws are out or not.


    What niche do you think the Tajaran should fill without overlapping with the other species?


    The claws were that very thought really. As I said, 3:20 in the morning and thoughts weren't all there, I was just throwing a few thoughts that I had partially worked out and seeing how it was received. Really I wasn't aiming for a specific niche, just trying to make cats a bit more like cats I guess.



    This was just sort of some thoughts that came to mind this morning. I was thinking about the Tajaran and looking over different racial things for the non-karma locked races, and thought about maybe a couple things to add on to make the cats more, well, cat-like rather than the thickly furred humans they seem to be like. Let me just say it's 3:10 am right now, so these probably aren't nearly as coherent as they could be.


    1.) Retractable Claws

    Just a thought, and probably impossible/difficult to code, but I guess first and foremost would be a sort of work around from the gloves in a way that balances (sort of). As I said, more cat-like was what I was aiming for, and I figure this could be one of the higher up things among that. Way I am thinking of it would be, perhaps, when they're extended gloves can't be worn normally, but while retracted they can be, but they can't be extended with gloves on. Probably a pointless idea, but sort of a way to get around accidental scratching and the damage that it could cause unintentionally.


    2.) Passive Leap

    Sort of like the Vox, but weaker. The description for the Vox leap does say (roughly) "Gibberish-x leaps aggressively at Greytide McGriffin". So my thought is something like that, but without necessarily being aggressive by nature. With a chance of missing entirely and going rolling across the floor of course, because it can still be amusing to watch that. This thought comes to mind mostly because Security is ending up half Tajaran half the time and being able to leap could make them more efficient. Of course, the flip-side on this is griefers having easier access to such a thing and jumping at people, but that's part of why I mentioned a chance of missing.


    Anyway, that's really all that came to mind and I'd like some feedback, if only to tell me that I should get to sleep and stop trying to come up with things.



    To be honest, the responses weren't quite what I had expected, but it definitely explained things more in depth and gave me a grasp regarding what had gone on. As I said, the ERT one was sort of that one that made me have to speak up. But, with the explanation, I realize it wasn't all it seemed to be on the surface, and I thank you both for the response and taking the time to reply.


    With the virus one, I mostly brought that up in part because it seemed so off, even if it didn't affect me personally until the very end. It was an interesting occurrence, admittedly, but I had the feeling there was more to it, that's why I said nothing in the end that time. It definitely gave a hands on look at the capabilities of the game mechanics though.


    As for the ERT, while it was an interesting concept, I had intended to work with Centcom regarding the issue, but one of the ERT people just walked in and started dismantling things. That's part of why I had to say something and why the events that followed felt wrong. I saw a lot of potential in that myself, and I guess not being able to see the potential realized was part of the disappointment on my end.


    In the end, that was the point of this I think. Just raise the concerns I had, and then have them assuaged fairly quickly. So, thank you again for taking the time to read and reply.



    Admin Key: Regens



    Firstly let me preface this by saying that I hate that all my posts here thus far are something along these lines and that this first paragraph will be more to set the tone I am trying to portray so that the post as a whole isn't taken the wrong way. I do thoroughly enjoy the server, and by and large like the staff. It's a well put together team that keeps the server functioning well and deals with trouble should it crop up. That's why I am hesitant to even write this in the first place, because it feels wrong for me to do so. So, with that being said...


    This complaint is less directed at administrative level issues, and more at in-character/in-game interaction and things relating to such. As a broad spectrum, it's part of getting away with things that other people would be banned - temporarily or permanently - for. On a less specific scale, there's been things that were directed at me personally that irked me significantly, still on the character level rather than just the administrative level. When directed toward me, after thinking it over, I figure - I hope - it's more of an unintentional maliciousness derived from trying to make things interesting for me, but it's still off putting.


    Foremost, and what I am going to call the tipping point, is the recent round that had ended at 7:10 pm EST on June 18, 2014. This round in particular regarded a special event about NanoTrasen cutting costs and attempting to maximize profit. I was playing the Captain (Klara Rio) at the time. I personally found it to be an interesting event that could go many different ways. Even as an "Emergency ERT" (or however it was phrased) was called in order to assist in obtaining 2000 sheets of Plasteel, I figured it could be interesting. I sat aside and waited for proper ERT reports, only to have one barge into my office, and start disassembling the Communications Console. I disarmed them, only to get stunbatoned and cuffed, and then a cyanide pill shoved down my throat that led to my death with not a word regarding what was actually going on. This was immediately followed by the Blueshield being decapitated. Likewise with no word about it. After being cloned and given a Greytide implant (which was the point I had committed suicide, despite not wanting to be "that guy") I actually did have to step away for a minute.


    Only afterward, and reading here that they were infact an antag ERT (something not made outwardly clear) did things become a bit more clear, but now pulls up another issue. As was going on, people were being killed for no real reason, station being torn apart to suit the needs of this ERT. There was no indication of antag and it was a running event that was going on. There no reason to question the matter, and I had no reason to outright fight back (hence a disarming rather than harming). So, with that being said, I have to bring up rule number 5, which I will quote simply to ease cross referencing, though I do feel a bit like an ass for doing so because it feels like preaching to the choir.


    5. Play antagonists responsibly:


    If you’re selected for an antagonist role, then treat it as an interesting challenge and not an excuse to destroy other peoples’ game experience. Your actions should make the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone. Even or perhaps especially your victims.

    Keep to your objectives, they’re there for a reason. Being an antag is NOT a license to murder whomever you please - unless your objective is to kill whomever you please.


    So, for this point, the complaint is more directed at the actions taken despite being an unstated antagonist. Getting away with several counts of murder on minor things, derailing a round for others. As I said in dead chat and elsewhere, I don't mind admin shenanigans* but there comes a point where I can't just stand idly by and take it. This was that point, though I guess this comes off as somewhat whiny. Really the only reason I am bringing it up is on the principle of the matter, as opposed to wanting any formal actions taken unless it is deemed necessary by those that would/should know better than I.


    Second, and less personally affecting of me, was another round where I was playing the Captain. Regens had been playing virologist, and ended up releasing a virus upon the station that gibbed the person in anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes, if I recall the statement correctly. Naturally, most of the station was rapidly killed and the emergency shuttle was called. Something that was amusing, though annoying, was after executing them, they resurrected themselves just to infect me as the shuttle was about to depart, and got me killed as well. I laughed at that (because last words were "What the fuck" followed by gibbing). It was the end of the round so it wasn't a round ruining event. Like before, it's more the principle of the matter. In this case, and I hate to phrase it like this, ruining the round for others simply to test an experiment.


    I guess I probably rambled on enough, but the complaint, specifically, is more in regards to bending and/or breaking the rules to suit (it seems) their own goals and purposes with little regard for the other players. From a professional standpoint based on my own administration duties elsewhere, I find it to be bad form to try to enforce rules that are broken for ones own amusement. From a player standpoint, I can understand the experimenting, but there's test areas and admin areas for that that wouldn't hurt the playerbase or ruin a round.


    In the end I don't want to come off as whiny or make this a personal thing, I am just stating things that struck me as off, came off as distasteful, or felt wrong. I won't make too many assumptions, but I don't think I am the only one that feels this way. I hope I didn't come off as too rude or disrespectful. I tried to phrase it well enough to get what I was trying to say across without doing so.


    Thank you for reading this.



    * - "Admin shenanigans" being my personal general term for admin initiated events and actions through use of power. I don't necessarily mean it as a negative connotation, because it can be enjoyable when applied well.


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