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Posts posted by Nakhi

  1. Log #3785

    ID Signature: Captain Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Singularity Temporal Distortion


    Christ, they actually forced 'Captain' at the start of my ID. Fucking hell.


    Right, so I ended up getting forcefully reassigned. Yay me. Or, as they would call it, a "promotion". So apparently I am being made a Captain more often than not. How... well, aggravating. I worked rather hard to avoid becoming a Captain since that's way too much responsibility, and yet, here I am. Glory to NanoTrasen I guess.


    So, this would be my second shift as Captain. The first one was unremarkable training stuff. This one though was remarkable, and in a way I hope that this is repeated until the last half hour of the shift. So, here's the basic run down. At the shift start, there was no security. Not one. Not a detective, no officers, nothing. So I expected this was either going to be a very interesting, or a very bad shift. It was both. Despite the fact we have relatively few heads of staff, things got off to a decent start, Engineering was working, Security was filling out. Everything was going fairly well.


    Then the Singularity got loose.


    Thankfully, it didn't last long. It did some damage to engineering and tore out a solar, but ultimately Central got rid of it somehow. After confirming with all heads and Engineering, we ruled the Singularity gone, and we moved to Blue Alert due to the likelyhood of sabotage. You can never trust the damned engineers after all. So, since apparently the Head of Personnel had engineering experience, I let them take over some reconstruction duties since we had no Chief Engineer, even letting them get the RCD to more quickly repair the breaches made by the Singularity.


    During this time, I realized just how much hell a good captain deals with on a daily basis. I was juggling every little problem and delegating it as best I could. It was tough, but I managed, and I think that I managed to effectively handle situations. I work with all channels on so that I can monitor everything and pass information around if a head doesn't, or report to the department directly if the head doesn't pass on what I say. So, everything was running fine, I was coordinating with Engineering to get everything working again, solars were set up, and there was some power going.


    Then the Chief Engineer showed up. They were a Tajaran with a name made up of cat sounds. I knew it was going to be bad. I didn't know how bad, but I knew it would. So of course I broke my unbiased demeanor and started to hate on them a little. I even wish the BSA that Central fired hit them, but it didn't unfortunately. So the Chief Engineer manages to, one, basically tell an Internal Affairs Agent who wanted to check on Engineering to go away - and they got yelled at by the Magistrate for that, which I enjoyed. Then they got complaints from their entire staff. They were frankly quite stupid, and I do hope that Tajara don't live up to that stereotype like this one did.


    Eventually I had enough of all the complaints, and ordered the Chief Engineer to the bridge, which they fought with me on. So when I told them they were being demoted, they disappeared without a trace. Problem solved, I guess. While this was going on, and we're about an hour into the shift, Engineering got everything reconnected to the main grid and power was flowing, and the engine was nearing repaired status. Security was still intact, the Head of Security decided to suffer from SSD, and the Head of Personnel promoted the Warden on my order. All was going well.


    Engineering got the engine fixed, and everything set up. A few things weren't quite ideal, but it would do. We needed the power. I gave the greenlight for the PA to fire, and so the singularity roared back to life. Do singularities roar? Or would it just absorb all the sound? Or would the vacuum prevent the sound in the first place? To answer that question, I'd delegate it to a Research Director. Whatever. So the Singularity is online, we're pulled three megawatts immediately. We really don't need much more than that.


    As the station resumes normal activity, I stand proudly on the bridge and watch as everything goes smoothly... until I get hit with a bolt of electricity that shot out of the APC. And in that moment, all the hope of a normal station faded. But for that moment, it all felt right, like nothing could go wrong. I miss that moment. So as more reports came in of this occurence, it became obvious that Engineering directly wired the engine into the grid. I rushed to Engineering, cut a cable, and it all stopped. Once again, that simple solution made me feel good. Then I heard, like a great disturbance in the galaxy, the roar of a thousand voices all shouting "FUCKING ENGINEERING". Or maybe that was the sound of the singularity shattering glass. Same thing.


    Somehow the Singularity got loose. Again. I had enough of this shit, plus there were spiders now, and other issues, so red alert was raised and we evacuated from that hell hole, all while I rubbed my head in frustration at how this shit always has to happen. Never will I see a normal day on the station, it seems, especially not while I am captain.


    Moral of the Story: I am a good Captain. Why am I good? I don't want to keep this job. Oh god help me.


    Actually the difference in the two is that the NT Rep stamp stamps green on a paper, and a Central Command fax stamp ends up grey. While on the paper you're reading they look the same, the item sprite is different.


    As I recall, they used to have a different stamp that just saying NT Representative, like the Captain's stamp and so on. So, yes, in a way they have a Central Command Stamp, but it doesn't mean much. No one listens to the representative anyway, and you can tell a normal paper and fax apart from a Central Command one. I think they have different fonts.


  3. Here's what I am thinking, if people think the Blueshield should have a "unique" ballistic option: I recall the Colt .45 code being tossed around and possibly implemented. Why not give the Blueshield the Colt, leaving the revolver with the detective? The Colt at least would have ability to use different types of ammunition (i.e. rubber or lethals) without the possibility of failure like the .357 revolver modification. It gives the flexibility in armament, I think, since it's not innately lethal and still gets the job done.


    I actually have to agree with Flat up here for once. For a while I have heard complaints about the revolver, from the instant stun (before instant stun was universal), to the fact it's ballistic. I wasn't aware that it did 15 damage per shot now, but I also don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. As many have said, it gives the less-lethal option to the Blueshield, while still having lethality if used as such. Compared to the non-lethal security guard, if referring to at least their initial equipment, less-lethal is probably a good thing; if someone is coming after heads, they probably intend to do serious damage and have serious equipment.


    When I play Blueshield, the revolver gets tucked into the holster, and my primary weapon is the taser. Why? Because the revolver has limited ammunition, I see it as an emergency weapon. Nuke/traitor/high-threat antag approaching? Pull the revolver and pop a shot while evacuating your VIPs, then call out the threat for Security. Those that use the revolver first off strike me as... off. Again, limited rounds (even if more can be made, good luck getting Cargo to do that), and now the damage it can cause. Good against actual threats, not good for the greytide that is just toolboxing the Captain because "lol imma griff u".


    In short: I think the Blueshield is fine, and people are making an issue of something that really isn't that major.



    NT Rep:

    - Put briefing into the folder while pretending I actually read it.

    - Put stamp behind ear.

    - Find out that was removed and put the pen there instead while the stamp is dropped in the satchel.

    - Open the locker, ignore the pAI and NT hat (I don't like the hat, I don't know why), put on the snazzy white gloves and drop the flash into a pocket.

    - Chase the clown down for stealing the snazzy white gloves by stunning them with the pimp fancy cane.

    - Turn on Security and Engineering channels.

    - Stand on the bridge with cane in hand and wait for something to happen or for someone to complain.



    As is, the Blueshield operates outside of standard Chain of Command, and doesn't hold authority anywhere. A counterpoint to that is that no one really has any authority over them as long as they're doing their job right. They've been appointed by CC directly to be bodyguards aaaaaand... that's it.


    The "you answer to the NT Rep" part almost never comes into play, but is there to remind the Blueshield that, in case of an emergency, the Rep, being NanoTrasen's agent on the field, should be the one they defer to.


    I've personally played Representative like this, sort of. The Blueshield does their own thing, I do my own thing, but if anything arises within the command structure (as stated earlier) deferring to the Rep would allow a sense of neutrality, instead of having to take orders from the Captain only, which can result in... well, rather questionable orders. I've seen, in the past, Blueshields that were pets of the Captain, effectively an enforcer that obeyed unquestioningly because that was their superior. In other words, they'd break the law, break SOP, and never listen to other heads let alone protect them most of the time. That's probably the exception now though at least.


    So yeah, I think the wording that they answer to the Rep is a good idea in this sense, but that paper needs updating. It's... well, default. I doubt it's changed since Blueshield was implemented.



    Here's how I look at the Rep role, since I am playing it almost exclusively at this point:


    You are the SOP Magistrate. Kind of. Where the real magistrate handles space law, you handle SOP (knowing space law is necessary though). You don't always have to send faxes (I reserve that for serious events since it's almost always ignored). If you are polite, unbiased, and professional, command will listen if you point out something breaks procedure. If there are total comdoms as heads, that fax machine is an excellent tool.


    In short the role requires a player, and a character, which keeps their cool, and keeps detatched. You're there to make sure SOP is followed and ensure the heads aren't outright opposing NT interests. If you run around like Security, if you are all hot air and screaming, if you don't understand SOP, you won't be able to play the role well.


    It can be boring, it can be stressful, but with good heads that actively work with you in issues, the NT Rep is probably the most powerful force on the station.


    And remember; the Blueshield answers to you first. Keeping them on your side by knowing your procedure and law can give you an extra voice should something major occur


  8. Yes please. I think I've said this IC and OOC. The difference between the other offices is that rarely are they used for meetings. A good Rep will call people to their office if they are investigating something or they needed to personally discuss a matter. The door button seems more dignified.


    What I think would be cool is if we had Bay's 'electrochromatic glass'. It's in a few heads offices, and basically you press a button and it turns the blue reinforced into tinted black windows you can't see into. Not quite the same as what you're proposing, but a fair slight cooler than shutters. Maybe not exactly what was in mind, but something I recalled that was interesting.


    Almost anything would be better than being able to awkwardly stand on the other side of two reinforced windows, a grille, behind an airlock, and still be able to hear the conversation up front. While I understand the utility, and the fact it's basically an SS13 staple and fact of the game, it feels a bit... off.



    Ass inspections are SS13 memey at this point, and nobody ever actually goes to get them - it's just a dumb household joke.


    We should not start punishing players/job banning them on the basis that they said "ass inspection".


    Someone being overtly and distinctly crude will get looked at by admins, this isn't necessary.


    Vox Announcer is annoying and spam should be handled, but it's by no means a big deal.


    I'm not referring specifically to those, it's just what helped bring up the thought. By that happening every round, you would think a corporation would buckle down on such treatment. As for admin intervention, maybe for once we could lighten the workload on the staff by adding a law? I mean, sure, really bad stuff would still be looked at, but there's been times the sexual harassment isn't rule breaking, but still helps break down a department or even the command staff if it hits that level.


    This is largely just some thoughts that went through, as I could see ways the law would be useful, but I agree it can be a slippery slope in some ways. However if implemented and well explained, it could be used to, at least, curb some of the shittier, non-rule breaking behavior.


    Or maybe I am making it out to be bigger than it really is because I am not sure either way.



    Personally I find the fact security arrests for "breaking into the assembly line" to be unfortunate. I've had several rounds when I used to play engineering and I completely restored the line and built mechs from it. Made a Durand one time, usually ripleys to assist engineering. Need to get science to help supply parts, CE to let you into tech storage for the boards, and science access for the computers, but it can be fun and rewarding to have uninterrupted restoration time with utility.


    Otherwise I kind of like the ideas. However a pressurized engine room, if running the singularity would be difficult, unless there's a surrounding area of windows. The field DOESN'T hold air. I've learned that the hard way.



    This cropped up as part of a discussion on my part, and inspired mostly by the constant, every round phenomenon of "x crewmember's ass is nominal", and the AI usually playing along with it. While I don't want to be "that guy", the one that says we should constantly have higher RP, I would think if sexual assault is a crime (and server bannable), than the constant sexual remarks that come up, in AI laws and in the course of insulting people (or creepily flirting with people), sexual harassment should be at least a minor crime.


    I'd base it on the fact that, you know, it's an offense that, in a real workplace, could result in termination of employment. Before everyone jumps on the SS13 =/= RL bandwagon, I doubt a massive corporation would tolerate it for too long either. After all, it's supposed to be a professional research station. Supposed to be. And yes, I know such a law would only add a larger workload to Security, which is why it would, ideally, be for consistent, aggravating cases.


    Discuss, if anyone sees fit to, I suppose.


  13. Log #3759

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Jenkins-Time


    Well, apparently NT really does have no use for me as a pilot anymore. Or at least a very limited use (which effectively means not at all). So, with that in mind, they decided to send me to the Cyberiad more as a Representative. Apparently actually knowing Standard Operating Procedure and Space Law has paid off - the latter with the degree moreso I am sure. So I've done it a couple times before, mostly as a stand-in because apparently someone at Central thought it'd be funny if I was made to act like some representative. Well, I can't hate the position. It's comfortable and most of it is writing and sending faxes.


    So, let's start with this incredibly odd shift.


    First and foremost, I knew things were going to be bad. The Blueshield decided to act like he was a member of the command staff by trying to make decisions and telling the captain what he should be doing and how, and the Captain himself seemed to know comparatively little in the way of SOP and Space Law. How did I find this out? Within about ten minutes of the shift beginning. The Head of Security went into cryo. Now, here's where this could have been handled better. Without informing the Captain they were doing so, the Head of Personnel promoted the Warden to Acting HoS. Nothing wrong here, as that's the chain of command.


    Well, the Captain finds out, and he immediately starts complaining about how he wasn't informed and how the Warden shouldn't be the head of security and what not. And of course the Blueshield is preaching at him about how it's supposed to work - and granted he's right, but it's still annoying - so I step in, explain everything, and eventually chalk it up to a misunderstanding. He was trying to say the Warden wasn't the same as an actual head of security when acting in that role for the duration, and phrased it... very poorly.


    Fast forward about five minutes. Replacement Head of Security arrives, Warden steps down. Apparently Auxiliary Tool Storage then exploded, and the Captain wanted Security to start scanning, prompting one officer - the pilot, of fucking course - to shout "Fuck you captain!" over Security comms. I expected something more amusing from the Captain, and I wasn't disappointed. He wanted the pilot immediately fired. Well, here I go stepping in again, telling him that he can't demote without reason, and he can't overstep the Head of Security on a termination. Or at least, with the latter, he shouldn't since it's kind of shitty.


    After telling him that's not how it worked, he tries to order the Head of Security to approve the termination. Which I tell him is not how it works. Now this is where I am both entirely confused at how people could miss the constant updates of space law that happen. What does the Captain try to do after all else fails? He wants the pilot brigged. Nothing wrong there, except for the law. He tried to have the pilot brigged for "Insulting an Officer On Duty". And that, folks that may or may not be reading these damned journal, is why the space law was updated to remove that fucking law; to prevent this level of Comdomnation. So I smacked him back down.


    Silence reigned for a few minutes and then the Head of Security demanded the demotion of the pod pilot. What for? Not listening to the Head of Security's briefing - bare in mind, we're already at a heightened caution - and proceeding to go back on patrol. I take a step back, lest I seem too partial toward one side or the other, and try to let Security and Command handle it. They cannot. So I send a fax, jokingly asking for an SOP and Space Law Class to be held on the station for the Captain and the Head of Security.


    And for some fucking reason, NT decides to send someone. Not just anyone, of course, but the one fucker that can answer my faxes; Comm Officer Jenkins. He comes aboard, yells at the Captain. He was going to yell at the Head of Security, I am sure, but the HoS ran off to the armory and killed himself with one of the guns. And so ended the official side of Jenkins' visit. And thus began the unofficial one... which didn't last very long.


    Once he left the meeting room, he ran off to the bar, where apparently a pair of wizards had decided to visit. Yes, a pair. Because God decided to frown upon the station today. From what I understand, Jenkins' ran up to a wizard and smacked their ass... then got turned to stone. Well at least something got hard. I have no idea what transpired from there, but ultimately the wizards were killed, we transferred, and all was well.


    And I sent faxes and got Jenkins' sent over.


    Moral of the Story: Man, these get boring when I talk about bureaucracy. I better in the pods again soon.

  14. Log #2447

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Next Vacation -1


    It's been a while since I got to fly. It seems NT is trying to replace me, what with the sudden surge in the number of pod pilots that the station is cycling through. It's like I am being backburnered because I won a couple medals for my service. Fine, if that's how NT is going to play this, I will gladly take another vacation on their dime. Especially after this mess of a shift. So, like usual, it starts as normal. Everyone is on board, people gear up, I get my new outfit. One of these days NT will let me bring my own damned shoes and stuff on board. No until then I have to wear the bloodied hand me down security jumpsuit I get rid of immediately.


    But I digress.


    So things start... oddly. It immediately begins with ranting about race and human supremacy. Nothing particularly new there, but slightly annoying nonetheless. So it escalates to a "rally" of one person, then further into a handful of people being beaten for their views, and one person in question being brought in I think. I don't remember the names because I hate everyone, but regardless it took an odd turn.


    Here's the odd turn: The Head of Security, I believe, publicly questioned the Craptain's order about an arrest. We're on green alert, and he wanted a person arrested on a suspicion, with a half filled out warrant, to have them searched and questioned. The warrant of course didn't say what the person was being arrested for, and the Magistrate effectively said it would be questionable. So here we go with the Captain planning to demote the Head of Security for, first, questioning the order he gave then, when no one in Security was going to make a bullshit arrest, for sparking a mutiny or some bullshit like that.


    Eventually the issue got dropped for one reason: Cultists. Red alert, sweep the station, beat the hell out of people, and create a deconversion conga line. Oh, and make the Chaplain literally the MVP of the station by locking him up in Security and having him administer the deconversions. So, like the highly qualified, highly professional, and well trained pilot that I am, I get drunk and go back to flying, and responding to issues if they crop up. Amusingly they didn't, and I took the chance to do a full sweep of space, including the outposts where we expected the cultists to be.


    Then the Head of Security died. That just made the situation escalate and deteriorate for Security. The Warden was made acting head, then they went to cryo, leaving Security without effective leadership, even with the Captain trying to keep order. An ERT of one arrived and did fuck all as far as I know. As far as I know, because I spent the shift sitting in my pod and trying to taunt the cultists. Why taunt? Well, apparently, we found out that I was their target to sacrifice or some shit. I guess Nar-Nar really is pissed at me for something. So be it. As I said, let them come.


    And they never came.


    Seriously, I never once actually saw a cultist. It was kind of sad. I was hoping for some sort of great fight against a wave of cultists trying to get to me, and I stand my ground in some heroic fight while Security can't pull their thumbs out of their asses to help, like every fucking time I end up in trouble. Then I'd die, Security would forget I existed and-


    I am going off on a tangent again.


    Right, so, shift continues, I stay in space as much as possible, and ultimately take the pod back to Central Command. Apparently there were only three cultists left after all was said and done, and they never got to me. That is still what amuses me greatly. A great dark god wants me dead... and they send their worst followers to try to do it. Great work Nar-Nar. Great work.


    Moral of the Story: When will the Cult of Nar-sie stop trying to take this station? Seriously, we know what we're doing. Usually. And I wonder when they will want me dead again. It's rather adorable that I can piss them off like that.

  15. Log #2436

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Too Many Painkillers to Care


    Know what I like about Vox? If absolutely nothing else, I like the Inviolate. It makes them, arguably, one of the more rational species as far as engagements go. You know, waste nothing basically, kill no one unnecessarily. Things that most humans and other species still can't accomplish. So as far as that goes, I can respect them for living up to a moral standard and following it almost perfectly.




    So that leads into today's shift. Of course I get set up as the pod pilot, do my usual start of day routine, then I head to my pod, take the first flight. Of course that was all clear. As usual I make my joke over comms about betting on the calamity of the day. I put 200 credits on nuclear operatives landing on the station and causing chaos. The sad part is that I ended up only being half wrong. So I do my first sweep, sit outside the station and pretend to run radar on nothing in particular, then do my second sweep. At the end of the second, I came across the Vox Skipjack that had newly arrived. My first thought is "Oh fucking great, Vox".


    Now, this is only because of how the crew always treats them. Always the Vox are invited aboard and never held to SOP and Law, because no one wants to cause an incident. Well god damn it the Vox need to be held to our standards. So yeah, I expected a clusterfuck, but I reported it anyway since that's my duty. After all, by reporting it, I give the Captain and other heads notice of visitors. After all, most Vox we deal with never get hostile.




    So I fly around and comms blow up about the Armory atmosphere alarm. Well, I just hoped that it was a mistake. Of course it wasn't. And so begins the series of events that reinforces my absolute hate for the Vox. The moment I appear, the Vox hit me with an EMP shot despite beginning to head AWAY from them. At first I think, "okay, they are just disabling me. I'll wait it out". Nope. They kept firing and my pod steadily lost integrity. Then the core was damaged and began its destruct sequence. At the last second I jump out, start to run... and the pod exploded behind me. I was caught in the blast radius of course, and the shockwave blew my arm and leg off.


    Here I am, laying on some metal rods, watching the burning hulk of my pod, probably bleeding, in intense fucking pain. I couldn't believe I was alive. Then a Vox hits me in the face with a telescopic baton... even though I was already down and not even moving. Bastards. The one drags me off and throws me into the armory after hitting me a few more times for good measure. Then number two shows up, takes off my backpack - with my jacket inside - fills it with guns, and runs off. Taking my coat. Oh, and they remove my oxygen jetpack before leaving as well, leaving me without air in a depressurized armory.


    I hate Vox.


    Medical runs up, grabs me, runs me to Medical. Robotics gets me a new arm and leg, Medical fixes up other damages. Released from medical, I listen to comms to get an idea of where I need to go. So I stick with an engineer and atmos tech heading down to the mining asteroid where apparently there was a raid or something. Sounds good to me. There was a Vox miner with us as well, and this is where I regret showing mercy. The context here is that this Vox was cuffed for... something. So I uncuffed them, told them not to do anything stupid from now on, and then let them go. This was because the Blueshield restrained them and I never trust the Blueshield.


    So we get to the asteroid, I look around. Security is cleaning up some Vox bodies. Obviously there was a standoff or something. No matter, it's dealt with. I was going to provide some security for the engineers, expecting another Vox attack. Oddly, I was right, just entirely unprepared for it. So here's what happens. That Vox miner? They immediately start attacking Security, then flee into vacuum. I realized my mistake on that count very quickly. The moment I get out, after shooting at them a few times and missing due to panic, they hit me at point blank range with the kinetic accelerator thing. Even through the hardsuit, apparently it fucked me up more than I thought. My chest was shattered, I know that much. I took a few steps and then collapsed.


    The rest was fading in and out of consciousness, but I woke up in Medical, again, after an intensive surgery. To quote the doctor roughly, "You were pretty broken". So I took something that should have, and almost did, kill me, and still survived. I thank the hardsuit, even though it still doesn't fucking fit me properly. Vox are dealt with for the most part, but there's talk of at least one more out and about. I leave Medical, with my blurry vision and still some pain... everywhere. I run into the Mechanic, borrow a pod, scout, and find the Skipjack, but then it jumps again. I got lucky a bit later and found an officer in a hardsuit and we continued the search.


    Well, someone had been kidnapped apparently, so we rush to the ship, at the asteroid. Both myself and the officer stole the Vox IDs, so we were able to enter the ship and leave relatively easily enough. But we didn't have to leave. Almost the moment we boarded, the ship lurched to another destination. Then it lurched again as the Vox welded us into the room and tampered with the door. Well fuck, now we're stuck.


    Figuring that we were in another location, I headed out the airlock, only to open to the external view of warp or bluespace or whatever the hell we're calling it. Well shit. That means we're making a very long jump. Likely back to Vox-land. Shoal? Probably something stupid like that. Anyway, so we arrive, the Vox opens the door... and we fucking murder them. Or at least I do since I have balls compared to the other officer. Who is an IPC. Which means this metaphor is slightly more disturbing. Anyway.


    Ship clear, we have IDs, so I climb into the pilot's seat and launch it back before anything can be done. I arrive at Central in a skipjack, get no medals, and get fully patched up as a non-hero since I am just a pod pilot. Well fuck.


    Moral of the Story: Can we just shoot these fucks on sight from now on please? Or, at the very least, make sure they are met with a security team instead of open arms.

  16. Log #2428

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Imperceptible


    Another day, another shift where I never touch my pod. And another shift where the Pink Panther is the Head of Security, and manages to absolutely infuriate me. That's an accomplishment. Usually a Head of Security lets me do my own thing. Not this one. Oh no. I am treated like another officer, when I am supposed to be The Specialist. Not just a specialist like the Brig Physician, I am The Specialist. Flying the pods, killing carp, giving early warning, being a god damn hero, and getting all the men/women because they love a woman in uniform. Or something like that.


    Alright so let's start at the beginning. I arrive on the station, grab my regular outfit - jeans, scarf, laceups, and my old Sol Central jacket on top - and beeline to my pod bay. There were no officers at this time. Having dealt with Pink Panther the shift before, I figured he'd say I need to be an officer. He didn't, shockingly. Not yet anyway. So while Security is arguing about ages since the Warden was 17 and the Captain was 19 and the latter had a "dark and mysterious past that no one can know about", I was doing circles around the station. All clear.


    So of course the shit hits the fan hard. Shadowlings eventually get called out when one of the officers comes across the remnants of a chrysalis in the old bar. Joy. So I go from pod pilot to officer a few minutes later. I ask Science for a night vision HUD and delve into maintenance. Science was clear, but I found the shadowling between science and medical, and I chase them, eventually losing them again. Of course. But I confirmed that one was there. And... no one cared. Oh but Pink Panther demanded I get to the Brig immediately.


    His orders when I get there? Protect the Chief Engineer and help install lights. Joy. This is like a video game where you are doing an escort mission for a retard. And it was basically that. Within a minute, we entered bar maintenance and I saw an atmos tech with a captain's ID. How? Because his little job icon showed a Captain's C on it. I report this, I even tased the guy, the officer talks me down. We move on a bit. Minutes later I just bring this up, only to be shut down. I say that the officer is acting suspicious as hell. I said that the Atmos Tech had a captain's level ID. Captain took note of that... for a couple minutes before it was forgotten again. Eventually it was all forgotten. CE runs off, I lose them, so I go back to watching for things.


    I walk through Medical maintenance, I see someone change right in front of me, some cat. I tased them, but then the shadowling appeared. So I tased them too. But some black smoke bullshit came up and blocked by vision, so I ran. That same officer from before, with the atmos tech in tow, arrived and helped out. I still thought that was suspicious, especially since the Atmos Tech had a god damn axe, but I didn't say a word since I knew it'd be ignored. Comms go down from ionospheric anomalies, I was going to go into Medical Maintenance and sweep again, I reported the name of the shadowling I saw, and then mentioned my concerns regarding the state of Engineering. Ignored or just deflected. Of course.


    The Magistrate ends up caught in the old bar maintenance and the fucking maze back there. Screams out about shadowlings. So I crawl through the tunnels, I see the Magistrate being enthralled and hit... him with the taser bolt. Well, half success. Until I missed the guy coming at me and shot the Magistrate again on the miss. What a taser magnet he is. Anyway, I begin to flee and see the shadowling. I get the energy gun out and immediately regret it. I don't know what he did, but he paralyzed me. I couldn't move, but I could watch in horror as this abomination picked up an energy gun and fired on me. Fucker put holes into my prized jacket. When I could move, he shot again, kept shooting, and I kept trying to resist as best I could between the pain and blurred vision.


    Eventually I was cornered, and saved by the radio. When this happens, I keep a radio in my pocket, on microphone, with speaker off, set to Security. So I was screaming the location while the shadowling was attempting to enthrall me. I can tell you that that shit isn't pretty, and it is the closest I ever came to death it felt like. I was genuinely afraid. So the detective comes to the rescue along with another officer. For a short time, I thought I was safe. Then the officer shot me. Stunned, in pain, and now cuffed, I was dragged back. The detective and I were calling out names and the borg arrived to save... well, me at least. Sort of.


    I was right all along.


    So remember how I was lasered almost to death? Borg brings me to medbay, puts me next to a doctor and the Pink Panther. And then I get treated and checked for enthrallment and given a pat on the back for an almost disaster. Haha. Fuck no that never happened. Pink Panther sat there recharging his guns while I laid on the floor in pain and cuffed still. No one did anything, not even the doctor that was there. Not one fuck was given. The Pink Panther's only order was to tell the borg to take me to surgery. And guess what's there when I arrive? A fucking shadowling. The same one I had tased in the beginning of this whole clusterfuck. Borg pulls me out thankfully, and the Paramedic patches me up. He's the second hero of the day for me.


    Still, I go back into surgery. They do the whole enthralling surgical check just to make sure that I am not. Of course I wasn't, but I can understand the caution. So now I am out, shuttle is on the way, shit has hit the fan. I want a drink. So what do I do? Walk to the Security pod, get in, and fly off into the sunset while cursing that fucking space station. Oh, and the AI requested the nuclear code while we were leaving. I'd have paid to watch that explosion happen.


    And yes, the atmos tech was indeed a fucking shadowling after all was said and done.


    Moral of the Story: Sometimes I am fucking right. Not always, but some fucking times. When I start making accusations and pointing out problems, people should probably fucking listen.

  17. Log #2427

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: End of Vacation +10 or so


    What a day. Let's start with how things started sort of normally. Except for the fact that the Head of Security was a pink Tajaran. Don't tell me they dye their fur. It's fucking stupid whether they do or don't. Regardless, I arrive to a Security that is manned with but the Pink Panther, a warden, brig physician, and a detective. So I was number five. Moment I arrive the Pink Panther is telling me that they want me to do a quick sweep then do patrolling and officer duties. I sign up to fly a pod. Not arrest Greytide von Toolboxington Esquire for every little thing they do. And yet, I was never able to get into the pod.


    Let me explain the IPC part first. So two IPCs seem to be flirting over Security, so I make a remark about that, along with "Do IPCs even have feelings?" So naturally one decides to try to organize a date with me. I won't even question how that'd work out, but I do know I said no. I have higher standards than 'Iron'. Actually, what ARE IPCs made of? It's probably not Iron. Maybe Steel. Maybe some sort of mythical material that makes them all almost universally a bunch of self-centered circlejerking assholes.


    Back to the main story.


    The moment I get the helmet attached to the suit, someone shouts out "WIZARD IN ARMORY". So I walk out in the suit. Someone calls out "Security hallway" or something like that. So I slowly shuffle my way down the hall, feeling like the world's shittiest tank. Then the Pink Panther's death alarm goes off. That gives me a location and I utter a silent prayer at the fact I won't have to deal with them anymore. So I walk five steps out of security, and the hall is blown up, gibs all over, and two IPC bodies, of course. I beat in the head of the wizard on the floor, hand off the IPCs to Medical, and I continue my hunt for the wizard. We realized there's more than one, and of course that meant that hell followed with them.


    After some running around, I get to Cryogenics where there was talk of the CMO cloning the wizard (the silly, stupid man woman wolf fox dog thing). Anyway, fireballs. That's all that can desccribe that room. Fireballs and explosions. I got caught in two of them. My left arm was blown off somewhere, and it wasn't bleeding so I am thankful for that. I get up, see the wizard, beat his head in, flush him. Number Two is down. Robotics replaced my arm immediately and I get to work since #3 was located at arrivals.


    Myself and another officer run down the hall and past the wizard. By the time we realize this, they missiled us, tased us, and dropped demons on us. I managed to flee, sort of, with the AI's help I think, but ultimately I wound up in Cargo with life threatening wounds, and then I blacked out. I don't know what happened after that, but I do know I woke up to my new cybernetic arm being removed and replaced with a higher end one the next day.


    Moral of the Story: Fuck it. Kill all wizards on sight.

  18. Log #2418

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: End of Vacation +4 or so


    I fucked up my paperwork. Let's start with that. I filed a SH-1T-Sec instead of a P0-D-Pilot. I don't know if those are real paperworks, but fuck it, we'll run with it. Anyway, I ended up not flying into the station like a boss and wearing my bomber jacket. No, Central wouldn't even let me keep it. The fucks. So they sent me as a security officer. I think my uniform was a hand-me-down from some officer that got themselves killed on the job. I think there was a blood stain on it, but it blended in with the red of the uniform. Needless to say I changed into a newer and cleaner black corporate uniform.


    Now I went and did the same thing I did as pilot when I got sick of flying in circles. No I didn't fuck off into space. I walked around pretending to patrol. You know, like a normal officer. Except I actually listen to comms. Well, it didn't take long before "I suspect there's shadowlings", which occurred in the first five minutes of the shift, turned into "Jesus Christ there's shadowlings oh god help me". So, what do I do, the brazen, fearless security officer that does no wrong? I go into maintenance with literally every light source I could find.


    And I got a new uniform shortly after. Seriously, I rock the Vice Officer suit.


    Anyway, I went into maintenance with all the lights. Not long after the shadowling thing gets confirmed I grab a bounced radio. The new radios are awesome by the way. You can set it to security channel, for instance, and leave that on. Which means I get to keep it on and turn the speaker off. It won't play Sec channel but it'll still play to all other headsets. Useful as fuck. Anyway, I toggle the mic on, shut the speaker off, and head in. First door I open, I see a guy in a suit run off as soon as he sees me.


    Again, being the brazen and fearless officer I am, I call out my location and then head deeper into the maintenance. I see a janitor in a corner, ask him who the hell that was, he said nothing much other than "hazmat suit", which I did indeed see, and then said where they went. So the security borg arrives, we search maintenance, janitor goes off somewhere. Spoiler alert, they were a shadowling all along. Not even five minutes later, we come back and check that firefighting closet behind the janitor's "office" and there is the remains of a chrysalis and the Janitor's items. Well, this prompts red alert since we now have hatched shadowlings.


    You know I fully expected to die a horrible death this shift right? That didn't happen, obviously.


    Alright, we have shadowlings for sure. So I continue to search maintenance, looking for irregularities and people that shouldn't really be there. There were no people that shouldn't be there, surprisingly, though I did almost tase a doctor that ran at me then ran past me and freaked me the hell out. That inevitably did nothing. So during all this, there was a call by the AI that there was a shadowling in engineering. And there actually was. That surprised us. Well, me. I ran into maintenance expecting the shadowling to have fled into maintenance somehow. I was right. The Detective was caught, the shadowling was spotted, then it turned out our lights and disappeared. The Detective was in bad shape, but alive, and not enthralled. I take credit for saving his life. Kind of.


    Shadowling gone, but we can definitely confirm that they are there. Not dead yet, but that's fine. Cue an hour and a half of low intensity hunting for them. During this time, we were searching up and down within reason while getting new equipment. I shocked the hell out of myself on a hunch which proved fruitless. Head of Security got us nightvision HUDS. Oh, and the Head of Security was good for once. That in of itself was a miracle. That is why we kept together and operated well. We had a pilot - of course - as well as the warden, and maybe three or four other officers plus myself. The HoS got himself and myself Gygaxes since we were the most active hunters. Once I got that Gygax, I never left it if I could help it.


    And I found the nuclear authentication disk because the captain lost it, so I carried it in my dufflebag all shift.


    Anyway, shit hits the fan as we approach our crew transfer. People report enthralled individuals at the barbershop. That was amusing. I am trying to remember, but I think the first shadowling, the engineering one, was killed at atmospherics or something. The remains were found. That's relevant for a couple reasons. Apparently there was a chrysalis at the barbershop along with the enthralled. I never actually looked. So shadowling busts out, and goes to Hydroponics... where a Vox beats it to death. Go go mutant midget chicken rangers I guess. So that's shadowling two down.


    Now, searching again, I check arrivals maintenance thoroughly and I find another chrysalis site. That confirms a third one. And that third one? Apparently killed by light by some guy in cargo maintenance. Go figure. So Security itself killed a whole zero Shadowlings, and the crew got the rest. If nothing else I take solace in the fact that we kept cohesive, moved well, and called out positions and such. We were a good unit for once. So we transfer, go home, I pour myself a whiskey and then smash the glass into my face and shatter it because I was used to using the extra force to move the mech and forgot I didn't need it.


    Moral of the Story: Maybe I should sign on as a security officer a bit more. It wasn't that bad of a day. Oh, and: Stomp stomp, that's the sound of the Sec.

  19. Log #2415

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: End of Vacation +1


    Oh boy. Where do I even start with this clusterfuck? Alright, so as usual I ended up late. I blame waking up late and what not, but whatever. Point is that I arrived late. I think it was roughly 12:15 station time when I finally came on the shuttle and made the Long Walk to Security. Nothing went wrong, nothing was going wrong. For but a few minutes I had this faint glimmer of hope that, maybe, just maybe, things would be alright. Not great, just alright. No one messing things up, no one ruining things. I get my gear, I put my baton in my belt, I set up my hardsuit. Making sure it fit - it doesn't, and NT still doesn't have Vulp suits - I hear over comms "Singularity is loose!". I hope beyond reality that maybe it's not released.


    Yes, it is, but we expected that.


    So I go down. As a pod pilot, when the singularity is released I take the risk of monitoring the singularity to watch where it's going and what is going to happen. Of course this is while the crew shuffles to the escape pods and the singularity eats engineering causing severe temporal anomalies that almost made me fly into it on several occasions. That's a regular day though I guess. Anyway, today is an odd day. Why is it odd? Simply because I didn't go unforgotten and unheard. No, the Chief Engineer called for help at the mechanic's bay.


    The Singularity was bearing down on the mechanic's bay, moving quickly. I was faster. The CE sees me, sprints at the pod and jumps in. I fly away from the black hole like the hero that I am. Take that. Anyway, I fly the CE to the escape bay and go back to flying. I end up rescuing one or two more people regardless of their wanted state and shuttle them to Escape. I am Security, but I am not stupid. I'd rather people live than suffer for a crime that may be non-existent or even outright minor.


    Oh, and then Central tries to fix the problem. That was absolutely fun. Ever seen a singularity after it ate a Supermatter? That shit is fucking frightening. It's like a giant star is just bouncing around your station, eating everything and burning everything. It's terrifying and dangerous as hell. And yet I flew by it constantly to keep watch. Thanks Central.


    I did the math in my head once this was all said and done. The shift ended at about 12:38 due to the damage to the station. That means for fifteen minutes, the station was being eaten by the singularity and the crew was evacuating. Half the shift was just chaos. That's no different than normal, but at least in those cases the chaos tends to be varied instead of one single emergency.


    Moral of the story:

    - Engineering always fucks up

    - Central Command never actually fixes anything

    - Security can never keep its shit together (they wanted to issue guns because of the singularity)

    - Medical is always second to be eaten

    - The Pod Pilot is the hero the station needs and doesn't deserve

  20. Log #2414

    ID Signature: Luca Aureliana Trovato

    Station Date: Too Drunk to Care


    You know it's going to be a bad shift when you arrive and people are screaming about borers as soon as you arrive. So I, in perfect pod pilot fashion, give no fucks. Anyone that says I need to care is just a fool. Or probably trying to follow regulations. Whatever. So I go in, get a nonexistant duffelbag, grumble to myself about no dufflebag, and then walk into the hangar bay, and immediately my jaw drops.


    No, not because I got a solid gold pod that has a mounted pulse rifle... cannon thing.


    No, my pod is missing. My. Pod. Is. Missing. Let that sink in.


    Has it sunk in? Good.


    So immediately I ask where the pod is. After prying about it, and someone basically saying "I had to take it because carp", I then say that they are incompetent as hell if they lose a pod to carp. Then I get the real answer. They got lost and the pdo was destroyed by remote turrets. I know where they mean. It doesn't lessen the "what the fuck" factor. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE A POD PILOT YOU CUNTS. DON'T STEAL THE POD. Only thing I am giving them is the fact that it was an hour and a half into the shift and there wasn't a single pilot. I can cut some slack there.


    Alright, so, moving on, I promptly pack up and go to the bar. Where else is a grounded pilot going to go? I didn't get to tell any war stories surprisingly, despite the jacket I was running around with in the bar. You'd think someone would ask me one day. Anyway, moving on.


    So I am sitting in the bar, sipping on an Irish Cream. I feel something slimy crawl into my ear, and do nothing about it. Why? Because I never noticed it crawling up me to begin with - the sneaky fucker - and because I was giving no fucks. So, yes, it's a borer. And, no, I didn't care. It didn't go "assuming direct control" on me as soon as it climbed in, and I didn't scream about a borer in my head. It was mutually beneficial.


    Anyway, shift ends, no further problems. Lesson of the day is that when I give no fucks, I really give no fucks.

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