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Everything posted by TheFlagbearer

  2. It could be used to quickly confirm antags. Might be good, might be bad.
  3. POWER ARMOR ATMOSPHERIC SEAL. Looks better in-game. The gif just expands the image. I've no idea how to get it smaller. Download here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/e386jt
  4. -Taken from Sprites the Server Needs Thread- POWER ARMOR COMPONENTS: These components will be used during the fabrication of power armor. They should be relatively compact, as they go on/in the suit itself, which is only slightly bulkier than a regular hardsuit. Only a single sprite is needed for each, no in-hand required. Reward since no in-hand is required is 5KP per sprite. Post all sprites related to this contest in this thread.
  5. The banner of the glorious Master Race. Download here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nxqyo4
  6. They're pretty much the Keepers from Mass Effect. http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Keeper
  7. I messaged the admins early on about my intent to be a cannibal surgeon. A few minutes into the shift, the AI reported me in the freezer as I was chopping up all the women's meat and Security came by to arrest me. 5 minutes later, I was out on the town, looking for some meat to chop. I took down 3 monkeys in quick succession before moving on to the sweetest meat of all. Human meat. I managed to remove the limbs of 4 corpses and gib them before a Central Command Anomaly Investigator came aboard. I'd been so entranced by the butchering that I completely ignored the flickering lights and the chills I was getting. There were spirits aboard, and they were angry. The Investigator, James Hawke, made me look into his eyes. I was paralyzed and before I knew it, my brain had exploded in my skull. SQUELCH. I was gibbed. And thus, the story of ol' Butcher Hammond was complete.
  8. Sword Art Online, Shingeki no Kyojin, Angel Beats, Highschool of the Dead. ggnore
  9. Pretty sure Pods were implemented already. They all say 'Fuck NT' on the chassis.
  10. How about some spray paint that we can use to tag the walls with graffiti? It'll be like crayons but better. You can't be a badass, anti-government tagger with crayons. Spray Paint! Some new tags and graffiti would also be cool. But mostly spray paint, pls.
  11. Cutting insulated gloves removes the protection from shocks when using wires and such. Also, wearing magboots suck when you're a super stylish Tajaran.
  12. The server needs Tajaran/Unathi boots and gloves. Being an engineer as a Tajaran confines one to EVA and non-electric constructions. Plus, the sandals are becoming a joke. The Big, bad shitcurity nice security Tajaran are forced to wear sandals where as their human counterparts have Combat Boots on. Please, add shoes and gloves for other species.
  13. Why hello, Stranger. If you've been on the server in the past couple of days, you've either been robusted by a statue, or you've welded one into a locker and spaced it as it cried about it to the admins. It must be pretty humiliating either way. It was naked! Well, look no further. This one is fully clothed. It has hair, it's got a toga. It's got... Wings! Wow! A shameless ripoff of the weeping angels from Doctor Who! Completely original! Download now!: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zxt7xb
  14. More of this completed. Anyone know the icon_state for the mask portion of the HUD?
  15. New year, new Sprites. Space Ninja HUD... Okay. It isn't done yet, of course. EDIT: Smaller Picture.
  16. An Iron Man Reskin for the Odysseus mech (Complete with Iron Man Syringe Rifle!11!!!!111!!1!!).
  17. Tiger Tajaran Reskin. I'll have it up on my Mediafire page by tomorrow.
  18. Xenomorph/Human Hybrid How to: 1) Acquire Xeno SE from Xenomorph (Preferably Dead) 2) Create Injector 3) Inject 4) Random Chance you become a hybrid or die (Not sure how this works.)
  19. Oh right. I've got them in my mediafire account if you plan on using them. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/vyctfeu ... hwt/shared
  20. Why hello there. Look at your sprites. Now look at my sprites. Look at your sprites. Now back at mine. My sprites can be the sprites yours wish they were. "Hoot hoot, Scumbags." - The Feathered Knight Clown Cult.zip
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