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Daniel Me

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Posts posted by Daniel Me


    People who see me AFK for five minutes and decide they should stuff me in disposals.


    Wardens that go right to torture.

    I remember that Me got traumatized (and later hardened) by working at the cargo disposal office as victim after victim (some SSD'd, some dead) kept comming inn. He always started the shift by placing the first aid kit in cargo disposals office, so injured crew could patch themself up a bit. :o


    I always thought it was a really cruel way to "get rid off" someone. I am pretty sure that dumping crew in disposals as "fun and lols" whent hey are SSD and such is a violation to both space law and server rules. :roll:



    Me found a legless civilian in the brig. He had a virus that made him unable to crawl around, and worst of all, made him shit himself every five seconds or so. The legless man (perhaps Henderson?) was screaming loudly for help over the radio, as the shuttle was soon to arrive. :?


    I was looking at him throught he glass doors, without much virus protection, and could clearly see he was suffering. I tried to ask another officer to take him to the escape shuttle, but the officer just gave the legless man a good look and said "Heeeeelll no... I ain't touching that!", before running to escape. I was looking at the poor man (who were continously shitting himselg), trying to figure out a solution. Finally, Me donned his internals, got a body bag, and the poor, legless civilian agreed to crawl into it. :oops:


    I wrote a tag on the bodybag "Biohazard - DO NOT OPEN" on it and rushed toward escape. The legless man was still yelling in pain and discomfort as he claimed no controll over his anus, creating a river of poo were made as we ran through the hallways. Clearly, the bodybags are not completely sealed... In the end, he was put in the medical section of the shuttle, and quite a couple of the escapees had caught the same virus. Poor bastards. Me doffed his internals, safely in the security section of the shuttle, thinking about the bizarre situation. At least the legless man survived... but were probably scarred for life. This made Me (and me) smile... :lol:


  3. Happy to meet you. I'll keep a lookout for any Garuda's in the future. It's good to be a jack-of-all-trades, but master of none. Gives you good opportunities to choose jobs for a round. Let me know if you wanna do Nicecurity (non-agressive and nice security officer) with me. :)


    Shitcurity that stunbaton-cuff and drag you to the brig without no chatting, explanation, discussion or any roleplaying at all, then cuff you to a brig-bed, remove your radia, strip you naked, stunbaton you again (for good measure) and leaves...


    Antags who drag you out in space, rip you limb for limb and throw your head off station - to ensure there is close to zero possibility for your character to return in any form.


    Powergamers and metagamers.


    Really bad, or the lack of, any roleplaying at all.



    Spot on! Ya just hit Me's reason for volentarily joining the security departement.

    Hopefully I will become competent, and an example for other security personell.

    I still have a long way to go...


    In my own experience, I usually push/disarm an agressor and run somewhere they can't access. Security usually respond I call for them over radio though. They are just short-staffed and most often bussy.



    Situation: You'r a security officer. You are patrooling the hallways. You arrest someone who is rearranging someones face with a crowbar/hatchet/toolbox/fireextinguisher. You flash-cuff 'em before the victim dies and let them know they are under arrest for a §208/§218. You get the situation under controll, call for ambulance and ask the agressor why he/she/it did it. They answer: "They started it! I did it in self defence!"

    "They started it! I did it in self defence!"
    "They started it! I did it in self defence!"


    Civlians, crew and others... Please take a minute to think about that sentence. :!:


    It makes me smile. Not out of fun'sies and lol's though. More out of confusion and disbelief. Also makes me wonder, how and who brought ya up? How could you keep attacking an agressor with a crowbar/hatchet/toolbox/fireextinguisher and be dead serious when ya claim your own innocence?! And why do you get surprised when I bring you inn to the brig? :?:


    Another reason why this makes me smile: I've just chosen to be a security officer, and deep down I belive this might become routine in future shift. Gods... why can't people just push/disarm an attacker, flee and call security? :lol: :cry:




  7. Seems like OP's intention is to make flaming drinks as a cool cosmetic effect. Mabye a couple of flaming drinks could be added, or a few existing drinks could have a "flaming" version one could light up?

  8. A handicapped Hawke Boertison (no legs, wheelchair) became a female (with purple beard?) and came asked Me out on a date. I canceled brainsurgery, to take her for a dance at the chapel. As I swung her around Me in a wild and lovely dance, she fell out of the wheelchair and faceplanted on the floor. Seconds later, she pointed a gun at me. Oh god, I could not stop rofl'ing OOC. :)


    You better be surgeon when I'm CMO or I will job transfer you by force.

    Could be arranged if I'm needed. Would be easier if I knew who you play though. ;)


    Also, does the different races have any specific needs when brigging them?

    I hade a slime undress his orange suit and escape through the wents.

    I also belive the Vox need their filter and braethingtank.

    Any guidelines for these? :geek:


  10. Cultists (and religious zealots) aside. Would you not say that that Paradise is in need of more proper security staff? Normally I try playing a productive surgeon, but I am considering becomming a security officer somewhere in the future. I will need much tutoring though, and I know that my average round-time will become much shorter.


    Of course you can.

    Right click->View Variables->internal organs-> heart-> delete from list :P


    That's the only way by now.

    ...but soon...

    I am not a coder, so I guess this is a coder-thing? :?


    Ohhhh... organ donation would be awsome! Please, please. My plan for playing Ripper Doc could harvest or take payment in organs! Oh yes! :mrgreen:



    Civilians - Post your ideas about how to make this exciting, or just plain fun!


    *Civilian District - An open area where civilians can set up their own business and residency.

    *Blackmarket - Pose as a business offering "legit" surgery (extra fun if they could harvest/implant organs or do plastic surgery to change identity), company equipment and/or illegal goods and such. Could be a great place for the investigator to do stakeouts, going undercover to unveil illegal activity. Security could even raid it once in a while, send prisoners off to work at the asteroid.

    *Civilian Stores - Working in the shops like chineese restaurants and barbershop and such.

    *Form Gangs - Making those hard working business people give you a tithe or free service/goods. Gangs could also do deals with botany and chemistry and such to get their hand on some illegal goods.

    *Hackers - Hacking a laptop so it gets "upgraded", giving them the option to hack into others credit accounts, PDA notes or message logs, tap into AI's camera nettwork and/or fire/atmos alams? (Just brainstorming, could be cool, must not be imba.)

    *Meth Lab - Civilians making drugs in a bad way, making meth or whatever illegal stuff is needed. Mabye brew strong spirits? Make molotov cocktails? Bad drugs? I smell security raid!


    We could be very creative with the civilian addition. What do you guys think?



    Hey, do you still play at Paradise?

    I've had one of my best rounds with Taliana. Daniel Me will always have a special place for Tailiana, keeping a photo of her and Nick Vallyrock after they had executed a successfull kidnapping and execution of a syndicate agent from security to Cargonia. Captain came and saved us from a slime-man that tried to kill us with a light-saber. Good times!



    Haha remember that time you converted me (Sarea) to cult and I ended up going crazy as fuck?

    Oh, the madness... the horror. "Ia! Ia! Nar'Sie Fthagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Nar'Sie R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"



    Doctor Cripty and Doctor Me have been experimenting with some exciting surgery lately, and here are the results:


    Sub-Dermal Neural-Controlled Illumination System

    Are you one of those who frequently use the dark maintenance tunnels on the station? Mabye you are one of those afraid of the dark, and frequent power surges and failures makes you scared shitless? Perhaps you love Dionas, and would love to have them flock around you for safety!? Then look no further! Nanotrasen now has the technology to safely implant a sub-dermal neutral-controlled illimination system in crew who don't want the hassle of carrying around with those bulky flashlights! Controlled with just a though, you can now effortless shoot beams of lights through your eyes, palms or even crank up the power equivalent of a spotlight. Nanotrasen promise no discomfort and a zero maintenance garantee. Become a beacon of light - be a Lightbringer!


    Internal Station-Bounced Radio Surveillance-Tap

    Do you suspect someone on the space station in committing illegal acts or performing espionage for hostile agencies? Mabye you just want to monitor your colleagues activities or make sure nothing bad don't happen to them in your absence. Nanotrasen now has the technology to safely implant an internal station-bounced radio surveillance-tap inside subjects! Tune in with your own radio to listen inn on the subject. Can also be used as a two-way communication device through a third party, to make sure you can negotiate safely with terrorist through an expendable and vigilant subject. Better safe than sorry!


    Next up are trying to get sub-dermal internals implanted. Looking for further implants, let us know if you have any inovative ideas about the subject.


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