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Posts posted by Dumbdumn5


    How long was that round? How much ore did you get?


    I don't know how long it was. There were vampires apparently. Final score was like 19,987 (8000+ ore, don't recall exact numbers) or something like that and of those points 19,100 or so was because of mining~



  2. To be entirely honest, self-repair would be good to have back in. Before a few of the most recent updates IPCs were actually fairly balanced. Sure they needed help to be repaired, but death was almost bug free aside from one issue with oxygen damage. The main reason that self repair is necessary is because of the fact that the damage threshold really is so low. If you so much as take a little shock from say, a vending machine, your arm/hand flies off, and if you take any damage on your arms, you can't hold anything without dropping it and sparking everywhere. It's a struggle to hold the welder, much less turn it on, aim, and use on yourself. The reason so many people are arguing against the claim of "near damage immunity" is because of the large increase in the damage types they do take. In the end, however this is remedied will be discussed by the maintainers. I know Fox can't veto anything directly, yet I do see his concern. If IPCs took normal amounts of damage or, as some of the vars for prosthetics say 50% less brute and burn, then I'd not have made a post about this. IPCs would be way too overpowered if they were given self-repair in this case, however the problem is, the damage types they can take are the two most common. Almost everything deals physical damage and anything involving lasers, shock, energy, and so on deal brute and sometimes burn as well. So having an increase in the two most common damage types makes it so that you're dying left and right, and that, if you can get out alive, you'll be lucky if anyone notices that you're actually hurt in the first place. That's why it's so important to have self repair, because the two most common damage types are amplified in a way that makes it so any person with any form of crowbar, which is also incredibly common, can simply whack you two or three times and make you lose a limb/die on the spot.


    You don't seem to go on to test the code and gameplay for yourself very often, and it's a major concern when regarding decisions that could very well affect code that could break code depending on gameplay.


    Every coder breaks things. Testing things extensively is difficult and I really have no issue with having a few broken bits on the server every now and then, just as long as they are fixed in due time.


    Fox, if anything, has done a great job of making sure he doesn't break stuff.

    True, however it does help to see the code in action at least one round per month or so.



    The main issue with this is the fact that healing an organic is usually a lot easier to deal with. People understand and comprehend how to heal an organic, but an IPC acts differently, and people seem to flip out over that.


    As for anything involving buffs and debuffs. I didn't say you did any of these things, I simply described how they played out ingame. I don't have any qualms with your code or any of it, and I'm certainly aware that organ code is buggy, which is specifically why I stated that there were bugs in the first place.


    As for the argument with chems, the thing is, they're meant to work code wise, but the problem is that they simply don't. Synthflesh doesn't do anything with IPCs, and as for tox and oxy damage, no significant changes in vars seem to take place when dealing with such damage types, which may also be a bug.


    The malpractice comes from your previous actions, which I'm sure you've heard enough of. You don't seem to go on to test the code and gameplay for yourself very often, and it's a major concern when regarding decisions that could very well affect code that could break code depending on gameplay. I've not said that you can completely veto any PRs, nor have I said that your votes outweigh anybody else's in the community, but I did say that you've done a couple of things that could be seen as malpractice in the past. The wording I used was too direct, and I've reworded it at the request of a headmin and maintainer. To be honest, the main reason I posted the initial post was due to the build up of these past issues and the opinions of some of the populous regarding your performance. In no way did I mean to insult you, and if need be, I'll move the proper arguments to a thread where they will be better dealt with.


    EDIT: The incidents brought up regard hardsuit changes and a few older PRs long since resolved.



    A direct note to you Fox. Before you talk about something. Be sure you have any idea what you're talking about, and then be sure you've tested everything.This post has been talked over with a Head of Staff. Malpractice is not tolerated by any means, and nobody is above the server rules.


    You haven't talked it over with the other maintainers, that's for sure. If you have a problem with how a MAINTAINER is acting on github, talk to the OTHER MAINTAINERS. This is -not- a headmin concern, and they have no say in the github polices. I am also pretty disgusted to see accusations of malpractice thrown around lightly like that. All this leads to is drama and bad feelings all around.


    tl.dr, vote with what you think is best, and we'll go with the majority.

    The Malpractice comment has been reworded to properly display the correct intent, it wasn't meant as an insult, it was meant as a suggestion and it came off as excessively direct. I understand that insults are not tolerated, and that it was my mistake as to not seeing how it was acting in a destructive manner in spite of my intent when writing it originally.



    Wait who committed malpractice I'm confused.

    Fox, mainly by not playing to witness his own changes and inspect them for bugs and possible flaws, and for not properly reviewing other material before posting judgement. If you couldn't guess, Adr Confirmed the sending of the post. He also seems to have been doing a fairly poor job of maintaining the server. He's a good coder, I'll give him that, and a good guy, but his practices falter, I'll save it for an admin complaint if I should ever decide on writing one.




    Don't godamnit attack him, that is insane!


    Debate his viewpoints, but don't bloody just attack him.

    It's not just the viewpoint though, it's a multitude of different reasons, and there's been some unrest between the staff. I'm not trying to start any riots or any personal attacks, and I'm trying to keep this as professional as possible. The malpractice comes in by not witnessing the work you've done. Sort of the logic behind "a good chef tastes his own food." I'm simply relaying what seems to be the common criticism amongst multiple people who have yet to talk about it. Fox isn't a bad guy, and he sure as hell isn't a bad coder. He's brilliant to say the least, but his actions aren't too sensible, and there have been issues with him in the past. It's a build up, and if need be, I'll remove the posts and place them into an admin complaint, where they belong. As for the threat to ban him. I'm not going to be banning anybody, and certainly not a headmin.



    Wait what the fuck are you idiots doing


    why are you accusing Fox of this what the literal fuck


    did you guys not notice the fact the comment on the IPC shit had my name on it?


    i'm the guy who removed IPC chem immunity you dinguses, lay off of fox

    I certainly saw it, but this isn't about the comment, it's about his reaction to the multiple complaints about IPC functionality. I understand you had plenty to do with it, but then again, this isn't about you commenting it out. I understand that you wanted to try something new with it, and to be honest, it was actually pretty interesting to see what happened, but it's just not very balanced in terms of damage and gameplay, and certainly not too sensible. Then again, who the hell hires the crew?



    Wait who committed malpractice I'm confused.

    Fox, mainly by not playing to witness his own changes and inspect them for bugs and possible flaws, and for not properly reviewing other material before posting judgement. If you couldn't guess, Adr Confirmed the sending of the post. He also seems to have been doing a fairly poor job of maintaining the server. He's a good coder, I'll give him that, and a good guy, but his practices falter, I'll save it for an admin complaint if I should ever decide on writing one.



    To know how an IPC actually acts aside from looking at code, play one. IPCs are incredibly feeble. Get shot twice by a basic ranged weapon? die. Get whacked three times or so with an extinguisher? die. The reduction is heavily outweighed by the increase, and it really shows. I'll list the immunities I know of and give a few uses of them.



    -Radiation: used for that one event and very rarely when somebody actually decides to use the medical analyzer traitor item.

    -Virus: Of limited use in most round unless, surprise, there's a virus.

    -Cold: Where it's cold, there's probably pressure issues, which won't be helping you... at all really... People don't often use cold as a weapon.

    -Air: The only useful thing that IPCs really have, they can avoid breathing and still suffocate somehow when taking chems. It's only useful for when you go out into space or some imbecile tries to strangle you.

    -Easy to Repair: This depends entirely on the community, competency, and willingness. Is this community member a good one? If no, no repairs. Is this guy competent? If no, you'll probably get hit with the welder or a crowbar. Is this guy willing to heal you? If no, you don't get a heal.

    -Lack of Needing Welding Goggles to Weld: Useful only if you intend to break down walls, not much else, no uses for flashes or anything else involving any light.

    -Your Own Language!: Talk about how inferior meatbags are while you die after they think it's a good idea to push you a little bit.



    -Brute and Burn increase: You die in a small amount of hits from anything. God help you if somebody throws something at you and you even think about engaging anything in the future. Hacking? Your arm is gone. Fighting carp/spiders? Limbs gone. Engaging anything at all in combat and trusting people? Dead.

    -OH&S: Get hit early in the shift because the clown (Honk) throws a banana peel at you? Proceed to have your arm malfunction constantly without having any way to fix it. Try to do anything the rest of the shift and other people don't want to heal you? Deal with the arm and walk around dropping everything you hold. Somehow avoided death after one blow? Try to get out your welder, turn it on, aim, and then weld before dropping the welder/cable or getting hit by anything else.

    -EMPs: They aren't too common, but more and more antags are getting these abilities, get touched by one of these and your limbs fly off if you're lucky, anywhere further inside than maximum range is death.

    -Emaggable: Get mindslaved very easily, blow up and never be repaired easily, basically death.

    -Death: Die. Get all of your limbs including your head all over the place, proceed to be buried underneath your limbs, have your head get left alone/disposaled/taken and never remembered. You're lucky if anybody recognizes that you had a head sometimes.

    -All Mechanical: Fail to hold anything, fail to walk, spark everywhere and cause fires and lag.



    -Organ Code: Organic parts override your parts on death, you have a human brain if they ever cut it out and human everything else. You can take damage from organs you don't have, die from organ failure (Synthetic and organic), and gain irreparable damage. (I understand these are bugs, unless they're intentional to add to the much needed balancing of IPCs.)

    -Chemistry: Take unfixable damage, don't get healed from healing chems at all, have some chems never react, get killed by having chemicals in your non-existent bloodstream. Get gibbed, get viruses due to bugs. (Added purely for the much needed balance of IPCs.)



    -Chemistry: You can get turned into baby slimes and you can look colorful when you get sprayed with color reagent.




    A direct note to you Fox. Before you talk about something. Be sure you have any idea what you're talking about, and then be sure you've tested everything.

    This post has been talked over with a Head of Staff. Malpractice is something to be avoided at all costs, and it would help greatly if information and gameplay were reviewed before a commit is made.



    So cardborgs with a metal polish.

    Human masterrace.

    Wait a minute... FileSoldierIdiotBox.png

    Also, please do note that what happens on the code side of this is NOT what happens in-game. It all depends on how things play out in game. For example, you can't code RP, something's going to happen in an area that the system wasn't built for. Sure, they're easy enough to maintain, but you need a good community to actually get some cooperation going. Also note, due to buggy organ code, IPCs now have human brains... and organs... I think we have officially reached people in cardboard suits saying beep boop.



    Missed a spot there. Even if it is a little late.


    If a person has powers, be sure to bash their skull in ASAP. No exceptions. Remember that because they're not part of NanoTrasen they must be cold blooded murderers, and they must have done something wrong, right?


  12. To be honest, it is incredibly frustrating to see all your hard work go to waste and get blamed for the prisoner's actions when you don't really have a way of dealing with it. There probably won't be a change to the suicide policy, mainly because it is normally not a problem that gets ahelped very often. It's obnoxious for sure, and it's awful for RP purposes in the context that you've used it, but if you're trying to change a rule I suggest you make a poll for it. Let the community vote and see how many you've got pushing for change. I apologize for any disappointment, time wasted, misunderstandings, and any failure to understand the points you were trying to bring across.

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