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Posts posted by GelatinousGlob


    I would be fine with barbers if they could actually change peoples hairstyles not not just shave their head. Barber has literally one mechanic, which other people can walk in and do themselves, which is shaving heads. They can't change people's hairstyle, its pretty shitty when you try to RP a barber and 99/100 times have to go ooc to tell them to change their own hair with the mirror. If nothing is going to be done with the barber it might as well be removed or at the least removed from karma shop.


    Plus its not like a straight razor would be some OP as shit thing. People can get glass shards and scalpels and shit with ease, I don't see how starting with a glorified scalpel would make people go mad and eviscerate everyone they see.


    If you don't want to add more shit for other people, you need to start removing the OP shit from everyone else. You act like this is a chucky cheeses where you can only give people plastic safety scissors.



    Whats wrong with giving people murderous weapons? The bartender has a shotgun, the chef has knifes and a hacked machine that gives cleavers. Science can make a shotgun and make pulse slug shells that destroy reinforced walls and the floor underneath. Atmospherics has a fireaxe. Chemistry has access to plenty of death shit. Surgeons and doctors have access to circular saws and scapels. Janitors have bear traps. ect ect.


    Plus brig physician has brig access no problem, same with IAA and the Detective. Its not like there will be a wave of 20 barbers coming in to raid the brig, that is ridiculous.


    Its not like they couldn't arrest and take away barbers access if it was abused anyway.


  3. What if we gave the barber brig access so they can shave prisoner heads to prevent lice? I mean they don't have jack else going on, they should have a straight razor for ghetto surgery and killing people but that hasnt happened despite multiple suggestions for it. The barber shop is in a shit area for traffic (especially for a karma job that has no purpose other than RP). Being able to shave prisoner's heads would give him a legit job to do and not get himself killed for shaving heads.

  4. I actually enjoyed that singularity last night because it made me the hero that the HoP wouldn't give me the title for, I was the Mime and had to drag someone over to announce the singulo was loose. Then I looted a space suit and grabbed the chef that was stranded in escape and died of exposure, revived with defib, brought to the security shuttle. Then because it was crew transfer and not an emergency shuttle the pods wouldn't have worked so I got the CE to cancel the shuttle and call a normal shuttle. "Annoying Mime Security Guard" saved the station, only two other people actually boarded the normal shuttle.

  5. I dont see how it helps with your example unless I try to melee a basilisk to death which still makes you bleed like crazy. One hit means the bandage must be used or the Kidan will bleed to dead, even if it overall did about as much damage as hitting yourself with a piece of paper. Maybe some of it could be helped by not having Kidan bleed like stuck pigs from even minor damage.


    Kidan brute resistance doesn't even really change mining. If you get hit and don't have a healing item you will bleed to death before you make it back to mining. Also, how are broken bones calculated? As a Kidan I never noticed getting any less broken bones. Goliath will fuck you up melee no matter what you have on or who you are, basilisks will freeze you and cause burn damage anyway, hivelords won't even touch you once if you rush them with a pickaxe and you get a heal from them anyway.


    The only use ive ever had for Kidan brute resistance is against greytide. Security uses tasers, command uses lasers, bullets hurt just as much, then you get flashes and stun. None of them brute resistance helps with. Only when some shit greytide starts shit with you and hits you with a toolbox a few times you can tell them to fuck off before you beat them down instead of just beating them down immediately to prevent going crit yourself. Seriously, how many melee weapons do we have that aren't improvised greytide weapons?


    Brute resistance doesn't in any way shape or form make up for the lack of mesons. A 50% brute resistance wouldnt even make up for lack of mesons. If you want any ores before the 1 hour mark you have to get the advanced scanner to see ores as a Kidan which you can only see the outer ores with because you have no mesons. Then you pick away, avoid goliath, bring ore back, buy a kinetic gun, fight goliaths because mining ore is useless and all the cool shit in mining you won't find because you don't know where to dig. Then you die anyway because you got hit a single time and have like 10 brute damage but you just bleed like a god damn fountain.



    If Kidan brute resistance was as good as you guys seem to pretend more people would play them. The majority of Kidan owners ive talked to have regretting buy Kidan because they aren't nearly as robust as people think and the lack of glasses ruins the two departments where brute resistance might possibly be a beneficial.



    The only problem I have with it is Kidan are known as a mining race, yet are the worst miners on station. Mining helmets should have mesons installed on them by default considering that is what the suit's sole purpose is. Everything is fine except not being able to mine for shit. I would rather have a mobile security computer that can easily be read for new arrest warrants and just remove sec huds altogether, but thats getting off topic now.


    I always imagined Kidan would be able to sense different ores through the rock naturally using their antenna but I don't know anything that would really fit without something like OP natural mesons.



    It might help if IAA and Magistrate weren't given so much shit for doing their job to keep security sane. Ive had HoS and normal security officers literally stub baton me and try to put me in jail over showing them paperwork with CentComm stamps. If problems can't be solved IC and according to SoP and Space Law, then good players aren't going to want to play in security or IA departments. The biggest problem I always have with security, whether im magistrate, greytide, or a security officer myself, is other security officers doing whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. If someone is playing security and is putting innocent people in permabrig, beating down people for no good reason, confiscating and keeping contraband, ect, then they should at the least get an admin warning if not an outright jobban for however long so they learn its not acceptable. I might spend an entire hour talking to witnesses, getting forms filled out, having detective give evidence or whatever else. Then when I compile it all and send it to department heads or cent comm they don't even get a slap on the wrist.


    Even when ive been beat as a Magistrate by security or command and send in detailed faxes, nothing really happens. When I am executed by a security officer when im innocent, they don't get put into permabrig for murder or job banned, they are allowed to board the shuttle like everything is fine. Most faxes I send either get no response or an response like "Tell them cent comm warned them to be good" when the whole reason I sent the fax is they have gone far beyond warnings and talking to department heads has been ineffective.


    Also shit like "You broke a window, and we've had you in interrogation for 10 minutes already but.... the shuttle was just called so we will just keep you buckle cuffed and drag you to the shuttle when it arrives and beat you when you try to talk or attempt to get them to allow you to serve your 5 minute sentence.


  9. I well never go for this until tasers stop being one shot stuns. Chainsaws allow antags to go a bit wild and people should be smart enough to run away. Without them, nothing fun ever happens as soon as a taser is involved. Chainsaw allows them to dodge and take them down.


    I just had a bunch of item ideas on my head, feel free to help balance or improve any ideas, you can steal them too and make your own threads, I wont complain.




    Barber, straight razor for beards, scissors for head, laser straight razor and bluespace (ranged) razor and scissors from science.


    Collapsible hover beds for medical, requires a battery, emag causes strong magnetic attraction.


    Electric wheel chairs, require batteries or it is walk speed. Hacking causes increase speed but much higher battery drain. Emag causes it to spin out on bodies or people laying on the floor (kind of like how an unhacked mule can run you over).


    Energy shield/wall projectors to replace inflatable barriers. Works pretty much the same but emag will make it stronger and block energy and laser weapons. Possible security versions which can be locked into place, would work like portable barrier.


    Coin scale armor, get a bunch of coins (5? 10?), wire, welder, tablecraft together with a long build time. Melee defense, minimal bullet defense, perhaps small energy defense so tasers are 2 shots? Not sure how taser stun works. Different coins could possible create different color armor or maybe tweak the defense values. Bananium coin armor could make you slip immune. Not too strong and will likely require mining cooperation but it is the best a greytide could hope for besides looting officers and command.


    Net gun, wrap people them in a net, cant interact with player but can drag the net with them in it. Resist escape in 5 seconds if not being pulled. Possible crowd control with multiple net spread. Requires opening, cartridge replacement, and closing again before it can be fire again.


    Paintball gun, harmless except for getting shot in the eyes. Possible chemical eye delivery? Leaves paintball splatter. Can order special paintballs that color things like paint.


    PPD Portable Pipe Dispenser. Takes compressed matter cartridges like RCD, can deploy a limited number of pipes, fits into your bag or on your belt slot.


    Hologram projector, syndicate item. Projects an image of a chosen item, can be picked up but is non-functional, using the item in your hand deactivates the hologram leaving the projector.


    Fax beeper, scan a fax machine, acts as a beeper when you receive a fax.


    Soap box, chaplain can stand on it to preach to the masses in the hallways. Person standing on it gets bold speech text.


    Bluespace slug, table crafted, requires tech shell, blue space crystal, manipulator. Cause the person (possibly item) that gets shot to be teleported randomly within a short range.


    Bluespace buck shot, table crafted, tech shell, 3 bluespace crystals, highpowered laser, manipulator. Works like bluespace slugs only fires like buckshot.


    Bluespace spear, craft like a spear but with bluespace crystal, causes cloning damage, teleports the target 1-2 spaces.


    Uranium slug, table craft, tech shell, uranium, manipulator, capacitor. Causes radiation damage.


    Uranium buck shot, same as above but uses uranium coins. Fires buckshot style.


    EMP slug, table craft, tech shell, uranium, iron, capacitor, manipulator, matter bin. Causes small EMP on projectile contact.



    On one hand, position applications attract the worst sort of power hungry assholes. On the other hand, having only other admins promote admins means you end up with a buddy-buddy never do wrong cliches. It also means you end up with admins all in the same timezone. Ive had rounds where we had 6 or 7 admins, then next rounds, every single one has left because they all are on the same schedule leaving players high and dry. That said, ive never been contacted later for fireaxing griefers when no admins were on.


    So yea, keep the current system, but please look into getting an admin or two that has a different schedule. No admins on means CC is dead and IAA useless and no special !FUN!.


  12. Kidan meson mining helmets would be enough for me. They are a mining race and yet suck at mining? Makes no sense. It could be combined with a eva suit mod for kidan helmet and meson vision on mining. While it is a pain in some ways, Kidan security can be fun without sec huds, just people have to tell the names of people set to arrest on the radio.

  13. Cutting back on the valid hunting would help and I think changing space law would have a pretty big effect on IC activity. Enemy of the corporation is a dumb law, it is very vague and has gotten me perma brigged and executed a few times from overzealous security and captains when I wasn't an antag. Things like coming out of a teleporter, having an ID decal, resisting arrest, a completely imaginary revolution that someone once mentioned on the radio, and much more. The second someone thinks there is an antag of any sort they go straight for lethals because you are automatically guilty of being an enemy of the corporation and thus valid.

  14. Would it be some way possible to have the eye sprite brightness increased for low illumination? So like light level 1 light would cause their eyes to be significantly brighter than the rest of their body. But at 0 light you wouldn't see the eyes.


    I would second some rearranging in atmosia. The turbine pipe outlet is in a terrible spot where you have very deadly gas mixes being pumped right next to the air supply pipe and it also makes most any other work in atmosia require complete revamp of the system while the turbine gas is being pumped. You can actually fit more shit in there if you are clever using the different scrubbers and supply pipes but it is not feasible to do by hand every round.


    Even if there was even just more floor space added people could build new systems for awhile and screenshot them to help design a new and improved atmosia network.



    Yesterday I went to use a passive vent for some turbine experimentation only to have this dissappear when I tried to wrench them.


    I got told to post a bug report , which I did, then someone claimed they don't exist and deleted them!


    I know they exist, I used them many times, and its the only way to get full pressure from rooms into pipes.


    Someone please see where they want, I know they existed a few weeks ago and have for quite awhile.



    I agree its turning into a cancer. When it first came out we got excuses about it being improved or sped up or whatever else so they don't want to remove. Now we get excuses that it has been in too long to just remove. Nobody likes it, its buggy, it just gets in the way of repairs and moving things around for no reason long after shit was sealed up, it messes up the air alarm system, not even atmos techs like it, trying to fix pipes in a room that had anything go wrong atmos wise is a nightmare, you have to time between atmos ticks so your pipes don't just flip around or go flying away. Pushes people around from fixing breaches. Mag boots are a requirement for even the fixing the simplest things even after an area has been resealed for 20 minutes. You get pushed away from airlock buttons and the like so you can't open panels and shit in time to close the door.


    LINDA is a gun shot to your foot and it feels like the staff are trying to claim they prefer having their foot broken and bleeding.





    Don't need to get all crazy about this. That said, its better to revert now than months from now with even more crap added on making it harder. It sucks when shit doesn't work out as well as planned but it happens.



    Linda physics got int he way on mining the other day. First we had three miners try to pile out an airlock and got stuck by their ore boxes, but they had tools so its cool and they cut the wall out. Unfortunately, being pushed makes you lose hold of the ore box, so while two people could get out, they couldn't grab the ore boxes which also would let the other miner free. Spent a good 10 minutes trying to get the guy out from the ore boxes that trapped him. Then 5 minutes later, there was plasma walls with goodies inside. There was ad resser in the middle of the room with an item behind it so it enter the walls had to be removed, unfortunatly the torch causes the plasma walls to burn/disintegrate into free plasma. Now the server spent the next hour processing this plasma pushing out and around the mining tunnels, pushing players so they drop their ore boxes, pushing them around so monsters can kill them, causing superheated 'air', all this with like 1 kPa of plasma pushing around.


    It still hadn't dissipated (In fucking space!) after the entire round ended.


    No matter how much work was put into LINDA, I think it fails to do any good and whatever work it takes should be put into removing it and reinstalling or improving ZAS or a similar system. The only way LINDA really works well is if its going WAY faster than it currently is, which will use just as much, if not more, processing power than ZAS took.


    Never did fix that airlock wall though, every time someone tried to put girders they got pushed from the minuscule amount of air left from 30 minutes ago that kept flowing.


    Most people don't even use airlocks anymore because of linda, they just force the airlocks and let it leak because if there is a vent anywhere near the airlock, it doesn't matter. it just causes problems 30 minutes later when someone doesn't notice the walked into this oddly over or underpressurized tile in a room that is otherwise fine.



    I would rather have the server chug for a minute from a broken window rather than have to wait 30+ minutes for scrubbers to clear out a single room. The ONLY time I ever had a problem with lag from ZAS is when the entire station has been on fire from perfect plasma mix being pumped into distro which is just as big of a problem with LINDA. I still get small lag from uncontained LINDA fires but it lasts 50 times longer because there is no possible way for atmos techs to fix it even if they were in the room as it happens all suited up with all their pumps and portable scrubbers with them.


    Just locating breaches from huge bombs is ridiculous. The other day chemistry blew up and had the floor blown up and was venting, the air alarm didn't go off until I had already brought both disposal and pipe dispensers from engineering after I had already waited 5 minutes for someone to radio what blew up. A tiny room like chemistry with no working vents shouldn't take 15 minutes just to set off the low pressure alarm. I repaired the whole room including going back to engineering no less than 4 times without a hardsuit right next to the breach as I built air alarms fixed disposal and supply and scrubbers pipes. The floor was the last thing I repaired because the direct vent to space in a tiny room didn't even matter.


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