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Everything posted by Eldrin-Kanthos

  1. Kenrin turns back and points to the airlock as he sniffles again. He then walks out.
  2. Kenrin wiped his nose before blocking his eyes and crawling from the pod. He stumbled before getting his bearings and clearly heading for the door.
  3. Name:Kenrin Saunders Age: 44 Race: Human blessed with plague Racial Atributes: feels no pain, is very durable Appearance: 6'9" tall, around 300lbs. He has short cropped black hair and constantly is sniffling. His nose is red and his eyes are watery. Skills: Shooting, wearing armor, sneezing Job: Guard Font Color: um, blue
  4. Those if Slaanesh usually are up to try anything.
  5. If the door is closed no player may enter. The guns are only spawnable by the admin driver. I don't see this getting muh use if added, but it did give me a laugh.
  6. Mostly that was in character. I just got philosophical suddenly. Thank you for the explanation, hope you don't murder my poor IPC anytime soon.
  7. Question: what is the end goal for an anarchist? Follow up:If it is the absence of government or society, does that mean they wish the death of humanity, as society is the reason we exist?
  8. You can put a laser on the device instead of proximity. Making it only work if they break the laser. You can hide it under things like boxes or other large objects.
  9. You have to be crazy. Your armor or equipment saved you. I play machine people and three times in two days I have been killed with a single laser blast to the head.
  10. Okay it was brought to my attention that Skype is unnecessary since I am using Google for the rules. We will use Google hangout to chat
  11. I can fit one more in. Not playing yet, but plan to as soon as I get a time everyone can play
  12. Roll20 is neat as it is designed for so much flexibility.
  13. 1. I hope to do more than one session 2.dungeons and dragons 5th edition 3.I will help you guys learn, I have a pdf of my player's handbook on my Google drive I will share 4.Mixture. I want some meaty story bits, but also want you guys to have a fun first time. 5. Dungeons and dragons 5th edition is the rulesest No problem at all. The campaign I play in every week just got canceled and now i have even more reason to work on this!
  14. I need you to please pm me your Skype.
  15. I will be using roll20 for the tabletop, character sheets, and dice rolls. I will be doing voice chat for the campaign also.
  16. Okay wow, I already seem to have 4 or 5 interested. May be able to squeeze one or two more in, but that is all for a beginner dm.
  17. I have played dungeons and dragons for almost 15 years, and from talking on irc, some of you want to try. Well I have never DMed much, but I was thinking of making a campaign if there was interest. What do you guys think? 5th edition would be what I run it in by the way. I just need your Gmail for Google hangout.
  18. I agree, but the main reason is that there are several things a fully robotic crewmember would have absent from machine people. I just finished reading an explanation and most of it said it was because the IPC race was not NT owned. (Stuff like binary channel and machine interfacing [i.e.: Borg door menu])
  19. Who controls the final say in racial lore? I just realized part of what I thought the lore here was for machine people is from Bay... Any way we could snatch a bit of it? Specifically:
  20. It's okay. I had just woke up when in first posted.
  21. Better than a chaplain with the religion "Screamism" and does nothing but scream constantly.
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