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Posts posted by procdrone

  1. you can look at it this way. if syndicate wants some area gone, they would send in the nukies and remove the WHOLE station. bombing a single room/area would accomplish little on its own, and i don't see why syndicate would do that on the fringe of civilised space.

    your usual agent is there to accomplish a job, not sow terror and fear. syndicate (either one of their sponsor companies or NT themselves) wants to steal stuff or remove specific people. their job is stealthy by design, and would make little sense to go loud like that.

    • Like 1
  2. While i don't particularly care for this idea one way or another (lugging a locker is fine imo, and it allows everyone to check what you're carrying, but its also would be convenient to be able to print boards on the move), if we are to go this way, i would only limit it to "basic" boards like Rhyten proposed, APC boards, fire, air, alarm electronics. That gives an opportunity for emmaged borg to have an expanded list of boards?

    It wouldn't be too hard to code too i recon, would only need a subtype of the device service borgs use for dispensing glasses and basic foodstuff items.

    What i found more annoying as an engi borg was inability to pickup and use plasteel for reinforcing walls. always had to leave these repairs to organic counterparts even if engineering is slacking off as always, but i figure its an intentional flaw so the borgos arent perfect.

  3. you can already get a battery upgrade, nutriment implant, should refill you as well. (im not 100% sure but AFAIK it works on IPCs too).

    IPCs already are radiation immune, so Im not sure what rad shielding are you proposing?

  4. Chem dispenser isnt required to do botany. you can obtain everything by growing and editing plants. Botany is fully self sufficient, Chem dispenser is a nice perk but is not a perk you're owed. its a gift, every single time. now dont go expecting and demanding it now by standard. Be thankful every time. (or, edit your plants to produce your chems)


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  5. you say like executing for no reason is a common occurrence which I find extremely dubious, as this almost never happens(at least in my experience). people who die to sec are most often antags on the run AND being lethal/dangerous, or perma inmates, either escaping or being destructive to perma/attacking/harrasing sec.

  6. 17 hours ago, Pckables said:

    But here's a better compromise:
    The corpse gets stored in the shard (with all their gear dropped onto the ground), and then put into the constructs created. Killed constructs drop the related corpse.
    Shards shatter and drop the corpse after 5 minutes if not used.

    this sounds best to me so far.

  7. I believe Sharding mechanic is pretty much bad.

    Just think about it. Security goal is to take in the cultists nonlethaly, (which is pretty risky, considering cultist get constructs, mirror shields, flag robes, etc), and your reward for loosing the stuns game is being permakilled. not just that, you actually now have to fight against the station, throwing all balance out the window.

    This gamemode is unique in that regard, that it permamently removes (and then enslaves) the ONLY force permitted to fight it. Rule wise, crew cannot fight the cult until summoning ritual. And even if cultists are later deconverted, the poor sods that were sharded cannot return into the round.

    to me, it just seems that cult seems to target officers deliberately lately to remove (permamently) any threat for their operations, and it just makes it unfun and objective oriented.

    You can say ERT, but the issue is the same. loose the stun game, and now more ghosts are enslaved to help the cult. Cult is also unique in this sense, that it doesn't provide ghosts for ERT, and it can only rely on willing observers. Usually ERT depends on dead players from the round to man them. (from what i've seen, ERT in 90% of times is send only if multiple people are dead, including sec officers), and here everyone cult kills is likely a shard.

  8. 7 hours ago, Charliminator said:

    Coders dont stay around forever. That's the issue with this. Eventually the work will be someone else's

    you can literally say that about any PR created on the git to be honest, should we stop making feature PRs?

    Its simply not a big argument for me.

  9. there was an initiative like that on Git already, it was shot down because it would be "hard/problematic to maintain", even if there was a coder willing to create and maintain it.

    Its just that leadership dont want it because they dont feel we need it. Its sad, but I dont blame them, i would propably deny it too in their shoes.

  10. not to mention, if any of the limbs go dead on SR revival, you can simply amputate them, since slimes can regrow limbs easily, which makes this revival method even more easy than normally.


    sure, idea sounds nice role-playing wise, but balance wise, im with the rest, they don't need any new perks.

  11. people in service don't talk to each other on radio because the radio colour is almost indistinguishable from common radio channel. ive tried to talk to service people and they almost always respond in common (if they respond at all).

    i bet like half is confusion, and other half is players not knowing service channel exists.

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  12. I believe it would go over better if they were more like "flavors" rather than shift wide occupations. Doing messes all round just to greentext seems tedious to everyone involved. Remember your standard round takes 2h. Getting drunk or messing up for 2 hours straight seems less than pleasant. Or maybe their objectives could evolve as they progress.

    For example, after making that many messes, next objective could be to leave "mess grenades" in certain locations, etc. Which would bring further variety or maybe even possibility of random, evolving objectives(like cult).

    It would make sense for some kind of penalty if these thugs and vandals and effects of their vilany aren't dealt with.

  13. this idea was thoroughly considered in the past, the usual consensus was that people would pick on these people and take advantage of them (in case of antag etc) which wouldn't be much help to their learning experience at all.

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