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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. We're going to be seeing how not listing on byond helps with the greytide. byond://nanotrasen.se:6666 This is a direct link to the server.
  2. Rotating windows like that is great for a ghetto airlock
  3. Due to my inability to read properly, thats the wrong version. http://www.byond.com/download/ has the 504 beta - if you get this problem, try that and let us know how it is on the bug report forum
  4. We've been experiencing issues with people having the screen freeze as if lagged, or not loading at all, but the chat box is fine. This seems to get worse the longer rounds go and the more objects there are. This issue seems to be affecting people with v503 of byond. v504 has worked for some people but not others - updating to it might fix it. Otherwise, 501.1217 seems fine. I've made a drop box of it for now for people wishing to revert. https://www.dropbox.com/s/btx6kz3g3neyb ... _byond.zip
  5. Thanks Earth. "Avoid excessive violence" applies to everyone - Wizards, Ninjas, Revs and Borers. The only real exception is a hijack objective - which is achievable without killing, remember.
  6. I'd like to clarify a few things on perma bans. A lot of people seem to think perma banning is an excessive punishment. We currently have ~12,000 perma bans active, out of ~45,000 bans total (As of 26/6/21) Bans are not done to punish the players. They are to protect the server and other players. A perma ban forces the player to appeal, apologise and acknowledge their mistake before they come back to the server. This also gives us an opportunity to assess the attitude of the player and their reasons for wanting to come back. Many perma bans result in a shorter duration than a temp ban due to the appeal process. Many temp bans have been extended to perma due to the abusive and disrespectful appeals.
  7. The following can be assumed to be in game knowledge that NT have released and all crew have read on the shuttle ride in. Know your enemies! The Syndicate: Never forget SS12. We all know of the Syndicate's evil motives. Being alert for terrorism is a duty for all. But how do you be an alert, aware, employee? Unauthorized Equipment: Energy Swords, Crossbows, and hacked ID cards are all part of the Syndicate's arsenal. Report any illegal modifications of ID cards at once! Spreading Dissent: Syndicate agents may spread lies and rumours to make you loose confidence in NT and your superiors. Report anyone attempting to bring NT into disrepute. This may be as simple as taking a jumpsuit from a Head, to fabricating stories of NT running illegal black-op Death Squads. Revolutionaries: Under the guise of a "revolution" the Syndicate have brainwashed some poor employees into attempting a revolution! Despite all employees being well paid and in the safest working conditions in the known galaxy, they blame the Heads for the "dangers" of the station. Beware anyone fermenting revolutionary thoughts, and report any sudden changes in personality. Security staff have methods of removing the brainwashing - don't fear! Changlings: Beware the Ling! Recent NT data has shown the Syndicate have begun hiring aliens capable of changing their appearance to that of anyone they have sucked the life out of! These aliens are able to survive almost any damage - so cut the head off and burn the body as soon as you can confirm it - or hand it over to those friendly folks at R&D! Cultists: While NT prides itself on the inclusive and tolerant workplaces it provides, recently some cults have been labelled as "Dangerous" by CentComm for practices such as blood sacrifice. The following have been labelled as terrorist groups: Messa Rises Galactic Gate Any Nar-Sie related religious group The Church of the Holy Steve Jobs Scientology Things to watch for: Runes written in blood Speaking strange tongues Promises of payment being returned 20% per year
  8. I don't trust random players with this at all. While I might be ok with setting it for someone in particular who knows how not to murderbone, allowing random players to get this is just asking for trouble.
  9. Stun mechanics are quite odd, actually. I've been putting some thought into it from stun batons to the tasers. People have complained that tasers aren't one hit KO's like the baton, so here's a bit of information about how they work. Tasers: A projectile (energy based I think) meaning that armour reduces their damage. They inflict 40 agony damage, which is basically the same as getting hit with a laser but without the actual damage. 4 shots will put you down. Batons: When in help intent, a prod with one just stuns you. No actual attack per se -just makes you stunned. The tasers used to work like this. Some combination of two would be good, people have requested tasers be better, batons be worse. Thoughts?
  10. Crew line up to be selected as initiates for the Spider Clan
  11. It's more of a hardcode issue here in that sechuds can only create that icon for already predefined jobs. The fact that NT rep etc have them is actually some great work by ponies. A few more could be created, but they can't be created on the fly.
  12. Why are you doubting the computers ability to properly deal with traitors? Oh, because you all are communist traitors. Of course. Silly me. More seriously, the computer here shouldn't be killing them itself - a squad of troubleshooters really should be finding the troublers, and shooting them. Not only is this a way for them to prove their loyalty, but also force them to find proof before just executing them. Of course, the squad of troubleshooters all will be traitors. I think using perhaps 3-4 separate traitor groups would work to keep people on their toes. Regardless, this will require a non-murderboning AI.
  13. This event is more fun. Because having fun is mandatory. Not having fun is a sign of treachery. Crew objectives should moreso be: 1: Report all traitors, communists, and mutants. 2: You are a mutant communist traitor. If it were a bit easier to do, making players members of differing secret societies would work to. Also, mandatory bonus duties and hygiene inspections are needed.
  14. Due to me being an idiot and forgetting to pay, we were down a little but are back now. is the new IP - port 54311 as before.
  15. This reminds me of the chem layout I used before, so I heartily approve.
  16. 'tis in the code - not default, but I believe it was part of an event, and I'd love to use it for one.
  17. The problem with the difficulty here is that it is artificial difficulty - it's an interface issue moreso than an actual part of in game difficulty. While the AI is...very, very powerful, a buff to interface makes playing the role easier without actually changing the abilities of the AI. I'd like to see this implemented in some form, but also when other nerfs are added - most likely to do with door crushing and atmos.
  18. Pathfinder, WoD, Exalted, Dark Heresy and GURPs are what I've been playing the past few years. And yeah, Paranoia and SS13 have a -lot- in common, should be more though tbh
  19. Done. Let me know how it is.
  20. Heads of staff meet to discuss the cortical borer. Of course, the HoS is being controlled by one at the time.
  21. Job riots - assistants demand extra work. Riot police were almost deployed.
  22. Post awesome images of SS13 moments here, such as a rev nun taking down the HoS after killing the captain.
  23. I should also note that you want the beta version, and it's available here - http://www.byond.com/download/
  24. The main difficulty here is that it's your role that defines starting gear, not race. If we could, Vox would get N2, DIona lanterns, and mod kits for everyone else. IC Wise, the vox that would work for NT are not only treeless, but would be exiles/refugees from their clan and family, and rare indeed.
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