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Posts posted by TheMaskedReader

  1. OK, with the new changes to the PR i need to talk again because HEYO they make things worse. No more epipens in starting survival boxes and no more omnizine in CMO’s Hypo. That’s not good changes at all. SR now relies on Chemists who are already going to be in super high demand because of all the changes having to go out and dialysis Omni from some poor fellows blood. Also, no epis makes your chances of getting to medbay/getting somebody ELSE to medbay as concerned citizen/paramed even worse. 

  2. 3 hours ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I agree completely, cloning isn't a problem at all. Doctors just need to get better at using ALTERNATIVE REVIVAL METHODS when it gets overrun in extreme emergencies (the only time it ever will be overrun).  I'm tired of all these baldy doctors who think the only thing they can do is clone, when we have so many viable and robust ALTERNATIVE REVIVAL METHODS available.

    Let me all tell you a story about how it's really done.

    Let's say it's terror spiders or something and cloning is overwhelmed and bodies are piling up.  As an industrious doctor who knows his shit I say "Ah! The cloner is overwhelmed! It's finally my time to shine as a medical doctor! I will not just piling bodies at the cloner, I will use the power of ALTERNATIVE REVIVAL METHODS to get everyone alive in no time and being a fucking MEDICAL HERO!

    (Edited for size)

    You are a hero of the populace and made me laugh until I couldn’t breathe, while still being an accurate rebuttal. Congratulations, you’re a true FORUM HERO!

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