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Posts posted by Buford

  1. Nice your family eats dinner together? That's so cool! When I was younger and living at home we only had dinner with each other on holidays and all that mainly new years where we have like prime rib, lobster, shrimp, scallops, caviar and all that good stuff.

    I bet you are a great mother!

    Btw I'm not rich I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth but like.. Yea I ended up trashing myself with party times and chasing the scene now I'm broke and live in uh.. Not so pleasant area.

    Just remember don't let that happen to your kids I regret not listening to my parents forewarning of not binging on alcohol and to never start smoking etc haha.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Ty Omaha said:

    I feel like a lot of greytiders would pick this just to interfere with security.

    During busy chaotic rounds having people whose sole purpose is to be a prisoner who security has to babysit would be pretty draining on security I imagine, and would have them have less energy and resources for antagonists and other crew members breaking the law.


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    Route A:
    >McPrisoner starts harming another prisoner or does something where Sec has to intervene
    >Sec has to then divert from whatever they are doing to deal with it (i.e. warden processing actual criminals in processing)
    >McPrisoner starts attacking Sec

    If Sec does not get beat up
    >Sec restrains McPrisoner
    >Sec and/or McPrisoner(s) are injured and require medical attention

    If Sec gets beat up
    >McPrisoner(s) loots Sec and possibly the armory
    >McPrisoner(s) escapes Perma
    >McPrisoner(s) tases and stuns more Sec while running away
    >Sec requires medical attention

       If Brig Physician with surgery tools then
         >Brig phys has to fix them all 

      If no Brig Phsycian and/or no surgery tools then
        >McPrisoner(s) must be escorted to medbay and be watched. (Malpractice bay may or may not be in effect, making those officers' downtime even longer)
        >McPrisoner(s) must then be escorted back to permabrig

    Route B:
    >McPrisoner starts trying to get help from people on the outside to break them out (because McPrisoner just spawned in as a prisoner and didn't actually do anything heinous I believe more people will be willing to break them out. Yes it's meta but still.)
    >Greytider McGrey grabs a space suit (or is space proof) and helps McPrisoner(s) out of Permabrig while Sec is busy with other chaos around the station.
    >McPrisoner(s) on the loose
    >Engineering required to come and fix Perma
    >Sec has to find whoever broke into Perma and capture McPrisoner(s) in addition to whatever else they already have on their plate



    I see the potential for good RP there and I'm sure there are some people who would genuinely do that, but as it is now I am fairly confident there would be a lot more greytiding rather than RP.

    In slow rounds it could work - and would be quite fun - but other than that, it's more or less a powersink on security resources.



    Yea exactly, this idea isn't that great no offense. I do like the his idea of adding a flash to the permabrig though.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

    Powergaming is basically "playing to win". SS13 is supposed to be a game you immerse yourself in and roleplay everything out. There are some people, however, that always have a strategy, prepare for any encounter, splint every limb in their body to prevent bone-breakage, always carry stuns/slips/etc. It's not against the rules per say, but it's definitely frowned upon.

    That sounds so funny lol. Splinting every limb in there body. I better start with this book to get the most out of this type of strategy.

    On further note they should really make it so your slowed when you are splinted if that's the case.


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  4. I'm not really too fond of this idea to be honest I'm always security and quite often brig get's raided and we get murderboned by the raiders and the escaped prisoners. I'd be semi-okay with this (but still not okay with this) if the perma-prisoners were only allowed by rules to escape prison in a stealth-like matter without harming security or just walk out when an antagonist raids and all that.

    Also they should be on trial for execution if they escape.

    I've played warden often and it's fun if you know what your doing and how to RP.

    Just be really anal with space law and always ask each arresting officer "Did he resist arrest" "Has he been complying well" if they don't resist and comply well I usually issue minimum sentence or potential to get released early with good behavior.

    To be really anal with space law just legit charge them with every law that they break. You'd be surprised at how many laws are broken in on session people just don't charge them with everything.

    Make sure to always ADD REASONS WHEN YOU WARRANT SOMEONE FOR THERE ARREST. Check comms often and all that it's really fun if you know what your doing.

  5. On 7/18/2017 at 4:59 AM, SkeletalElite said:

    The biggest downfall of the chameleon stamp is that it cant mimic signatures. I like it, I would even go as far as to say that one is near useless without the other and you could get away with putting them in the same purchase. The only problem is this addition will cause powergamers to just straight up ask the person even if you have paperwork to catch you

    Edit: I would definitely use a stealth build based around doing stuff with paperwork if this was a thing sounds fun just causing chaos with fake paperwork

    I find it weird but I've looked at the rules and "Powergaming" is not a rule. This suggestion is an alright idea I'm kinda neutral don't really care if it's added or not. 

    Powergaming according to other server rules is when you do something outside of your job/specialization such as performing surgery or using medkits and analyzers while engineer and all that.

    Powergaming on other RP games outside of SS13 refers to like force RPing such as forcing actions upon another person.

  6. I'm always staying human. I'm kinda basic. Yea but I'm a quick learner kinda a bookworm so processing information comes easy to me. Just follow paradise wiki I picked up on it fast.

    I got a hang of security guard now I'm warden often. Next step is HoS. 


  7. Great :)! Yea the admins have been really nice and kinda put up with all my mistakes. I just roleplay I don't actually let RL anger get into the game. Some people confuse my attitude with actual anger. I love playing with you all especially all you voxs!

  8. 6 hours ago, Shadeykins said:

    People have gone into neurogenic shock during root canals before, so no - pretty much any overexcitation of the peripheral nervous system can cause you to go into shock if you have poor tolerance. It involves piping gutta percha directly onto a nerve at 300C and it's like getting a blowtorch into your skull. Also, no. They used a local anesthetic which only freezes the gums. Laughing gas can cost upward of a thousand dollars and requires an anesthesiologist on site - neither of which I paid for. This is not to mention that laughing gas is still ineffective if you have an infected nerve (anesthetic will not work on infected nerves, fullstop).

    Anesthetic has not always been widely available, or widely used - there have been plenty of horrific surgical practices throughout history that did not make use of anesthetic and were perfectly successful. While plenty of medieval and earlier surgeons made use of various painkillers during procedures, there were many more who didn't. I think one of the most famous examples of this is Phineas Gage, who underwent what was effectively a poor form of brain surgery after having a blasting rod shot through his skull - all without anesthetic.

    My primary point here is that while a lack of anesthetic is dangerous (and highly unethical in certain circumstances), it is not a death sentence that makes surgical procedures impossible to perform.

    I'm /encouraging/ anesthetic use, I just don't think failure chance should be at 50% for being unable to use it largely because there are several species which can't be properly or quickly anesthetized, and there are also legitimate in-round concerns for not undergoing anesthesia, say as a command member.

    50% failure rate is genuinely unusable, because you will fail approximately 50% of the steps - some of which can /break/ additional bones in the body. Not only that, but it makes an entire existing surgical mechanic (ghetto surgery, which already have a 70%+ failure rate in some steps) completely non-viable.

    This is why I encouraged a lower number than 50% (Maybe 10%), and for it to apply stamina damage so the person is slowed down post-surgery from the pain for a duration.

    Oh I thought you were talking about discouraging the use of anesthesia yea I don't think it should be at 50% either. Also the brain doesn't feel pain it's common for brain operations to have little or no anesthecia, and I've had laughing gas when I got my wisdom teeth removed. Advanced medical practices only started making progress during the renaissance. In the medieval ages the western world was heavily influenced by religion, and effective medical practices were scarce. For instance some "doctors' in the medieval ages sought common practice to slice open someones arm in order to bleed out all the "bad" blood during the plague or even for other illnesses. During the renaissance the most brutal surgeries ever performed were usually amputations in which the majority of people did not survive. They did not do any surgeries which involved opening up the ribcage and medieval age surgery wasn't a thing and when it became a thing the western world was close to the renaissance anyways so it's classified as renaissance surgery. Because of the lack of anesthesia, proper medical tools, and a sterile environment caused patients to die during surgery procedures (Which were highly experimental). Dissecting corpses was new during this time and even though it was allowed was frowned apon so it wasn't practiced as commonly as it is today.

    Surgery is a pain in the ass as it is when someone is dying one time it took me and another doctor (me keeping the patient alive and another performing surgery) just to keep the patient alive we used 3 blood bags 4 charcoal and 3 surgeries 2 trips to cryo and 1 defib session just to keep him alive. Do not make surgery under anesthesia harder then it actually is NOTHING should be changed for surgery under anesthesia.

  9. 15 hours ago, Shadeykins said:

    Everyone has a relative level of pain tolerance, and while there should be some mechanic to discourage the use of anesthetic I don't think it needs to be 50%.

    From personal experience, I had to get a root canal without anesthetic due to an infection (anesthetic wouldn't take) and that's purportedly once of the most painful surgical procedures you can receive (and I am inclined to agree with that statement).

    Even if surgical steps just caused pain damage on non-anesthetized people, so they had difficulty standing/moving after the fact.

    WHAT?????? Discourage anesthetic.. I'm pretty sure a root canal is nothing compared to getting your upper body cut open, your ribs sawed in half, and your organs being messed with. If anesthetic wasn't being used the pain would kill the person. Also they most likely used numbing agents or laughing gas that doesn't put you to sleep with that procedure. 

  10. I've tried connecting through the IP by clicking open and pasting it on the BYOND net didn't work.

    I've tried hitting "Replay" which makes you enter the last server (Which was paradise) that you were in.

    Last I've tried selecting it from the server list.


    None of them worked, I reinstalled BYOD and restarted my computer. Apparently the server isn't down so I don't know what's going on :(.

  11. Honestly when a server revolves around antagonists (Which are severely under powered and outnumbered) for game play and them being the only people that are allowed to kill or even put people under critical condition by game rules is trash. Now if the game rules were tweaked so that non-antagonists could put people in critical condition and even kill if role play conditions were met I would support this otherwise throw it away.

  12.   Wait.. So your saying that every surgery has a chance of failing because of "Pain level." I'm not sure if you are speaking for when they are awake if you are I would agree with this post. 

    However if you are saying there should be a "pain level" for when they are put to sleep during surgery I strongly disagree. 

    Yes i did get this off of google "Background. Awareness occurs when patients have anesthesia that is inadequate to keep them unconscious during an operation. ... In this situation, the patient may feelthe pain or pressure of surgery, hear conversation, experience air hunger, or have difficulty breathing."

    This is the only time people feel pain during surgery is if they have inadequate anesthesia. Surgeries can fail already in the game like when I attached a rotten limb to someone he died and I had to get someone with defibrillators to bring him back.

    I would say keep surgeries the same if they are on anesthesia but if they are awake add pain levels and morphine and all that.

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