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Posts posted by whiskeyfur

  1. Just to poke a little fun at folks.. (and yes, I DO play a vulp)... fleas.

    Essentially, minor blood loss, can be transmitted by air but really only affects anything that has blood. Pets, mice, people... some exceptions though. Usually starts with mice found in the maintenance passages.

    Cured with a good shower and a flea bath (Flea Shampoo while in shower),

    Cyanide (1) + water (4) = Flea Medicine (5)
    Flea Medicine (1) + Lye (1) + Water (3) = Flea Shampoo (apply while in shower to get the anti-flea suds going...)
    Flea Medicine (1) -> Patch form = Flea Gel (Cures and provides immunity for a while, apply to the neck/head)
    Flea Medicine (1) + Fluorosurfactant (1) -> grenades = BUG BOMBS!


    • Like 3
  2. 27 minutes ago, CPTCoffee said:

    Well OP posted that they wanted the midibeam to fix broken bones. The thing you're talking about with the cocktail is that it's not well known or readily avaliable. Patients even now are thrown into the cryo tubes rather than using the sleeper or medicine stocked from the freezer because it's simple and fast. That's what is going to happen with the medibeam. 


    I totally agree with you on certain races need better ways to be saved.  I don't think this medibeam is the answer. 

    What I was more or less looking at the medibeam for was a way to keep patient's alive as they're going to treatment (paramedic), to handle the simple stuff without even leaving the lobby, or on site say after a bar brawl. So if it ends up being the replacement cryo? GO FOR IT! Save Cryo for stabilizing patients before surgery, I'm good with that. Right now cryo has the double duty of handling simple injuries for the untrained, and saving patients on the verge of dying. A medibeam would split those two roles.

    That's the niche I see it falling into. Not into a cure all, but a measure to stop the more mundane cases filtering into medical and jamming the process up more than it already is. If the guy has internal bleeding.. that's something a medibeam should only stop, not cure. (So a medibeam + miticloride is a good way to deal with IB on site.)

    Essentially: medibeam = cryo on site without the constant use of chemicals. No different than a medibot loaded up with omnizine or with the cost of chemicals, that oxy/cryo^2 solution I suggested earlier.

  3. 6 minutes ago, CPTCoffee said:

    Yeah shit like that happens.  Sometimes antags are really good. I don't like the idea of having a fix all option that will be abused when you don't really need it. Like I said before there are short rounds where there are usually heavy casualties like wizard and nuke ops. That sense of urgency and oh fuck am I going to die next make the round exciting. 

    No one ever said the medibeam should be a fixall option. Or at least I never said it. Broken bones should still be a major threat that requires surgery. it doesn't handle diseases, it doesn't handle anything beyond the base damage. I don't know why people keep thinking it's a cure all. It's not or at least shouldn't be.

    I've already been able to do something similar to what I was thinking with an oxygen/cryostylne/cryodone cocktail in the field, and that's without upgrades at all. 40+ damage, gone in seconds. This is what more or less how a medbeam should function. I can get about the same effect with a pair of syringe guns.

    I wonder if it's possible to use oxygen/cryostlane on a plasma man to do surgery without the need for them to be a corpse first...

  4. 3 minutes ago, CPTCoffee said:

    But there's cryo, sleepers, defibs, strange regent, borging, the chem lab. If it really ends that early there better be a wizard or Lord singilo has risen. Other than  that it has to be a fresh medical team. Mediguns would null everything in medbay. There would be no challenge and we would lose a lot of regular medical players. 

    That's not the point behind my comment. We didn't have time to upgrade or get any of that. 15-20 minutes after round start.. nope, done. Shuttle's called. This had nothing to do with medical. It was a nuke ops and they from what I gathered, they steamrolled the command and security. I'm not even 100% sure if that was what happened but... for me? ridiculously short round.

    We didn't see anyone come into medical either. From my perspective it was a do nothing round and then go home.

  5. 16 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    What about the notion of a "Sleeper Agent"?
    Like a very low-tier syndicate antagonist who has some really low-grade objective that won't stir up a lot of stuff on their own, stealing a stamp or something (Syndicate has to keep that omni stamp up to date after all.) or get spawn with some syndicate documents they have to escape with. After all, you haven't been 'activated' yet, you're still awaiting orders and making sure your own existence is not discovered yet.
    Something that basically can exist freely with almost every single antag type to dick with the meta a bit, but isn't a big enough threat or impactful enough to be throwing grease onto a kitchen fire in the case of cultists or lings or blobs.

    That I would appreciate. Right now the only objectives I've seen are large enough in scale they always disrupt everything.

  6. 13 hours ago, CPTCoffee said:

    There should 've a point in the round where you look at the chaos around you and say,"Well, we're royally screwed." Knowing you've got a backup cure all in your pocket kind of ruins that.

    It seems like to me that point comes WAY too early, every time. Last night we had a 15-20 minute round to give you an idea.

  7. 16 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    If you feel people shouldn't be stuck being dead for extended periods it sounds like you are advocating for enabling respawn, since that will far more consistently prevent that than any changes to medical. 

    I'm not. what I'm advocating is for those who feel medical is too easy to be forced to deal with the consequences of making it harder. no ghosting, no logging out.. just sit there. If you want your character back in the round? Well, take a number, you are #18 with the other 17 ahead of you, we'll get you ... maybe. OH, cloning got bombed, guess you ain't coming in now. Thank you for playing. How about you be a cat (runtime) for a round?

    Right now with the option to ghost or walk away, there's no real OOC repercussions to dying. they just go do something else. For those of us who are trying to actually RP? different story. I've seen at least one case where an antag who was to keep someone from surviving, deciding to bomb cloning instead of gibbing the corpse or incinerating it. That didn't just affect his target, that affected everyone else too.

    Medical is already hard enough without all of these antags blowing chemistry up, or cloning, or the lobby...  So those that say it's gotta be harder, when there's already plenty of people who get tired of fighting a losing battle? And then the calls for 'shitty medical' happens.. why do you think that is?

    Those who don't think medical is hard enough should realize the fact we're quite often the recipients of everything else the antags do on station.

    Blow up the bar? We get the wounded and dead.

    Killed someone? Medical gets the corpse, AND we become a target too.

    Start a war? We're triage and healing as fast as we can.

    Punched a hole in the station? We're the ones with the Salbutimol and Omnizine.

    Someone walks in with low blood? We're telling security. Vamp gets busted.. which means we get targeted by the vamp.

    Viruses? Virology is finding a cure and medbay is treating whomever is sick. Oh, those cured? They walk out instead of going to virology so they can have the antibodies drawn and reproduced. Seen it too many times as CMO.

    not to mention the number of times people just storm our doors during the round and steal from our fridge even when there's nothing going on. Do you want all of our medical gear too to go with that SR?

  8. 2 minutes ago, necaladun said:

    I disagree - nothing is forcing you to hunt the bad guys or not RP. A vast majority of players aren't involved (and shouldn't be!) in the security/command aspects. While admins, code, etc, can help to get people out of that mindset - the players are the most powerful tool to do so. Be the change you want to see in the station!

    Except when there is so many antags in the area that it's become all out war. then there's no time to take your eyes off the map because as soon as you do, you get ambushed and shot.  RP is lost then.

    And to be honest, on that round with rogue AI, spiders, vox invaders, traitors... (yes, it all happened, I ended up giving up, ghosted, and given the opportunity to play one of the vox), there really was no time to do anything except shoot, hunt for more, shoot again. What LITTLE RP I did with the vox was only at the very start and one call for people to give in to their overlords during the round.. predictably, they used their guns instead, no RP in return.

    When the fights start.. the server drops to light RP... or none at all.

    Vampire, cult and traitors are perhaps more RP driven than any of the others. I've no problems with those. Wizards who don't call for war, good. The open wars? ugh.. I rather sit the round out.

    I just want the staff to understand that the more antags there are.. the more of a top down shooter it becomes.

    Also.. when most of the rounds end with the shuttle being called.. I don't consider that a good thing. Because to me, that's a failure on the part of the crew and it's getting tiresome.

  9. I had a long reply ready to go but I'm just going to say this instead.

    I want to see those who think medical should be harder, to die in game, forced to stay in their corpse for most of the round because of that back log, and THEN ask them how they feel about it OOC wise. And if they bitch about it? ICA ICC: In character  action, in character consequences. Deal with it. Maybe you shouldn't have died then. That's the results of making medical harder.


  10. I. WANT. THIS.

    How much more clear can I make it? :)

    I would also suggest that civilian population would be minimal because if you need to send a repair crew, I doubt the station would be in any kind of condition to be a tourist stop.I'm

    I'm going to go ahead and take a crack at it on my fork of the codebase.

  11. On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 7:50 AM, Saul Argon said:

    @Cyiko it still requires effort to make chems, a medigun is one click heal bones and damage.

    Think of another scenario, you could have medigun and a spray bottle of mito. GG you have just made surgery obsolete. 

    Medical does not need any more labor saving devices. In my opinion, it's only when say... the cloners break or we don't get any chems due to a traitor chemist, that's when medical gets really fun. You have to think to save your patient, using all the tools you have available. And not doing something your average monkey can do.

    Or when someone bombs medical so you have no chemist, no cryovats, everything was spaced and the only way to work is to build a new medbay somewhere else... and only by some miracle Engineering was able to rebuild the cloner, then either you sink or swim. What do you do then?

    That was one of my rounds as CMO. Fun until the clowns started dicking around again. (FYI: I have yet to see a clown with any common sense at all.)

    But all that aside.. I had the opportunity to use a medibeam on someone as I was dragging them around due to the lack of wheelchairs (CLOWNS AGAIN), even with fractures and you know what? That medibeam saved his life. It didn't fix his bones, but honestly?

    I don't care if they would be next up on science's research after they get all the sleepers and stuff upgraded, it's WORTH it, especially in rounds where you have 10+ antags and so much chaos going on and a pile of corpses in front of the cloner about 10 deep as they wait their turn. (if you think I'm exaggerating the numbers here.. you would be sadly mistaken.)

    The only reason I see not to use medibeams is when the workload isn't so heavy. But as it stands right now? If admins want to keep throwing antag aftar antag into the round, give medical the means to at least keep up with that red tide of wounds and blood you'll be making. It's not fun being forced to sit the round out as a ghost because medical is backed up.. and creating more antags to give the ghosts something to do, is not the right answer.. you only make it harder for medical then in an already impossible situation.

  12. I can only see the solution you are suggesting as validating the problem, not addressing. It shouldn't be validated. There's no reason to have 5 traitors, 2 vox, a rogue AI, spiders, 1 vampire, a sydie... all because there's 100 people on. The problem is they each are very different kind of antags, which change the nature of the game each on their own. But all together? It's just a mess and what makes each antag special is just simply lost then in all the mess.

    You wanted to "increase RP, reduce meta, improve antags"... I don't think allowing for more antags or codifying it so there's some kind of tacit approval from it code wise is going to do what you are asking, but quite the opposite instead. The problem is the Admins can override that mid round anyways.

  13. Sadly I have to disagree. The problem isn't just code.. but also admins throwing even more things into a round when there's already enough problems as it is which makes X antag.. less of an issue compared to everything else.

    It's one thing to deal with traitors.. but then there was a rogue AI, and then vampires, and then syndicate. and then Vox Raiders, then... I don't know what else was added but after the vox thing I quit that round. I came for the RP but when you throw TOO MANY antags in there.. it becomes a video game where you hunt the bad guys, pure and simple. RP was lost at that point.

    I think the best thing that can be done to make Antags more important is to throw LESS of them in. That way the antag of the round is actually MORE important then.

    Antags are not a case where more is better, quite the opposite. And I've seen Admins throwing more in when they're quite unnecessary and BAD for the RP because now the entire round is nothing but a combat game.

  14. 4 minutes ago, BiberDark said:

    I would love that, but i doubt it will be used, seeing that the medical database is also not updated. Because Hud only allows comments.

    I think we need a whole new databases to work with in this game. In many departements.

    Sadly, there's some truth to that.. Kinda want to start a separate server that's RP heavy with more extended rounds to be honest.. then we might se things like that more often.

  15. For that matter I would like an actual prescription like system too... someone walks up to the chemistry window and asks for X... Chemist checks the computer or checks the form the guy provides and it says in a standard format, who prescribed what for how long. Then the chemist can take that paper and replace it with the asked for drugs.

    It seems like the intent behind that window into chemistry was to act like a pharmacy.. it's never been used as such from what I saw which to me is an RP opportunity wasted.

  16. Oh that vulp Makka... makka makka makka, what can I say about him...


    S - 5 Typical.

    P - 6 Ears, muzzle, whiskers, make a guess.

    E - 4 Always got the munchies and it shows around the waistline... either that or he's so buried in work he forgets to eat, so he's having to try to run while hungry. Neither of which is very healthy.

    C - 5 He's a vulp, so fuzzy... but average.

    I - 7 reasonable handle on most jobs of a space station. Of course then there's medical where he's been CMO a few times.. and hated every time.  It's always something or an another... why can't we have a normal shift for once? Did you know he was a captain once? For.. all of 10 minutes. Then CC decided the station became property of the spiders.

    A - 4 slightly clumsy, has been known to hit the wrong target fairly often... especially when things are a mess.

    L - 3 For some dumb reason he tends to hit every slippery puddle one can find in a hallway. Further more.. it seems every time he goes to the station for his shift they change his position mid flight... so he's long given up on getting a particular job and just goes with whatever CC give him.. usually from the bottom of the barrel. He dreads the day they finally work out what a sanitation engineer does.

  17. Like giving chickens seeds, wheat for cows, carrots for pigs... er, it's not minecraft. But.. still a valid idea.

    How about instead, having dehydrated cow, pig and chicken cubes like how genetics has dehydrated monkeys? And if the chef runs out of those, order more through cargo?

  18. Just now, EvadableMoxie said:


    I'd expand that to anyone with medical clearance (That is, your ID lets you past Medbay reception). I don't have a problem with the Blueshield or Virologist having access to the fridge. 

    Anyone with medbay access.. I think the exception might be for .. no.. medbay access would work fine. Can't think of any exceptions.

    Blueshield? Seeing as it's a karma locked job from what I've seen, I'm ok with that one.

    • Like 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, Allfd said:

    I would again point to the first link from NASA.  They physics of this are well understood.  Further, we are not talking about a 9kPa difference, but a 101.3 kPa one.

    That is 14.7 psi,

    Had to go back and look, so here are the corrections.

    Mythbusters needed to go 9 times the standard atmosphere to properly simulate that difference in between low pressure and high when the plane was up in the air and the decompression happened. Even then they only got their dummy to go half way out the window.. but considering that in those accidents, the plane would still be in motion, it wouldn't be just a one time deal.. they really would be yanked out of the plane. But, that requires atmosphere outside of the place to cause that degree of change.

    All the same.. it was only something to compare to. I would be very surprised if the game actually implemented it to that level.

    I still want to see now if I can fire people out of that maintainence passage like a machine gun now...

  20. I was only giving something to compare to. I personally think a catapult launch is... kinda questionable. Hell if I was a nasty SOB of an AI, I would open up one of the airlock doors in that maintenance tunnel that leads to the AI island, wait for someone to pass and open the other... then start taking odds on how far they go. It is almost a straight shot into space. Espicially if one of my borgs removed all of that scaffolding.

    Multiple people in that tunnel? Open up the other doors and start launching them out machine gun style as they get moved around by the air, loaded up and fired.

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