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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. I find it rather annoying that people don't know the name of things. How many of you reading this know that the t-comms sat is actually NXS Klapaucius? I could not find one person during gameplay acknowledging this.

    I would like to have some things renamed, so these actually appear ingame. Such as:

    • Instead of Central Command Report - NAS Trurl Report
    • Instead of telecomms teleporter - NXS Klapaucius teleporter
    • Instead of Cargo Shuttle Console - NTV Arion Console
    • Instead of "The escape shuttle has been (re)called." - "NTV Charon has been (re)called."


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  2. 4 hours ago, necaladun said:

    The suggestion to remove kill objectives I don't really understand - no reasoning has been given as to why they're a bad objective, or why there would be an improvement for removing them, it's just being suggested it be removed. The risk of being assassinated - and not just so they can steal your hyperspray - adds a huge amount of fear and atmosphere to the game

    It adds to it, yes, but considering what most traitors do; having someone randomly emag into your room and taking your head with an e-sword is not fun. They've done it to me, I did it myself, and I don't think it's something fun. Should we have players more creative, simple kill objectives would be marvelous; but I can't make a suggestion for better players.

  3. As the title says. Remove any and all kill objectives, where the main point of the objective is killing someone. I mean we have objectives which might involve killing someone (for example the CMO for their spray) and those should stay, as it's not important to ensure that the target remains dead.

    Replace them with the much more fun variants, such as:

    • Torture XY and ensure that they stay alive to send a message.
    • Humiliate XY by stealing all of their equipment including clothes.
    • Acquire X ID cards.
    • Have all mulebots go on a killing spree.

    These are just examples. Discuss.

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  4. 1 hour ago, ZN23X said:

    That reminds me of when I used to play coroner and I'd make these super thorough autopsies

    Someone else's also doing that. As a HoP I had him bring his autospies to me each time. He probably didn't know, but I did read them all. I also sorted them, and had them nicely put inside my cabinet.

  5. 2 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    In general this is a perfect example of how RPing can make things interesting. All he did was sit in processing and outside jail cells talking to people the whole shift...and it was endlessly interesting. RP so boring though...right? ;)

    One of my first rounds I was a psychiatrist, and I had a chance to do couplecounseling. It was hilarious. Nowadays I am also trying to cooperate with the warden to let me in to perma to tend to the prisoners. My more memorable shifts are also as a civilian or a librarian, and most often it had to do something with the chaplain...

    We should make a HRP clan on the forums... Or a list of HRP characters or something...

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, BiberDark said:

    A real Antag would not stop this, so there is no balance problem.

    And that was the point I already tossed this out in my head. Not every syndicate wants to buy an emag or an agent card. And how would a vampire or a cling without already in posession of multiple IDs go through this? I see nothing else in here than making antagonists' job so hard that it becomes impossible to carry out almost anything.

  7. Two beauties from the same shift:

    [Common] SIGMA states, "The HoP started a communist revolution after he became acting captain. 3 Command staff members were lost."

    Horrific, burning agony lances through you, ripping a soundless scream from your trapped mind!
    [Common] FACT SERVER says, "Pain is weakness leaving the body."

  8. Hello there! I was thinking about mapping a station which's supposed to be cramped and small. As such I would like to know what do you think that can be thrown out and what should be merged with what. So far, this is what I came up with.


    • Captain [1]
    • Warden (+Bridge) [1]
    • Security Officer [1]
    • Engineer (+Atmos Tech) [2]
    • Doctor [2]
    • Scientist [2]
    • QM (+Bridge) [1]
    • Chef (+Bartender +Botanist) [1]
    • Janitor [1]
    • AI [1]


    • note: + means that the areas are one single room. Everything here is a single room.
    • Bridge
    • Captain's office
    • Captain's quarters
    • AI upload + AI chamber
    • PDA server + Research server + Telecomms
    • Brig
    • Cell 1
    • Cell 2
    • Armory
    • Kitchen
    • Dorm Lounge + Bar + Library
    • Crew Quarters (A small room, with a few beds)
    • Cryodorms
    • Chapel (An extremely small variant)
    • Custodial storage
    • Cargo
    • RND + Robotics
    • Sleepers + Scanner + Surgery + Cryo + Cloning + Genetics + Chemistry
    • Medical storage
    • Engineering storage
    • Tech storage
    • Atmosia
    • Supermatter Chamber

    If you don't see something here, chances are, it's going to be completely removed. Thoughts?

  9. 7 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Not sure who's fault it was

    That would've been the NT rep. I was the HoP that round, and when I first tried to carry out the captain's order about demotion the rep came to me yelling about something. We did not see the HoS afterwards for a while, so as a HoP I did not went hunting after him. We tried to call him to the bridge, and he did not come. So the captain got mad, we set him to arrest, and once a beepsky found him I brought him in and took his stuff. Also, considering the agressive clings, the captain was somewhat right. I mean, I got killed 5 minutes into the round while I was SSD... Fun day, and also makes people pretty mad pretty fast. Let's face it, while you did not wrong it seems, the captain was already fed up with everyone, with a good reason.

  10. Alright, this is what we have so far. Anything else?

    • Founder Xavier Trasen
    • Comms Officer Peggy
    • Lt. Comms Officer Edison
    • Comms Officer Jenkins
    • CC Director Sarah Bell
    • CC Officer Emerald
    • Death Squad Director Jayson Hawke
    • Special Operations Commander Patrick Allen
    • Tatical Adviser Young
    • Steve
    • Byrne
    • Black
  11. Regarding baystation antags...

    Whenever I am a mechanic, I almost always do this. I ignore my objectives and spend the whole round helping others.

    • Bombing telecomms (sometimes after mid-round, so the shift doesn't become too quiet)
    • Breaking people out of perma
    • Helping steal objectives
    • Removing bodies from the station

    It's not hard to be creative with custom objectives. Also, this proposal of mine heavily relates to this conversation: here

    By the way, when I made this, I did not know that bay has this already.

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