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Everything posted by Wintermote

  1. Also like to add that the suit slot doesn't seem capable of holding much. Not sure if it's different from normal hardsuits or not - but it felt like some items I could put in there, I couldn't anymore.
  2. Yeah, I tested earlier - the mesons were the part I was missing that kept getting me seriously injured/stuck next to the supermatter. I miss having dragons show up in hallucinations though.
  3. The Vox hardsuit gives a very serious speed nerf to the vox wearing it. Even moreso than regular hardsuits. I thought this was rather odd considering vox don't even need the hardsuit to move around in space to begin with. Could it be upgraded to be in line with the other hardsuits?
  4. I double checked just now, the suit I was using was 80, but the radsuits are 100, so I was wrong about them not offering full protection. (Unless they don't? I'm not sure if 100 provides 100% protection from the damagetype or not, I'd assume it would though.)
  5. They don't offer 100% protection, doesn't matter if you have them on or not. It just buys you a bit of time. I was wearing a suit with 80% radiation protection as it was.
  6. Alternatively to this: Give engineering some anti-hallucinogens and anti-toxins medication so they can work in/around the supermatter when it's frying everything around it.
  7. In particular - the people spawning and constantly hitting you. If you're near a radiation source, like the supermatter, these hallucinations stunlock you because you get them so often. It makes doing ANY kind of work around the supermatter impossible. Not just dangerous - impossible. You're stunlocked while taking massive amounts of radiation damage. I don't want radiation to do less damage, I'd just like the stunlocking hallucinations to be cut down or removed.
  8. I just don't like their sprite. Everything else about them is interesting.
  9. Tested all the clothing. They show up fine, and all of them work fine, except the toxins/chemist - which is just an alpha mask with 'suit?' in the corner. I believe this is due to there being three different entries of /obj/item/clothing/under/vox_toxins in the miscellaneous.dm file which are pointing to different icons in uniforms.dmi Better than adding to the autodrobe would be allowing vox players to rip up their uniform, I think. But the autodrobe is an easy copy/paste solution that I can actually do.
  10. In fact, I went and did just that. /obj/machinery/vending/autodrobe name = "\improper AutoDrobe" desc = "A vending machine for costumes." icon_state = "theater" icon_deny = "theater-deny" product_slogans = "Dress for success!;Suited and booted!;It's show time!;Why leave style up to fate? Use AutoDrobe!" vend_delay = 15 vend_reply = "Thank you for using AutoDrobe!" products = list(/obj/item/clothing/mask/fawkes = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/chickensuit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/chicken = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/corgi = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/corgisuit = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/gladiator = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/gladiator = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/gimmick/rank/captain/suit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/flatcap = 1, /obj/item/clothing/glasses/gglasses = 1,/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/schoolgirl = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/kitty = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/blackskirt = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/beret = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/wcoat = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/suit_jacket = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/that =1,/obj/item/clothing/head/cueball = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/scratch = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/kilt = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/beret = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/wcoat = 1, /obj/item/clothing/glasses/monocle =1,/obj/item/clothing/head/bowlerhat = 1,/obj/item/weapon/cane = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sl_suit = 1, /obj/item/clothing/mask/fakemoustache = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/bio_suit/plaguedoctorsuit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/plaguedoctorhat = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/plaguedoctor = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/owl = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/owl_mask = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/apron = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/waiter = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/pirate = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/pirate_black = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/pirate_rags = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/pirate_brown = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/pirate = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/bandana = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/bandana = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/soviet = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/ushanka = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/imperium_monk = 1, /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/cyborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/holidaypriest = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/wizard/marisa/fake = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/marisa/fake = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sundress = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/witchwig = 1,/obj/item/weapon/staff/broom = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/fake = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/wizard/fake = 1,/obj/item/weapon/staff = 3,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sexyclown = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/sexyclown = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sexymime = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sexymime = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/apron/overalls = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/rabbitears = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_atmos = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_grey = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_robotics = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_toxins = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/vox_engi = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox/vox_casual = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox/vox_robes = 1) //Pretty much everything that had a chance to spawn. contraband = list(/obj/item/clothing/suit/cardborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/cardborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/judgerobe = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/powdered_wig = 1,/obj/item/weapon/gun/magic/wand = 1) premium = list(/obj/item/clothing/suit/hgpirate = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/hgpiratecap = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/roman = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/roman/legionaire = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/roman = 1, /obj/item/clothing/shoes/roman = 1) refill_canister = /obj/item/weapon/vending_refill/autodrobe With this, the autodrobe should also spawn vox clothing. I'll check in-game to make sure in a second.
  11. Alright, I checked through our code, and all of these sprites are in there, plus a couple extra - vox-casual-1_s, vox-casual-2_s; Should be fairly easy to just add these to the autodrobe.
  12. I wouldn't really consider it a change so much as it's a revision. They're back to how I remember them working a year ago.
  13. Have these been lost someplace? They don't seem to be implemented and/or they are bugged.
  14. The only way a xeno wins a fight against anyone with a laser, is that the person with a laser misses or gets stunned. Remove neurotoxin spit and it gets significantly more difficult for aliens to kill anyone with a ranged weapon without dying. Hunters have their leap, which allows them to murderize anyone caught alone, but that's as it should be. The leap should only need a lengthened cooldown, as it's basically the only way for a xeno to bridge the distance gap to a ranged opponent. The problem is more that eguns don't have enough ammo and once you're out, you're fucked. Also problematic is recharging once aliens have a foothold and are destroying APC's. Playing as ERT during an aliens round, I never felt seriously threatened until I ran out of ammo, because I moved with a buddy and we covered each other when fighting aliens. They'd either die or run off seriously injured; in 2vs1 the aliens didn't last. I think the only buff that's necessary for humans are magazine capacities in all weapons being increased. Nerfs for aliens should only be leap cooldown increase, and removal of neurotoxin spit. Buffs should be facehuggers keeping people alive while hugged And the queen being tougher in someway - perhaps more like an exosuit in movement, size and capability (tail attack?). Right now the only thing going for the queen is egg laying and neurotoxin spit.
  15. Trust me, if you make the aliens easy to 1vs1 it'll be even worse than what we have now. They'll be pushovers and ignorable. Assistants toolboxing aliens to death? Seen it happen before when aliens got massive nerfs on /tg/station because people thought the same thing about them. Right now, they're dangerous enough that people panic and big guns get taken out. That's how it ought to be. If they're easy to 1vs1, aliens will get bumrushed by a pack of people, and quickly die. This already happens: 2-3 people with welders can easily kill one alien - you can't keep them all stunned, and as an alien you'll have trouble killing humans before they kill you when their welders are doing 30 damage per hit. Do not forget the aliens begin outnumbered, must attack the station and cannot set up any decent ambushes immediately, and have no good methods of dealing with exosuits or cyborgs. Both of which are immune to stuns and airloss and can hit pretty hard back at the aliens. If you make the aliens weak enough for assistants to conceivably 1vs1 them, I can easily see a single person in a ripley, or a single cyborg, destroying entire nests on their own.
  16. Sounds like a good idea to me.
  17. I think you'd find a lot of (if not most) drugs will be completely different after being cooked at the temperatures in an oven. Not saying the idea hasn't any merit; just that it could be an interesting thing to work with. Maybe certain ingredients, once baked together, combine differently?
  18. Aliens were always meant to be powerful 1vs1... If you are doing that, you SHOULD be dying. It's a situation where only preparation, surprise, or dumb luck, ought to keep you alive. If aliens cannot easily win 1vs1 fights, they will quickly be destroyed by the human players and the balance swaps the opposite direction. Right now the balance is not so bad from personal experience. I do think aliens have an edge, but I don't think it's a big one. Just needs some polishing and small balance changes - some of which I suggested earlier.
  19. I'm confused about these flash changes you guys are talking about - what changed with them? Do they not knock people over anymore?
  20. Allow laptops to copy over encryption key data to other encryption keys. So for example, if you get an engineering encryption key and a standard encryption key - you can insert both into the laptop and copy the engineering encryption to the standard key, allowing it to access both.
  21. I agree that short stuns are pointless. If you are giving a weapon a stun capability, keep it decently long - otherwise just don't give them a stun capability. Frankly, the less instant stun weapons, the better. I'd rather a telebaton that'll break bones than one that gently stuns someone.
  22. I'd rather a sound alarm when you've got a few minutes of oxygen left, rather than when you're essentially dead on the ground. And an alarm to everyone around you is a bit much, imo - if that was something you were implying. Right now, with vox players especially, I've noticed more than a few times that they only seem to realize they need more nitrogen once they've actually run out. The current indicators for something so important, especially for a race that cannot be cloned, aren't enough to make a player aware while they're concentrating on other things. The suggestion was made because what we presently have does not present information to the player very well. Especially new players who already struggle with how internals work, nevermind what all the tabs, numbers, and icons mean. (If your air tank has 200kpa in it, how long do you have before it runs out? Can ANY player guess without having memorized the airtank's volume from the code and then doing the math, or from just experience?) The status tab does not function as an effective warning of low internals. A gasmask and air canister than glows green when on, yellow/red when dangerously low seems like a very simple solution to the problem. Likewise, a ping and indication in the chatbox would also work well. I don't understand the need to keep outdated UI elements when we could declutter some of the interface a little further by doing this.
  23. I think it should just be a standard function of your oxygen tank; no need for them to be provisioned or for only science to produce something like this - 99% of the players will never see it and the entire point is to improve the UI for playability reasons.
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