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Posts posted by block1


    I'm not 100% sure if this would be considered an admin complaint, I'm pretty sure it is but whatever.


    In the future could you guys make an announcement before you proceed? A lot of work was lost on the wiki, character pages, posts, etc.. and it would've been extremely helpful if we knew that a few weeks worth of work was about to disappear, it could've gave us time to save all the work and be able to reapply it after the rollback was done. Instead you guys just went ahead with the rollback, not considering the two weeks of work the community put into the wiki and forum. Personally I will probably be taking a leave of absence from the wiki/forum due to a lot of work I did getting instantly obliterated and justified by "Oh well, won't happen again." and had no warning or at least a few hours to prepare and save the work I did. I'd appreciate if the admins could be a little more vocal about giant decisions like this that could affect the community instead of just doing it and saying "Shit happens, sorry." afterwards.



    What about blue dye?


    Yeah, my suggestion is to have the barber spawn with a box filled with various bottles of dye (red, blue, pink, yellow, purple, etc).. the one I just uploaded is an example of what the bottle could look like.



    So heres a quick example of what I have in mind, just a small bottle of sorts that has some dye in it. You click on the persons head and boom! Pink hair! I just did a quick drawover and edit of Nanopaste but it looks pretty nice in my opinion.







    Got a couple more.



    Regen Stasis:


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg3dm6mucrp5t ... stasis.dmi


    An iffy version of Transform:


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2a5uji0amkpc ... nsform.dmi


    Alternative iffy Transform with some hair to try to make the contrast between the two heads better:


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlb6uhu28790w ... ogaine.dmi


    Awesome job! Guess that about does it for the ling UI sprites.



    Alright so, Epinephrine Sacs.. probably the most confusing and difficult one to make, did some research and epinephrine is basically adrenaline. Adrenaline is pretty much a giant burst of energy, with that in mind the most reasonable thing that came to mind that wasn't too complicated was simply a human with a exclamation mark above their head.. so it pretty much means the person is startled, excited, etc and gives you an idea of what the ability does. (Allows you to un-stun yourself)







    Just gonna throw it out there, it'll generate more revenue for the server so it'll stay up and the donor gets to enjoy the karma jobs, races and ambassadors without having to earn it. It's simply a suggestion, nothing more.


    I heard a while back in OOC that the server alone last month only was donated about 10 bucks and that the admins pay to keep the server up, if this is true then it's obvious more rewards need to go into donating since people don't donate just to feel good and the admins shouldn't have to be taking money out of their own wallets to keep the server alive. So heres my idea that will 100% get backlash but will work. $10 will earn you 5 karma to spend in-game or you can choose to get a fluff item, a lot can happen with the extra funds. Not just keeping the server up but looking long-term into perhaps getting a standalone version of this game, seems crazy but it could definitely happen with the proper funds.


    Donating can get you either a fluff item or karma, with $10 equalling a fluff item or 5 karma.


    I most likely won't be participating in this thread at all since I don't want to be labeled the bad guy for even imagining of such a sneaky scheme like this! Just a thought outside the box is all.



    Qinetix originally suggested it on the Barbers razor thread but since I'd be willing to make the sprites for it I'd like to hear your thoughts on this suggestion,


    Barber spawns with a hair dye box/kit in his backpack which when opened will reveal several bottles of hair dye which can be applied to other characters hair to change the color. I'd be willing to sprite various bottles of hair dye and a custom box if the admins think it'd be a good idea to have. It'd make barbers much more fun than how they are currently.



    I've got an idea to fix that problem, give the traitors a panel that'll pop up and let them choose who they'd like to assassinate/steal from. And as for stealing items they'd get a panel of high-risk items to choose from.


    I'm not sure about that, I intended for this to make antags more unpredictable and creative. Things like an animal rights activist looking to free all test subject animals, a mime seeking revenge on the clown, making an example of them for the mime revoultion or a cannibal surgeon looking to eat peoples organs during surgery would be examples.

    It sounds nice but how would you prevent a traitor from just saying "LEL KILL EVERYTHING IS MY OBJECTIVE!!!1"


  9. It'd be cool to see a job like this implemented. I'd like to add on that perhaps you could switch titles from Mortician to Medical Examiner or Pathologist, just to add more flavor.

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