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Posts posted by Sampaiii

  1. I like this, and also like the idea of splitting it into a new job paired with xenobio

    It is a little strange that science has several different areas but almost no sub-departmental jobs with specific accesses (or whatever you'd call them)

    But also I like messing with weird plants moreso than doing normal botany and itd be nice to be able to do that as crew instead of having to look for the terrarium lavaland ghost role

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    Interesting, although for Plasmamen I assume they still burst into flames without the suit?

    Also, I wonder about the legality as Brig Phys of transplanting shitter Vox with human lungs and then taking away their tank. 

    Ye, catching fire is a species trait unrelated to their organs ofc

    i actually had someone give my Vox human lungs once, it was weird but effective

    (granted they also had IC permission to do it so idk about the brig phys thing)

  3. It's been a while since I posted here, so here's a small art dump

    first, a commission for @Hibiscius of my character STERLING with their character E.R.R.O.R. 404, bein cute and stuff



    and a 2 part commission for @shatterdcoyote of terry and a younger terry



    and some pixel art i did for @Darkking1234 of WALASKI



    and a similar one for @V-Force_Bomber who wanted a picture just like it of ELO



    and finally, a commission for @Rayford of their character Brenden Singh




    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Pckables said:

    Does this work with Rollies? I tried to make anti-stun chem rollies in Botany with some modified cannabis, but unfortunately none of the chems transferred.

    I'm not sure.... Worth trying tho

  5. Admin Key: Kyet/Tzo

    Your Discord name (if applicable): samool#5599


    For context, I rolled traitor mechanic one round, and decided to go check out the syndie asteroid due to Kyet AOOCing to tell the antags about the guest pass system that's usable in the depot. Prior to leaving, a non-agent engineer (E.R.R.O.R. 404, played by Hibiscius) asked for me to help them with solars, so I invite them into my pod to go do that, then they head to space with me.

    We eventually take one of the old teleporters in space to reach the asteroid, I get a guest pass after we run into the other people there, and we start to wander the place.

    Of course, the NPCs are still aggro on ERROR for being a non antag with no guest pass, so she gets attacked and dies, and I gather her pieces to put her back together, deciding I'll just repair and toss her back into the portal to leave so she doesn't die again.

    Before I'm able to do any sort of repairs, however, the self-destruct mechanism suddenly goes off and gibs us both before I can manage to escape.

    Right after this, Kyet messages me, saying the place exploded specifically because I tried to repair a non-antag in the place, because the syndicate doesn't like that. Sadly I don't have the logs because I closed out before thinking to save them.


    What I don't understand is why it's okay to completely remove someone from the remainder of the round just because they attempted to fix a non-antag while having a pass to the depot. We weren't making an attempt to cheese it, we weren't looting the place, we were only looking around, and it makes little sense for the syndicate to have demolished an entire outpost just to kill some agent who tried to repair a non-agent. I just feel like there is a better way to handle a situation like that, that doesn't involve removing players from the round permanently.

  6. sometimes I feel like people take IC things to heart too easy, tbh. a bad call or two, or even a quirk or trait of your character that makes them handle their work differently than most, doesn't make it bad overall, it just... makes it different

    I've seen your captain char around and i don't think he's bad from a character standpoint, though he is a bit quirky for the setting/other characters people are used to, but doing something different from the norm isn't bad tbh o: 

    honestly, as long as a character IS doing their job, and not abandoning post to go sit in the bar/wander maint/gateway/etc all round, then by all means, be different and do something interesting, while also playing your role ovo7 

  7. aproudrobot.png.b59aff44564a319d9783e63f119853c6.png

    and here we have-  a picture of the proudest robot on station
    traitor tried to get to the captain, i caught the fact the AI was subverted before anyone else noticed, PDA'd the CE, and managed to haphazardly hold off the bad guy (while having no cuffs to actually detain him) while they hacked into the bolted room to help u-u
    the guy got away in the end, but the captain still thought i did good ;-;

    • Like 1
  8. Aaah, stuff I've drawn lately and forgot to post!



    A commish for ID107, who i don't think has a forum account...



    and another picture of ID107, because i'm super proud of how this turned out.



    sterling the angry robot, complete with esword
    this started as me just scribbling and somehow became playing around with lighting, i like it though. (slightly related: i just realised i forgot his head accessory thing, aaah...)



    aaand a proper, full body picture of sterling, because i like how it turned out

    for some reason i've been drawing sterling a lot lately...

    • Like 4
  9. I play IPC because I dunno. I like robots, and when I first saw IPCs around in game I thought they looked so cool, so I fell in love w them ;_;


    (Runner up for my other fave is probably Grey though.)

    As for jobs, I mostly play science now because I got good at it I guess. I like playing RD and getting RND done each round, even if it is a tad repetitive sometimes 

    Theres also the fact I can do weird experiments and get away with it in sci too, though *snap

    • Like 1
  10. I decided to build a mini bar in the maint nook above the HOP office, I didn't get a screencap of the original mini bar, but a nice engineer (zack glover, i think?) decided to help me out by expanding it into the command meeting room above it (as the request of a golem and a xeno queen who said i was Very Important)



    then the round ended, so, in regular ss13 fashion
    we blew it up!



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