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Posts posted by apneaman

  1. I like playing as a life support tech especially if there are massive fires on the station. My biggest problem though is the amount of time that can pass between the start of a fire and me actually reaching it. No matter how ready i am usually massive damage occurs before i even reach the site.

    What would be cool would be a similar vehicle to the paramedics or even just a simple cart with a water tank on board for quicker response times means less stuffing around for pack refills. It could be stored next to the fire supply cupboards in engineering.

    Quicker response means less chance of half of science being destroyed in seconds


  2. 19 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    1) Remove the pumps on either end of the spaceloop, you'll get more bang for your buck.

    2) Add volumetric pumps prior to the connectors rather than gas pumps. Fills and empties canisters much, much faster.

    3) You've got nowhere to directly fill up a canister if you wanted to supercool gas for some reason. I suggest flipping the southwestern gas pump at the connector and adding a valve prior to the scrubbers network filters and at the end of the space loop to accommodate this.

    4) Remove your prior volumetric pumps on the scrubbers line to cool the entire line, or make an array of pumps to localize gas in the line into the atmos area.

    5) What are your filters doing on the turbine line, and why are they there?

    6) Your freezers/heaters seem to presently only be useful for emptying canister contents into the scrubbers.

    1) ok ill give it a try

    2)easy as never really had urgency i just was reusing the pump from the end of the connector line.

    3) never had the need for supercooled gas via the space loop but can get avg. -180 from the freezer bank.

    4) ill give it a shot

    5)allows me to run a turbine mix but also if i want co2 for a canister or any gas for that matter i can filter it from the mix into the freezer line.

    6) just noticed im missing a valve at the end of the red line to contain the gas. Easily fills a canister then i can bleed the loop back into the scrubbers


  3. Hey so ive been playing around with my atmos setup. basically came up with this system.

    - waste goes via space loop

    - lower port allows for canister empty/disposal into waste loop

    - mixer for turbine mix

    - filter for seperation into tank filling bays via heating/cooling

    any suggestions on how i can make it better?



  4. I did throw a suggestion in for a evidence/records clerk. Main role would be keeping records up to date, so re arresting doesnt happen for time served prisoners and making sure evidence lockers are actually in order with cases on people and items. Like warden they should never leave the brig and would be supervised by the warden cooperating with the detective and magistrate.

    Other one was some kind of labor camp overseer

  5. On the issue of massive civilian numbers there is a way to split some departments roles to make room for new jobs. Mainly taking the tasks many crew have no time for and using it to fill a position.


    Sec: evidence room clerk/records, labor camp warden

    Atmos: fire marshall

    Cargo tech : delivery boy,postmaster,garbageman

    Medical: orderly, coroner,surgeon

    Robotics: bot maker

    Chapel: altar boy

    Misc: comedian, artist, naturopath, waiter, paranormal investigator

    As for the delisting. Its really a balance of large server numbers vs quality of play. I'll take quality over quantity any day



  6. Had this happen the other night. Suspect was a vox engineer named something like vikchatata and we accidently arrested and interrogated viiicckata another engineer instead.  annoying as hell but also pretty funny  at the same time.


    (Note, not actual vox names but who the hell can remember them)


    Sounds like a good role. Just some thoughts for orderly


    - starting uniform all white

    - gets a belt with a retractable baton, cuffs,flash and pepper spray

    - like the idea of them never leaving medbay so maybe an sop for detaining people would be using a patient room and waiting for a sec to escort to brig if needed

    - gets basic medical doctor Access

    - implanted as well so cant be traitor


  8. I would say its an issue if it was a traitor round where its much easier to be proven guilty as ive been caught up and brigged for 20 mins just for simply being in maint (engineer) and threatened with perma. Agree with above, confusion is the game and mistakes will happen

  9. Eh best not to think about it too hard. Plenty of people get wrongfully imprisoned and in the event of changelings if in doubt take them to genetics, all depends on who is security. I always try to set people up by dna stinging them and using their prints on husked bodys and murder weapons


    Ventcrawling is very fun, being an IPC I can survive down to 30kPA so just have to top distro off every so often to be safe! Combine it with storage implant for maximum shenanigans.



    Though its a massive advantage its also a risk if im an ipc and harder to hide in a crowd. Usually my character is a fairly stock look so i blend in if i have to pretend to be a civilian



    Nobody understands atmospherics and the jumpsuit is also job-specific to an atmos tech traitor.


    There are also legitimate reasons to keep distro at a stable pressure of 101kpa, plenty of experienced atmos techs do it so working on air supply pipes is easier. I can almost guarantee you that nobody will bat an eye if distro is at 101kpa or if there's a gas pump/passive gate rather than a volume pump, unless they're aware of how distro works and are aware you're ventcrawling.


    The number of people who know atmos on the server at any given time is around 2. It's arguably the least mastered department and one of the most theoretically challenging.


    Nice thanks again for the advice. Still learning a lot about atmos but i actually enjoy it as im rarely disturbed by antags while experimenting.




    A bit of atmos helps to understand this.


    Distro starts at 0 pressure, and there's a volume pump feeding into distro slowly pressurizing it. This volume pump endlessly pressurizes it, well above 101kpa (which is what you require to not take damage).


    The solution is to either alternate the pump between on and off now and then, or to install a gas pump rather than a volume pump, to try and keep distro at a constant and stable pressure.



    Nice sounds like ill have to experiment a bit more, what about adding a gas pump near a junction to an area instead of the main distro, just seems like I'd be discovered quickly if something pings alarms on the main distro



    Hey just experimenting with the atmos traitor item. Seemed like a really fun item for stealth traitors. My main gripe is that it nearly kills me each time i use is from heat and pressure. Any advice on how to use? My main guess so far is cooling the main supply before it leaves to circulation.


    Haven't had an opportunity to test this setup but would prefer not to crawl out crippled into medbay for a change



    So I love this game and paradise station and this is just a personal issue of mine I want to preface with that.




    ...but not for the usual reasons


    I love to play as sec or paramedic and that requires knowing names as someone with Dyslexia I usually can get normal names fine, except with vox. Vox have absolutely the WORST names and my disability makes it almost impossible to actually tell them apart. They almost always just have a few repeating letters over and over again in a 13+ character name and I just can't stand it.


    So please if you are a vox and you are reading this have a simple name that doesn't exceed 7 characters and doesn't start with a K or a V.





    Could be a good way to RP it and just blame it on the vox race for all looking alike if you got it wrong



    The only thing i could see to change with changelings is the dna objective. Possibly change it so you must absorb or change alot more in order to gain another from sting


    E.x. yesterday i only absorbed my co-worker, took his place and gathered the rest with sting.


    The biggest enemy of a changeling is a high pop round as the usual hiding spots for absorbing are now swarming with civilians.



    Hey everyone


    Just trying to figure out sleepy pen delays. I was under the impression they carry mute toxin so my plan involved stunning my target, sleepy pen, stun and cuff so i could kill them more stealthily. Basically by the time i got my target in cuffs he was still able to scream for help over radio about 8-10 seconds after injection. This of course alerted everyone to my position and lead to my inevitable death


    Just trying to figure out what is the approximate time before the effects take place so i can plan differently



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    It appears to be missing a steps before organ removal - surgical saw, retractor ? (Going of memory here so you might need to double check exactly.) If you go off the abductor guide you will accidentally shake them awake.

    adding the steps for sealing the wound with cautery would be helpful as well as it requires a tool in each hand and for sake of RP would remove the odds of beaming back people with open wounds.


    For ease of newer players or first time abductors possibly changing the tool sprites on the wiki to the alien set instead of standard equipment would be helpful



    After playing this a few times and really enjoying both hunting spiders and hunting as one. What ive noticed though is its almost always a very drawn out but easy crew victory. The tide usually turns once the crew develops a solid firing line at their nest once all escapable vents are covered and its usually just a push back assault from their on in with little option for spiders but to death charge a wall of laser fire .Could maybe up the difficulty and quality of the round a bit by adding 2 options.


    Silk shot:

    Give the gray caste the ability for a ranged attack that has a knockdown effect similar to the webs themselves. For balance make sure it has a long cool down (30 seconds)


    Digestive acid:

    The ability for one of the castes to unweld a vent with stomach acid, also has a long cooldown timer


  19. Hey fairly new to sever but just something i noticed. while playing as an abductor scientist i noticed the surgery guide on the wiki doesnt match up and is missing steps regarding the surgery saw and sealing people back up. Had me confused for a bit.

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