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Posts posted by apneaman

  1. Cant remember which server i was on but i remember getting made fat by a disease and all of a sudden i couldn't fit into hardsuits or any exo layer and i had a slightly fatter player sprite.

  2. Revolver to the face, body bag, suit sensors, locker stuff for later.

    Emag recycler, stun target , throw into disposals...profit?

    If an ipc target give them a hug while using a emp implant for close trauma or just stabd nearby with a primed emp grenade.

    Poison kit and rapid fire syringe gun, make a mix of poisons instead of neat mix needles.

    C4 with remote signaler in a box, brain them with crowbar to finish.



  3. 1 hour ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Greytide station wide.

    Honestly, I would have no problem with it, so long as it is accompanied with a loosening of the rules on lethal force by security.:P

    Security SOP update :

    Baldies get the chair

    • Like 3
  4. When have you run over the perfect way to set up a theft or murder only to have it blow up in your face in a spectacular fashion?

    Basically stems from a round yesterday where i dropped an emp while sitting behind my IPC target. completely forgot i had mechanical eyes and without a roboticist on i spent the rest of the round wandering blind trying to finish my other objective.

  5. 2 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    @apneaman the only response I have to that one is ????

    I don't know how in God's name they managed to perma you with no real evidence of you being a traitor. Technically if they thought you were disabling cameras the most they could give you is vandalism and maybe workplace hazard.


    In low pop there's not many in the brig to hear you scream. It was pretty average from the sec involved but i dont tend to ahelp that sort of stuff if i can rp my way out of it somehow.


    • Like 1
  6. I was in a low pop round as a non antag engineer. Someone had been disabling cameras around the halls so i decided to be a good worker and fix them.

    Nek minut an officer charges in tazes me and radios in that ive been wrecking all the cameras. I get dragged off to the brig screaming at him the whole way. Get interrogated as they think im a traitor. Despite my constant denials I'm considered a risk and thrown in perma with the other 2 "traitors" for doing my job.

    Turns out one of them was a ling and and had already eaten the other guy. After pleading with him not to eat me i realised that the half assed officer only took my hardsuit,pda,radio and backpack but not my insulated gloves or toolbelt. Decided to bargain

    i let the ling out in exchange for not eating me and was promptly lasered to death on site by the same officer who arrested me for now being "a fucking ling". ?


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  7. 56 minutes ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    I'm going to be up front: I do not believe this fits into the spaceman world and do not like what it proposes.

    Wizards are there for comic relief more than anything. Cults, Shadowlings, and Vampires have decent lore to them and maintain a sci-fi feel and mechanics.

    This, in my opinion, swings too far into the fantasy realm of fiction. But, that aside, I doubt it will be that great of an RP thing. People will still greentext/validhunt/whatever.

    Also, what's with the fixation on Earth-based stuff? Can't we get something mildly original to the ss13 universe? Shadowlings do this nicely.

    Call me crazy, but something about this whole business just screams "no" to me, regardless of why.

    See your point. easy fix,  its not a werewolf its a parasitic infection from a gateway world whose colony mysteriously collapsed after an archarlogical dig recovered a cask that housed a lifeform that causes violent mutations  aggression and cannibalisim in its host. 

    Mainly interested in the playstyle it allows

  8. 2 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    I love this idea...it has a mixture of multiple antags to it. The uncontrollable transformation feels like blob. The werewolf has the violence of a powerful vampire or ling, the "human form" needs to deal with the stealth and vulnerability if a weaker antag. It sounds like it would be fun as hell to play.

    I'm just imagining every time someone transforms them being like "AAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO!" howling over comms and everyone being like "Oh god, shits about to get real"

    I think if everyone changes at once it makes for crazy scenarios. Say a bunch of infected are in medbay getting treated then ding all turn and go ballistic. Also adds the whole forced antag feel as you have a narrow window to kill eat and escape so you can hide but also have to avoid other infected so they dont eat you. Also could make for some good sec/xeno RP

    • Like 1
  9. Nice if its a possibility i reckon it could work really well.

    When it comes to day cycle. I think as a game mechanic having all infected turn at the same time would be more effective and would add a bit more balance instead of individual timers that would mean staggered transform times.

    Instead of defining full lunar cycle what about the possibility of pairing it to the round timer setting a trigger event of a transform verb, which would alert all infected true that they are transforming basically setting off a 30 second timer till they completely turn. Then set that trigger cycle at a set time say every 8-10 minutes and triggering again after a set , have that on a cycle.

    Again i know very little about this code just flinging an idea.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, FlattestGuitar said:

    Just the other day I talked in dchat about the new thingy I'm working on implementing which just so happens to have werewolves that eat human hearts.

    K thx.

    I basically just got thinking after that recent thread about vampires


    25 minutes ago, Saul Argon said:

    Firstly super cool idea!

    Now sadly. I have to clip your wings a little, like most things of this nature good luck finding a coder who is willing to code this. It's deeply annoying I know, but if you want this added you need to bait a coder or two. Otherwise it's probably gonna stay on the suggestions forum eternally. (Like a number of suggestions I have made, I know the feeling!)

    If i understood anything about this code id help but for now i like just throwing out ideas

  11. So we have vampires, why not  werewolves. Probably been asked before but hey i had a fun idea.


    An unknown infection that has been known to turn people into a bloodthirsty beast at the turn of a lunar cycle. The beast known as a werewolve is strong fast and has a ferocious unpredictable nature.they are also known to crave the hearts of their prey. The infected have little control of themselves and will turn on even their best friend in a violent rampage. Survivors of an attack will eventually turn into the beast themselves.


    One member of the crew is infected. The goal is to consume x amount of hearts and escape. The werewolve is faster than the crew and has a deadly melee attack. Will take damage and be slowed down but will rengenerate over time. can only be killed for good with high amounts of silver.

    I had 2 ideas for the trigger for transforming.

    Timer: a set time that the player doesnt see but gets prompts before transforming e.x. "your heart races" "you feel hot" "your body hurts" and stays transformed for a duration of time before reverting.

    Solar: pair it with the solar movement  so during a northern aspect they transform and any other time they are human. (Unsure how long a solar cycle is)

    Eating: make consume heart a grab action that takes a while. Target must be deceased first.


    Attacking another player spreads the infection. They slowly will get sick and eventually turn. However werewolves aren't friendly and will attack each other like anyone else on site.

    Option for a cure: a high dose of silver within a certain time of the infection.


    Most of the gameplay is hiding your infection from others and making sure you dont get seen transforming. Other players will see your later stages of transformation "x begins to shake"

    While transformed you run faster than normal. have a strong brute attack and see in the dark. When in normal form you are vulnerable but can still only be killed by silver and will not be able to consume hearts.

    Security play a similar manhunt style to a vampire/ changeling. They are easily killed by silver but will only be slowed down and damaged by other means.



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  12. 2 hours ago, ZomgPonies said:

    One possibility is to limit the amount of ACTIVE secborgs during a round. So if there's more than X, the option to choose that loadout doesn't appear to a new borg. If individual sec borgs are OP, then we need to concretely identify the ways they are, and find ways to adjust the power level of the specific module.

    Removing them completely is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and a terrible knee-jerk reaction to a possibly legitimate concern.

    Totally agree. Sec borgs are way too useful and incredibly helpful, especially in low pop or if you have to quickly chase a fugitive into space.but too many is a problem.

    I think one thing that could Balance it out is adding a longer recharge to the disabler.

  13. 4 hours ago, shazbot194 said:

    I agree it is very odd they don't spawn with huds, but if you really want to spawn with one, spend a couple load-out points to spawn with a classic sec hud. 

    Load out points? Im unfamiliar with this. Just doesn't make sense that it's not in starting security kit

  14. What about a targeted influence attack that causes the target to hallucinate being grabbed and drunk by a randomised vampire. Mainly for a good laugh and to cause hysteria and confusion in the crew. Has a very long cooldown to prevent spamming

    Targeted shapeshift: Add the option to turn into your victim but requires you to drain them to death first.

    Raise dead: turn a dead body into an npc ghoul that attacks anyone but vampires. Possibly cause some kind of disease or toxin damage on hit. Only available to full power vampires.

    Just spitballing ideas


  15. So just something that was bugging me. Why dont security start with a sec hud as standard kit? This is based off a past scenario that happened.

    Basically spawned late round as an officer as i walked off the shuttle straight into a firefight with a crewmember and 3 ERTs basically before i had a chance to react i was shot at with lethals by the ert and knocked to the ground. as i didnt have a sec hud and just walked off the shuttle i assumed they were hostile/impostors ended up arresting one and stunning the other. This lead to myself and one ert dying from the actual antagonist attacks.

    In part a trigger happy ert started it who for some reason didnt see my implant it could have been avoided by having my hud on as at spawn.

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  16. Just a random thought. What about an objective that once completed gives you TC then triggers a new set of objectives. Say like faxing blueprints or secret docs or a high level id card from a target to the syndicate. Would be 5-8 crystals enough to get 1 or more useful items extra.

    Or even make this optional for traitors if they get bored


    Obejective 1: steal secret documents, escape with or send for mission update.

    So the antag has a choice if they finish objectives early this can give them 1-2 more

  17. I can see your point. There are plenty of people who just die and go "whatever ill be cloned" i once cloned the same guy 3-4times in a round because he was being a moron and kept screwing around. I have also been in antag situations where ive dragged corpses into deep space only to have them be cloned 15 minutes later (but thats a whole other thing about metafriends)

    Im also in the camp of round quality however i take death seriously as usually it means im out of the round for ages and if im security will most likely be looted before i get taken to medbay. there are plenty of times ive died from simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time (freak explosions, anomolys, bad doctors, welderbombs during blob rounds) sometimes really early in the round too. Just hate the idea that it would mean im done with the round for over an hour.



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