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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Yeah uh...our genetics code is a bit messy at the moment. We have a lot more powers (most of which do not work or are quirky)....and 55 blocks. In any event, this will all be changing, eventually; the UI and functionality of getting genes to activate (let alone getting the proper genes) will be completely and 100% different. There will be no luck in activating a power; only luck will be involved in initially finding the power. Is this the case now? Not yet.
  2. I don't believe this has been implemented yet; the original change to brain damage made it factor in to your total health. That said, this was reverted due to some issues it caused with the cloner. In the future, however, there will likely be an update that will do something very similar to what you describe.
  3. As some of you may have noticed, a few chemistry reagents have been updated and tweaked, of late; this is an ongoing process where a number of reagents metabolisms, damage, and healing amounts will be adjusted to prevent abuse or bring them in line to more logical levels. This may mean a few of your favorite reagents (such as Hyperzine) will get nerfed, in the long term. This may be accomplished by either having side-effects or not lasting nearly as long. This most recent patch changed a few notable things: *Doctor's Delight will only randomly heal tox damage for a small amount --Due to this change Doctor's Delight will no longer require Tricord; just the juices+cream *Mercury will now deal brain damage *Hyronalin and Arithrazine are actually effective against rad poisoning now --Arithrazine will function as a moderate anti-tox *AntiToxin has been nerfed; the amount it heals is less, the amount it purges is less, and it no longer counter-acts drowsiness or hallucinations (Use Synaptizine for this purpose!) *Mutagen's rad damage has been heavily nerfed; its danger will primarily be tied to in its mutation chances. *Radium will now irradiate you more; self-curing or chem-curing viruses will be a riskier proposition. *A few toxic compounds (such as Atrazine, toxin, plasma, etc) have been more standardized in the damages they deal in addition to their metabolism rates. *Clonex will no longer heal anything other than clone damage, however, it will heal clone damage even faster now. *Cryox has been buffed in how much damage it heals, but the clone damage heal currently remains the same. *Amanitin (the poison from mushrooms) has a higher metabolism rate, but higher damage potential (albeit random). *Impedrezine brain damage amount has been buffed.
  4. Tajarans can wear human hardsuits with no downsides. Once bay finishes up the hardsuit rework, this will no longer be the case. And by rework, I mean there will conversion of any hardsuit into a Tajaran compatible hardsuit (ie: use a hardsuit kit on Captain's armor and it becomes Tajaran Captain's armor...not an engie suit).
  5. Yeah uh...our genetics code is a bit messy at the moment. We have a lot more powers (most of which do not work or are quirky)....and 55 blocks. In any event, this will all be changing, eventually; the UI and functionality of getting genes to activate (let alone getting the proper genes) will be completely and 100% different. There will be no luck in activating a power; only luck will be involved in initially finding the power.
  6. The recipe for Atrazine (Plant-B-Gone) has been modified from the obscure "water+toxin" to Chlorine+Hydrogen+Nitrogen. This will make it a lot easier to make for the average chemist. The recipe is updated on our own wiki. But yes, Atrazine wrecks Diona's days--I can't comment, yet, on how overpowered they are or not, but they will not survive a couple of sprays. Also, acid wrecks them (like everything) really badly too.
  7. Clothing impacts your chance to get sick, but the greatest reduction comes from wearing a Biosuit.
  8. It will never start, though, sadly, and the R-UST was never finished, so it has absolutely zero dangerous things about it, aside from the heat the fusion reaction produces. No radiation, no chance of exploding, etc. It's an awesome engine, and would have been my preferred method of powering the station, but it's just too damn incomplete.
  9. This is effectively what Cael was working on, but making it more...um, drawn out; it involved a LOT of waiting for the shuttle to travel, etc. It also tied up the main cargo shuttle while you were buying/selling/trading. Unfortunately the code was never finished; it was dropped around 50-65% completion.
  10. This. One-human+asimov = The AI listens to you and only you and can do anything it wants to anyone else if the one human orders it. Key-phrase; IF the one human orders it. If this lawset combo is initiated, the AI shouldn't just start killing whoever the heck it wants to.
  11. Great info, overall, but a couple of errors, mostly what's major and minor powers. These are the majors powers and require the block to be above DAC to activate: Hulk Telekinesis No Breathing No Fingerprints Small Size Shock Immunity Minor Powers (block needs to be BEA or higher): X-Ray Temp Resist Remote Viewing Regeneration Quickness Telepathy Morphing
  12. No need to make it that complex; merely adding the ability to "press multiple buttons at once" would be more than enough. ie: Create a label for the drug you're making--then select the reagents you want for that label. This means if you want to make, say, Dermaline with one button press, you can, BUT you have to enter the recipe at least once.
  13. The constants that you solve for should change if the player messes up or makes a mistake and rolls for the flash event (and that in and of itself rolls for recalibration).....or if you leave the portal open too long. Mobs can already be teleported and received, and different Z-levels can be entered (some are restricted for obvious reasons). After several bits of testing, the only real risk with telescience, currently, is the random malfunctioning events--otherwise, it's merely sending one thing through, noting the offset, then bam, you can instantly solve+correct for (with mere substraction/addition) the offset for the next 7-11 teleports.
  14. First off, let me first make sure I have a proper understanding of Telescience (Bay/TG): -You recalibrate a teleporter and it gains a random number of uses (between 8 and 12) before it becomes uncalibrated. -When calibrated, the teleporter will teleport an object/mob on the pad to the X+Y+Z co-ordinates input, but with a random X and Y offset (which is off by -10 to +10); Z-level is constant. -Inputting and invalid co-ordinate (or z-level) will make the pad fizzle, irradiate, start a fire, or spawn hostile mobs. -There's a random chance (even with good co-ordinates) that the teleporter will fail and do one of the above. -Basic gist is to set a unique tag on a GPS, send it through, note how off it is, then correct for this and you can teleport to any location until you have to recalibrate. Suggestions: -Remove limited amount of uses before recalibration event is called. -Remove recalibration as something the user can do. -Reformat irradiate to flash+knockdown instead of irradiate--this has a chance of calling the recalibration event if it happens. -Malfunctions only occur if an invalid co-ordinate is input (negative numbers and numbers outside the map range would be an example of invalid) -X and Y scrambling are random, but not as easily solveable; would be great if solving for t=mb+c is how to get the offset (T = the results, M and C are constants, and B is what you input) . (further explanation here: http://wiki.ss13.co/Teleporter_Lab#Oper ... teleporter). If a player can solve it, then the teleporter will put an item/mob at the EXACT precise location every time without worry of malfunction. -Add recharge time for sending and receiving so players have to wait a bit between uses. -Sending/recieving leaves a small temporary glow at the sent to location so quick stealth grabs are obvious if someone walks into the room. -Ability to save co-ordinates to a buffer and name them so they can be easily selected again. -Ability to open/close a portal on the teleportation pad; this creates a portal to the location you specify and creates a portal that leads back to the teleport pad at the destination you arrive. This rapdily drains power from the APC where the Telescience computer is; if the telescience computer runs out of power, the portal closes and it calls the recalibration event. This removes the random frustration of telescience malfunctions and ties the ability to use telescience to mechanical+mathematical skill; additionally allows for more creative and consistent use once a player has figured out how the teleporter works.
  15. Strongly disagree with this. Baystation is still very much wanting to stay in the past and focus on insanely heavy roleplay, while the general shift in SS13 is towards moderate to light roleplay. Removing objectives just effectively means that traitors can do whatever the hell they want, from blowing up the entire station, to slowly capturing the entire crew and mercilessly torturing them for no reason for the next hour (or more). I think this is a very very bad idea, especially when the general shift/focus on roleplay is changing. I'm up for silly objectives, but not this.
  16. Wanted to test out the effectiveness of Nitro in bluespace beakers. Results were...to say the least, fascinating...(the circle is where the grenade was placed)
  17. If/When RUST Is implemented, it will be replaced by Enriched Fuel Rods that cause the reactor to be overloaded, thus irradiating the station. It'll be bad, but not "destroy the entire station and get everyone furious at you" bad. In the mean time, there are legitimate cases where I'd allow the beacon's use, provided permission was got first......but I definitely completely understand where you're coming from.
  18. What is Xenoarcheology? Xenoarch, is, in short, the discovery and proper excavation of artifacts and fossils from a bygone era. What tools are required for Xenoarch -Immense patience -Space suit -Depth Analyzer/Scanner -Toolpick set -Hand pickaxe -Pickaxe/Jackhammer/Plasma cutter/drill -Optical Mesons -Field Generator -Wrench Strongly recommended: -Mining satchel -Ore Box -Tape Measure First thing you want to do is suit up and grab all the required supplies in the list---consider taking the others with you for your own convenience; they'll make life easier for---the Tape Measure in particular will prevent you from making mistakes if you don't have the greatest memory or have a temporary lapse in concentration. After you've gathered your supplies, you want to head on out to the asteroid itself; be sure to double or even triple check that you have all your goods; no other job class requires such a ridiculous plethora of items to accomplish so little--it's easy to forget just one tool and have to go back inside the station to get it. Finding a Digsite The actual process of finding a potential digsite is easy; just use your depth analyzer to scan any rock tiles; if it hums, then move on; if it pings, you're in business. Keep your eyes peeled for those brown rocks with white cracks in them; those tiles will always have something inside of them. Excavation This is the process that will rot away the minds of most Xenoarcheologists, as its tedious, math based, and requires exact precision. Once you find a tile that pings, you'll want to take note on your depth analyzer just the very tile you're looking at (the most recent scan will be at the bottom). Here it will list the Anomaly depth, clearance depth, along with the type of find it is (potassium, iron, mercury, etc). The formulate for getting out the potential artifact is this: Substract the clearance depth from the anomaly depth; this number is the exact amount you want to mine out of the rock. How do you mine out that much, you say? Why with your handpick and pick set of course. The hand pick and others are listed below, along with how much they clear: Brush: 1 cm 1/6 Red: 2m 1/3 Orange: 4cm 1/2 Yellow: 6m 2/3 Green: 8cm 5/6 Blue: 10cm 1/1 Purple: 12cm Hand Pickaxe: 30cm First off, chuck the brush; all increments are always measured in 2, so 1 is being overly sensitive. So, you take out the proper picks or combination and being picking away...for example, if the anomaly depth was 60 and the clearance was 20, then you'd need to dig a total of 40: you could dig with 1/1 3 times, then once with 1/3...4 times with 5/6...the choice doesn't really matter; just pick precisely down to 40cm. If you forget how much you've excavated, this is where your tape measure comes in handy; it will tell you how much you've cleared so far. Once you're down to this level, place the generator right up against the rock wall (with the circular disks facing it). Next, bolt it to the ground with the wrench. Swipe your ID to authenticate yourself, then open the menu up. What field do you want to select? It depends, upon what the field generator says---use this as reference: Carbon - Trace organic cells Potassium - Long exposure particles Hydrogen - Trace water particles. Nitrogen - Crystalline structures. Mercury - Metallic derivatives Iron - Metallic composites Chlorine - Metamorphic/igneous rock composite. Phosphorus - Metamorphic/sedimentary rock composite. Plasma - Anomalous materials Once you have the right field selected; turn it on, then get out your 1/6 (2cm) pick and excavate once more. Tada! A strange rock or potential artifact is now yours. If you follow this methodology, you will never destroy a strange rock. Now, turn off the generator. From here, there may be 1 or 2 more potential artifacts in that tile (or there may only be 1). Just rescan it to see the new depth and repeat the process (just keep in mind what you've excavated already for your calculations). Cracking Open Your Finds Now that you've got a stash of strange rocks, it's time to see what's in them. Fortunately, as time consuming as excavating the rocks is, cracking them open is rather easy. Simple pull out a welder, turn it on, and use it on the Strange Rock. Tada, you got your item. On the rare case that sparks fly off the rock when this happens, try some acid on it instead. Congratulations, you've now learned how to become a proficient Xenoarcheologist. The Loot Just what can you find at digsites? Is it exciting? Is it great? It has to be awesome to be so boring and painstakingly slow, right? RIGHT? Well....here's another reason why even veteran Xenoarchs are hardly ever seen; the stuff discover is literally worthless junk 9/10 times. First off, each site is unique and can be one of several types--each digsite type has unique items. The types, in order from most common to least common are: Forest/Garden Animal-related Home Technical/scientific Temple/religious War/battlegrounds Just what's within each of these sites listed here is what you can find, from most common to least common: Forest: Plant, shell, fossil or beartrap Animal: Fossil, shell, plant, beartrap House: Bowl, urn (fancy looking 50 unit beaker), knife, Statuette (decorative), instrument (decorative), pen (can be regular or sleepy pen), lighter, box (can deconstruct for cardboard), coin, shards, rods, or metal Technical: Metal, gas tank (can be filled with a random gas), teleporter beacon, random tool, shard, metal rods, handcuffs, beartraps Temple: Cult robes, urn (fancy looking 50 unit beaker), bowl, knife, crystal, Cult Blade, soul stone, handcuffs, bear traps, katana, claymore, shard, metal rods, metal War: Gun, knife, laser, katana, claymore, cult robes, cult blade, handcuffs, bear trap, tool Ok, as you can see, the vast vast majority of this stuff is not that great. It's either decorative, or just an existing SS13 item with a unique description. There's a few standouts, however, that I'll explain: Cult Blade--Fully functional and full damage (30); you'll shake if you wield it Katanta/Claymore: Utter crap; despite claiming to be real, both are replica in nature and deal pitiful amounts of damage; might as well robust someone in the head with a toolbox--damage is only 10. Soul Stone: Never found one, can only assume its fully functional Sleepy Pen: You have no way of knowing if it's a regular pen or sleepy pen, as far as I know. Keep in mind this is NOT the paralysis pen that Syndicates use; this is just a pen with a lot of Chloral Hydrate in it. Bear Traps: You arm them, someone steps on them and it greatly reduces their movement speed; cannot be removed without assistance. Guns: Basically it's just a revolver with a unique reskin --usually doesn't have bullets; downside is there's only a 33% chance that it can be loaded with current tech bullets. There's also a 33% chance it could come with its own RANDOM number of bullets Lasers: can be a practice laser gun, full laser gun, X-Ray laser gun (!), or Captain's laser gun (listed in order of most likely to least likely to find). Downside here is there's a 5% chance that laser gun will explode when used and a 10% chance it has an unchargeable cell. Additionally, a 15% chance of having a cell with a random amount of energy--elsewise, you'll have to charge it. So...really, the only interesting finds are a cult blade, soul stone shard, and guns which have a high failure rate. Worst of all is its all down to luck where digsites are at and luck on what items will be contained within that digsite. This is why no one gives a damn about Xenoarch and why no one keeps at it for long. A Special Word on Super Rare Artifacts Once in a while you may mine a tile or improperly excavate it and be temporarily blinded, then hear a keening/thunder/etc type sound. What does this mean? It means you destroyed one of the most rare artifacts a Xenoarch could hope for. How can you go about mining these consistently? Well, you can't; Xenoarch is bugged and the machines used for them are broken. None-the-less, when you excavate a tile, there's a chance you may find some "Rocky Debris". This is easy to miss as it looks like a bunch of regular rocks glued together. That said, if you find one, be sure to use your depth scanner on it; if hums, just destroy it....that said, if the depth scanner pings when you use it on rocky debris? Take a deep breath and calm yourself; you have something super rare. Some Xenoarchs recommend just using the 2cm pick to slowly crack it open; others will chance it with the analyzer. Personally? I've never Rocky Debris with something inside it yet. Those Super Rare Items Just what are these super rare items? Well...it's a surprise. Sometimes it's a rare object; other times it's an "Alien Artifact". I'll leave the rare artifacts a surprise, for now, but I will briefly discuss the "Alien Artifacts". Alien Artifacts These are weird relics that possess odd powers; it can take on any number of shapes, but they all do the same thing--when activated, they'll produce an effect. This is why there's all those odd tools in Xenoarch; to test how to activate them. Once you pin down what it does and how to activate it, you may want to extract its energy and put it in an anomaly battery and use it for your own purposes. Be very careful with these artifacts; very few of the effects they produce are beneficial. And there you have it...a lengthy guide for a lengthy process. I can only hope that, one day, Xenoarch is fixed, and not some SSD-inducing job with almost zero results or benefits.
  19. I also missed out on this vote, but I, too, vote for no rights for Nymphs. I was more than willing to grant it to them as they have a very beneficial+helpful role for Botanist. That said, most players have, sadly, decided to use the role to abuse their semi-all access and grief the heck out of people with it. My vote is no rights unless they're helping in Botany.
  20. Fox McCloud


    The main issue with the surgery room, at the moment ,is the scanner; it's not normally there, by default--because it was added, it really cramps up the working area and makes it easy to intentionally or accidentally trap people. The tools and limited amount of tables is intended; it forces choice and good judgment of who to treat and when to do it. There's two medkits of each type; that's plenty enough--additionally, more healing items are in the NanoMed and Emergency NanoMed wall mounts. Also, the other part of it is game balance and gameplay enhancement. There should be an environment that fosters additional gameplay, not generates "push button" problem solvers. What I mean by this is simple mechanics that don't really encourage work or teamwork/interaction with other players; the Chemist exists for a reason--to make medicine for medbay and to dispense chemicals and drugs (dubious or not =p) to the general populace. Adding in more medkits doesn't really foster additional gameplay. The general feedback on the medbay has been very very positive; during our first two weeks of operation, we got more positive comments regarding its layout than all other positive comments on other areas combined, I don't think it's a good idea to change the layout like that, at this point. The purpose of the office being central is so he can monitor or access everything quite easily (while watching). Reason why Tajarans and Unathi have to snip their gloves is because they get really large side-benefits instead (increased melee damage+chance to cause bleeding on hit, can't get fat, and cold resist, for Tajarans, for instance); it's part of game balance and I feel this is legitimate downside the class should have (including traveling to specific locations to deal with the downside). As for replacement lights, again this falls under the additional gameplay; doctors shouldn't have every little tool as their disposal to fix every little problem in their department--they're there fo specific specific medical problems. Again, the biggest problem with that area was it took away from gameplay and didn't enhance it; it just made medbay impervious to power outages.
  21. It's ok! Don't get too discouraged; just keep working at it. Also farmbots are supplemental help; they're not 100% optimal, nor should they be (or Botanists could just set up a few and go do whatever they wanted). They only activate when the lights on the tray pop up.
  22. I think that the AI using the intercoms is kind of the whole deal with an AI, it is supposed to be hard like that (thats what she said) I pretty much agree; as much as I'd love for it to be easier, the AI is the single most powerful entity on the entire ship and has more power, in a short period of time, than anyone else; the AI really isn't in need of "buffs".
  23. It's an interesting design, but it has quite a few issues: -Botanists will have to walk much farther now to get water -The Seed extractor is located in a 1x1 area that is easy to trap people in (or you'll have to wait for someone to finish doing what they're doing) -The front desk location is incredibly jammed; again, easy to trap someone or just plain get frustrated waiting for someone to move. -Much further walking to have to get seeds, fertilizer, and medicine (and to grind up plants) -Farmbots are now going to be incredibly irritating to have/use because: --the crowded and many 1x1 space means it will inevitably have to be incessantly moved, a lot by Botanists because it's crowding or wedged itself in a 1x1 space --Provided the Botanists are standing at the entrance or center of their "C" styled plots, it means the bots will be unable to utilize or help out with nearly 25% of the plots. I appreciate your input on this and your design (nice diagram), but it, unfortunately, has some major issues, and contrary to your design intent it doesn't really increase efficiency, I'm afraid. It optimizes for total possible volume, but completely sacrifices on total space, movement efficiency, and access in order to do it; it also has "scaling" problem---With the previous Botany you could scale up to 4-5 Botanists without a gigantic issue (I realize there's only 3)--under this setup, you're locked with pretty much 3, as any more than that and they'll be crowding each other incessantly.
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