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Posts posted by SoholTar


    In my opinion, lawless AIs (which occurs very very very rarely) should just try to prevent harm to themselves (similar to Law 3). Like some kind of instinct. They should not be concerned by the crew as it can be viewed as mere biological organisms inhabiting the AI's home station. The basic thing that restrains the AI to act accordingly to the crew orders is the mention of the word " crew " in the first and second law. If the word crew isn't mentioned in any law, the AI is not bound to obey anyone.


    Like some of you have mentioned, it doesn't mean that they should kill the crew, either. However, people tend to be jerks when they have the opportunity to (which I can't really blame) and have nothing better to do. If staying alive as an AI means preventing anyone from entering AI upload or AI chamber and killing pesky crew members that want to tamper with you (the AI), then it's okay I guess. This is very likely going to happen since people will rapidly think that an unresponsive AI is malfunctioning and will try to destroy it.


    If admins notice you don't have laws, you can be sure there will be some kind of Ionic storm coming your way, though :D



    Here's what I've posted some time ago.


    Hey there.


    It's not new, players respawning as a diona nymph can sometimes be real idiots. There are no official statement about them inside the rules, so I'm asking people's opinion on that. I've seen someone being arrested yesterday for attacking a nymph who was messing around in medbay. I've been attacked or have seen people getting attacked by nymphs (and grown up dionas) in the past for no obvious reason. As far as I'm concerned, not all nymphs/dionas are evil, of course, but if they don't behave correctly (being dicks), the crew should have the right to treat them accordingly without people freaking out.


    The thing is that, basically, dionas are nigh invincible. When they get killed, they only become nymphs again and they can grow up again afterward.For that reason, what they are doing as a nymph or a diona is meaningless and insignificant. That's possibly why some of the people playing as nymphs or dionas feel the urge to pull pranks on people and act as assholes.


    I've seen DavetheHeadcrab make an official statement yesterday but can't recall it perfectly. What he basically said was that nymphs could be killed without any kind of OOC consequence ( ban or warning). Killing a nymph is only considered animal cruelty and you can do brig time for it. That's about it.



    NT employees appear on the crew manifest. If they are not on it, they are not to be considered as a crewmember on the station.


    As far as ID goes, it's just like grown up dionas. They need to go to the HoP in order to be added to the Crew Manifest and get a job.


    However, I think that you can't change a golem's name... He will only be named after his number.



    Welcome on the forums! Glad to see you're enjoying the server!


    People are kind here (well, most of them) so I think you can ask people to help you (OOC or IC) with certain jobs.


    It's great to see such enthusiasm!



    I'm pretty sure the admins are behind that. There are no jobs related to being on Central Command or anything like it so it has to be admins.


    Might have been a busy round for the admins.


    Also, did you talk about that matter to the Captain or HoS (or HoP for that matter). They are the only ones (players) who could do anything about that detective.



    I totally agree with Sheakhan.


    I'd like to add that having a mean to handcuff someone is even better. Prepare some cable restraints or things like that and you can make sure they cannot move (i.e. run away) at all and cannot call for help. You can take off the headset and put handcuffs on someone at the same time. This way you make sure they are really helpless against you.


    The same strategy can be used when you're being a regular Syndicate traitor with the sleepy pen. Stun, make sure they can't call anyone or escape and kill.



    I believe you can be automatically selected when observing. I've found myself being a blob, a facehugger and a wizard while not doing anything else than observing. There is also the ERT or DS that you can apply to. Also, admins sometimes let you play with them in the admin room.



    You can also be a pAI and a cyborg with a positronic brain.



    There are several things to do when observing.



    Hey there.


    It's not new, players respawning as a diona nymph can sometimes be real idiots. There are no official statement about them inside the rules, so I'm asking people's opinion on that. I've seen someone being arrested yesterday for attacking a nymph who was messing around in medbay. I've been attacked or have seen people getting attacked by nymphs (and grown up dionas) in the past for no obvious reason. As far as I'm concerned, not all nymphs/dionas are evil, of course, but if they don't behave correctly (being dicks), the crew should have the right to treat them accordingly without people freaking out.


    The thing is that, basically, dionas are nigh invincible. When they get killed, they only become nymphs again and they can grow up again afterward.For that reason, what they are doing as a nymph or a diona is meaningless and insignificant. That's possibly why some of the people playing as nymphs or dionas feel the urge to pull pranks on people and act as assholes.


    So, what should be done with nymphs In Game? Are they to be considered as crew? Are they to be considered as basic nuisance? Are they to be considered as nuisance only if they act like assholes? Should botanists be blamed for a nymph behavior (they are the ones creating them)? Nymphs have a bad reputation because of people abusing while being nymphs.



    I really didn't understand why people were so obsessed by the cat thing. The ERT/DS that came on the station was a bunch of blood thirsty officers. They even changed the AI laws so they could take over the control of the station (At least of the AI).




    Even if they are transformed into cats, they still remain crew members according to the Crew Manifest. This whole thing was a bit silly.



    At least let the victim know it has been hit with it so you know who did it. I've been killed once with this power and the second time I was struck by it, I was near a cryocell (how convenient and ironic) that allowed me to survive the burn damage caused by the power (I was dragged out of it by the invisible attacker that transformed me into a monkey but it's a different story).


    I totally agree that it's overpowered. When it's combined with invisibility, that's just ridiculous.



    You're acting like a karma transfer is a bigger deal then it is. It's not like he's asking for more karma- he's just asking for it to be sent to another account, because he doesn't like the current account's username. Such a simple and justifiable procedure, it couldn't even be called a 'favor', just 'something byond should've implemented already'


    I agree, it's not a big deal. It's just that the story behind this is kind of silly. I'm willing to admit that the experience I've had playing with him in the past kind of biased my response in a negative way (see his Introduction in the Introductions forum).


    Also, apprently : viewtopic.php?f=22&t=832 .



    That's pretty neat but I don't see any security officer being able to use all the material there. There should be a Medical Doctor dedicated to work there. I'm not sure a body scanner would be useful, though. It is generally used to find very specific injuries that an Health Analyzer cannot find. If a patient is beginning to gasp, is reported to have internal bleeding or falls down from injuries, don't bother getting him into brig-medbay, just go where real doctors can perform surgery (real medbay). The body scanner is kind of overkill. Maybe a sleeper would be more useful.


    Other than that, RP-wise, this would make a lot of sense. Every prisoner that comes in has to be checked for injuries before being put in a cell and when they leave to ensure they were treated with respect. This might refrain officers from beating them. IAA could supervise this to make sure everything runs smoothly in the Brig. (Some people are going to get pissed but that's RP).


    A new medic job ?



    A griefer will always be a griefer, should he be a carp, Runtime, a diona or a character.


    Carps are slow as hell when controlled by players. You can't really chase anyone as a player carp. When I play a carp, I'm looking inside the station from windows, trying to find a prey. When I find one, I break the window and try to chase the player (that's what NPC carps do). What people usually do is to run away. There is no way to chase them as a player controlled carp. Real carps are super fast, though.


    Also, player carps die really easily. Two swipes at a carp with a circular saw is enough to kill them.


    I think they are fine the way they are. It's just that griefers like to use them to sabotage the station in a OOC fashion. Carps are not interested in sabotaging the station, there sole purpose is to hunt down and eat people.



    Actually, I wasn't being a jerk or anything and I wasn't being sarcastic or impolite. I'm just saying that asking for a karma transfer just because you don't like your account name is kind of lame. And I'm emphasizing the fact that you had a second account because you were banned somewhere else, which does not play in your favor at all. At least that's what I understood from what you're saying.


    Basically what you are saying is this " I was banned for being rude to the host of another server. I thus created a new account with a name that I don't even like (somehow...). That's why I'm asking for a karma transfer ".


    Sorry if you felt offended.



    I'm pretty sure you pissed everyone in surgery there but maybe me more than any other person. I was Henry Dennis the surgeon, the one you handcuffed to protect a griefing diona (but you couldn't have known, still you shouldn't have arrested me).


    Actually, like we told you in IC, dionas are not part of the crew. You shouldn't bother protecting them. As far as a cyborg knows, they are plants that can talk and have a name. When they get a job, they're part of the crew. Glaze just transformed in surgery and started messing around. What happened was that we asked for security in surgery because the diona was taking surgical tools and stabbing people with them. Glaze was disarmed once, he took a scalpel again and was disarmed again. Some people got a little heated up and stab him because he wasn't stopping being a jerk at the exact moment you entered. I was handcuffed because I disarmed him. He was the culprit and you arrested the victims. Not very pro, if you ask me. That's kind of situation where asking people what happens is great. And you wouldn't have a bad reputation :P There were so many witnesses... and you were actually violating law 1.


    Misunderstandings happen and as I mentioned before, this game is sometimes hard to understand. I don't blame you :P


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