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Hairy Ban Jhankri

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Posts posted by Hairy Ban Jhankri

  1. Back when the HOP had an egun, a blob 'sploded right outside my office, (I was the HOP), I took it down myself. Other than that, I keep my methods a secret. I will, however, give a short summary of one of my more amusing experiences. I made a "gift" for a "friend", and I sent it to their office. Moments later, I heard some very pleasing words over the radio. "Security to [REDACTED]". Only moments after, over the radio: "FUCK, FUCK!" I am quite certain my "friend" liked my "gift". I call it, a Room Heater, as it makes rooms nice and toasty warm.

  2. What if instead we ragged on each other, we all complimented each other and stuff like that, bruh? like why complain, if we can spread around ome watered down love, yo? So like, we say "hey man, this char/ckey/ whatever is pretty cool" instead of "bruh ban this ass hat" all the time? Like, wouldn't maybe it also help with ideas of karma or something, for like why one chooses to karma a certain char for a certain action or some shit? but liie yeah dude, that is about all I can come up with rifht now. So like, be excellent to eachother, or something, right?


    Love the idea, in theory. However, do you really trust the RP skills, and just basic understanding of SOP by all involved enough for this to work? I mean, I have high hopes that these things will happen, eventually, but for now . . .



    Oh, but maybe, after enough of these round types happening, it might condition the player base in a better direction . . . Perhaps . . .?



    Ok first of all i'm implying IF, what IF? What if we had something similar to, let's say... Bushido, today? Or the nine noble virtues ...


    Oh, if? If we had a set, solid concept of honour, good and evil, right and wrong, even in small society? It would be a utopian society. I'd think it would have to be a fairly statistically well off society.


    And yeah, as far as my thoughts go, like I said, I have been completely alienated by how some concepts are different than my own.





    I think you and I differ in our schools of thought, where as I am not as familiar with yours, but you seem to be familiar with mine, which is progressive Darwinian theory. Which, is that the evolutionary process is the process of progress in a species. Progressive theory is the most common and known theory currently being taught, as far as I know. I think this is where all the debate is stemming from. The knowledge you possess is either newer, older, or more in depth than what is currently being taught at the state funded university level. I don't know which.


    As for the survival of the fittest, I like to relate it to the Fermi Paradox, particularly the great filter aspect. This, is really what I base all of my personal arguments off of, not directly, but it helps me sort of put things into perspective. The fittest, being the current most advanced species that would likely make it passed the great filter, assuming we haven't already, or nothing new will wipe us out, as humans.


    For the intelligence removing us, I still don't think so. This is largely due to the fact that honour does not mean the same thing widely, and well, honour just doesn't really factor into reproduction, as I see it. Perhaps perceived honour at best. [this is the part where I am getting tired, and I write paragraphs, realize I am rambling, delete it all, and repeat the entire process over with the next idea. yeah, next topic, I rewrote a bit tenfold, and I am losing grasp of what I wanted to get at more and more with each attempt.


    Also, even with technology, and medical advances, that doesn't prevent the inevitable. Those still better suited will still stay the majority, and pass on. Those susceptible to ailments either die, or eventually adapt to better suit them. With or without medical advances and technology.


    a big part of the reason for this is that our concepts of right and wrong lead to us not discriminating

    But, statistically, we do, a lot, against a lot of things. That is changing more and more as time progresses, but, for now, we as a species are fairly discriminate.


    PS before I pass out

    Anyway, to bring up a few points, overarching, we are in the midst of evolution right now. We are finding that more and more people are both intelligent, and highly attractive. This is due to the fact that in the past, the weird nerd types were restricted to other weird nerd types. Eventually, all those nerds gravitate towards each other, mating occurs, eventually you get smart, and visually appealing offspring. We are moving away from our past as tool makers and users, homo sapien sapien, into more intricate territories. We aren't evolving in the normal sense anymore, better skin to deal with hot sun, or better organs to deal with labour. Instead, our brains are changing. Not really old people, but younger people, the brains are evolving more, to think better. Process info. We are moving away from a tool building/ making species onto the next mutation, evolution, into a thinking species. We are looking at a new species, right now, in the next few generations.


    Also, again, this is all based on progressive Darwinian.



    Okay, so for the honour topic, I guess I will throw in my two cents in just for the sake of the original topic, but there is a reason why I didn't mention it in my first post, and likely why I won't really discuss it much further, and that is because it is too broad and baseless, really. What one defines honour as, another won't. I didn't really find interest in this topic at all until rereading it countless times, trying to find something I would be able to discuss, partly because I didn't really understand the initial post fully. Rereading it now, I still don't fully understand it, the posts following probably didn't help much, either. For example: "But quite clearly we see a lot of things have been or still being done that is not right at all. Both by people and larger communities" Who is defining those things, and which things are being defined? I feel the topic is painted much too black and white for practical purpose, and/or discussion, and is far too broad. If a large community did an action, and the community all agreed that the action was wrong, then wouldn't they just stop? If not, then that implies, well, they don't find it wrong. "If we first have an established sense of honor or integrity, where does it draw the line? How far should one be willing to go to keep it" this to me, assumes we actually have an established sense of honour or integrity. Here's the thing, we don't. In the town where I grew up, honour consisted of simply being truthful, and respectful. I guess it is hard to explain. When I moved into the city, it was different, more raw, I guess. My buddies, if they were disrespected, would just beat you. Disrespect somebody, and you get hit, and hit, and hit again, and again, until you pass out, or run off like a little bitch, thus, restoring thier own honour. If, however, you fought back, and won, you would keep your honour. It is pretty simple, actually, don't disrespect people, unless you can back it up, mentally and physically. Disrespect is . . . fairly different from place to place. For example, flat out, things are different here back home. Things that would have been fine in the city, I have forgotten, just aren't the same here.


    So, just TL;DR, honour, good and evil, right and wrong, none of it really exists quite the same way, even in your own neighbors house, the way it is to you. (maybe you don't have a neighbor, so use the closest person near you)





    I remember a round where a miner sold me a bowl that dispenses unlimited space lube, then robotics was building a HONK mech, I spoke to the clown, who was (naturally) breaking into the magistrates office and we had an idea, he'd ride the HONK while I'd steal galoshes and earmuffs, he'd honk and launch bananas, while I used the bike horn and spilled space lube. Then the virologists and CMO screwed up, didn't use bio suits, released a virus and got the medbay quarantined. The shuttle was called and I spent the rest of the round arguing with Kei' Shen while he was being racist and broke in the pods. Still never pulled off that prank... :(


    It has been a long while since I have heard about some good, thought out clowning. A honk of gratitude to you, fellow human.



    Wow, okay. Welcome to the debate by the way, that went from the concept of honor to the scientific study of human behaviour and evolution. Okay not that far but still.


    With that being said, I would like to hear your debate on why you think intelligence would impede progress on an evolutionary scale? Also, how and why have we been removed from the survival of the fittest?



    Yeah i was wondering about that too? Survival of the fittest, *fittest* < this can be literally anything that helps a species survive, no? The one most adapted to the environment around them is the one that survives, and with humans being one of the few creatures that can adapt to pretty much any climate. Nomads, inuits anyone? Herbivores - eat anything, tool and tactic making - defeat anything ..


    I would argue that humans are going to change a lot in the future because of the trait, not necessarily in a bad direction.


    How I really very much want to bring that topic up now, as I think it is a great topic, but, I will refrain for now. I will, however, say with the introduction of the internet and other leaps and bounds in technological breakthroughs, in the past twenty years, humans have changed considerably. Really, I am quite giddy about it.



    >Be HOS

    >tasked with higher orders to detain Owl Man, loyalty implanted deserter

    >Owl man has captains gear, armed, full access

    >only standard HOS gear, HOS access

    >Figured quick, non lethal take down the best and only route, tried to lure them in, failed.

    >get syringe gun, two syringes of chloral

    >See Owl Man

    >take the shot

    >it is super effective

    >didn't bother stripping, looting, or cuffing Owl Man, as I thought chloral lasted a long time

    >my mistake

    >on the way to brig, griffy chaplain starts messing with me, because I flashed them for beating the infamous Flip Pearson in my brig

    >Owl Man wakes up, uses hand tele

    >PDAs me asking what happened, told him orders are orders, nothing personal

    >PDAs me back, happy hunting or some shit, he will defend himself.

    >okay whatever, not using lethals, NBD

    >shuttle is called like right around now, really rushing to get them in, and carry out my orders.

    >I see Owl Man

    >Owl Man sees me

    >take out syringe gun

    >takes out egun

    >forget if this time it was stun or lethals


    >hit again

    >syringe gun not firing

    >retreat into tunnels, shuttle is here, heal up.

    >get onto shuttle, my mission will not end in failure if I have any say

    >pull out trusty egun this time.

    >fire, its a direct hit

    >I am hit

    >lethals, it hurts

    >keep stunning

    >wasn't aware of nerf

    >figure I got to be close

    >keeps firing lethals

    >I remain hopeful

    >traitor pulls out esword and hacks me up, as Owl Man continues to shoot me.


    >traitor scurries off with my jumpsuit, nobody cares.

    >end round reveals my mission. Owl Man was not liked, I was ordered to take care of them.

    >Owl man, lethals use 24/7.


  10. Alright, now, what if we stepped away from making every antag a killing machine, and look at what we can come up with. I was wondering, what if there was a game mode with mentally ill patients? I'll get the explanation of how this is tied in out of the way later. So, you take a few handfuls of different disorders and all, and you make it an "antag" "job". So, like, perhaps a schizophrenic, some how they would have constant hallucinations, and/or some how voices in their heads telling them to steal or harm somebody, or perhaps "save" somebody, from "something". Or, perhaps, like a socio/psychopath, tasked with killing all of the animals, or perhaps trying to climb the ladder of success (some people might say that one is lame). So, to tie it in, pyro could work, too. But, keep in mind, it is a mental disorder, pyro isn't about killing, or anything, it is simply for enjoyment. For a pyro, as far as I understand, fire has a very calming effect, or perhaps fills one with energy. I never really asked. So, perhaps an "objective" would be not to stray to far away from any source of fire or flame for too long. Here is part of the catch, though, these aren't agents, or anything. They have not committed crimes like an agent would. So, what this means, is, security needs to steer clear of them, and at most, assist medical staff in treating them. I would mention or think out thoughts for other disorders and all, but I fear my knowledge outside a select few are fairly lacking, or, you know, just boring and dark. Anyway, kind of derailed, but also gave your thread a little more "oomph" I guess.


    So, alright, the reason I brought that up, it seemed like the point being made is that psycho/sociopaths have low intelligence. Obviously, I don't think that is what the intended point was, and in the style of Socrates, I pointed directly at that part, and asked if that was an/the intended point/idea/argument. Straying from that, I added my own spin, which, implying, if, IF, that was the case, then [insert my own argument/questions here] which is what I did.


    Your first question, as far as my understanding goes, yes, that is still genetic. Nature vs. nurture can have a large role, but the traits are still genetic. Schizophrenia is a great example, as it can be triggered and brought to the surface by many things, even if it is buried far from current family genes. While these, among other things, are very much regarded as "bad" genes, they are still being passed on, have a purpose, and are changing the human race. Remember, evolution doesn't halt, and hasn't halted. Organisms are always working to better themselves, as a whole. When a mutation occurs, it is tested, and if it doesn't work out, they die, the genes eventually stop being passed on, they are weaker.


    The goal of evolution is to reproduce, correct. It is not to survive, or to achieve happiness, or do anything besides reach the age of maturation, and reproduce, spreading the genes. However, depending on the organism, if a certain trait increases survivability, the trait remains, and is passed on. If what your argument entails is an absolute truth, there would be no point for any other beings, would it not? Sentience assists in evolution. Intelligence assists in evolution.


    With that being said, I would like to hear your debate on why you think intelligence would impede progress on an evolutionary scale? Also, how and why have we been removed from the survival of the fittest?


    PS. Trying to add on, I reread what you wrote, about it being a goal. Not really a goal, just a by-product. I can, and will bring that up later, if a few certain precursor topics are touched upon, if you'd like.


    Pretty cool, I feel, how this conversation was started, and how and where it could possibly go. Thank you all for feeding my brain some.



    A piece of advise I was given by my mother went along the lines of "There is an inner voice in all of us that tells us whether an action is right or wrong, that inner voice is almost never wrong."


    Some people clearly don't get that 'inner feeling' when undertaking a 'bad' action, I always however have - I tend to guide my actions on this principle. I believe humans (even psychopaths to a degree) are intelligent enough to KNOW when an action is wrong and especially an 'evil' action - it doesn't take 'morals' to judge this necessarily just a basic understanding of 'cause and effect.'


    Serial Killers often 'know' their actions are wrong they just have a compulsion to offend, often driven by sexual desire or just a 'need' to act out their thoughts, however they often *know* what they're doing is wrong or atleast know what they have done is monstrous in the eyes of society around them (if they had no understanding they wouldn't go to lengths of trying to cover up their crimes or taunt investigators ect.)


    Can you back any of this up, or reinforce/elaborate on your thoughts more?


    For example:

    I believe humans (even psychopaths to a degree) are intelligent enough to KNOW when an action is wrong


    Are you implying that people who happen to be socio/psychopathic by nature are not intelligent? If this is the case, then why would the gene be so prominent, and successfully passed down through the generations? If it was a poor gene to have, in the scope of things, to survive, then wouldn't it be tossed aside, and removed from the gene pool?


    Also, for the sake of argument, what does define an action as wrong? If it furthers chances of survival, what defines the action as wrong? Using your own statement: "A piece of advise I was given by my mother went along the lines of "There is an inner voice in all of us that tells us whether an action is right or wrong, that inner voice is almost never wrong". If somebodies "voice" differs from your own, who is in the wrong?


    On your serial killer bit, are you so certain that that is the goal, to offend, or for sexual gratification? Again, I would like verification on this.


    Some people clearly don't get that 'inner feeling' when undertaking a 'bad' action, I always however have - I tend to guide my actions on this principle


    What makes this different between being morally superior, and just being self righteous?


    Now, I don't want you to think you are being attacked or anything, I tried really hard not to make it seem that way, as that is what my philosophy professor always did. He always fell to the styles of Socrates in refuting arguments, which is the style I most loathe, however, I eventually did find it to be useful. It is the style of debate I am using here, as it is immediately what I thought of when you introduced one statement.


    Other than that, I think it is really cool you are so fervent about these topics.


    PS. About halfway through writing this, I was interrupted by the calling of a fairy. My thoughts may be scrambled after that.


  13. My mind has been drained for a while, I am in need of stimuli. I would offer up a topic for discussion, which is obviously the more logical route, and has the higher chance of success, but I have nothing to offer. Instead, a more sporadic approach will be taken. What occupies the thoughts of each of you? What do you think about, that is considered interesting, or perhaps uncommon? I see topics of people, politics, concepts. What else is bred? Bring up a topic of your choosing.

  14. So, this is a quick thought, not really thought out or given any attention to detail, but if my facts are wrong, please correct me, or shoot me in the right direction. Anyway, a bit of history, the way I have come to understand it, is a lot of things were fine and dandy around the 60s-80s, somewhere in there, and Russia saw a cool little place it could spread communism to. The US saw this, and well, that is just plain evil. Time to spread a little freedom. Anyway, Russia, with their tanks, and their choppers, US, who can not out-right intervene, and a whole bunch of untrained and under equipped freedom fighters. So, the CIA funded training and weapons to a fun bucket of fighters, the Mujahideen. It was kind of a big deal when the CIA gave out stinger missiles, to combat the choppers. So, you got the Mujahideen working in the name of "FREEEEEEDOOOOMMMMM" pushing back Russia, they eventually succeed. Well, now you need a figurehead to make sure these cool guys that fought for all that good freedom, stays that way, so, you set it up, and now you have a religious based figurehead, and a whole bunch of guns, if I recall, nobody ever cared to take back. Who cares, anyway, the little desert hommie-G's got all that sweet freedom, right? Anyway, if I am not mistaken, prior to all of this, Pakistan, and all of those cool places were fine and dandy, religion got involved in politics, and then all the stuff up there ^ happened. A violent coup happened at one point, forget where, but pretty much overnight. I think that was near all the beginning of all this. Anyway, I am hungry.

  15. Woah, surprised nobody has jumped on this. Okay, it seems there is a general consensus that politics are not meant to be talked about in game or on the forums, especially something like this. I think it is cool you are thinking about these things, but, if I am not mistaken, this is not the forum to be discussing it on. If I am mistaken, then I suppose we could have an interesting debate. I often take devil's advocate.

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