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Posts posted by Regen


    Can anyone provide a reason as to why it must stay in? "


    It really doesn't, but nobody seems to give enough of a shit to make a PR for it, shit i'll even find the code




    https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... ng.dm#L460

    Here, remove line 460 to 463



    			to_chat(user, "You try to remove the light [fitting], but you burn your hand on it!")


    var/obj/item/organ/external/affecting = H.get_organ("[user.hand ? "l" : "r" ]_hand")

    if(affecting.take_damage( 0, 5 )) // 5 burn damage



    return // if burned, don't remove the light



    From that


    To this:



    to_chat(user, "You try to remove the light [fitting], but you burn your hand on it!")

    return // ouchie my hand was burned and I was unable to remove the bulb, at least I didnt take damage :feelsgoodman:



    Formatting is fucked but don't mind that


    It's not fucking hilarious to die on an infection inflicted by a misclick caused because of a lagspike.


    "Nah lets just keep this shitty feature because its funny, fuck whatever it takes away from gameplay, lets keep it because it's funny"


    You sure you don't want to take a step back and think of how worked up you're getting over this?



    Sure, it's a stupid feature, but the arguments here are hilarious.




    So yeah, a glass shard can also kill you, so can space, so can figuratively anything in the game if you apply it enough times to your head.

    It's not a "BROKEN FEATURE OMG" it's an annoyance, a mild one at that.



    What the fuck


    Are you the guys thats responsible of the "warning, contains hot" label on my coffee?


    Here's an easy fix, don't touch the lightbulb until you die


    I can fuck up and accidentally touch one as well, especially in RnD, but that doesn't kill me, not even close, you'd have to have the intent of killing yourself in mind to even get close to serious injury.


    "Guys let's remove glass shards because you can kill yourself with them"



    With our "new" antag system, antags are chosen purely based on chance and not job, this means that if you get chosen for antag, but you also get selected to be the warden, it will give you another job that is not protected.


    In simplest terms this makes it so that you can play security without having the "I want to play security but that means I opt out of every antag roll there is"


    I think malf AI should be excluded from this system, and only count those who has signed up for AI for the round.

    Why? Because AI is such a massively different job than any other on the station, it requires an entirely different mindset and mood to get into.

    The difference between playing security and traitor chemist is just a change of pace, while readying up for HoS and getting AI is two different ballgames.



    Simple mobs are not meant to be useful, they are simple mobs.

    It would still be in my opinion a very good feature if added in. Might eveb encourage roleplay if players play as the dogs.

    Absolutely no

    The "respawn as NPC" feature is not so that players can respawn as Ian to validhunt whoever just killed them

    The possibility for metaplat would increase dramatically, so I don't see this happening



    The idea is that admins don't have to babysit, thats how its done on aurora station and thats how we could do it.


    Aurora also averages 21 players while we average 50.


    Aurora is a much smaller community, making it easier to find individuals and place trust in normal players.

    It's basically not as easy as you seem to think it is



    I just generally want to keep gameplay to the station only, allowing players to act as centcom has never been something we've done, we even don't allow anyone to play as CC agents even if we were to constantly watch them.


    I think it's too much of a responsibility and outside of the scope of the game we're trying to create



    I am NOT sure about this

    Giving players CC characters has NEVER been a thing for us, as they have such an immense power over the round.


    This feels as just a giant way for someone to stroke their epeens, and there's so much in the suggestion that rubs me the wrong way.

    ERT commander?

    Players sending deathsquads?


    We don't have consistent ERT's and even if we did it'd be a whole other discussion to have it be rank based.

    Deathsquads are high tier black ops sent to destory any and all personel and leave no evidence, comms officers would have no knowledge of them if anything. They are created to end the round, and is completely unfair against any antagonist



    Basically, like how the chemists can store different chems in a fridge, robotics should have their own "vending machine" that allows them to easily store robotic spare parts


    Should not be directly available to crew, but just for an easier way to print them up and not have them messy up the already messy robotics area


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