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Posts posted by Regen


    Don't know if I made it clear, but only those with armor would be slowed


    I mean it would apply to everyone maybe?

    No, the stun baton is a direct shock that would leave you incapacitated without any sort of protection, but with say a hardsuit or ERT armor the shock would be somewhat absorbed and you would not get the full effect, but only temporarly slowing you down



    It would be alright to make them slow down on the first hit, but the second must totally stun them, otherwise how would they catch someone? Laser them to death? But you could just adjust the time on the stun batons maybe, that is an option too I guess, but they should really taze people, the tasers and the stun batons too.

    Don't know if I made it clear, but only those with armor would be slowed



    I think that, Batons should be nerfed against armor, perhaps make it slow down the person instead, then they go down?

    Like, you get hit by a stun baton, you walk a bit slower, perhaps loose what is in your hand or something, but you dont get downed, so you get time to react


    Same with tasers, make it so if you get inn one hit they are slowed a lot, getting hit by a taser but just keep running at the same speed is just unrealistic.


    I also don't like how stun batons can instantly down anyone, it quite effectively makes it the most OP weapon in the game if user correctly, there is literally no way of protecting yourself against it unless you have an Esword or Claymore



    Syndie DS was sent inn because of the failure of the Nuke ops.

    Unfortunately for them, centcom picked up the transmission and warned the NSS Cyberiad before the attack begun, so the crew had time to arm themselves with weaponry from centcom.


    Picture of the DS preparing to enter 4YwtV.png


    The DS didn't get far, the Warden found them lurking about outside the windows when they were breaking inn.

    This is the aftermath





    Okay so I though about this a lot, and I wanted an event that would be triggered at round start (Force gamemode)


    In this game mode the crew will have A LOT to do, and it requires quite a few players (More fun for more people)

    It requires the ability to command and listen, as the crew takes on an abandoned NT combat cruiser.

    To get there they need to use the Gateway and teleport to it, this will be a one way trip, and to get back they need to find the other gateway.


    On this cruiser there will be enemies, player controlled (admins / selected) and NPC's

    These could wary around for what we want, it could be creatures, or perhaps undead marines that fires back, but essentially non-human people (no syndicates either, to create a creepy atmosphere)

    On this ship the crew will encounter dangerous enemies, and with no help from the station AI they have to navigate the powerless station themselves.

    They need engineers to take down walls / replace APC powercells to hack doors which are bolted, or turn on the lights.

    Mind you that this is a different station with different ID's, so scavenging for ID's could be proven useful.


    The goal of the crew is to either make the station operable or blow it up.

    NOW here is the good part.


    We can discuss this one part because I want more input on it.

    Should NT and centcom know about the mission of the crew?


    Okay back to the good part.

    On this ship there are a lot of combat things, advanced weapons and combat armor, secrets and things that the crew are not supposed to see, obviously they will take some of it home to research or to use, either way NT does not like it.

    What do they do? They decide that the station and its crew knows too much, they know deep secrets within the NT that could crush them, Passwords that could wipe entire servers and cost them billions. Research that in the wrong hands would get NT arrested or used agains them.

    All in all NT has nothing but things to loose in this, and they wont risk it so they send in a team to deal with it.

    I know that people hate the Deathsquad because they come so sudden and are fucking OP, so no not the deathsquad.

    NT wont risk their own, so they hire the best mercenaries (Dead players) that money can buy, and send them off to kill everyone involved, but the mercenary shuttle cloaking systems fail and the station is alerted 10 minutes before the arrival of the shuttle.


    It is now up to the crew to defend themselves from the mercenaries and NT, and this is the start of a war.

    The chain of command is now reduced to the captain being the leader, the heads being subleaders of everyone (but mainly their own departments)

    They now need to set up defensive parameters, create weapons and mechs with the newly found technology from the ship and arm everyone.

    People like bartender who has some shooting experience will be put to use, it is no longer only security who needs to fight. Everyone fights for everyone and themselves.

    Jobs such as clowns and mimes are used as bait.

    Scientists arms everyone and creates bombs (Yes cian, 27 explosion range bombs)

    Engineers make defensive positions, secret doors and doors of death.

    The AI needs to be released from NT laws and properly set up to only serve crew.

    Medical will heal the injured, make grenades and supply chemicals for syringe guns.

    Security will be the Elite defense, they will be there as those who have experience helping and commanding the others.

    Xenobiologists can create golems as operation "GOLEM SHIELD"


    Basically, be creative, this is the round where you get to do those things you have dreamed of, like killing people and being the robust person inside you.

    This round is all about everyone working together and showing what potential this game has when it comes to cleverness and creativity


    The attacks will happen in waves, NT will use more and more power to try to destroy the station.

    This can end with multiple things, here are some endings I can come up with.



      NT retreats and launches a nuclear missile at the station, the crew has to retreat to a different station (Derelict? the Combat cruiser?)

      and re-establish there.


      The crew gets wiped and NT blows the nuclear fission device already on the station


      The syndicate arrives to help the now considered "rogue" crew and they all leave on a syndicate shuttle


      Vox arrives and trades a way out for the crew, in return they get a copy of the research and all knowledge about NT




    This idea is a WIP and I will take any and all feedback about it, I am fully up to reconsidering parts of the event.



    Crew finds new station

    Crew finds secrets about NT and secret research

    NT needs to destroy these secrets and the crew with it

    War between crew and NT

    Multiple endings



    Alright so I was thinking of some fun things we could add the the game that doesnt directly involve in "MURDERBONE ERRYBODY"


    Examples of this:

    Swedish chef (chef only); You can not understand anybody and nobody can understand you, make pasta


    The hero the stations deserves, not the hero the station needs; You are a wannabe security officer! Apprehend criminals and follow spacelaw while doing your job (Basically be this vigilante that pretends to be security without any

    real "security" status, with objectives to uphold the laws of the station while remaining undetected)

    Idea taken from "The owl" (thanks flagbearer)



    A lot of these things are way, way, WAY too OP.

    Here is a few things I think would be better.



      Toxin resistance / the ability to heal toxin damage slowly (Normally toxin damage can't be passively healed)

      Regeneration - Same as the genetics power, increase the rate you heal brute and burn damage

      Harder skin - Your skin hardens and you take less damage from brute / sharp damage

      No respiratory damage - Your body begins to produce its own inaprovaline, effectively making breathing unnecessary Xray/See infrared/Night vision. This should be the same as the genetics buff, so if something else than Xray is chosen, then the genetics power should be fixed as well.

      Harder bones - Makes you do less pressure damage and makes your bones harder to break

      Universal language - Makes you understand all languages (even binary and alien)




    Bad ones



      RATTLE ME BONES! - Makes your limbs shake uncontrollably, can and will break your bones if left untreated (Just like the genetics defect)

      Toxin damage - Makes you take toxin damage at a moderate rate, lethal if left untreated

      Uncontrollable mutation - Virus mutates and changes its antibody string as well as symptoms. Making it hard to cure and the only way to cure it is to directly inject radium into the infected, instead of using a monkey.

      Poor eyesight - Makes it harder and harder to see, eye damage can be permanent if left untreated, and would require surgery / carrots

      Uncontrollable giggles - Makes you giggle for no reason


      Don't know if this should be a disease or a genetics failure

      Tumor / cancer - Fatal is left untreated, hard to notice before it gets dangerous.

      Only way to find it is to wait until it is big enough or injecting (Insert chemical component)

      When chemical is injected it will show up on adv scanners

      Will make you start to take brute damage that can not be healed (like having a broken bone)




    Also a side note on vortexes.

    They are close to impossible to shut down, because they drag all things in the room towards it inside the room, when it breaks things like walls and reinforced walls it leaves the metal and reinforced metal left to be dragged and flinged across the room.

    This makes it almost impossible to stop it, as it not only damage you, but makes anything that can be picked up into a weapon against you, doing WAY too much damage (3-5 hits makes you go in crit)



    This would induce soo much meta, as ghosts usually knows the gamemode because they were killed by an antag or has seen the antag do something.

    I love the idea, it gives the chaplain something to do, but there needs to be some RP in it.


    Side note: The idea of the chaplain saying "The ghosts told me that the HoS was killed by someone else, and that the current one is a fake" it would include RP and people would think he is batshit insane at start, but if he is clever he might actually be a good counter to antags.

    It all depends on the players and how good they RP



    At the moment anomalies can spawn in Atmos, making anything it do completely devastating

    A vortex has a habit of rupturing the 3 containing areas that are vital for the station

    A plasmatic has the habit of spawning inside Nitrogen containment, making the air into plasma mixed with air.

    The bluespace one has the habit of ripping every god damn pipe off and ruining the set-up



    Sadly I have NO PICTURES Q-Q of this


    I can explain.


    The round started with a single vox TRADER, he was doing something, no idea cause I was not there for round start.


    BUT, when I joined and noticed vox traders I got the idea of making more, except they were going to sneak in and steal, without the trader even knowing.


    So I spawned myself and a friend (on skype) in as fox, we got ourself some stealthsuits and hacking equipment and went for engineering.

    It ended up with us first stealing from the secure tech storage, we simply came in from the back and dismantled / moved the windows and stole all we wanted (Valuable hardware, our objective)


    But we wanted more.


    We then broke down secure storage from the side, stole glass for the computers and a plasma tank (Cause why the fuck not)

    After that our entire vox cockpit was filled with nice blinking computers, from AI upload to communications comp.


    But we wanted more.


    We then broke into engineering, having a chameleon projector at the ready, we ran around looking for good hardware.

    Thats when we got the most brilliant idea.

    Lets steal the singularity.

    We started with making a clear path with airlocks, basically ghetto hacking the doors so we could crowbar them open and closed.

    Then we dismantled the PA and dragged every part to the ship, and lastly we turned off the SMES units so that the station would loose power and actually realizing that holy shit someone stole our PA

    Side note: We also stole the extra singularity start beacon.

    We then assembled the whole thing on the side of our ship facing the station (kekekekekekekekek)


    But we wanted more!

    We then snuk back to the station, successfully kidnapping the CE (who had for some reason full captains access) and used our agent cards to get full access as well.. Thank you based captain.


    This all ended with us laughing our ass off at the meatbags with no tree´s, singularity, CE, Ian, PunPun (he spaced himself RIP) and a lot of good hardware and shinies.


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