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Posts posted by Love-To-Hug


    You need to carry PDA in hand only for "click on object" functions like health analyzer, note scanner e.t.c But such functions are rarely used. The rest could be used hands-free.

    I use it all the time as CMO. I need to make sure the pills are made correctly with the reagent scanner.



    Click - Z - Click is my preference.


    I really hate it whenever I have to drag and drop from a long distance, like with manipulating the paper bins, or removing a jacket with pockets. God that's annoying.



    This is already covered under vandalism and trespass (if the Chaplain tells him to leave and not come back for what he's done)---potentially petty theft too (since the individual is taking something from you with the intent that you're never getting it back).


    Animal Cruelty law was kinda dumb and led to a lot of officers arresting for no other reason than they could when players weren't generally impacted. "CE killed Poly; arrest him for animal cruelty" (yes, stuff like this happened, a lot).


    The only law worse than the animal cruelty law was insulting an officer/head of staff.

    The guy who writes most of Space Law (Tully/Jenkins) told me otherwise.



    [Common] Love-To-Hug asks, "Were you able to rescue the pilot Captain?"

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "I couldnt' figure out how to deal with those carp"

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "Oh no.. About that.."

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "I couldn't leave the station, due to SoP, but I contacted command about it.."

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "However.. I didn't hear back from them.."

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "I hope they send that search and rescue unit.."

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "That's... a bit much, Captain."

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "I think you took the SoP a bit too far."

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "Love, I can't abandon my station to go on space adventures, you have to understand that.."

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "But, the officer was literally right outside the door"

    [Common] Renomaki Story asks, "Wait, what?"

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "I pointed at him"

    [Common] Love-To-Hug says, "He was right outside the door"

    [Common] Renomaki Story says, "Excuse me a moment.. I'm going to facepalm myself to death.."



    I do not like posting on the forum. I have severe anxiety about posting on public forums. Last time I was active I had a anxiety attack and deleted all my posts. However I was told by Tully if I wanted something changed about it, I'd have to. So, here goes.


    Here's what happened, the Chaplain, Kichi, had a corgi based religion going. He had painstakingly attached a corgi to every seat of his chapel and had corgi flags to either side of the podium. It was a very cute setup.


    I was playing NanoTrasen Representative, just sort of pacing the station, when I see the hulked out Geneticist killing corgis while the chaplain is screaming. I try to stop him, but he's immune to stun. Security and the RD is called in. He's mutadoned, and arrested, and I thought the whole situation was over with - I even headed down to the chapel with a full bottle of Strange Reagent to resurrect all the pups.


    However, things immediately hit a brick wall when it came time for sentencing. As it turns out, while Space Law defends the theft of private property (as per the Robbery law) it does not actually defend destruction of the same property. So we could not brig the Geneticist at all. This led the Geneticist getting released and organizing a sort of 'corgi lynch mob' with other greytiders to go and harass the Chaplain more.


    I contacted CentComm on this issue, however I was not given any suggestion other than termination, which doesn't really stop the person, if anything it encourages them to do it more out of spite. I suggested Robbery as a possible punishment since you are essentially 'taking' the property by ensuring no one can use it anymore, but I was told No on that as well.


    This is a fringe case as there are not many ways to destroy PRIVATE property in the game, so a whole new law might be excessive. I just suggest Robbery be extended to 'Steal and/or destroy items from another's person.'


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