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Posts posted by Love-To-Hug

  1. The other borgs don't go after antags.

    They have all access and can spam the holy hell out of the disabler. And even if they couldn't, just having two secborgs together pretty much renders their weaknesses moot.

    Plus they get really hard to kill with EMPs later into the round when they have bluespace power cells.

  2. Just got out of a shadowling round where things were looking pretty tense at the outset. It was really looking like we, the crew, were going to lose. Bodies were pouring into medbay.

    Then the secborgs formed a mob that went through maintenance. They were unstoppable. They stomped a mudhole into all the shadowlings.

    When i mentioned this after the round, someone said they wanted secborgs to stay because 'it's the only way to deal with shadowlings really'... but that kind of proves just how overpowered they are?

    Other stations have been getting rid of them and I'm really starting to see why. They're an enormous boon to Security in a way that makes the game much harder to balance, where the power difference between a Security team without secborgs and one with secborgs is rather enormous.

  3. Memechem sprays have been easy to extinguish for a while and rely on stuns to build firestacks.

    If you're lit on fire and immediately start hitting resist (assuming no stuns) you won't take any damage whatsoever.

    It will be a very minor buff to weapons that light you on fire.. a buff which they could probably use since the last round of changes that made them so easy to extinguish.

    As for plasmamen, they can just wear welding goggles or a welding gas mask, can they not?

  4. 15 hours ago, Purpose2 said:

    I got threatened with being stabbed regarding porting the turf refactor by another of the Paradise coders. So theres that.

    I think you're overreacting. I looked up the original context.

    Stalking Tigress-Yesterday at 4:43 PM
    @Fox McCloud i'll fucking shank anyone who kills unsimulated turfs regardless of "it's for lavaland" or not
    their decision to kill them off is the stupidest fucking shit i've ever seen /tg/ do
    not everything should have atmos
    it increases the load on linda for no fucking reason

    This seems more like someone trying to be hyperbolic as humorous banter than anyone else, not a literal threat to stab someone.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Shadeykins said:


    Oh, I missed that.

    As I said... I really wouldn't want it to change for nukie jetpacks. It seems like you'd have to spend an awful lot of time in space on a particularly long nukie round for it to become a factor, and even then, I can extend the lifespan of my oxygen tanks by lowering the output from 21 to 17kpa.

  6. Well, it affects more than nukies. As someone mentioned, they do that with their sec pilot jetpack, as it can't fit in the bag. I think having it go in exosuit is fine, it just needs to have some indication that it won't propel you if it's not on your back. My suggested implementation would be a chat message that only appears when you do Toggle Jetpack when the jetpack is not on your back slot.

  7. Just now, Shadeykins said:

    Yes, for every nukie ever who wants to run out of internals 20 minutes in. Jetpacks consume a massive amount of O2 when they're actively being used, which makes using them as an internals source a crapshoot even when fully tanked.

    Uh, every time I've been a nukie ever it's what I've done and I've never even come close to running out of O2, even the time we spent an excessive amount of time in space. AFAIK having the jetpack feature enabled only consumes energy when it's being used to propel you, and it doesn't keep expending energy when idle.

    Never once used the extended oxygen tank, had no need for it.

  8. Nukie jetpacks are a source of O2. Meaning they have very good reason to put it in their exosuit slot when they don't need them as jetpacks.

    Great for swapping back and forth without having to rummage in the bag.

  9. 17 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    If you want to argue ERTs shouldn't be pulled from deadchat with an advantage from the information they've absorbed while being a ghost, you could argue we shouldn't do the same with mid round antags either. Then you'd eliminate two features that are designed to give relief to the ghost population.

    Spawning a blob, spiders, or xenos mid round technically gives struggling antags an advantage but it is an attempt to allow the round to carry on and be interesting. 

    If you don't have ERT after all or most of sec is dead then you'd just be forced to shuttle call and end the round. Consider ERT the antags REWARD for kicking security's ass. Now they get to see how they fare against a stronger foe.

    Mid-round antags having the benefit of metaknowledge isn't even nearly as big of an issue. What loyalists are doing is information that not only becomes obsolete quickly, but isn't that valuable in the first place. But what antagonists are doing is information that has staying power, as they could be under disguise, they could have a hideout, they could be hanging around a specific part of space... it's just far more useful information to have than 'Oh security is in the brig. The Captain is in the bridge. The chemist is making medicine.'

    Blobs can't even act on that information as they don't choose their starting point. Terror spiders typically just set up camp in maintenance nearest where they start from and go from there because speed is a priority. The ones that stand to profit the most are xenos, and even then, the information that's most valuable to them is something you would have to think to check beforehand, and by the time you check, someone's already taken the prompt to spawn in as a xeno. So that's moot too.

    Not to mention, antagonists are generally the interesting ones to watch. So when the prompt to become a mid-round thingie comes up, you're most likely going to have the most knowledge of the antagonists, not the loyalists.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    Alternatively, a good solution may be to make it so jetpacks don't fit on any other slot than your back.

    Most people mistakenly put them in an exosuit slot, which they really shouldn't fit into.

    That would nerf nukies.

  11. Just now, Shadeykins said:

    It already isn't. All ERT swipe requests are manually approved by an admin, who decides on the code-level of the ERT and whether or not to send it at all.

    I'll rephrase. Player-triggered mechanic, pending approval. Players should have nothing to do with bringing an ERT.

  12. Wouldn't it make more sense to tie this to the new departmental playtime system (pending approval), rather than karma?

    I'm not exactly sure how you'd format the karma shop to communicate that 'Senior Engineer' is just a title and not any different from a normal engineer other than signalling you're experienced. Furthermore, it'd open up the possibility of getting Senior titles for jobs you don't even play that much. Plus, if highly experienced players want to instead save their karma for something like plasmaman, it means one less 'designated teacher' new players will be able to turn to.

    Aside from that, I like the idea. I just feel like they should just be automatically unlocked with high playtime in respective departments rather than tied to the karma system.

  13. I've never died to ERT. The word 'validhunters' is pretty self-explanatory I feel. People who hunt valids. So in the context of ERT, any and all antagonists. They are indeed a validhunting group. So is Security. Because of metaknowledge, validhunters should not be pulled from dchat. I'm not sure where the disconnect is, here. Let's call a spade a spade.

    I'm also not sure where the roleplay argument is coming from. Are you implying it would be bad roleplay for the crew to take arms when Security is all dead and dangerous murderers are on the loose, who threaten their ability to make it home safely?

    You also talk about how crew aren't likely to stop antagonists, but then argue that the crew being after them would make antagonists lives harder. Why would it be harder than an ERT who are all equipped with guns, all access, and hardsuits?

    As far as introducing a way for people to get dead people re-involved in the round, sure, I support that - you'll notice the EET idea I mentioned would accomplish just that. In my opinion, other ideas should be explored to get people back in the game. But I fee that whenever a player is pulled from the deadpool, it should usually not be to hunt down antagonists. ERTs are extremely common right now, and I don't feel they add much fun to the round for both antagonists and loyal workers. ERTs are generally well-equipped to handle problems themselves, leaving little room for employees to have an impact as far as being a help to the station goes. It is as if the ERT has made the rest of the crew obsolete.


    54 minutes ago, Twinmold said:

    We as admins still have final say on if an ERT is even sent to the station, and therein there's still the chance for rounds to go much more astray than expected. Removing ERT would be removing a very real response to a situation from Central Command and removes a very powerful tool for admins to try to calm a situation if we feel the chaos needs to lower.

    I never said anything about removing ERT entirely. I simply believe it should not be a player-activated mechanic (i.e. something they can swipe for).

  14. 51 minutes ago, Twinmold said:

    You're suggestion seems to stem from a common idea of no one should have any meta-knowledge and be able to play the round itself because no one can be trusted, which is actually of poor form to enforce when at the end of the day, this is also just a game.

    Metaknowledge is hard to police and generally isn't a problem, but ERTs are highly-equipped validhunters and, in my opinion, should be the last people trusted to not abuse metaknowledge from a game mechanics standpoint.

    I simply feel it's better for the crew to fend for themselves than to have dchat validhunters. I think it's not only much more fair, but far more interesting. I doubt many people have fun during an effective ERT call other than the ERT themselves, which I feel is a good counter to your 'game' argument. In other words, the goal should be for it to be as fun for as many people as possible, and I don't feel like ERT accomplishes that.

  15. Quote

    Code Alpha sounds like a great way to encourage validhunting, and scenarios like this only occur during terror spiders, xenos, etc anyways which makes it redundant.

    When all of Security is dead, trying to keep non-Security from getting involved with antagonists seems like a misguided effort to me. Especially when you consider the response is typically calling validhunters from dchat. Would you rather validhunters from the current crew or from people who have been speculating the station like a divine being looking down from heaven?

    So yes, I agree with you, Code Alpha would encourage validhunting. But it's the lesser of two evils in my opinion. ERTs are extremely powerful, fully equipped, and most importantly, have the benefit of having speculated. Baldy McGriefenheimer has a baseball bat and a go-get-em attitude.



    EET goes directly counter to established game lore. If there's an emergency situation so severe that an ERT arrives, there is to be no evacuation. This is not only in SoP, but it's also supported by the mechanical implementation of the 7-10 directive and quarantine laws.

    Actually the ERT decides when to evacuate, and I fail to see why SoP can't be changed as it has many, many times before. Nothing is set in stone. Obviously EET wouldn't be an option when it comes to xenos/blobs/etc.



    SCT is basically just a flavourless version of highlander. I don't see why we would want to encourage Paradise to become goon-lite.

    Because if the round has been plunged into anarchy anyway, might as well make it official and get some fun out of it. Currently, when rounds like this happen, everything just kind of stagnates until the automated shuttle arrives. Extremely boring. Who knows, a mutiny could be successful and they could re-establish order. Or maybe the Syndicate operatives themselves rise to power as the station's leaders. So many possibilities when all bets are off.



    Engineering ERT? 0 security slots, 1 medical slot. Medical ERT? 0 engineering slots, 1 security slot. Security ERT? Maximum of 1 medic, and 1 engineering and these roles can only be chosen once there's already 3 security role ERT members.

    This doesn't do anything to fix the 'validhunters from dchat' problem.

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