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Posts posted by Hylocereus





    Some people aren't cut out for going it alone.

    [spoilertext]I'm going to hell for that one[/spoilertext]





    Edit: Updated with spoopier Ghost!Rynnt and better shadows



    My first karma unlock was Brig Physician, which is one of my more played roles to this day. My last karma unlock was probably NT Rep. Which I don't play and am not likely to, but it's something and I had most of the other jobs 'cept Magistrate and barber.


    I have no idea what ot buy next. I'm torn between Vox, Plasmaman and Magistrate jsut so I can say I have most of the jobs. But I don't really play many characters... But Vox are awesome.



    Name: Makosa

    Age: 2 (suspected)

    Gender: Female

    Race: IPC

    Blood Type: Oil

    General Occupational Role(s):

    Makosa is not really supposed to be trusted in any roles other than the most basic, and yet it would appear someone keeps messing with our paperwork because she has been spotted in literally every field.



    Makosa appears to suffer from some faulty drivers that mean her memory is astonishingly bad. She has no concept of danger and maintains a cheery, optimistic outlook that is endearing at times and horrific at others. Everything she does, she does with a happy beep and a spring to her step. She is very easily manipulated due to her childlike nature, and has been subverted on numerous occasions because of this.


    We believe she was built by an enthusiast who wasn't entirely sure how to create a fully functioning IPC. We really can't tell - she bears no manufacturer's marks, and has no memory spanning past a few months.




    Absolutely none. Do not under any circumstances expect brilliance from this machine.


    Employment Records:

    Makosa wandered aboard the NSS Cyberiad as a civilian, apparently looking for someone. She insists on returning, so we suppose we can use her for basic manual labor.


    She has, by pure fluke, occasionally ended up with actual jobs. These include Blueshield, Mechanic and Quartermaster.


    Security Records:

    Makosa is something of a headache - while she is largely benign in nature, she doesn't seem to understand the importance of following the law and views being hunted as a game. She is known to playfully antagonize officers just so they will tase her.


    Medical Records:

    Makosa is an IPC, so damage done to her is generally easily repaired. We suspect she has some faulty wiring and processes going on, but she dislikes being inspected by our roboticicsts and have never been able to confirm this.


    Personnel Photo:

    "Makosa" is etched onto the side of one of her antenna. She's of fairly average height for a young human female, standing at 5'7".

    While most of her body is plainly mechanical and unadorned, there is a soft latex exterior like flesh and skin covering her face to her upper torso, giving her a humanlike appearance... Well, if a human was various shades of green and blue.


    She seems to look perpetually confused, or at least as much as a machine with not much control over facial expressions can.


    Medals Awarded:



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:

    Other Notes:



    32. Shoot shitcurity with a laser tag gun

    33. Let a first time surgeon work on your ruptured lungs

    34. Kidnap the mime and dress him in clown clothes

    35. Steal all of botany's ambrosia vulgaris seeds

    36. Wild West - Weaponless Edition

    37. Attempt to baton a wizard using disintegrating touch

    38. Fax CC and ask if they'll send you strippers



    "Not guilty" mhm yep sure


    Another incident of "Not Guilty" of dumb shit





    Sam doesn't believe in dress code



    Edit: A wild Rynnt appears!




    Edit AGAIN:

    An edit of Rynnt, now in a more neutral Vanilla flavoring!



    • Like 1

    Ended up waiting over an hour and a half to be executed as a tator that went ham sandwich, but I got to hang out with and discuss weapons with the blueshield and a syndiborg for like an hour of it at least.




    There ended up being a queue for a chair. I STILL didn't get executed, but the other tator that got caught opted to die of his own sauce... While we watched.





    I miiiight have completely forgotten about this thread. Time to organize stuff and post it oops!

    Finished some-actual-effort-involved pics;


    I've been doing text RP with one of my characters and she has a worrying tendency to murderbone when backed into a corner. Also, I seem to just roll REALLY high whenever I have a knife on her.



    Alex headshot! I don't play her on this server anymore, but I felt like doing headshots a while back. Sam's mute, stoic big sister.



    A mysterious traveller. This is actually quite old, but I don't think I ever showed it off before and I'm proud of the colors.





    Tryin' to practice drawing people, so sketch spam next!





    Sam Aria -



    Extravert(50%) Sensing(44%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(66%)


    You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (50%)

    You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (44%)

    You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)

    You have distinct preference of Perceiving over Judging (66%)



    I personally am a ISTP so that's kinda amusing for me to ponder.



    Now that Sam's living situation has changed, she's started trying to adjust to being a normal person and not a thieving hobo criminal. When not being disgustingly fluffy with her SO/having mental breakdowns she tentatively tries to make new friends and learn how to be sincere with the ones she has.


    She still sometimes brings home things she shouldn't have and hoards textbooks and coursework for classes she is in no way shape or form actually taking. She likes to learn, and it helps her ignore the amount of amazing, deadly toys in the house.



    So changing my character's refrence pictures every few hours wasn't enough for me, and honestly so much shit happens in this game that I can't NOT want to draw it.


    First up though have a sparkly birb!






    And part 35432 of Sam has a Bad Day; Shadowling Edition! Stay out of maintenance, kids. I really wanted to draw a creepy looking shadowling, and of course I needed a handy victim. Not pictured - hapless bystanders coughRynnt that try to help and get rekt. Can you tell I suck at drawing hands?






    Working on Best Surgery Ever


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    The bar is her natural habitat, of course!


    And... Yeeeahhh, that could have gone about fifty times better. I'm pretty sure Sam's gotten more people killed/thralled trying to save her than she ever has as an antag.



    Edit: Updated! I wrote a fucking book while trying to summarize Sam's actual backstory. Oops.


    • Like 1



    Name: Sam Aria

    Date of birth: 05/09/2539

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human (White mixed)

    Blood Type: O-

    General Occupational Role(s): Brig Physician, Chief Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Medical Doctor, Cook


    Biography: [Former records corrupted.]

    Long-term employee aboard the Cyberiad. Frequent encounters with work hazards have left her somewhat mentally unstable but she is a productive and skilled member of the crew. Her personality can be best summed up with three Cs - capricious, cautious and candid. She exhibits a mischevious streak tempered only by a healthy respect for the taser and a refreshing sense of self-preservation.



    MBChB [Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery]

    Higher Education ongoing.


    Employment Records:


    Security Records:


    Medical Records:


    Personnel Photo:



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:

    Holy shit this was getting WAY too big. Decided to completely rework it back to a "basic" template and keep the massive version for other things.

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