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Posts posted by Hylocereus

  1. I actually think what happened there was I shoved you on the same tick that you grabbed me, as I saw you coming at me with the wire in hand before you actually caught me with it and I was frantically trying to disarm click you. Either that or you didn't upgrade to kill in time - you can resist out of aggressive grabs with luck - and since that's all the garrotte does, puts an automatic aggressive grab on, It would be resistable purely for that - but not kill grabs. Maybe it was lag or something, I dunno.

    I agree though it needs a price reduction, why would you use 12tc for a wire garrotte when you could get the incredibly powerful holoparasites or energy crossbow for the same price? Tator uplink items are well overdue a rework imo.

  2. 2 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    So...the round that Mike and Sam were vampires, Mike got caught early, then broken out of perma, and then both proceeded to become full power vamps and murderbone sec while mocking us on comms, I suppose the mocking was RPing?

    And @Hylocereus, you are saying when a mech that nobody but you knew about killed the HOS in perma, and as far as anyone else knew you were the only person in perma with the HOS, that everyone else thought you killed the HOS? How on earth could they draw that conclusion?

    Mike, the reason we stun as soon as we uncuff is because of the amount of assholes who proceed to try to beat the shit out of us if we don't.

    ...and maybe I miss all these rounds, but I've literally never been in a vampire shift where someone says "Hey guys...we better check Sam..."

    Antags powergame and metagame too. Welcome to Paradise.

    You guys essentially want security players to forfeit thier rounds so you can keep playing.

    I'm amazed that two people who play sec who SHOULD be very aware of how unbeleivably busy and confusing sec gets are complaining that sec doesn't put some time aside to entertain prisoners. If you are that bored in perma and security is too busy to come hang out with you, suicide and ghost.

    1 - I didn't mock much. Yes though, vampire Sam is an asshole and as such sthat is perfectly in character for her. When I was able to, I at least gave interactions to everyone I killed - not a lot, by the way. That round I think I killed maybe two officers, and I did not make any attempts to hide their bodies. I HAVE killed security before as a vampire but I don't "murderbone". I'll kill you if it's more convenient than wasting blood to get away and you're chasing me. That's it. I won't take you out of the round permanantly, lately I've even been taking all victims to medbay as I did today's vampire round, one of those people being a still-alive and fully concious pod pilot who I took and left cuffed but alive in medbay.

    And no, it wasn't a mech nobody but me knew about. In fact, Sina was causing a LOT of havoc with that mech, so it was very well known about by security. How they drew that conclusion I don't know but that's my point, I didn't givethem any reason to and they still treated me like I did.

    Also, I play a LOT right now due to illness + no college, you're present for maybe 2-3 of the five shifts I might play in a day, not seeing it doesn't mean it doesn't happen I assure you.


    I don't want security to forfeit their rounds. I just don't want ot be treated like shit by them for no reason, be brutalized when I'm not doing anything threatening, or be frisked when I'm not suspicious and minding my own buisness.


  3. Well, that's something I can't really do. I am a roleplay based player, and it would simply make no sense to have a different name every shift, and in the end unless I took dramatic measures like completely changing my character's personality or appearance - neither of which would make sense ICly or I feel like doing - people would still figure out it was me. I'm okay with being meta'd for things I willingly make clear (Vampire and Changeling Sam have a different personality, I encourage people to pick up on things like that and use codewords to "meta" me for the roleplay), but when it's for literally no reason other than it's me and I must be up to something I get annoyed.

    Especially since it's not the good things they choose to meta or remember - like the fact I will come quietly whenever I am innocent, that I am always willing to talk or attempt to explain myself, that I react realistically to threats and coercion, that I can be talked out of kill objectives fairly easily, the fact I will go out of my way to rescue security members who are actively trying to detain me if they get badly hurt, very rarely kill anyone who isn't a target and will never massacre unless I have hijack or am being hounded relentlessly as a vampire/ling and it is my best chance of survival - it's always the bad, like antag status or where I like to hide my loot. Once upon a time I was a terrible greyshit, but for a long while I've not been, and I've been working hard to build a good reputation which I believe I've mostly succeeded at from the way most of the other regulars interact with me.

  4. My issue is not that they took issue with me leaving the brig - my issue is that they chose to express it by maiming me and leaving me slowly dying of massive physical damage. Bolting me into isolation showed that he didn't care about killing me, just beating the shit out of me, and expected me to survive. Bolting me into isolation was completely unnessecary dickishness as I wasn't a threat in perma proper and that meant the brig physician was unable to help me.

    That isn't an execution or an appropriate response to the situation, but it's what happened anyway because that was the warden's whim, and nobody else cared.

    I'm also not sure what I can do about changing the reputation that I roll antag often as I have no control over when that happens other than turning it off, which I did do for several months and I still for unwarranted attention.

  5. So basically, "If people can't stop metaing your character don't play that character"? That is not an acceptable answer and you know it. I will not throw away over a year of character development just because other people are assholes.

    Also, I couldn't call for help. 1 My character was mute, 2 tcomms were down. I didn't think about hte AI telepad as I have never once actually seen the AI reply to me when I've tried to use it.

  6. The metaknowledge going after particular people is one of the worst things about security right now honestly. Okay, I AM antag a lot, but I get stopped almost every vampire round because "There's vampires, frisk Sam now just to be sure" - this has gone as far as waterboarding me with holy water, then deciding I was full power and trying to just execute me. Thankfully that got sorted when I ahelped, but that kind of shit is just... Come the fuck on, guys.

    There was another round I got dogpiled on and I WAS a vampire, to be fair, but I had also not done anything at all to catch security's attention - I had stolen the hand teleporter, but I had been very careful not to leave evidence and I had disposed of all bodies. I don't usually bother too hard to hide my tracks as a vampire but this round I went all out and I KNOW they didn't have any evidence on me, they said so themselves after catching me. They just rolled up, four of them, with beepsky and a borg in tow, stopped me to "speak" about antag activity in my medbay and then as I was answering set me to arrest and jumped on me. This was before the execution rework so I died for a random meta search because "Sam is always a vampire, kill her to be sure".

    Ares gets it really bad I'll agree. I've sat and watched security shadow him on traitor rounds just because it's him.


    I really wish more security were willing to behave like, you know, security and not liscenced validhunters as well. There used to be a time when you could reliably roleplay with security and feel good about how you were arrested, or avoid clashes with them entirely, or even be talked into handing yourself in. There's no interesting interactions with them anymore. Shit, even though I know it won't be reciprocated, I always try to roleplay a little bit when I'm antag, even with security, but the amount of times I'm just wordlessly tased or gunned down (even on green...) just makes me really dissapointed. Yes, I know security is one of the most dangerous roles you can play. But not every antag is gonna kill you, so why act like it when they're clearly being rather docile?


    Shit, a great example of security just casting arpee to the winds in favor of "winning"/being an asshole/RDMing antags happened to me a few rounds ago.

    I was perma'd early and had sat in prison bored off my tits because nobody was talking to me, but otherwise being well behaved as I usually am. Out of nowhere, a mech teleports in with the dying HoS )and later a clown, who the mech shot.) The mech rider threatened to kill me if I didn't strip the HoS's ID for them, and because my character is naturally a person who fears death, I did so and backed away. Once they left through a wormhole I then attempted to save the Head of Security, because why would my character let someone die in front of her when there's a way to save them and it could prove she's not awful and perhaps worthy of mercy?

    I took their remote - leaving the two guns that were on his person, his armor, and everything else - and tentatively poked my way out of perma to take him to brigbay. With the HoS's death alarm having gone off, my reasoning was "They'll think I did it if I don't make it clear otherwise, as I am the only perma prisoner and that's where he died." Again, Sam fears death, so even though I know leaving perma is grounds for execution as an excape attempt, I hope that the HoS can back me up once he's revived as he was still alive to begin with as I tried to help.

    In that situation - An unarmed, non-hostile perma prisoner hauling the head of security to medical help, who has so far been well behaved and nonviolent even when resisting arrest prior to her capture - you wouldn't naturally think "Oh boy a threat!" would you? I had nowhere to stash a gun as all I was wearing was my prison clothes. I didn't attempt to run from the officers that were standing near brigbay's doors, knowing that running off would be the worst thing I could do.

    You'd expect at least a word to be spoken, right? Nope. What occurred was thus - as the others looked on, the Warden charged down the hallway, tased me, then harmbatoned me into hardcrit. The other officers, excited by the blood, started unloading taser and disabler shots into me to keep me down as I was brutalized. Skull broken, blind, the only words spoken to me were "NO MERCY" before I was dragged into isolation and bolted in to die.

    A perma escapee can be executed at security's discretion. That I know. But how to you interpret that as an escape attempt, and why would you not just execute instead of committing aggravated assault on them then locking them away? I lay there dying, and the brig physician couldn't even get in to help me as solitary confinement had been bolted. (Even though there was nothing wrong with perma...) Eventually I ahelped and he came back up and gave me a brute patch which took me out of hardcrit but still left me bolted into isolation and then didn't even take me on the shuttle when it came.

    Where is the roleplay there? Can you imagine an actual officer doing that to a defenceless, harmless woman? Imagine the uproar there would be. But nobody in security cared except for the brig physician when I was finally stable enough to be concious for more than ten seconds at a time and called for her.


    The thing is, this incident is probably one of the worst I've suffered, but it's not an isolated case and I see security beating the shit out of antags - actual or suspected - all the time and nobody batting an eye. They seem to forget that they're subject to space law as well, and indeed every time I as warden or Head of Security have attempted to press charges on officers for brutalizing suspects I've been ignored or had them released. What the hell is that about?

    ... Sorry, I went off into a rant of my own there. But uh, yeah, basically shitcurity is a real problem lately and I agree with all of Bananna and Thali's points.

    • Like 1
  7. I like cacti, and for a long time my irl nickname was Cactus as I had green hair and a prickly demeanour (not assisted with an inside joke). When I found out that cereus also meant torch (the burny kind - and I'm mesmerized by fire), that Hylocereus Undatus was also my favorite fruit (the dragon fruit) and also my favorite flower I felt it was sort of meant to be.


    Seriously, look how pretty these are! (Disclaimer; I am not this fabulous)



    tl;dr I like cacti and it's the scientific name of my favorite kind combined with some other funny coincidences

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  8. Some tips from my medical experience -


    Patches make normally addictive chemicals non-addictive, but also half their contents.

    Chemical reactions can be made inside someone's body. This has numerous applications, from good old fashioned gibsmoke to cryotube pills.

    Implants can be placed in the teeth and eyes, and are very unlikely to be found there.

    Dead organs can be revived instantly by removing them, splashing them with any amount of mitocohoide, and putting them back in.

    Organ manipulation surgery also repairs broken bones if you carry out the steps fully.

    Organ manipulation on the eyes can be used to treat the brain without dealing with the bones afterwards.

    Using a DNA injector to turn someone into a monkey and then back heals all internal damage.

    Cryoxadone, when ingested, allows you to spacewalk without a hardsuit or internals. Your lungs will pop, but you can also add mitocholide to heal it.

    Saline glucose metabolizes out of the body very slowly. It's entirely possible to keep yourself healing for an entire shift by drinking 200u.

    Styptic powder and Silver Sulfadizine don't poison when breathed in as smoke. Healing grenades are fine!

    Smoke grenades duplicate their chemical contents for each pall of smoke. Breathing in multiple clouds will multiply the chemicals inhaled.

    Pills can be dissolved in any amount of any type of liquid.

    Chemicals don't metabolize in dead bodies.

    Dialysis can be performed on dead bodies.

    Combining the above is a good way to farm ingestion-only chemicals like histamine and omnizene.

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  9. Sam Aria - Cuba Libre. She looooooves Applejacks but nobody ever makes them so if you want an instant best friend give her one. Will inhale literally anything from pure ethanol to welding fuel and rum when depressed though, which is most of the time lately.

    Descant - Blood. Or Devil's Kiss. But generally blood straight from the tap.

    Kalahina Azruh - Barefoot. Big lion likes the fruity cocktails.

    Strika-Overly-Long-Vox-Name - Hippie's Delight,or basically anything that will make her trip balls.

    Konstantin Nemes - Kira Special, because he's a lightweight and a vegan.



    Okay, I'm a sucker for animals. Here's my furry idiots. Incoming spam.


    My rabbit runs the place. The cat knows it but just wants to play.



    Luka is a master of stealth. Cleo is less impressed.



    Alfie being photogenic as fuck when he was younger




    Still photogenic, just giving his best selfie angle



    Alfie wishes he could fit in Cleo's litterbox. (Yeah I know, cage is too small, she only gets shut in when everyone's in bed)




    Luka in a nutshell, really.



    I had a pretty horsie once too, this is Zach



    And this is Beauty!



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  11. Security's finest



    No comment



    This right here is some famous last words.... I accidentally gibsmoked scichem and killed all three scientists in the room.



    I got perma'd as a vampire and was generally being an asshole, but voxxy is knows what will soothe the savage beast



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  12. 4 hours ago, PhantasmicDream said:

    Number three,  making it so Skrell don't have a gag reflex


    Jokes aside these are actually good suggestions. I would really like to see more racial diversity so that races feel more like actual aliens rather than, y'know, humans with fur/tentacles. Much like Skrell being unable to eat meat, I think it'd be cool if Tajaran had something similar with vegetables providing no nutrition. Cats are obligate carnivores, after all!

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  13. IT'd be pretty cool I think, though some languages (IE - Vox) are explicitly almost impossible for other species to speak. I'd quite like being able to set even normal secondary languages as butcherable actually. Maybe a third language slot that was only useable as a "toddler level" language.

  14. Hi! I'm Hylocereus, also known as Hylo on discord. I have a tendancy to do dumb shit while playing on 2 hours of sleep and consistently dissapointing everyone who relies on me. I roll antag a lot and usually make a nuisance of myself rather than greentext. Despite being pretty average in the robustness department I tend to get insanely lucky or unlucky in the oddest situations. I've actually been on para for over a year now, but I've always sort of lurked oocly and never bothered to get involved with the community much.

    ICly it's a bit different as I play that irritating bucket of issues known as Sam Aria, who you'll probably have run into at least once gettin' muh snewflek on, being the world's wimpiest antag, complaining about incompetent chemists and getting into hilariously bad situations due to a desire to be reasonable overwhelming any kind of robustness. I also play a vox with a ridiculous name, a catbeast and a few less edgy characters, but only sparsely when I feel like being anonymous.

    Engineering is witchcraft to me so you'll see me in any department except for that one on my various characters, though I usually play medical or security on my main.

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  15. Oh hey, that was me. Yeah, it's random I'm sure, but I do just seem to have an abnormal tendancy to get vamp. I actually had it turned off for a while because it happened almost every other round - my longest vampire streak was four(!) games in a row.

    I heard somewhere that the system was weighted a little bit to make people who hadn't been antags in a while more likely to get it, but I don't know how true that was, and it doesn't seem to hold water since it really does tend to be the same bunch of people antagging every other round.

    The fact these people do play a lot though probably adds to it - 'course someone who plays like 5 rounds a day is going to get antag more than someone who plays once. It's just more chances for it to happen.

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  16. Glare > Duct Tape > Stunprod > Cuff. The chances of someone getting out a shout in that time frame is pretty low. You just need to be quick with the items and of course have them on hand. But that's not too difficult. The only annoying part is getting someone down without someone else walking in on you.

    I personally think vampires could do with some tweaking - because yeah, fuck monkeys, but I feel they're one of the more balanced antagonists. They don't have immense killing power, especially early on, but they don't need to. I feel like an auto-successful-abduction ability would be too much, personally. They should play like clever ambush predators pouncing at opportune moments, not charging in and dragging people off into the depths of maint with zero counterplay.

    Edit: Actually, Rapidvalj's idea looks AMAZING. Scratch what I said about tweaking I am fully onboard with a complete rework.

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  17. These always give me a laugh. I try to make my characters more on the flawed than skilled end of the scale, but I also like to keep things they learn, so I do worry they end up a bit sueish after long periods of playing them.


    Sam Aria:

    S - 3 - Icly Sam's small and quite delicate. My robustness has suffered immensely over my break as well. She prefers not to fight unless it's for defensive purposes. When she DOES fight though, she tends to go for the throat, so to speak.

    P - 5 - Sam is paranoid as hell but also kind of oblivious. Hunches are usually right, but about the wrong things. She tries to see the good in people even though she thinks everyone's out to get her, which leads to her sometimes almost deliberately overlooking blaring warning signs.

    E - 2 - Deadly in bursts, but outlast the initial rush and she's not very dangerous. An ambush predator, prone to making mistakes the longer an engagement goes on.

    C - 6 - She prefers to talk her way out of trouble, and is a good liar. Much hilarity has been had bullshitting my way into positions of power or gaining things.

    I - 6 - Uneducated, but fairly bright. She's a quick learner but isn't very knowledgeable, particularly when it comes to theory, especially of the scientific kind.

    A - 8 - Small, fast, light on her feet and difficult to pin down. Sam's robustness comes from her ability to simply not be where you're trying to swing your weapon. Usually quicker than her enemies by a fair shot.

    L - 1 - I can't decide if her luck should be 1 or 10, Sam's either incredibly lucky at the most bizarre of times or finds herself in the absolute worst situations imaginable. She has had some stellar situations of pure fluke and chance. Honorable shout out to that time a fucking space bear out of nowhere broke my leg in med maintenance as I shadowstepped in while fleeing security.... Or the two times I survived the entire station being ravaged by maxcap bombs as the only survivor other than the bomber because I was in perma.


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