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Posts posted by GutTC

  1. Anyway, as Officer Charson, I'd carry...

    Classic loadout.

    - 1x Taser, disabler beam toggled.

    -2x Pair of handcuffs, one in pocket and another in backpack.

    -1x Selice in another pocket

    -1x Flash, 1x Flashbang, x1 Pepperspray, x1 Baton and either an Energy Bola or an Security tape all inside a security belt.

    But sometimes...

    -1x Sec GasMask in backpack with voiceline "Go ahead and make my day" toggled.

    -1x Box of Evidence Bags to clean up the crime scene should there's no Detective or awaiting Detective to collect.

    And during hard times...

    Sacrificing backpack to carry one riot/combat shotgun in the back.

    Sacrificing SecBelt for Bandolier carrying shells ammunition. Preferable Slugs than Buckshots.

    Sacrificing one hand slot to carry riot/telescopic shield all the time.

    Won't be wearing any kind of armor for some reason but Protective Helmet should there be Xeno facehugging issue.

    Changing Shotgun to Ion Rifle if available during rogue Borg and such mechanic disasters.

    Usually hanging around the Hydro-Botany bugging them for a Holster should they be able to make one to store the Taser or Energy gun in extra inventory.



  2. >Changing my uniform without knowing that my ID and other stuff would fell off.

    >Running around with an hatchet.

    >Got baton by a sec for not having ID and carrying the hatchet around.

    >Got Brigged

    >A giant spider crawl into my cell from the vent and bit me several time.

    >Officer found out and drag me into medbay.

    >Too late. Died. Shuttle arrived.

    >"This game is not that bad after all."

    • Like 1
  3. Oh hello, how do you do?

    Welcome to le topic where I'd post some of my recent digital drawings here. Maybe not often but hey, thanks for passing by!


    Here, have the first one, a Blueshield girl, well my character "Ruby Russhell" as Blueshield at least.


    • Like 8
  4. 3 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    I didn't know how to get a screenshot of the chat lol...any time I do a screenshot it only gives me the game screen with no chat LOL

    Gyazo helps.

    Therefore. Hit the PrtScn and Ctrl V in Paint.net. Assuming you have it.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Ziiro said:

    I want you to think about this.

    Any one person in could have an EMP implant in them. The EMP implant has a range of roughly 4 or 5 tiles, I think? You cannot stop them from triggering that implant unless they are dead. Better not stand that close to anyone. Ever.

    An EMP flashlight requires someone to be on the tile next to you. Which, it is smart to never stand next to anyone, but you can't stop them from drive-by blinking you with it. As I've said before, I've even been killed in a crowded room using this method and my murderer walked away; no one saved me, or even noticed.

    There is no counter-play. There is no gitting gud. That's the problem.

    I do understand by that. But by what I said is to do all your best to keep yourself secure, it's true you cannot expect or attempt to counter the EMP hit n' run unless there's some rogue ones with an ion rifle or tossing around EMP nades but the best you can do is stay in a large public place nearby Security and such. You might get EMP'd eventually if you are somewhat a target but the higher chance is that most of people around you will witness of what happened some greater players will save your remains from the attack and have you revive in a quick repairing or that the traitor would just ran away without pulling you with them in middle of chaos and panic with luck that they forgot to hide their identity and get hunt down by beepsky or so. But if no one saved you, oh well, bad luck there. A large EMP title waves can and will triggers a lot of electronics and alarms causing a lot of attentions to everyone surrounding and it might not take long for Sec officers to show up in the scene.

    Even organics do get spook when some traitors shows up next to them with a sudden parapen, minibomb-drop, shooting, garrote or double E-swords (anything at all really) right in front of them with tiny chances to expect or counter.

    There's always the problems. We all would have to deal with being killed and have our corpses destroyed or hidden in a locker long enough to go rot or unable to be clone by default thanks to our weaknesses and any simple ridiculous ways of death. And all we can do is laugh at our own death because !FUN! and Deal With It. *snap

  6. Decision Decision.

    Meh. Like said. At least not completely nerf the emp but rather put the IPC into critical and malfunction state and super vulnerable to the next deathblow. Seeing how one IPC explodes or losing limbs that easily from one simple EMP (or brute damage).

    Limb upgrades from roboticist might come in handy but with a good price lime bits of diamond and shit to make something that protects you from the emp by "a bit" as armor act. Or an upgrade that makes them resistant against fire and prssure more longer because robots.

    Just always remember you are an IPC, a sentient machine with (soft?) metal skeletal build rather than super armored cyborg. The specie that's amazingly great on engineering task and containment like toxin and virus. Know yourself and deal with it. Use your advantages while knowing your great one and simple weakness. Git gud.

  7. Hell why not right? Punch in the details! Were they in any clubs, team leagues, tournaments or normally just passing times? Any crazy Space Sports? What about their equipment for the sports? Any changes from the past and present?


    My characters Guthen Charson and Ruby Russhell are into one, or more.


    Guthen was in many shooting range competitions and shooting plastic ducks in a carnival. He did won a small golden trophy in one of the competitive match he attended. He's really great at ballistic rifles while getting rusty with the laser armament. Therefore, he isn't in any team but rather prefer the solo-matches. He still own his rifle back home which is now hanging on the wall with missing parts.

    Meanwhile in the time of his services in NT, he goes fishing more often at the lake near his low-priced apartment in a planet he currently lived in because they don't allow hunting wildlife there.


    Ruby at the another hand, plays baseball, amazing batter. She used to play in a team and managed to won to the top teams of Sol Baseball League Tournament. Although the cup trophy isn't with her, she still conserves her baseball bat made out of fine rosewood grip-handle and silver barrel with many notable scratch filled with a lot of name signatures from her team squads.

    Now she's attending the martial arts club, not only because she miss hitting things with the bat.

  8. Alright. I have this one from the recent event. It's a brief story in a long story.

    So I was playing as Detective like usual Sec time. There was this clown who got caught and arrested immediately right after he set his foot upon the brig with a 9mm handgun. At first many agreed that it is a common traitor round and the clown is confirmed EoC but something was smelling too fishy. I asked the HoS to inspect the pistol for print and it was found out that the fingerprint does not belong to the clown but rather a gateway explorer. After a few moment I found the gateway explorer and asked him to come over the brig for interrogation. And after long interrogation it came clear the gun was found in maintenance (good item spawn chance by the way) by the gateway explorer who then got slip by the clown's PDA and let the clown snatch the gun away. The pistol seemed real and too promising because the clip is loaded full bullets rather than one bullet only like broken clip. So we hardly believe it was a maintenance loot and HoS was very heated to determine on permaing the clown while the rest of officers are still in questions. The brig was messy as well with at least others 2 people still in the processing with no one taking care off.

    And that's when a poor officer asked the HoS one more time with one obvious question. "Is the gun real?"


    ...So. What did the HoS do?

    He shot that officer. Twice if I remember. Right there point blanked in the perma hallway with the clown still cuffed behind and held by him. At first I thought I was an unfortunate misfire. Until I heard what HoS responded.

    "There. It's real for you?"

    I asked him why did he shot the officer, he responded.

    "I was showing him if it's real."

    Yup. It was one hundred percent intentional from that Hossie. What an actual fuck. The officer, knocked out from pain or stun and bleeding. I drag him into the Brig Phys's and have him heal back slowly in the sleeper. Staring from over 35 brute damages or so. But guess what.

    It was Nuke Ops round all along. Duh.

    Nukies rushed into the station with their pod, slammed into the bridge. I couldn't be more stressful and wasted on that case. So I asked the warden for a shotgun ready to rush myself into the nukies rampage. Before I left the brig, I told the officer via comm "If you want you can shoot the HoS later after you shoot the nukies." 

    The end of the round is simple enough. We all died. End. Rip in rip.

    • stunbaton 1
  9. -Level up your charisma to level 10.

    -Help your co-workers like a teacher. Do avoid playing sec on this tho.

    -Stick with someone long enough to make a good friend. Get an pAI or be one and play well.

    -Do something that would put a smile. Win against any antags using "meme tactics" or robust them usually draw attention to viewers who died by the antag.

    -Help anyone who desperately needs help always a good catch for easy karma scoring. If the victim is nice enough to remember how to karma award. If there's someone screaming over the comm of how they managed to get inside the clown's locker but can't get out. That's your opportunity

    -Be productive and know what you are doing. If you are very good at some important job you probably should overpower that. Some people do reward you for your hardworking. Like fast chemist and fast RnD or even cargo.

    -Be charismatic. Don't be a boring player whose only do and go. Unless you intended to have your character looks boring. But talking and interact with others always helps as long you still on the right topic. Or try talking about every times you do things even when you are in difficulty situation, expess yourself. You gotta be quick typing for that one, some people just screw you over when you are on pause typing.

    -Play as clown and honk it.

    -Play as Ian and nuzzle everybody for entire moment and round until they give you a karma. Each nuzzle, each karma check.

    -git gud 

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