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Posts posted by DarkPyrolord

  1. I'm going to bring up the Old Guard name here as well.

    Afrum Bowhawk, I will forever respect and fear that man for how easily he could take out a sec team, usually in under ten minutes once be began, only real way to actually get him in the end was a full scale assault, even then all but one sec officer would get out.

    @Hylocereus I feel your pain... many of my rounds in sec ended at the end of his gun barrel or blade.

    • Like 1
    • stunbaton 1
  2. Alright, I will explain my side of things here from what I saw and the information I gathered during that round.

    QM vampire early into the round was going to the mining outpost to complete one of their objectives, which was their blood objective, it is sad and not that fun for the miners but it happens, the QM vampire during this was going for their objectives by draining the miners of blood.

    The point where you came in and notice comms were off the vampire had just finished up on their previous victim and at first glance probably didn't notice you were a slime person when they had kidnapped you, well... this is better explained by them here.


    PM from-Player###/(Uland Hunt): Well, first thing is that she found out the comms were down and didnt hear jack, also before, i left a room where i just... (Sucked) a guy dead. so yeah, did it because i didnt want someone screaming bloddy murder when they escaped me.

    While in my mind the decap on you was a bit overzealous I can also see why they did it to cover their tracks better, as they were still very much vulnerable as an early round vamp.

    In this case it just seemed like very bad luck in an encounter between a QM vampire who was going for their blood objective by feeding off of miners, not wanting to be found out early into the round and a slime person who managed to get caught up in this all.

    Anyway that is my side of things in this situation, hope this clears up a little more on this.

  3. Hihi and welcome to the forums!

    Also I've seen those names around, will have to catch them around (totally not haunt at all... I wouldn't ever do that) and have a chat!

  4. I will be saying this from personal experience, someone who used to play sec really often but had their will to play it killed off by things people have said multiple times in this thread... it is just simply not fun 99% of the time and all you get for playing it is abuse, insults and resist spam when you try to talk to someone in processing, with little to no talk from them.

    As an officer, pod pilot, warden, and only once in recent memory HoS it is a very high stress job due to how quickly things go now, I do see that and I allow for other officers and such to get off with small slip ups as sometimes they just forget as they go from case to case in an endless chain that usually goes until round end. As for dealing with people myself... I can count the amount of times someone has stopped when I requested them to as a sec officer on a single hand, even if I'm just going to give them a warning and let them free with a 'slap on the wrist', they still run like they are about to be murdered on the spot and even when I let people off with warnings they still resort to verbal and sometimes physical abuse towards me as an officer right after letting them free.

    If there was any sort of solution to the tide part of this, it would just be if people could go softer on them in general, give the officers who are attempting to do their best a little pat on the back and a push in the right direction, not just yelling over comms about how shitty security. With the antag side of it though that would require a lot more work on it, I have a few ideas and plans in my mind for it but at best they are unrealistic to pull off, as instant change isn't really a thing when it would come to that...

    • Like 2
  5. I forget how much it exactly was... but I think the most I ever got was during a wizard round when the lich spell was still brand new, I made a little hole to respawn from, made myself a guitar and then proceeded to go around the halls playing spooky scary skeletons while saying many horrible skeleton puns over comms all round and chatting with the crew during it, ones that even made Fox forceslap myself, don't think I could ever pull that one off again due to wizard objectives being based around causing chaos but it is one to remember.


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  6. Since I never actually posted here before, might as well now.

    I hail from New Zealand, or as some may call Middle Earth. The land of hobbits, dairy farms and many other things I can't really name at the moment...

    also might as well put some photos down as well


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  7. Ah meadbay, the memorable early moment on Paradise for me, when a large part of the medical team got bored and drunk in the bar, many silly things were talked about and many silly things were seenMeadBay.thumb.png.205049ff871a4c726b15933e0a7247fc.png.

    Also is it bad that I can name everyone in that picture still...

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  8. Oh boy, I might seem a bit spammy here but these are all the animals I've kind of had around over the last few years.

    Firstly, Tinker and her kittens, this was all the way back in 2015 now that I think of it (except the photo of her).20160823_165158.thumb.jpg.088db7c2e327b70a42ba0ae3c462b564.jpgIMG_20151021_153502.thumb.jpg.814e834245889b7d64e51e5084464a26.jpgIMG_20151020_151815.thumb.jpg.4941cb2e7095b9e1a3e26195cd8c7da4.jpgIMG_20151020_151905.thumb.jpg.2c938025fc9e3e65683a1ea4cd7f988c.jpgIMG_20151024_093219.thumb.jpg.fbe2b70ae4caee9bcf658a0d62c391fb.jpg

    Now that those fluffballs are out of the way we have Burnie, the cat I pretty much grew up with.


    Then we have Porsche, getting old now that I think of it.


    And last of all, Gwyneth, the blue heeler puppy (well... not so puppy now).


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  9. Now this brings up a few good ones for me, but I'll keep it to two good stories for now.


    First one is a rather short one, it was the start of a lowpop round, everything calm, first thing over comms comes from the HoS,

    "No prisoners, only bodies."

    About ten seconds later you hear this over comms, from the AI this time,

    "The HoS is being murdered by their pet spider."

    No one really bothered to revive that HoS after Araneus killed them, because well... I don't think I really have to explain


    And the next one comes from a nuke ops round, where I'll let the screenshots explain...



    The HoS attempted to implant a death alarm into Araneus, little does he know Araneus doesn't fear death, he embraces it!


    And after killing the HoS and putting two security members and the mime into critical, his fury is finally calmed.

    And the funny thing... this was all happening while there were nuke ops active on station, shooting crew in the halls while they screamed for help.

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    Just going to put in a direct quote from the rules for this one, which justifies the actions of the admin who did this.


    Choosing a Head of Staff role (such as Chief Medical Officer) means you will be expected to play to a higher standard of roleplay, seriousness and competence. You may be Jobbaned from Command if you fail to meet these standards, or if you ignore your duties;


    Also you left out pretty much all the things that caused this in the first place, the job titles were definitely way over the top and in clear violation of the exact quote from the rules I posted above.


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