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Posts posted by DarkPyrolord

  1. Alrighty then, I will be the one handling this complaint for you.

    With the whole heavy handed ban part of this, I do have to side with Spark here as per rule 4 in the #rules channel of the discord server.


    4) Bans and other punishments should be between the administrator team and the player, please do not discuss any active bans or disciplinary actions in this Discord

    Typically, when stuff like this is talked about in the discord people are usually booted from it all together, it was lucky for you that things were actually lighter compared to what is usually done in the case of people talking about their bans like that on discord.

    Anyway with not responding to your messages via discord, I do get how that could of seemed like ignoring the issue, but we all get busy with life and other messages in general at times, hell, even I do and miss messages from a few people, so I do get how that one could of came around.

    Anyway relating to the ruling Spark did make, not everyone gets around to their appeals right away as well, while it should of taken to sooner and I do side with you there that it did take a little too long, I think the final ruling on it was a fair one made, a little bit of time on another server and getting an admin from there to vouch for you in terms of being on Paradise again gives us a much higher amount of confidence compared to just an appeal alone.

    If you would like to raise any more points, feel free to do so, if not I will file this in 48+ hours.

  2. Alright since the time of this complaint there has been a slight amendment in the naming rules.


    Regarding Non-Serious and/or Improper character names:

    Your character is an employee of  a powerful corporation serving on a cutting edge space station.  Names should be context appropriate and support appropriate role-play.  The clown will have considerably more freedom of "meme" naming then the captain.  Failing to adhere to these standards will result to either IC or OOC consequences (including changing the name) depending on play history, severity, subjective quality of role play (with a preference on "medium") and OOC factors.

    If you think a name should be allowed that an admins thinks of otherwise, this can be sent for review. However, until the review is finalized, the decision of the admin at the time remains.

    As per this rule, do you still oppose the ruling that was made?

  3. Alrighty then, as per what Dumb said, I will be handling this one for you.

    I do get that this is more of a player complaint compared to a admin complaint so I will be looking a little deeper at that one for you and noting down the other party as per what they did here and talking to them when I get the chance to. Also I want to say thank you for taking notice that things can be really high stress and fast during highpop, especially as solomin.

    With this side of the complaint resolved, is there anything else you would like to bring up or are you happy with the result as is?

  4. I was around as an admin when Paradise was hitting around 160 players per day from OneyPlays and the small bump that came from the Mandalore video (which was surprisingly less than that), most of them faded out after the first week or so due to the learning curve of SS13, if a large youtuber was to make a video on SS13 again, to be honest, 50% of them would be turned off by BYOND alone, 40% would be turned off by the learning curve after a short while and only 10% would probably stick around in the long term and possibly contribute in positive ways to the community.

    In other words we have weathered this before, we didn't even unlist back then and now we do when the admin/player ratio hits a certain amount, I think we are more than prepared if it does happen again, have faith in the admins because honestly, it would be a temporary bump.

  5. Alright, sorry about the waiting time there but I will be the one handling this complaint.

    Firstly I'd like to note that before this ban, you did have two notes regarding your more strange behaviour in command roles being not of the level we expect out of command members on Paradise, such as doing executions via allowing two prisoners to fight each other in place of the normal methods of execution, hiring heads of security from the engineering crew and allowing the permanent sentence to be applied on the legitimate HoS after they are arrested before even getting to their office and asking if you could give clowns all access (which wasn't a joke) but I do see how you could be confused when it comes to this sort of thing, if you are still confused regarding this topic I can go more into depth with you.

  6. Alright, sorry I took this long to get around to this complaint but I will be the one looking into this.

    While I do see where issue could of been taken with this name, I will still do some investigation regarding it, will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

  7. Alrighty then, sorry with the amount of time I have taken to get to this but I will be looking into this complaint.

    From what I see here, Fruerlund didn't do anything wrong in this case, it is very clearly stated in the rules that choosing a head of staff role means you are held to a higher standard compared to most other players on station, while I do agree that it could of been dealt with in a more IC manner I also do see the reasoning behind the ban as well because 90% of the time when you do add extra clowns slots, it causes plenty of trouble for security and for administration as clown gangs tend to go around breaking the rules instead of making things fun for others and I personally think it will be an easy one to appeal if/when you do make an appeal for this.

    Complaint without merit, if you want to bring anything else to the table in the next 48 hours, please do so, otherwise this complaint will be filed.

  8. Alrighty then, I'll be the one handling this complaint here and... as it looks like it has sort of gone over itself really.

    Yes, the response Tay did give wasn't the appropriate one but they have apologized for it and this issue shouldn't arise again.

    If there is anything else you would like to add to this complaint, please say so, if not this complaint will be filed as resolved in 48 hours.

  9. Alrighty then, the mentor wave has come to an end for this one.

    Yurivw, rb303, V-Force_Bomber, Miraviel, Shockpoint, Sagrotter, HairyVoodooShaman, IK3I, Pennwick, Colfer, Devemviri and Harkness have all made it to the rank of mentor!

    Also on another topic, Tayswift/TayI has joined the ranks of the admin team as a Trial Admin.

    • Like 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  10. Do I have to repeat what Neca said in this last complaint here, you know what, I'll link it here.

    8 hours ago, necaladun said:

    First of all: Using giant text like that is incredibly obnoxious. Knock it off.

    Secondly: You omitting part of the ban reason was simply one of the many factors your appeal was denied, such as your previous notes, warnings and bans, such as for plasma-grief.

    Thirdly: Your excessive violence led to the persons death. Even if they had simply been beaten into critical, that is not acceptable for a non-antagonist, and against the rules.

    Fourth: Possession of a spear does not allow you to beat someone to death.


    The denial of the appeal was with good reason, and in my opinion you are not the kind of player we want for the server.

    This complaint is without merit, and obnoxious.


    This complaint was without merit in the first place and has been classed as that, you can live with it as you have now only dug yourself a deeper hole now, you not only continued to use big text again in the last complaint, you went on the discord to spam ping admins and then went to ban evade on discord as well, seriously dude, how can you be this childish over this, you could of easily let it sit for a little while and appealed it at a later date.

    I'm going to give you a rope here and I damn well hope you take it, cut the unmerited complaints out, step away from your PC and just calm down, you have already ruined all of being unbanned with your little discord stunt and if you continue to do this on the forums, I will apply a forum ban myself.

    Complaint without merit, take the words I have said to heart or else.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  11. 16 hours ago, gangelwaefre said:

    Soft drink/fizzy drink.

    Pretty much this here as well.

    The only time I've ever heard 'soda' mentioned was for ice cream sodas from ice cream trucks... now I want to drive down to the beach so I can get one, damn it.

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