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Posts posted by Renomaki


    As an old fan of the games back when I was a kid, seeing R&C continue to survive to this day is rather heartwarming. The fact that they are going to have a movie based on them is even more impressive..


    But, as with many properties, I can't help but feel concerned about the movie.. It's bad enough that they retconned a lot of the lore to make an alternate storyline, but from what little I seen in trailers, I sometimes wonder if the movie will come out a success akin to the Peanuts Movie, or disappointingly bomb like the recent Hitman flick...


    I'm not sure how many of you are fans of the series, but if there are a few fans, what are you thoughts on the movie that is coming our way? Are you excited, or not gonna get your hopes up, considering how often videogame-based movies tend to... struggle?



    Aren't there trackers to help find the disk?


    Hiding it can only do so much, and unless the place you hidden it was heavily armored and secure, I honesty prefer to have it on my person.. At least that way, if I was captain during a nuke round, I'd know if it was taken or not. Nothing more awkward then when the shuttle comes and you are unable to get the disk back in time, yuh know?



    Just AFK in cryodorm pods and don't close the window you're playing SS13 in; you won't get put into storage, you're not SSD, and no one can mess with you.


    This' generally the best idea if you're afraid of someone screwing with you. A couple other ways to do it are to just buckle into a chair in your workplace, hide in a locker, or turn off your disposal outlet and chill in there. But cryodorms are the best bet 'cause, even IF for whatever reason you get put into storage, I'm pretty sure you can just come back.


    I never really thought of it that way, honestly. Still, I'd only hope it wouldn't store me away by mistake while I am away, for that would blow.. And be bad, because if you were a head, I'd assume the admins would mistake your AFK for griefing, since, you know.. nothing cripples a station quite as badly as when an important head just up and quits.



    We all been there. We were just doing our thing, being 2D Spessmen, when suddenly nature calls.


    Of course, you can't just go "AFK bathroom" (unless you are a head, then maybe that is expected to avoid being banned), so you rush to the nearest bathroom to pretend to take a dooky while you do your business in real life.


    .. But then comes a worrying thought: What if someone tries to kill you on the toilet?


    Realistically, yes, there were many moments in REAL LIFE history where people were murdered/assassinated on the loo, but in a game where there are rules against attacking people who are SSD, there should be at least something you could do to ensure you are able to calmly drop a dooky without having to worry about coming back from the bathroom to find yourself dragged in maintenance and husked


    Heck, I had to "do the do" in my closet as HoP while I afked to use the bathroom once, which really seems gross if you consider real life logic, but it was either that, or risk having someone steal my ID and fuck everyone over.


    In earlier versions of the station, I remembered there being little rooms with lockable doors that you could "rest" in, which were helpful for non-antags as a safe place to AFK without risk of being messed with. If we could have that with bathroom stalls, that would be kinda nice, plus would give them more use other than looking pretty and being a hiding place for bodies.


    So.. What you think? Can it be done?



    You were a GREAT Chaplain, dude. I actually hope to see you on that role more often, to be honest.


    Again, I am flattered, heh heh.


    Although honestly, I might give it awhile before I tackle it again. When you pull off a performance that successful, it is kinda hard to really top it with something just as good, and I can't just reuse the same religion over and over again, because then it would get kinda dull.. Kinda like how a clown has to cycle through his routines, rather than just do the same thing shift after shift.


    I do look forward to tackling it again eventually, though, and hope that people will be as willing to attend as they were that one faithful shift.. It makes being a priest a whole lot more fun.




    When I play security, I assume that any HoS who calls a "meeting" at the start of the shift is a bad HoS.

    I find that such meetings generally occupy the entire sec team for 20 minutes, during which time there is absolutely nobody providing security for the station. Good security officers have probably heard everything the HoS will say already, while bad ones won't turn up and/or listen regardless of what the HoS says.


    The entire sec team has radios. Using them is better than having an in-person meeting, because:


    • It is much faster, because you don't have to wait for people to arrive.

    • Officers can do other things (like patrol) while they listen.

    It trains officers to pay attention to sec radio from round start.

    The Captain/AI can listen in to a radio briefing, know the plan, and support it.

    It is a less formal atmosphere, which encourages officers to ask questions, participate, etc, and prevents the "meeting" from becoming a lecture.



    Now now, when I say set up a meeting, I don't imply that I'd waste 20 minutes of their time babbling about nonsence, that would be silly. I never wasted my Cargo Techs time with a speech that goes on for 15 minutes. Normally it takes just a minute or two to get things in order.. Although normally, there is only two, so it is a simple process to assign jobs for the shift.


    I'd rather just have the officers that are part of round start rounded up and split into groups, then assign them group names and send them on their way, to keep them more organised. Buddy systems work wonders, I say.


    Although I can understand your point when it comes to long meetings. Due to the nature of the game, it is good to keep things brief and to the point. I enjoy good RP as much as the next guy, but sometimes you don't have time for them when shit hits the fan mid-shift.



    Hey, I was the Chaplain that round, and thank you for taking the time to join my discussion on the value of Unity. I was honestly worried that I would have ended up taking all the time getting the service ready only to have 3 or so people attend, but I was rather moved to see that what I think was a good dozen or so (plus the AI of all people) decided to join and listen to me talk about my rather creatively made-up religion.


    Hoo boy, though.. There was quite a bit of crazy behind the scenes stuff that happened that you may or may not have seen. Came across a bug that forced me to relog, got stuck in place, admin had to make me a new body on the spot so I could move again, then my body somehow imploded, forcing him to make ANOTHER body to fix that, then I lost my holy powers and had to have them returned to me.. Hoo boy, that was one crazy experience for both me and the admin on at the time.


    But yeah, in all, that was one heck of a shift.. Started out quietly enough, with me trying to think up a religion for the shift and gearing up, trying to encourage people to come over by having the HoP set up a time.. Then all that Cult business started that ruined all my plans and thrust me into some crime drama... But after all that, it was a miracle we still had JUST enough time to perform the service, and man, what great timing too if I say so myself..


    Heck, it was just as big a miracle that everyone decided to come on down the way they did. Considering how most people treat the Chaplain in most rounds, I didn't think anyone would care.. But the fact that they all came after all that happened was more touching than everything, and if I could, I woulda gave a Karma point to everyone who attended, if only because it was a nice of them to seriously pay a visit to me and listen to me ramble before packing up for the shuttle.


    I only hope that after that, though, the next person who plays as a priest might take inspiration from me and realize that there is more to being a priest than running around the station donned in armor, pretending to be on crusade and stuff.. If you take the time to ACTUALLY prepare and communicate with your HoP, it can be a fun, RP heavy job.. Although it did help that I spawned in during a cult round. Talk about perfect timing, eh? Was a very interesting round as priest indeed~


    ... Even the ghost attended.



    This isn't my lawset, and I've never had to play under it, but it's my favorite I've ever read.



    Damn.. I feel sorry for the AI who had to read that. Musta been really hard keeping up with all those laws without being overwhelmed.


    I was the AI that round. I'd say Garoon (One of my borgs) and I did a pretty good job, even if the criminal's dead body was discovered twice. I had the borg wait at the outpost for the criminal to come back from mining. When they came back, I simultaneously disabled the asteroid's telecomms and EMP pulsed the ripley. The borg then finished off the ripley, killed the criminal scum, and hid their body.


    Aah, so you were the AI that time. I hope you really liked that law, it took some time to make it all nice and... Logical.


    I figured giving the AI a justified reason to hunt down and kill a person is much better than simply telling them to kill a person because I say so.. Also, codewords are way more fun to use than simply preventing them from stating a law in the first place. Allows for more control and fun.



    Last night, I got to be a traitor HoP, which was rather fun despite me failing to 100% all my goals for the shift, mainly because for the first time in years, I got to hijack the AI for my own personal needs.


    But, since I liked being creative, I decided to make up a law that was more like a top secret manhunt mission, informing the AI of a deathrow inmate who was hiding on the station and to ensure he was properly put down before he could escape. Even gave the AI a fancy codeword instead of simply saying "don't say this" when it came to stating the hidden law, because I felt that would be much more interesting and useful, as well as make the AI have a more amusing time instead of it being just a dull burden. Besides, you know there is always the risk of someone demanding the AI state law 0... So why not make it impossible without a passcode that only the AI and the uploader is aware of?


    But, after that match, I began to wonder.. Considering how a lot of people probably got to be AI at some point, or were traitors with AI access, I wonder just what kind of amusing laws they hacked in or been sent in order to have certain goals completed? If you can at the least barely remember them, why not share them here for our amusement?



    I'd say nerfing it's power output down to old SM levels, making it damage/sap power from the field over time if it gets too powerful. An engine that requires no supervision what so ever just strikes me as wrong, even the solars need to be checked on from time to time, why does this impossible death ball of static electricity get a pass?


    This is the very problem I have with it.


    There has to be SOME reason to monitor it from time to time, rather than just turning it on and forgetting about it to go drinking or messing around. being an engineer should have a level of importance. It is not an "easy" job, but a "medium" job, meaning there is a bit more challenge to it than the lower jobs, requiring more effort to be put into it.


    The reason jobs like HoP and HoS are hard is because of their importance. A HoP has to make sure he doesn't give traitors access to powerful positions that could cause harm to the station, the HoS has to keep his men in line and geared up for whatever comes the station's way... And the captain has the job of ensuring the whole station is running smoothly and everyone is doing their job, and when things go wrong, he has to let the staff be aware of current events and be the leader the station needs.


    When you take a job, depending on what it is, you have to have a certain respect for it (this even goes for clowns) and understand that some jobs are going to be very, VERY dull.. But someone has to do it, and if it means having to check up on something every few minutes, then so be it.



    Name: Renomaki Story

    Age: 39

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: A+

    General Occupational Role(s): Capable of doing nearly all manner of jobs with various degrees of skill. Most experienced in Sanitation Engineering and Office Management.


    Biography: Renomaki had a rather average life back in his younger days, Getting decent grades in school and keeping out of trouble as any good kid could. He had done little out of the ordinary, except for those few times in college when he competed in the "Sanitation Olympics", an event held by his college's janitor which was used not so much to encourage cleaner living habits, but rather as an excuse to sit on his bum and watch football while the students did all the cleaning. Renomaki Story won pretty much every year, although it probably helped that he was the only one to take it seriously, while the other students merely joined in to snort Space Cleaner.


    It wasn't until he had reached his mid 20s that his life really started to get interesting, with him joining the Trade Navy and serving as a crewmember aboard the trade shuttle "NTV Garfunkle", a massive cargo ship that delivered all manner of goods across the stars.


    In the beginning, he merely was a cargotech, who kept tabs on the cargo and made sure everything was secure and not tampered with, but as he proved his loyalty to his job, he was promoted to QM and earned the right to lead his own band of merry cargotechs.. It probably also helped that the QM spaced himself after one too many drinks, and that he was the only cargotech who could be trusted to not steal goods for his own personal use.


    As the years passed on, he proved himself to be a good leader to his men, getting them in line and improving their work ethic considerably, much to the dismay of some cargotechs, who would yearn for their lazy days of sneaking into crates full of collectible hats for a nap.


    His actions would, of course, get NanoTrasen's attention, and as he proved himself to be not only a fairly decent leader, but also quite loyal to their mega corporation (and quite naive and trusting), they found him to be the perfect replacement to the NTV Garfunkle's current captain, who proved to be not as willing to carry out NanoTrasen's wishes as they had hoped. Mr. Story proved to be the perfect pawn in the massive game of chess that is their business.


    And so, to the surprise of a now 33 year old Renomaki, he found himself promoted to the greatest honor he ever had in life: The rank of captain of his own ship. All his hard work finally paid off, and for the next several years he would lead his crew just as he wears his official NanoTrasen medal of captainship: With pride and respect. And for the longest time life was swell for him... Until the incident.


    4 years later, his ship had come into possession of a very dangerous, classified experimental cargo, which was hidden among the more mundane crates of food, clothing and other harmless goods. It was a normal day for his crew, with the captain taking a moment away from the bridge to inspect the cargobay and make sure the QM that took his place all those years back was keeping his men in check. Little did he realize that one of the cargotechs, who had a reputation of being a snoop, stumbled across the heavily reinforced crates. Curiosity getting the best of him, he fiddled with the security lock until he managed to somehow break through it, shortly taking a careful peek inside to see just what hid inside this crate...


    Just as Captain Story was finishing his discussion with the QM, a gooey roar was heard, and the moment he turned to face the sound, he soiled himself at the horror of a massive blob quickly consuming the cargobay, absorbing the ships cargo and cargotechs at a rapid rate. The armed guards that were stationed on the ship could do nothing against it, and Renomaki was too horribly scarred to face it himself... All these years in command were normally so quiet, and to suddenly have something like this happen was too much for him. So, rather than stay with his crew and fight to the death against the abomination, he fled to the podbay and left whatever crew was left to die, watching from the comfort of his now soaring pod as the blob quickly consumed what was once his proud vessel. You can probably assume how NanoTrasen felt about his failure to both protect this important cargo and keep the ship intact...


    The moment he returned, officials had a stern talking to him, berating him heavily for his failure and stripping him of his rank. Were it not for his blind loyalty, they probably would have had him fired entirely.. But no, deep down, NanoTrasen still had hope for him.. Maybe elsewhere.. But he had to prove it first..


    And so, he was tossed back to square one, working as a janitor aboard what many called Space Station 13, one of NT's most infamous space stations this side of the stars, where he quietly worked scrubbing puke off the floor.. At least all those successes in the Sanitation Olympics paid off..


    Qualifications: Office Administration Diploma, 3 time winner of the Sanitation Olympics, Medal of Command 1st Class


    Employment Records: Cargo tech, Quartermaster, Captain of the NTV Garfunkle.


    Security Records: Other than abandoning his ship as captain without permission and costing NT billions of credits in damages due to his failure to contain a threat, his record is mostly clean due to his willingness to follow orders and cowardly nature. However, his trusting, naive nature should be monitored to ensure that he isn't manipulated into doing anything that would hinder NT's goals.


    Medical Records: While he is healthy for the most part, his mental health has been heavily affected by his past traumas caused by the "NTV Garfunkle incident". The mere mention of a blob causes him great stress and panic, requiring comforting to ensure mental stability. In general psychology, he has a mild case of autism, which could explain his behavior compared to others aboard Space Station 13 and back during his service aboard the NTV Garfunkle.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): He appears to be just barely 4 and a half feet tall, with a dark red beard and brown eyes. His skin is white with a slight tan, giving him a natural shade. He also appears to wear his badges and medal everywhere he goes, regardless of what position he has taken aboard the NSS Cyberiad, probably for a personal reason.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:


    - Has a willingness to learn if given the chance, and will often try all manner of different jobs throughout the station in order to experience it all.


    - Normally takes his work seriously, much to the dismay of others.


    - Has been known to be a tad clumsy, and his combat skills are lackluster, meaning he shouldn't be too much of a threat if he turned.. Shouldn't be, that is..


    - Is a bit of a clean freak, and will often complain about the state of the station if he finds it getting too messy for his taste.



    Hotwiring is against SOP, and gonna be ahelped if it's not an antag.


    Tesla is a lot safer because you can locker-faraday to stay safe.


    Sing destroys the station, escape, anything it touches and leaves no survivors. Tesla wanders around, we hide in lockers then go back to business as usual.


    I dunno about that, every time I saw it get out, it never ran away unless the admins got involved. Just like the Singularity, if it gets loose, people flee, and just because you can hide in a locker to hide from it, doesn't mean it is any better.


    I swear, if we ever have a round where the Tesla naturally faded out without admin help, then maybe I'd look at it differently.



    I'm not sure how important it might be, but I noticed for the longest time that the "food eaten" counter would never go above 0, as if no one eats anything throughout the shift despite the contrary. I don't know if I'm the only one who kinda cares about it, but if the staff has some spare time, do you think you could figure out what caused it to not keep track and maybe find the source of the bug?


    It's just a thought, so it is no biggy, but I just wanted to bring that to the coders attention if they aren't aware of it already.



    there's literally no reason to use the singularity as-is

    it's way more dangerous and provides 1/10th the power


    With that logic, you might as well just remove the Singularity from the game, since it seems everyone views it as vastly inferior.


    In fact, you might as well remove everything that could be "dangerous". No more slimes, no more Toxins research, no more dangerous meals or drinks, no more water for the janitor cart, etc etc etc.


    Part of the fun is how dangerous a lot of things are. If everything was baby-proofed, then SS13 wouldn't be as popular as it is now. A little risk here and there is what makes the game interesting, if I say so myself... Right?



    If you haven't known, I played this game off and on throughout the years, throughout a lot of different servers with their own little rules. If there was one constant throughout, though, it was that the main powercore was a singularity.


    Back then, everyone in engineering did their part to make sure it was safely set up and all the pieces were in place before attending to other business, and if they were a good engineer, they would always make sure to check up on it regularly to ensure no one tampered with it and that it was stable. That, and you had to wear protection when handling it, otherwise you got irradiated, which was bad news for you. It was a very powerful powersource that required constant care to ensure it would remain stable throughout the shift and kept engineers busy.. Or at least the good ones that cared about their job.


    Then, someone made the Tesla, and ever since then it became the go-to powercore for the station. It was easier to set up, you didn't need to worry about radiation, and if it got loose, the worse that would happen was that you'd have a chance to get electrocuted. On the downside, though.. I think it became a bit of a crutch for engineering staff.


    Every single round, I swear it is always the same. Always Tesla, all the time, and if you dare suggest setting up a singularity, people would look at you like you were crazy. Heck, in one shift when I was engineer, and was left behind to do all the work while the rest of them buggered off to do god knows what, I decided to set up a singularity because it was the one thing I mostly recall knowing how to do, and instead of the staff being impressed a lone engineer managed to set up a much harder powersource all by his lonesome while the rest ran off, they all acted like I was insane and whined about it. I honestly was a bit hurt, because I thought I managed to do something that very few people could do. (sure, I might have messed up with the plasma tanks, but a freshly joined CE showed me how to quickly fix them up before the shield depowered, keeping the station safe and powered under my watchful eye).


    I could almost swear that, because of Teslas, engineers have gotten lazier, setting up the tesla and forgetting about it. I been engineer several times, and not once in those rounds did I recall seeing anyone checking up on it. People still call the shuttle if tesla gets loose, and there were still plenty of times poor engineering caused it to break free (that, or sabotage because no one was keeping an eye on it), so I don't know why people think it is safer if it is still worth calling the shuttle for. If anything, I swear they just go about rebuilding the bar or office rather than maintaining the engine when there isn't a problem on board.


    I think we really should at least TRY to use the singularity a little more often, just to spice things up and keep engineering on their toes.. After all, you never know.. What if Tesla was removed someday? I wouldn't want a bunch of engineers in the engine room in a panic because they never made a singularity in all their time in engineering, despite it not being that hard to do.


    Like, what can we do about the singularity problem? How do we make people more willing to use it every now and then? I'm not saying I don't like the Tesla, if only because it gives engineering variety, but when it becomes the only thing people are willing to use, then it becomes a problem and could risk making engineering a tad dull.



    Hmm, if sec would start with a better powercells in their seclites then i'll give a +1


    I think simply allowing basic batteries in common flashlights would be a good balance measure, just as how a handmade stunprod will always be inferior compared to a real baton.


    Certain job-related flashlights (security lights, engineer helmets, mining hardsuit lights) need to be worth having in the first place, after all.



    Honestly, it would be nice of more light sources had batteries attached to them. Give us reason not just to turn them off when not using them, but also encourage people to build more batteries.


    Keeping people productive is always fun.



    I miss the days when Head of Security's would give their department a briefing at the beginning of the shift. It was always a nice thing.


    When I get the guts to try it (having recently unlocked it), I might try and see about changing that.



    I played security a few times, but I don't think I ever experienced such an occurrence.. Yet.


    But in my experience, sometimes it is hard to really secure things when your HoS pretty much goes "Just gear up and patrol" rather than hold a meeting and get a plan in place. Sure, it might make things easier to just get up and go, but I'm the kinda guy who would rather the crew of a certain branch get together and discuss the plan better. As QM, I always have a meeting with my Cargo techs first to assign jobs before getting to work, which I believe makes things easier and also gets people immersed.


    HoS players really need to get in touch with their officers more often and act as a leader, rather than just act like heavier security officers.



    Well, currently cargo techs either haul crates in and out of the shuttle, sort through trash in the trash room, and wrap packages to send through the chute.


    The QM simply has the job of doing all the paperwork and making sure the right orders are placed, although very often I see cargo techs do this. I guess i'm the only QM who runs the front desk.


    I think what we need is a little more for the techs to do so they aren't just standing around waiting for work. Just like with the librarian, once you do all your chores, you are left with little to do, so it gets fairly boring.. Maybe if the cargo bay became more like a ship bay, for spacepods and stuff, and the cargo techs become like mechanics who tend to the pods, then maybe they'd have a little more to do... Although, on the other hand, then you'd risk your techs just flying off into space and goofing off.. So maybe not.


    With so many other tasks taken care of by other jobs, it is a tad hard to think up something decent for them to do that'll also ensure they do their job loyally, and not just use it as an excuse to mess around.



    Very, very, very against these as a random thing. Cursing people with these is not only harsh but can ruin peoples ideas for a character. If I want to play a champion sprinter, it'd be ruined by the two left feet trait, for instance.


    The idea of a single selectable positive trait I'm interested in though, as long as it's minor (10% faster construction, 1 extra unarmed damage), to give some flavour etc.


    Well, we could just do it that way, although if you could select it, I'm just afraid people would try to meta with it or something, hence why I thought about making it random, since the reason I did think this up in the first place was to shake things up a tad, rather than allow people to give their avatar an upgrade that suits their playstyle.. UNLESS that is what you would rather have, though.


    Again, it is just an idea, so it isn't set in stone. If it ever were to be taken in, a lot of balancing would be needed, but I believe something could be done to make it work.. Somehow, anyways.


    Adding new negative perks to the character creating screen would be good. So people could make an always hungry for donuts warden or clumsy doctor. But it should not be random and unfixable by genetics.


    I think it would add a bit of extra personality to any avatar in game methinks, hence why most of the traits aren't designed to be use to powergame, but rather to alter a routine experience. Maybe some of my ideas weren't all that great, but some of them, such as food-cravings and stupidity, would make the average shift somewhat more interesting.


    I suppose, considering everyone's thoughts, that having it random isn't as good an idea as I thought. So maybe just add a menu for traits instead? Maybe instead have a list of traits and have a player pick one or two of em while making an avatar, just as you can with cybernetics and disabilities.



    While I appreciate the sentiment this sounds like it could have a pretty significant impact on the round. A traitor who randomly falls over (even if it's every 1000 steps) is going to get dunked on hard. A player who can run just a little bit faster is going to have an edge against most antagonists. The "clean freak" trait would be completely wasted on someone who doesn't do any cleaning.


    One of the big draws of this game is that everyone is on more or less equal footing with skill being the deciding factor in most outcomes (although who gets a stun off first is usually a big decider too).


    Yeah... You probably have a point.


    Honestly, I had a feeling the idea would get shot down, since it would be very hard to balance in a manner that wouldn't be too crippling. But still, it would be nice to have some random modification of sorts to change things up a notch, but eh, I guess you don't know if it is good or not till you test it.


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