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Posts posted by Renomaki


    What would be the counters to them, if they attack?


    Every antag has a certain weakness of sorts that you have to keep in mind.


    For normal agents, it is just a matter of having your detective gather evidence of crimes and security in general doing body searches when code allows it.


    Nuke agents require the station to band together and survive the onslaught once it is detected, and to escort the captain to safety as soon as possible, or at the very least the disk.


    Changelings are harder, though, but again, with good detective work, you could find them.


    Blobs require you to find the main core and set up emitters to drill into it, while the crew does its best to slow down it's growth before it gets out of control.


    And etc etc etc.


    If we get attacked by Yin, what would be a good idea when dealing with them? Are they weak to EMPs? Would death tolls be high during an attack? How many will normally be on at any one time?


    Skill as an antag is one thing, but what I'm talkin about is general stuff. If it is too easy for the Yin to fuck up the station, it wouldn't be much fun.. On the other hand, if it is too easy to fend them off, then people will just groan when they do come on. It's tricky to get the right balance of fun and challenge, you know?



    As assistant:

    1: go to bar for a brief drink and shoot the breeze.

    2: Visit the HoP to see if there is any employment for a jobless bum like me.

    3: If no work is available to me, bum around the bar for awhile longer, then return to the HoP every once in awhile until he finds some work for me.


    As HoP:

    1: Prepare an announcement to the crew, informing them that I'll be opening shortly.

    2: Copypaste my custom made Job Update Form and have a stack set nearby to hand to crewmembers as they come in.

    3: Attempt to be as professional as possible while dealing with crewmembers.

    4: Quietly cry as I read their filled out forms and notice how they clearly don't read them before filling them out.

    5: Fax the form to the required head, or show them to the captain if needed.

    6: Quietly cry as I read their filled out forms and notice how they clearly don't read them before filling them out.

    7: Continue work as normal until lunchtime.

    8: Order chef to prepare steak and wine for my lunch.

    9: Lunchbreak for a mo, then back to work as before.

    10: Oh, right, at 1300, have a fat stack of job updates and cargo orders faxed to the captain and NT rep for review. They won't give a shit, but it gives me a goal to work on.


    As QM:

    1: Gather cargo techs for meeting.

    2: Assign jobs to the cargotechs for the duration of the shift.

    3: Take care of reviewing and placing orders for the duration of the shift.

    4: Quietly express glee when you get to use the DENIED stamp.

    5: At 1300, send a copy of all orders placed to the HoP's office, to which deep down I know he won't give a crap about, and may or may not trash them.. But do it anyways.


    As cargotech:

    1: Load the crates onto shuttle, of course.

    2: Unless QM hosts meeting to assign jobs, decide to take trash sorting duty without question.

    3: Make sure the crusher is working

    4: Report any odd findings found in the trash

    5: LUNCHBREAK, then back to work.


    As Captain:

    1: Gather all things of importance and head to the bridge.

    2: Announce the start of a brand new day.

    3: Pray to god it is just an Agent round

    4: Brief the heads on what I'd like them to do, only to be disregarded because they don't give a shit.

    5: Sit in bridge for the majority of the shift, only coming out if it is really needed.

    6: Order the chef to prepare me wine and steak for lunch.

    7: Quietly judge myself as the station goes into chaos, and be overcome with shame and sorrow at my failings.


    Eh, I think that is enough for now.



    Beating a dead horse, sure, but still, I might as well drop in my two cents... This topic interest me greatly.


    First off, I don't know how you convinced admins of other servers to let you host this event. Do you know the servers? How do we know you aren't making it up? Without proof, it's kinda hard to take you seriously. I could easily just claim that I was one of Goon's best HoS, and unless their admins really gave a crap, I could just easily pass it off.


    Secondly, as many pointed out.. Why you? What about the others? You realize how unfair it would be to everyone if you got to have such a fun, powerful role, while everyone else just has to suck it and accept it. imagine how unfair it would be if I could be wizard every round.. Yeah, not fair, is it? I can understand the admins taking on a powerful role for an event, but to have one player get the honor? yeah, that would make everyone upset.


    And while we on that... This doesn't even sound like a fun event.. Sounds more like a person getting to have godmode and use everyone like puppets for his own amusement, rather than the crew's.


    And the worst part? There is no way this plan will go smoothly. No doubt someone will try to crash the party in some way. What if they try to kill you? What if someone uses a wish to grief? Events are always risky, because you never know if a graytide might come in to ruin everything.


    Sure, everything has been said and done, but hey, I wanted to share my opinion as well on the matter.



    The slowness only really is an issue if you are an antag. otherwise, eh... It is a tradeoff.


    If you play to win, it is indeed cripples you to be such an easy target, but in my case, it is just part of their genetic personality. They are strong, slow lumbering gentle.. Not giants.



    I think it would be awesome to have a day where the station is put under new ownership for awhile, changing up the game considerably and creating all kinds of new RP material. I can see a cult or wizard station being the most interesting, although a syndicate station would be.. ehh..


    Like, how would we make a syndicate station interesting? With cults and wizards, you get all these fancy outfits and magic and RP potential galore. With the syndicate, it wouldn't be very interesting, since they are just NT Corp, but bad.. Or good? The lore is rather twisted in that manner.


    But in general, the idea of seeing how a station of cultist/wizards handle things like agents, changelings and blobs amuses me greatly, and I'd love to see a day where people get to run around dressed as a wizard or cultist, doing their thing in a totally new way.



    Honestly, I don't like the idea of a garden in perma. I'd rather have a small basketball court, since not only would that be more fitting for a prison, it also prevents them from growing drugs.. Some of which could be used to kill themselves.


    I like that the personal perma cells are back, although I don't like the idea of them being made out of glass. I'd rather reinforced metal myself, to ensure they can't just spawn an armblade and smash their way out. Other than that, it is a nice addition that'll give inmates some privacy, as well as make it easier to stuff them in perma without the risk of people trying to cheese it every time a new inmate is brought in.


    I like that interrogation has been upgraded and reworked, and a 10 minute timer seems like a nifty idea. I like being able to grill agents for information, but I never like wasting time going no where. having a 10 minute limit kinda keeps things fun for everyone instead of wasting everyone's time.


    And the idea of a training area for new officers or officers off duty sounds like a great idea. Sometimes as a brig medic, it is nice to have something to pass the time while you wait for someone to get hurt, so what better than doing some security practice, eh?





    Well, thankfully I already do a fair few of those, although it helps that I used to captain on other servers, and read up about captainship.


    I still gotta work on some bad habits, though. Gotta try to put more faith in my other heads to do what I ask of them, when I ask it.



    I might be a tad late to this, but eh, I'll drop my two cents in.


    I myself think it would be nice if, instead of having one single job for all the departments, creating several sub-jobs within RD and making things more organized. I myself in the few times I played always found it a tad confusing, having no idea what I wanted to focus on.. It seemed RD members just did whatever the fuck they wanted, and people just raced each other to get to the good departments, while ignoring the ones no one likes.


    I think having sub jobs would not only make it more productive, it would make it easier to tell who is supposed to do what, instead of just going "I'LL DO TOXINS" "NO ME" "NO NO ME" "I WANNA DO XENO" etc etc etc.


    Kinda like how medbay is split up into several sections with several sub jobs within, such as viral research, genetics and medicine production and research, I think it would help people focus on their jobs more, instead of just fuckin about doing whatever because of a lack of direction.



    Honestly, just because there is no magistrate, it doesn't mean there is no way to get security to stop being shitcurity.


    If your HoS isn't pretending to be a security officer with more access, you could try to contact him and discuss whatever problems you are having with an officer that might have abused you, and he SHOULD fix the problem if he cares about the station.


    If the HoS is a douche, then you can go to the captain and talk to him about it, and he'll probably do something about it to avoid making himself look like a condom.. I know I wouldn't want to be called a condom, so damn right I'd do something about it to get my officers back in line if my HoS won't do it.


    And if that fails, you can contact an IAA or maybe even the NT rep and have them send a fax discussing the issue at hand, and hope that CC gets the message across to stop acting like idiots and get back in line.


    .. And if that fails, you are shit outta luck.



    I'm not sure if it is just me, but I swear, whenever I check either a medical record or a legal record, and click on a profile for more detail (but as warden, mostly so I can tag the target), there is always a good chance that I could crash. I wasn't sure why, until I kinda noticed how it often had something to do with the photo loading in.


    Now, I know that photos are important to help identify the person you are looking for, but honestly, I'd rather it just have its own page to be clicked to, rather than have it on the same page as the security tag system. It just makes playing security more bothersome when you risk crashing every time you update someones records so that beepsky doesn't bash them in the head the moment they get outta jail, or when you want people to know they are processed and in jail.


    I want to be a good warden, and a detective when I am ready to give it a try.. So if I could just put the photos on another link, instead of having them on the same page as the tagging menu, that would be nice.



    Thanks guys, I'll try to remember this stuff.


    On the other hand... There are a few situations that I'd like to discuss.


    For instance, I had several shifts where I either assumed command as HoP, or a shift without a HoP as captain.. If I have to hire someone to take his place, what would be the safest bet? Or should I just do it myself? But then, if I do it myself, wouldn't that distract me from leading the station and keeping the other departments from doing illegal things?


    If I want to prevent departments from doing certain things (like genetics carelessly giving themselves superpowers and not cleaning themselves after every test, or science spamming xeno with animals to the point of overflowing for instance), how do I enforce it without being an ass about it and convince them to go along with it for the shift? Should I even bother trying to stop bad habits?


    And most importantly.. How can I be a good captain without being an metagaming arse? I want to ensure the very best for my crew, but I don't want to go too far and end up powergaming. I take pride in decent RP, and don't want to be one of THOSE types, you know?



    Now, I had played a moderate amount of time as a captain, either as a stand in or as a round start captain, and while I have done average at best, I sometimes feel I could do so much better.


    Now, sure, no matter how good a captain you are, you can't magically fix everything. You will have shifts with bad security, lazy heads, or even a blob or two that'll make things all the harder. But at the very least, I want to inspire confidence in my crew and prove to them I can lead them, and not just be labeled another "condom".


    While some people might not take it seriously, I certainly do, because it is a job with a great deal if responsibility (at least to me) and power, which if used right could make the station safer and better for everyone... While trying not to powergame, of course.


    Considering there had been people who done this for much longer, I wonder if anyone has any good tips to share to not just me, but other wannabe captains who want to make a good impression and not be labeled condoms?



    I only hope that the event isn't too common, though. It might sound fun to get a chance to respawn late into a match and go kidnap people, but for everyone else just wanting to chill with a beer after surviving their third explosion, the idea of getting kidnapped and having cruel aliens turn you into a walking carrier of death against your will doesn't sound fun to me.


    As for it being a gamemode itself, having up to 8 players forming 4 teams competing against each other to score the most points seems a tad frantic if you ask me. But then again, I haven't experienced this gamemode yet, so I wouldn't really know. After all, there were plenty of matches with 5-7 antags at any one time, so maybe I'm just worrying that it'll blow out of control.


    Hopefully the whole alien implant thing wouldn't be too serious, though.. Reading up about it, a lot of them are really bad for the crew, with only one of them being rather kindhearted. If designers have time, maybe adding a few more implants that, you know, don't fuck you over super bad might be kinda nice, not only to give kinder antags more choices, but also for stealth reasons? Wouldn't want people to be aware of kidnappers, right?


    But that is just me. I'll stumble across the mode soon enough, and hopefully it won't be too bad.. And if it DOES suck, well, hopefully it is rather uncommon, because I am more of a traitor kinda guy. At least those aren't too frantic and more mellow, you know?



    I think maybe we could make it more like a form of traitor, where you have people tasked with hosting the blood drive and collecting blood, but the amount of blood they require is considerably high.. So unless the station is willing to bleed themselves dry for you, you'll have to resort to more.. aggressive methods to reach your quota.


    There'd have to be something to make sure that monkey blood doesn't count, so they can't just order monkey crates and start a blood farm.


    You could have it so they have to gather certain types of blood [Vox, human, Vulpin] or certain crewmember's blood, as well as certain bloodtypes [A+, B-, etc].


    They might be able to get most of it without issue, but depending on the request, it might be hard to convince crew to give off a certain amount of blood, let alone personal blood that goes far beyond what they can replace alone.



    Do I hear a fellow paperwork HoP here?


    I actually like making people do the paperwork, otherwise I am constantly bored as the HoP. I even went through the time making fancy papers for the purposes of HoP. I also think I am the only detective that makes hard copy reports of investigations...


    If you care to have fancy papers... http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Lig ... _Paperwork


    That totally reminds me, I'll have to make my own personal set of forms that suit my style.. Would be kinda cool to have my own touch to it


    I've found that the most paperwork of paperwork loving HoPs don't actually like the paperwork itself. They like the power that comes from forcing someone to go on a snipe hunt gathering signatures and filling out forms. It's a power trip, and it gets silly.



    The HoP who cared about paperwork integrity would, for example, NEVER hand a crewmember a transfer form and say "fill it out". We live in a world of counterfeit stamps and forgery, after all. No, a HoP who cared about such would fill out the form themselves, use a secure fax to the relevant department, verify with stamped return receipts.


    Instead, it's "Here, waste time out of your round filling this form out I copypasta'ed in 10 seconds off the wiki, then go chase down another busy person and annoy them."


    A good HoP would doublecheck with the proper head if the right stamp was used, which would be useful for catching traitors right on the spot. However.. Almost NO ONE uses stamps, because people rarely come across HoPs that regularly use paperwork. Sometimes they use it if it involves security, but even then, sometimes it is just based on word of mouth.


    Yes, you have a good point, it would be good if a HoP filled it out himself, but in my opinion, I like to have people prove they are willing to go through the effort to get a job or access update. When you go for a job interview, your boss doesn't just make you a resume, does he? Of course not, you gotta make it yourself, and then it is the boss's job to review it and see if you are taking the position seriously.


    "Just because I'm bored" Or "Because I wanna make weed" isn't something you want to put on a form, if you ask me.


    And, before you ask, More than once I had personally shown the captain certain job and access request, and got his personal stamp. If there was a captain's stamp and I don't recall the captain informing me of it, then I'd probably get concerned... And then there are times when they get legally green lit all the way, and still turn out to be traitors in the end, but that is mainly because they managed to convince the heads to allow them the access they want and got their permission. Smooth moves can get you far sometimes, as I learned.



    I think maybe we could make it more like a form of traitor, where you have people tasked with hosting the blood drive and collecting blood, but the amount of blood they require is considerably high.. So unless the station is willing to bleed themselves dry for you, you'll have to resort to more.. aggressive methods to reach your quota.


    Like, start out honest and open, but as time passes on, get more underground and covert, kidnapping people for more blood to ship back home. Would be kinda interesting that way.



    I guess you could explain the event as a budget cut, due to how expensive headsets tend to be and how a lot of people have been getting careless with them, so to save funds and punish the station, they radios have been revoked for the duration of the shift.


    This would force people to get creative with how they communicate, such as with faxes and letters, people would be less willing to wander alone, and security would have to buddy up more often to ensure their safety.


    Sure, I can see a few flaws in this mode, but on the other hand, I'd like to see how people handle it in an intelligent manner.. Although another part of me will assume it'll just turn into a mess of bitching and whining.



    Despite not really playing genetics or really using their powers very often, I think it would be a good idea to try and make it more limiting, rather than continue to allow people to powergame with it once they find the mutations they seek.


    Making it so you could only have so many genes at a time would keep people from turning themselves into mini-gods. Hell, one genetics researcher got banned twice from his job because he did just that: Abused his position to turn himself into a super human and went valid hunting. Even if they don't run off to go hunting for antags or grief, it is still silly for them to constantly inject themselves with super powers as soon as they find one, rather than a proper test subject before securing the DNA samples and handing them off to security where they should be.


    A limit on how much alteration you can handle before it starts cancelling out all future upgrades would be nice.



    Paperwork is the devil and everyone knows it.


    That said it's actually not that bad, it's excessive paperwork that people really hate, shit like demanding stamps for basic access changes when they can just ask the relevant head of staff over the command channel.


    A signature would be expected if it were for some dangerous place like virology, but for basic sci access or gateway exploring it really is too much.


    I believe just yesterday I was in a shift where a mime asked for Gateway and EVA access. After filling out the needed sheet, I handed it to the captain for review, and without really questioning things, simply filled it out and greenlit it.


    ... Later on we discovered the mime was an agent.


    Times like that make you realize just how important paperwork is, and how it should not be taken lightly.



    Honestly, if the brig is all messy, shouldn't the janitor borgs/drones/Janitor be able to take care of it?


    Provided they aren't being lazy slobs, simply PDAing them or calling over coms should get their attention. I myself love having a mess to clean up as janitor, after all.. nothing sucks more than when a janitor has nothing to clean up, yuh know?



    After playing my fair share of HoP and having an average amount of experience with the job (while still learning it), I admit I am tired of how people treat the mere idea of having to briefly fill out a simple piece of paper for the records/legal reasons/to show they seriously want to take the job or access. If it isn't outright bitching about it and complaining, they don't even bother to properly fill it out, let alone read it, and just assume I'm too stupid to even bother to check.


    What is seriously wrong with a little paperwork? It isn't like I'm making people sign countless documents just so they can be a gateway explorer, all I ask is they take a minute to read and sign a little sheet, and then the head do the same, and we get to business. Most HoPs don't bother with it, but I prefer to do it, as that is my style, it is how I have fun as the HoP and RP it, yuh know?


    And before anyone says anything, of course it is on green, not red. Now, red is another story, but on green, why does everyone get so pissy about doing a little bit of typing for a job transfer?


    I just wanted to vent about this, and despite this, I still very much intend to play HoP more before becoming captain, but I'd at least wish people wouldn't treat me like the devil for daring to make them roleplay for a few seconds to get access to somewhere.


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