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Posts posted by IK3I


    Time for the story of the Greyest Tide of LORE's career:


    We start our story after all the tools of the trade had been collected. Tools, a belt, some spare plasteel and metal, and of course, coins.

    Phase one of the plan is getting to the derelict and more importantly, the DJ station. The first step of which is getting a suit:


    Then a jetpack was needed in case the derelict wasn't in a straight line path:


    After a bit of floating, the derelict was located and the emitter collected. It was brought to the DJ station and secured in place ready to fire. With the new found DJ suit, I ditched the old one so that nobody would notice the theft:


    Now begins phase two of the plan, acquiring the captain's locker. We start by scoping out the site and acting casual:


    Then comes the false wall into the cap's maint. tunnel and bathroom:


    Now that the primary collection route is open, the escape could be prepared by loosening a window until it was about to fall off. I waited for the opportune moment, someone was breaking into the upload! I ran around to my hidden doors and grabbed the lockers while sec was distracted:


    I then brought it back to the DJ sat and shot it open for my prize, the captain level encryption key! But there was a bonus in the locker. The cap had left his spare ID!


    Not one to pass up such a great opportunity, I grabbed the ID and went back to the station where I gave myself all access before leaving the Id in the computer:


    And now we're here at phase 3, Basking in the glory of a job well done. I got a drink at the bar, told my tale, and used those coins I had collected to buy myself and my new friend some cigars to smoke on the way home:



  2. I've pulled you a few times when I was playing ROBIT. I don't think we've ever met on one of my truly insane rounds though. That being said, you're definitely my preferred PAI. Just the right amount of sanity to balance my mad scientist mentality.


    So I got bored as the RD and decided to use my in-office telesci lab to play a game:



    I then made the mistake of teleporting Kitsa, who proceeded to freak out and ruin my fun due to the crazy vigilante that felt the need to defend her by hacking my office door and decapitating me. Cough, Cough, Violet Talon





    Preface: If you've even seen a certain IPC by the name of ROBIT as the RD during a shift, then this story probably won't be overly surprising, though none the less, bizarre. If you haven't seen ROBIT before, then all you really need to know about him is that about half the time, he's completely mad. For instance, the most common thing you'll see him doing is taking the PDA monitor key, folding it up, and placing it on his head before announcing that he has donned the Paper Hat of Decryption and shouting nonsense about the scriptpocalipse.


    Now then, to the true story of what happens when crazy meets needy:


    We begin our adventure in the research department, where ROBIT has just finished researching and distributing all required tech and has delivered his discoveries to CentCom. Now free from the bondage of responsibility, he turns to the box of materials and an idea strikes him. "Of course, a telepad will provide hours of entertainment and research!"


    Jump forward a short while and we find ROBIT sitting in his office holding a hand teleporter and a tracking beacon, the glow of the telepad console illuminates him as he finishes calibrating the beacon and activates it. With the beacon finished, only one thing remained. ROBIT pushes some buttons on the hand teleporter and the interface lights up briefly before a portal opens to the bridge and he steps through.


    Now on the bridge, ROBIT just needed to calibrate the hub to target his office so he could return on a whim. Before he had the chance though, he heard someone call out to him. It was Kitsa and Linda, some Vulpakins that he had seen around the station but had never really talked to much. They wanted help providing a space burial for Linda's old body since she was a clone. Not one to miss an opportunity to science, ROBIT immediately agreed, set the hub, and activated the teleporter whisking the three of them to his lab.


    Back in the seclusion of his office, the three discussed more of what was needed while ROBIT dialed in the telepad to the coffin storage area. He activated it just as they realized that they didn't know the exact location of Linda's old body. Jumping into action, ROBIT ran to the morgue and determined the location before prepping the body for transport. Not missing a beat, he activated the hand tele and stepped though to calibrate the telepad. Little did he know, he was not alone in the morgue.


    Upon returning to the lab, the three found that a cortical borer had made it's way into the portal and followed ROBIT back. Not wanting to risk being killed, the borer gave a small cry before fleeing to the corner of the office and hiding. ROBIT told the borer that it would not be harmed if it stayed where it was. He wished to study it later after all. The borer let out a quiet noise and began watching the three intently while they made the final arrangements and prepared to move to the engineering shuttle for the service.


    ROBIT, being adverse to walking such a long distance, decided to send the others via telepad. Surely he could do so without spacing them, right? Wrong. A small error in the calculations placed kitsa outside the station where her hardsuit was put to the test. She maneuvered back inside while ROBIT reassessed his calculations and found the error. Linda, understandably, was nervous at this point and wanted to walk, but ROBIT was having none of it, he adjusted his aim and sent the coffin away to land right at the feet of Kitsa, who was now waiting at the intended destination. Finally, it was Linda's turn, she was unfamiliar with teleportation and had just witnessed the dangers, but either trusted ROBIT, or was willing to risk the chance of an error, because she stepped on the pad. The crystals charged and she seems hesitant for a moment before a bright flash overtook her and she found herself next to Kitsa with the coffin. They said their goodbyes and went to the outpost to bury the body.


    Meanwhile, back at ROBIT's office, the borer cowered in the corner while ROBIT told it to stay put for it's own safety. It made a noise that seemed to be an affirmation as ROBIT went back outside to discuss the situation with the NT Rep. Apparently, some strange things had been going on and the shuttle was being called early as a result. Naturally, ROBIT didn't like this as it meant cutting his research short, but it wouldn't stop him from having some fun before he left.


    By now, the Borer had had enough of sitting around and tried to escape the office the only way it could, the disposals systems. Little did t know, however, that ROBIT had shut it off to prevent such action from occurring. Instead, ROBIT offered it a choice, get teleported to a destination he chooses, or sit in his office for the remainder of the shift. The borer was cautious, but after watching ROBIT teleport some items around, gained the confidence to accept his offer. The borer climbed on the pad and made a little squeak before ROBIT threw the switch and sent it off to botany.


    Now finished dealing with all the problems in his office, ROBIT realized that he had some time to kill before the shuttle arrived. He decided to make a humanized monkey and teleport it to the bar in a body bag. On the way over to get this monkey however, he found that one of his test subjects employees had fallen asleep on the job. Seeing the opportunity for what it was, he stuffed the scientist into the bodybag and then began teleporting it back and forth between the bar and his lab, confusing patrons who tried to get a closer look. He then repeated this in the brig lobby and was about to do so in the escape lobby, before he realized that at some point in the most recent switch, he had infact lost the body.


    His fun now over, ROBIT decided to wait for the shuttle to arrive before locking on to one of the people on board and calibrating the pad before stepping on. With one final flash, he was sent to the shuttle where he took his seat triumphantly as it departed for CentCom.



    Another good way to learn is, early in the round, ask the cmo or genetics for a humanized monkey. Toolbox the a dozen or so times, then fix them.


    If you really want a challenge to learn from: Ask the chemist to mix up some mystery deathmix to give the monkey and try to both treat the injuries and stop the poison. Bonus points if the chemist utilizes delaying agents and other nonsense to cause you new problems half way through.


  6. I feel like a larger mapping effort is required for regulation of the gateway to become a reasonable effort. As it stands, there are only a hand full of maps that actually contain any real secrets to speak of. There are many maps in the files, but they are mostly event maps. If we can get say 5 to 6 maps that actually have some more exploration elements, then the gateway would become something more than a novelty. Speaking of novel, and I'm not sure if byond is capable of this, setting up a script and flag system to allow certain maps to have certain things happen sometimes, but not others, in a non-admin initiated event, would reduce the need for large map numbers, even if the layouts will become familiar.


    Ok, got a few of them this time around:


    We'll start with the super sneaky escape of Vince and myself during a recent cult round. Having been found out and needing 6 cultists on the shuttle, we knew we had to make it aboard. Fortunately sec was busy robing a vox of it's voxygen at the time and we were able to go through the chapel and get aboard to hide with the rest of the cult.


    Next up, we have Clinton the racist being sold to vox traders as a midnight snack, or slave, probably both...


    Then we have the completely nonsensical round where I had to steal the ablative armor, succeeded, had it stolen from me, stole it out of the armory again, got caught with a bag of weapons, and finally broke out and stole the vest a third time for that sweet sweet green text.





    And finally, we have the result of my fight against a changling. It was screwdriver vs arm blade. The ling charged in and let out a deafening shriek as it tried to tie my wrists. I pushed it off of me and ran as it gave swift pursuit, knocking me to the ground. I realized I'd have to fight. I drew forth my screwdriver as it's arm started deforming into an organic blade. I charged it, stabbing it as much as I could while it was still dazed. It let out another shriek and I knew it would surely win if I let it attack me. I tried running again, jabbing at it whenever it approached. We continued like this up the entire engineering hallway to central primary before a group of people showed up to defend me. They charged after the ling as I succumbed to my injuries on the cold hard floor barely able to stay awake. I finally lost consciousness when the doctors came...




    There're probably better ways to pump more gas in, but we couldn't think of a good way. Just having a straight manifold instead of the mixer was giving us trouble. Either way, it works decently. Will try to improve when atmosvox next time.


    If you're looking to mix more gas faster, and you're not too worried about space constraints (why would you with the size of that pipe). Then you can try this:


    • Map out an area of (n+1) X (n+3) where n is the number of mixers you want.

      Lay out the mixers diagonally across the grid, starting one unit in from the near corner.

      Lay out the pipe along the near edges, and connect each one to it's row/column's mixer.

      Lay out pipe from each mixer to just before the far end, and cap with a volume-pump.

      Lay out pipe behind the pump to reconnect all the lines to the output.



    This method will drain the station of its gas reserves rapidly if more than say 3-4 pumps are used. Don't do that unless you have a few tons of oxygen in your pocket to replace what you just wasted.



    Lets see here...


    Briggs is probably drinking from his private stash with some of his friends from his old unit. The rest of his time is spent keeping in top form so he can robust the bad guy.


    Schwood is usually in his workshop tinkering. The man never tires of finding new and unique ways of making utter nonsense in the hopes that he'll find a use for it later.


    Balin is practicing "medicine" at his private firm. It's a completely legitimate operation, no that monkey isn't sentient. I can prove it if you step into this small soundproof room for a moment...


    Madison is probably caring for his personal slime collection. Or brewing [REDACTED] in his private chem lab. Sometimes he sells the products he makes from his little operation.


    Finally LORE isn't even on the station most of the time when it is on shift. Most of its time is spent exploring or looking for new places to explore. Occasionally, it will stop for maintenance or upgrades at an old friend's shop.



    Just a couple days ago I was using this and it seems to work in any direction but north facing. The key is to treat it like wire, where the direction you face directly affects the orientation of the object on the ground.

    That being said, it would be much better served if it worked like an atmos pump (place, orient, configure/activate)



    The ultimate cure to shadowlings:


    • The sisters of St. Cathode ask that you cover yourself with filaments and take pains to make yourself fully incandescent this evening.



    What the CE is doing when a borer catches him:


    • ENGINEER YOUR AUNT! Do it! You will be grateful for having done so. Yolutsky promises to cease diddling with your ears.



    There's a joke in here somewhere:


    • Hermaphrodites around the galaxy desire that you turn your rock and crochet bowl to its loudest setting.



    The next great religion to bless the Cyberiad:


    • Tribes of primitve hunters, with rhinestone codpieces rampant, should build pyra mids of Chevy engines covered in butterscotch syrup to exalt the diastolic, inef fable, scintillated and cacophonous salamander of truth which slimes and distracts from each and every orifice of your holy refrigerator, Sears be its brand.



    And finally, what everyone inevitably thinks about the comdom:


    • 'Lo, EUREKA,' I yelled into the cat, 'Thou art truly laborious and divergent. My nose bleeds for your impending encounter with the front fender of a Mercedes Benz.'




    Then again, if the new code is that expansive, we could just add overlapping surgeries to it, like have a surgery that is organs and bones, and so forth for all possible combinations, which aren't that many.

    This is actually a very good point. I'm assuming the new code is modular in that the surgery itself is just coded in a list format like

    BoneMendArm{scalpel, hemostat, retractor, gel, setter, gel, Broken=0, cautery}

    with the parsing code actually replacing those terms with in game actions. If that is the case, or something similar is afoot, then why not just add in the time sensitive and common joint ops while you work on getting true branching. This would satisfy everyone involved in all likely hood.


    And for reference, the most common joint surgeries in my experience are broken+bleeding, broken+organ trauma, and the trifecta. The others are generally pretty rare and I doubt would cause much of an issue.


  13. I suppose my main problem isn't a new system, I understand what it's like to work with spaghetti code and that a change is needed to make things easier in the long run. My problem is that it completely removes any skill when it comes to surgery, because not only is everything presented to you, but its always exactly the same. There's no variance to it and to be honest, if it was my project, I'd get it to a point that the people who were performing the surgeries actually liked it, not just the people who's only input to the surgical procedure is lying on a table unconscious. I Like the idea of having new things, and getting better code, but I don't like that the cost of doing so is complete destruction of what makes surgery unique and fun. I'm pretty sure most of the surgeons on here would agree that this kills our fun and we'd rather wait till the surgical capabilities are up to par with what's in place.


    As for the improvised canister bomb, so THAT'S how I died in Toxins that one time. I filled the canister way too high and tried filling a tank. It was too much a surprise to me and kicked me out for the rest of the short wizard round


    The most likely case is you had your bomb mix in the canister burning. You can effectively freeze the reaction if you leave it on the the connector because of reasons...

    Anyway. when you have a burning mix, (which is needed in this case) you have to fill the tank to less than 1013 (this is your fuse), as at around 50 to 100 points of over pressure, you're looking at a rupture and the bomb going off. Because the burning mix causes gas expansion, the tank eventually ruptures, blowing the entire canister. You probably opened the valve at max pressure and the mix caused over-pressure to occur in a couple of seconds.



    Are you looking to get somewhere you shouldn't?

    Perhaps you want to give someone an extra special present?

    Maybe you just like to make things disappear.


    Well look no further! Here at the

    Bombastic Bomb Emporium,

    we have everything from the humble black powder grenade, to the insane overkill that is the self immolating canister bomb.


    Now that I've caught your attention, lets have a look at today's inventory:


    We'll start with one that you can make at home, all you need is an igniter and some common sense. That's right, I'm talking about IDEs, the little guys are an annoyance at best against most people, until you combine them with the tank you filled them with that is...



    • Take an igniter from tool storage along with a bundle of wire from the Utool.

      Go buy a can of cola, shove the igniter in the can, and then fill it with welding fuel.

      Finish it with a wire fuse.




    Next up, we have a real beauty, the kind of thing that a pyro dreams about: the single tank firebomb. This underutilized gem is great for assassinating your superiors because you can mail it to them to burn their house down.



    • Find yourself a plasma tank and a canister of your favorite bomb mix, or just straight plasma if you're options are limited.

      Fill the tank with your mix and grab yourself an igniter

      Use a screwdriver on the igniter and your detonator of choice (transmitter, timer, prox)

      Attach the two together and screwdriver the assembly to lock it

      You can now attach the assembly to your tank to make the bomb

      Finally, use a welder to make a pressure hole in the tank and the bomb is complete




    We'll end today's bombastic barrage of bombs with this wonderfully easy and extremely deadly improvised canister bomb. The added benefit is that you can disguise it, but be warned once, you fill the canister, you're on the clock before your bomb blows up in your face, or worse, becomes a dud.



    • Create your favorite bomb mix (must contain oxygen and plasma)

      Start the mix in a controlled burn (there are ways to do this outside toxins)

      Once the mix reaches the proper temp, pressure, and gas distribution, fill the canister with it

      Place a tank in the canister and detach the canister from the connector

      Place the canister at the target location with the valve opened

      Run far and fast


      Note that the mix, the fill time, and the valve opening time are closely guarded trade secrets and will not be revealed here




    Stick around for our next episode, when we look into various methods of setting off your favorite bombs at the

    Bombastic Bomb Emporium



    So having read through this whole post, I have two questions:


    • Are the instructions linear, or is the entire surgery linear?

      If I break the OR computer can I do freestyle surgery?



    Now if the answer to the first question is that just the instructions are linear, then good job. Great system, us professionals can still do our combination organ, bone, and bleeding surgery (more common than you'd think), while newbies can learn the ropes in an IC way.


    If the answer is that both are linear, than congrats, you've killed surgery because now if someone has a ruptured lung, and internal bleeding, the're going to die because both are time sensitive and you'd cut it close in most cases with doing both at the same time anyway. Adding an extra 3 steps can take up to 30 seconds depending on the various factors that affect tool use time. And that's 30 seconds you usually don't have.


    As for the second question, that's pretty strait forward. If there's a way to turn it off then I'll do it, but if the thing starts yelling at me to use a hemostat every time I open a guy up, I'm gonna use some screwdriver on it.


    My main point here is that surgery is actually fine the way it is, and that if the cost of adding new organs to play with is that surgery becomes so trivial that the fastest button pusher is the best on the crew, It's not worth doing anymore.



    Name: Cristoph Balin

    Age: 33

    Gender: Male

    Eye Color: Grey

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: AB+

    General Occupational Role(s): CMO, Surgeon, Paramedic




    • Born into a fairly wealthy family, Cristoph was always able to rely on having someone to bail him out when he got into trouble, which he did, quite often. As he grew older, he became more skilled at hiding his transgressions and as a result, moved on to more dangerous and lucrative operations. These actions culminated in his involvement in the assassination of a major Syndicate figurehead for which he devised and produced the poison and delivery method for the agent in the field.


      Outside of his underground life, Cristoph had become well known for his surgical mastery in the lunar medical system. He received such high praise that he was offered a position as the CMO aboard an up and coming Nanotrasen station which he graciously accepted. Once on board, he spent the next few years of his life trasfering around to various stations and keeping his staff in order while picking up the scalpel whenever he got a chance. However, all that time doing things over the table have led to certain urges manifesting as of late...





    • Doctorate of Medicine - Surgical Specialization

      Advanced toxin and chemical delivery system knowledge

      Reasonable knowledge of genetics and virology

      Moderate technical aptitude



    Employment Records:


    • 7 Years at Bishop Cybernetics Lunar Facility

      4 Years in Nanotrassen station facilities



    Security Records:


    • Has a history of crossing ethical boundaries when people threaten his facilities. Additionally, he has a peculiar knowledge of toxins and less than legal medical procedures that command seemed to look past.



    Medical Records:


    • Patient opted for prosthesis after his hand was severely damaged due to undisclosed events.



    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):


    • A six foot tall man with blue tinted black hair draped over part of his narrow face slips a glove over his mechanical hand as he whistles a tune. Behind him, strapped to a table is another man, trying to scream but unable, a small trickle of blood leaking down from the hole in his throat where his vocal chords used to be.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:


    • Has a tendency to try his own medicine from time to time. Naturally, he would never poison himself, but the occasional trip from his less than lethal collection makes for a good way to relieve stress.





    When nations start, cruel and unusual punishment becomes a question of what you're leader will let you get away with. This abomination was made when someone was caught trying to steal from Medistan. I was given him as a gift to experiment on, so I transferred his brain into a stok to stop him talking and proceeded to cut off and attach limbs of other creatures, all without anesthetic. He only got sepsis like 3 times throughout the whole procedure. Those seizures are perfectly normal, I swear...



    I've been playing on the server for a bit now and have played pretty much every role outside of Karma and Command thus far. You may recognize me in-game as one Cristoph Balin, the guy who can't seem to find enough paperwork. Speaking of paperwork, in 2 days time, I'll be allowed to demand paperwork on a much larger scale, as I'll be able to enter the top ranks of the chain of command!




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