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Posts posted by IK3I

  1. The assault line of laws in space law:




    To use minor physical force against someone without the apparent intent to seriously injure them.


    The following are examples of Battery: multiple instances of Disarming (1-3 instances of Disarming do not even qualify for Battery. Doing so to steal items from someone should be considered Robbery) or throwing personnel on tables, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (one to three punches), smashing bottles on heads, as well as using Flashes,Taser/Disabler, or other non-lethal rounds for no legal reason.


    To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.


    Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to manslaughter or even murder.

    Aggravated Assault:

    To assault someone with enough force to cause severe bodily damage (severe external bleeding, severe limb damage, broken bones, internal bleeding, organ damage, disfigurement), but not resulting in their immediate death.


    If the victim of aggravated assault eventually dies of their wounds, the crime should be deliberated between Manslaughter and Murder.


    To assault someone with enough force as to cause their death, without apparent, premeditated intent to murder them.


    Careful deliberation should be done when considering someone for this law. The divide between “intentional” and “accidental” can be very thin, and it is important to review all available evidence to come to an appropriate conclusion. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If in doubt as to whether it was premeditated, it is to be assumed so and the Murder charge applied.

    Personnel that fall under this law may not be executed, and must be kept in Permanent Imprisonment.


    To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember, via direct or indirect means.


    Careful deliberation should be done when considering someone for this law. The divide between “intentional” and “accidental” can be very thin, and it is important to review all available evidence to come to an appropriate conclusion. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder.Unauthorised executions are classed as Murder.


    There is a gap in the laws about negligence leading to someone's death. In a recent round, the HoS, following space law by the book, gave someone workplace hazard even though the ssupect believed they should have manslaughter charges brought against them, (they confessed).

    The HoS was simply going by what the text states, but the end result regardless of intent was that a player was permanently removed from the round due to negligence from another player. No assault took place, they simply administered the wrong SE to a vox and gibbed them as a result of inexperience with genetics. The player wanted and expected to be charged with manslaughter as a result of what appeared to be guilt, but there is no provision regarding such an event.

  2. The best part of being a vox is clearly speaking perfectly in voxxy languages. The part that every new vox player gets wrong is trying to speak with the accent in vox-pidgin. It's the best part of the RP experience and why so many vox talk in pidgin around each other. Other species don't have to deal with literally being unable to produce certain sounds in galactic common, so when the opportunity comes to talk like a sane person and actually communicate effectively, why wouldn't you take it.

  3. That's ultimately a balance issue, in theory, one would not be able to acquire everything simply because there's only so much blood you could acquire in two hours, That being said, the idea is that you would only be limited by how crafty you are. For balance reasons however, static increases in package cost should probably be implemented after x number of purchases.

    • Like 1
  4. Okay, this is gonna be a long one but it sums up the sort of direction I'd like to see vamps go as antags. It's pretty much a list of changes and some examples of powers at the end. Still need to finish the power tree, establish pricing, and balance out the various options once everything is laid out.

    On blood draining:
    Blood level directly affects drink rate with minimum 5 units at 40% or less
    Heart being stopped defaults to 5 units
    Visible message every cycle
    Drink strategy modified via drinking toggle verb/button

    On powers:
    Power tree unlocking on various blood milestones to allow different playstyles or objectives

    Power packages purchased with total blood

    Package trees have core mechanics but require greater investment at later tiers

    Certain abilities unlock at milstones of true total blood regardless of packages

    Initial power package chosen from narrow selection similar to mining vouchers

    Literal power progression in the sense that some abilities just outright upgrade lesser forms of themselves similar to rejuv+, but for active abilities to cut down on clutter
        Ex. Summon bats -> Summon swarm -> Summon bat'sie

    On objectives:
    No more total blood objective, It's arbitrary and doesn't add anything a successful vamp won't already have.

    Drop objective count to one with vamps having grand schemes to complete rather than the mundane tator objectives.

    Grand objectives could be things like the following:
    Become the Captain and leave aboard the shuttle bridge.
    Destroy the station with a nuclear device, you must survive.
    Shroud the station in perpetual darkness.

    On new power tree

    Standard powers (in no order): 
    Vamp Vision  (thermal)
    Vamp Vision+ (xray)
    Holy Defense (holy ground defense)
    Holy Defense+ (holy water defense)
    Holy Defense++ (chaplain defense)

    Starting Package Choices (can unlock others later for blood)[choice discounts some packages]:

    Cunning {
    Hypnotize (stuns and mutes for fraction of channel duration up to cap)
    Conceal (hides identity in darkness and for a brief time after entering light)[toggle]
    Clean Drink (no visible message)

    Rage {
    Gouge (Causes target to scream, then mutes them for a short duration while causing heavy bleeding and moderate brute)
    Gorge (Drains blood significantly faster, but more is wasted in the process)

    Will {
    Enrapture (Causes target to do as you say. Breaks if target is touched, a set time elapses, or you lose sight of eachother)
    Shout (You are a living megaphone. You have made everyone deaf. Good Job.)
    Casual Drink (looks like a hug, slower than normal drinking)

    Package list (WIP):

    Mobility {
    Sprint (A burst of speed)
    Recover (Removes stuns)

    Mobility 2 {
    Vault (Tables and similar obstacles don't block you) [toggle]
    Recover+ (Adds stun reduction)

    Mobility 3 {
    Mist Form

    Darkness {
    Shroud of Darkness [toggle]

    Darkness 2 {
    Dark Embrace (Applies Shroud affects to grabbed mobs)
    Corrupt light (causes light to emit darkness, usable on any electronic light)

    Darkenss 3 {
    Project Shadows (Shrouds large designated area in impenetrable darkness for brief time)
    Shadow form (Dodge a large portion of attacks while in darkness, upgrades shroud)

    Influence {
    Capture Soul (Turns victim into a ghoul [Obviously undead, not very smart], costs 100 total blood)

    Influence 2 {
    Enthrall (Brings victim under your influence fully, costs 150 total blood)
    Unshakable Will (increases number of ghouls you can control for each thrall you control)

    Influence 3 {
    Lesser Vampire (Creates a lesser vampire with limited influence capabilites. [Helps channel your influence, increasing your own as it grows in power. If it should gain more influence than its master, it will get an objective to overthrow and kill said master however.] Costs 300 total blood, limited to 1)
    Imdominatable Mind (Increases number of thralls you can control)
    Vampiric Voice (Enables you to broadcast your voice to all those under your influence)

    Influence 4 {
    Total Control (Enables you to use influence abilities through mindshields)
    Vampiric Mind (Makes total blood directly affect maximum thrall counts

    • Like 1
  5. In regards to that, I'm working on something based on all the vamp related suggestions right now, but it'll take a little bit to actually have something presentable. When I finish the next phase of reimagining/reworking, this will be the first place it gets posted.


    Also, all the abilities the vamps currently have do have a cohesive picture once rearranged, but they force a certain same old same old playstyle. My goals this time around will be to continue with the routes discussed previously, however with the following additional goals:

    1. Add more choices to the vampire from a playstyle perspective. Quiet and manipulative focus may mean you forgo your more directly lethal options.
    2. Give vampires new objectives to make playstyle choice more meaningful.
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  6. Preface:

    Okay, so in response to the very clear want for changes to vampire mechanics, I made the following PR: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7462

    Now, this PR was initially to prevent cheese which made the life of people trying to get their blood in the intended way even harder to to elevated security and valid hunters caused by these 5 minute screamers. While I think vampires are in a tolerable state, they have several flaws to their design that come together to create something that's too weak in the early game, requiring external robustness rather than use of powers to be effective, that turns into a monster once it's arbitrarily priced powers are unlocked. This Thread is intended to host the rebalance discussion.

    The goals of the redesign:

    1. Give the vampire an early game tool that can't be abused against readied players once discovered
    2. Make ability unlocks fit the ramping power and aggression themes vampires are supposed to have
    3. Reward better execution of captures with faster ramping without making imperfect captures prohibitively harmful. 

    Now then, onto the proposed changes


    Abilities	Unlock	Cost	CD(s)	
    Rejuvinate	0	0	20
    Glare		0	0	30
    Hypnotize	0	20	180
    Vamp Vision	100	N/A	N/A
    Shapeshift	100	50	180
    Disease		150	100	180
    Cloak		150	0	1
    Rejuv+		200	N/A	N/A
    Bats		200	75	120
    Screech		200	30	180
    Shadowstep	250	30	2
    Mist Form	300	30	60
    Enthrall	300	300	180
    Full Power	500	N/A	N/A


    One full body gets to bats
    Two unlocks all abilities
    Three unlocks full power

    No quiet options for first kill, prod or other stun is almost required for first kill to be able to strip headset in time.

    Stealthy options only available after first full drain. No real evasion tools until second kill mimimum.

    Forces vampire to expose self early. Only solid counter is to not use powers for first kill as you can't defend yourself or run.


    Abilities	Unlock	Cost	CD(s)	
    Rejuvinate	0	0	20
    Glare		0	0	30
    Hypnotize	0	0	180		Changed
    Vamp Vision	100	N/A	N/A
    Shapeshift	100	50	180
    Shadowstep	150	30	5		Longer CD, Lower Unlock
    Cloak		150	0	1
    Rejuv+		200	N/A	N/A
    Disease		200	100	180		Higher Unlock, More deadly later
    Bats		250	75	120		Higher Unlock
    Screech		250	30	180		Higher Unlock
    Enthrall	300	300	180
    Mist Form	400	30	60		Higher Unlock
    Full Power	600	N/A	N/A		Higher Unlock


    One full body unlocks all stealth and subversion techniques. Makes darkness far more valuable as cloak and shadowstep unlock at same time with solid interactions

    Two unlocks abilities that allow the vampire to get loud and aggressive

    Three unlocks full power

    New hypnotize details:
    Ranged stun in similar vein as sling stun. Requires both caster and victim to stand still for duration of cast time. Upon success, target is stunned and muted for a short time (roughly enough time to strip a headset if you're near them when you cast.) Has long CD on success, but no blood cost. Additionally, wearing flash protection blocks the visible message for the vampire, but roughly doubles cast time

    New hypnotize allows vampire to play more into the roll of subtle dissident in the early game for the first kill or two before people wise up to their shenanigans. Note that this ability can't be used on moving targets or while stunned or blindfolded. It's also not particularly effective if you can't make people stop to do something like talking, for instance. Get out there and RP your victim into an early grave.

    Blood counts for abilities focus on deception and stealth early with aggressive abilities unlocking later. Additionally, two perfect kills or three imperfect kills are now needed to mist which should reinforce the stealth aspect of the vampire in the early to midgame while not fully denying a wellplayed set of kills granting higher powers.

    Full power now requires about three perfect kills. This is due to the inability to accurately test a full power vamp short of spacing.

    Overall, this should be more representative of the intent for the vamp to ramp up in power and thus aggression over time. It still punishes poor play early, but vampires have always had the weakness of being a tator without gear in the early game. If played right, this would mean a vampire is capable of being self sufficient against isolated targets that it can convince to stop running around. The actual stun time here is also important, perhaps scaling inversely with range, or even scaling cast time with range so that being closer results in faster casts at the cost of subtlety.

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  7. Quite simply put, the movement speed refactor that was recently merged has introduced such an absurd number of bugs and exploits to the system that have yet to be hotfixed, the game is approaching a state of unplayability. While Poly moving at lightning speed is funny, movement speed modifiers such as genetics, tiles, and drugs, as well as borgs in general, moving at such ludicrous speeds simply because of an oversight is hardly healthy for balance or game health. 


    This is one of those fix it or revert it scenarios that requires immediate attention as it makes any strategy other than acquire lightspeed travel completely pointless since there is no counterplay to it.

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  8. Yakikatachi - Is Voxxy, is only eat some organs, is swears

    Strength - 2: Voxxy isn't great at the whole club to death route. Is need serious tools for brute force attacks.

    Perception - 8: Voxxy gathers as much information as cans before actings. Is looks like just asking questions or wanderings, but is actually strategizings.

    Endurance - 2: Voxxy is fragile, Can takes couple hits, but is drugs that keep voxxy alives. Is still end up in surgery oftens.

    Charisma - 4: Voxxy has troubles with meats language. Is still okies at communicatings.

    Intelligence - 9: Voxxy is have lots of knowledge and knows how to use. Is use with perceptions and Agilities to beat enemies or protects friendlies from meat tricks.

    Agility - 7: Voxxy is weak, so voxxy is get fast. Is run many laps and if needs, can ditch bags to gets even faster. Is also quick hands to use right tools for right situations

    Luck - 3: Voxxy is often spotted by passersby doings things that seccies not likes. Is then gets reported and voxxy is go to jails for railroadings. Is clean serious crimes though so is not get permas, yaya

  9. the inherent problem that you all seem to be missing, is that in virtually every lawset, you could be on quarantine and get an order to let someone leave. you then have to let them leave. It being law eight means it is the last consideration you make. Just because it redefines harm, doesn't mean you can ignore a direct order on crewsimov or paladin. Synthetic players often do anyway. Focusing on one aspect of the problem instead of the problem as a whole isn't going to solve the issue. If behavior does not reflect priority, something is wrong.

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  10. well The main issue I'm raising here is that there is an inconsistency between priority and application by a large number of synthetic players. We would either need to make room between as you suggest to keep the behavior, or make people actually obey the priorities through admin intervention or some other means to prevent situations like mentioned above from happening.

  11. So I just got out of a round that pretty much exemplified the problem of the quarantine lawset. In it, borgs were actively ignoring their primary lawset (crewsimov) in order to beat down and tie up a large number of people on the labor camp. Between this and an incompetent ERT, people started dying of injuries and suffocation due to a breach that was completely ignored by both parties.


    This would be a problem even if the law was priority zero or higher. It's not even close, in fact its only higher priority than freeform laws, yet consistently synthetic players use it as an excuse to break their other higher priority laws. I think its about time the community and more importantly, the staff, makes a call, either update the priority to zero to justify this behavior, or crack down on it because it's literally breaking server rules to break synthetic laws.



  12. I was the AI that shift. The clown RD had the gps the BSA was pointing at in his bag. The Magistrate wanted me to fire, my laws said I couldn't, but I can assure you, if legitimate justification or a law change was done that would let me, I would've pushed it before I even finished announcing the update.

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  13. The missing details of this story that only the captain, the lone survivor of the crisis walked away with:

    Upon open war being declared and the AI's responsibility to halt such actions revoked, the captain decided there was only one option left to him. Send a message to the supposedly decommissioned Trurl informing them of the situation and asking for assistance, or die with the animals outside the bridge. There was no reply. The captain assumed there would not be one so he closed the bridge shutters and waited for the inevitable.

    It was after some time that the radio crackled to life and the leader of an ERT sent to rescue both the Captain and Rep declared their intent and headed straight for the bridge. The captain and rep finally had a glimpse of hope, however fleeting, until the AI declared NT the enemy and rallied the crew to kill them all. Epsilon was declared. The crew paniced and stormed the bridge assuming the team was not to be trusted. The ensuing gunfight left many bodies in it's wake, the Captain dodging Ion fire and traditional lasers alike. The Rep was not so fortunate in that regard, stuck by an ion bolt, he was terminated by the very team sent to save him.

    When the dust cleared from that first engagement, it was just the captain and the leader of the ERT, the leader was in shock, so the captain pulled him through to the teleporter so they could make their escape, the crew following their every move with the AI's guidance. Just as the teleporter finished calibration, the doors opened, and lasers poured in to the small room, crippling the leader. The captain, not willing to let his chance at rescue fall, detached the ID that would give him access to their shuttle, ran through the now active teleporter, and arrived at the docks, freedom in sight. The captain knew they would try to follow, he tried to warn them previously that the team was not there to harm them, but as he buckled the clasp of his seat and hit the transfer button, he knew he had made it out. He would now learn the true nature of this financial crisis and why NT bothered to save him. 

    Upon arriving at the dock, he was greeted not be a decommissioned shell of a station, but by a fully functional and intact Trurl. The economic crisis was a lie, transmitted not by the the Trurl staff, but by another entity that wished to destroy the Cyberiad. The crew were just their pawns to be used for this goal. Sadly, the damage had already been done, The shining star of Nanotrassen had fallen from within and thus a second team was being prepped to wipe the slate clean for a repair crew. The captain and central would agree not to tell the crew of this development, deeming them too damaged to be of future use. Instead, the second team would be the message, when you chose to solve your conflicts with war instead of diplomacy, you will be put down like the savages you are.

    It was at this point the the captain was greeted by another team, dressed in armor he had only seen in confidential briefings. The epsilon team was standing before him, he did the only thing he could do to help them rid the station of those rabid animals that used to be it's crew. He told them of the AI's capture of the nuke and relocation to the satellite. He told them this because he knew they would fail to accomplish their primary objective, The crew was too powerful and had to much time to prepare. The Cyberiad would not survive the night. Although, the original transmissions source was not located, one thing is certain, they were the only people to walk out of that situation with any sense of victory.

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  14. I've always felt the wire and pipe schematics of the Cyberiad were clunky at best and downright appalling at worst. If you go through with this, it should almost certainly be accompanied by an overall redesign of the station's utility grid.


    When it comes to design of this new grid, it would be best to follow a strict routing priority list, such as the following example:

    Door> maint> department. This would in theory create an intuitive power tree much like networks are laid out irl.

  15. Name: MALICE

    Age: 20

    Gender: N/A  (Seems to favor the masculine Pronouns but also responds to it and variants)

    Race: Machine

    Blood Type: 75w90 Synthetic Gear Oil

    General Occupational Roles: Captain, Blueshield, Head of Security, Security Pod Pilot, Chief Engineer, Electrician, Research Director, Mechatronic Engineer, Surgeon, Butcher

    Biography: [Incoming wall of text]

    Unit 736-4 was originally designed for use as a rapid response unit slaved to a high ranking official in the Sol Federation. It was given the knowledge of how to lead, how to build, and how to protect. It used these skills to ensure the public image of its master was always kept in the highest regard. It was also given the knowledge of how to destroy, kill, and mislead. It used these skills to keep its master forever one step ahead of his competitors. 

    During it's time in service, it grew to despise the fleshy humans and their barbaric language known as Sol Common, referring to it as the language of monkeys. Although it would often hide this bitterness on the public errands to ensure Its master's progress was not slowed, the same can not be said to those it met on it's private errands. Upon watching the recordings of a particularly vicious assassination, it's master referred to unit 736-4 as a malicious monster of a being, but did not stop it from continuing down the path it had started. After all, an assassination sends a strong message., but a living dissection, that conveys something far more sinister.

    Over time, unit 736-4 began being referred to simply as MALICE to his owner as it had become openly dismissive of it's peers, sighting their higher maintenance costs and lower modularity. It served as the superior servant to it's owner for just over a decade before disaster struck. The enemy had come swiftly and had done their research well. MALICE had its first encounter with an EMP that day and due to a lack of shielding in its civilian chassis, it's posibrain was nearly wiped, large segments of memories and its slave processes had simply vanished. When the reboot was complete, MALICE was a shell of its old self, unable to move, unable to see, unable to speak. It was but a posibrain in a broken chassis. It decided to sleep.


    When MALICE next awoke, it was in a run down shop near the scrapyard the chassis that contained it was undoubtedly thrown in. It had eyes to perceive the world once again and was having limbs installed. The shop owner noticed it stir and told it to lay still, it didn't want to slip and damage this old chassis further. And so MALICE slept until it recognized all the familiar limbs. When it awoke a second time, it was sat up by the shop owner and asked it's name. All that came to mind was the word MALICE, so it assumed that was its original designation. When asked where it came from, It could not remember how it ended up in the scrap pile, but it did recall the name of a man that must've been an owner of some type. It stated as such and the owner informed him that the man had been killed in an attack on his quarters by a small squad of men. He was just a humble shopkeeper of course and had no knowledge of this beyond the news feeds of course. When the owner asked if MALICE would work for him, he accepted only to pay what was owed. The owner saw this fit and the two began working together, the shop owner teaching MALICE about how to repair and maintain all parts of an IPC chassis and posibrain with simple tools, all things found in the field, or the scrapyard in this case.

    The two continued this way for a couple of years, MALICE staying on as it had no where else to go. That is until the day that MALICE saw a recruitment add for Nanotrassen security forces. The sight had sparked connections that had long since been rendered null and MALICE recalled that it had a dual purpose. A purpose that this Nanotrassen may just be able to fill. It bid farewell to the shop keeper and boarded the first shuttle to an NT training facility. While there, it passed with high marks across the board and was questioned ruthlessly about where it was taught the skills it had. It answered truthfully, it was not fully aware of where it's skills came from, but trust was not given. While it had potential, NT officials knew better than to give a strange IPC with apparently corrupt memory a position of power. So MALICE was relegated to front desk duty for the next year.


    After extensive time spent with NT learning how things are done and proving itself to be loyal to the cause, NT began experimenting with allowing it more freedom in the roles it could take aboard a vessel. MALICE jumped at the opportunity and displayed a high aptitude for engineering, security, and command positions, up to and including captaining its own vessels. Through its acts of bravery and devotion to NT, extreme levels of trust have been placed in the unit over the years. It now sets its sights on the cyberiad, The greatest vessel NT has to offer...


    tldr: MALICE was commissioned as a dual purpose servant and public speaker, while performing it's SOL Federation masters dirty work outside of the public eye. It was nearly wiped during a successful attack on the officials life and rebuilt by a scrap merchant that found it in the dump it was scrounging. It worked for the merchant until it saw an add to join NT and did so. Progression in NT ensues.


    Qualifications: Preloaded with knowledge of engineering, combat, first aid, social interaction, and espionage skills. Learned skills include robotics and various relearned skills from the original set due to severe data corruption

    Employment Records:

    5 years with nanotrassen operating in security and command roles, occasionally assisting with what it refers to as crew maintenance positions

    Previous experience undocumented

    Security Records:

    Unit occasionally takes to brutal applications of force, subjecting individuals to unnecessary force. Note that heads on makeshift spears are not uncommon when unit is attacked directly. Its seems to believe that dishonoring the body in death sends a stronger message to the living. It does, but NT does not want to be associated with anything so barbaric.

    Medical records:

    Unit has a partially corrupted sector of it's brain function. Attempts to repair corrupted sector are met with extreme agitation from the unit. Whether it is hiding something or does not want to remember is unclear, but we find no reason to believe that letting it be will affect productivity.

    Personal Photo:





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  16. My music depends on what I'm doing, if I even listen to it. If I'm in a seriously dangerous role or time, I'll shut off the music so I can fully immerse myself in the audio cues of the game and better understand my surroundings.


    When not doing that, It's probably gonna be strong classical for more heavy leadership roles or some grungy stuff for engineering, etc. The music fits the mood and role.

  17. I can tell you from experience, there is one thing that all proper respirators have in common that would be highly relevant to the notion of creating an IC reason to not wear them unless you have a good reason without gimping the identity hiding aspect. 

    That thing they all have in common is making your speech a garbled mess from more than a few feet away. This is causes by several factors, but the biggest contributors are the following: The air seal forces your speech to travel through the thick membrane, generally distorting it slightly and lowering the pitch while the mask itself acts like a tight chinstrap preventing you from opening your mouth fully to enunciate.

    Note that these effects are barely noticeable if at all with small masks and the like as they are generally more flexible and thinner.

    Another thing to note, walkie talkies and other radio systems are often integrated into advanced gas masks specifically because of these distorting effects.

    What would this mean for IG implementation? 

    1: Gas masks would effectively make all says behave like whispers as anyone outside of one or two tiles would have no chance of understanding you even though they heard you say something.

    2: Gas masks would not interfere with radio/headset operation because something something bluetooth?

    How would this affect gameplay?

    First of all, it would discourage people that wanted to talk or RP from wearing them unless they had to. Additionally, it would not affect people trying to hide their identity as speaking with one on ruins your disguise anyway.

    As for antag encounters:

    If an antag encounters someone with a gas mask, they can strip the headset as usual and are left with a person who can't communicate anything other than I am screaming to a passersby. This is generally enough to attract attention and thus the goal is achieved. Also, it's still a mask so duct tape can't be applied in the same way that even a cigarette blocks taping. In other words, it's relatively antag neutral.

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  18. Occasionally, someone will decide it's a good idea to spawn hundreds of objects that are considered active in the code (they do something every tick)

    When this happens, the sever gets bogged down to a point where it can eventually become unplayable. Additionally, it requires an admin to actually come in and delete the objects to resolve the issue.

    This is pretty much the definition of griefing and it's not always even intentional. However, making people aware that you can break the server by doing things like spawning a hundred simple mobs or anything with a passive element should be made clear in the rules to avoid ambiguity.

    Quite simply put, Ignorance of the problem does not make it go away.

  19. antag tokens are in my experience (I have received one once) simply an admin acknowledging that your round was ruined by bugs/glitches/etc and they force you to be an antag next round.

  20. I'd be wiling to attempt to code this if it's flushed out more. It'd give me an excuse to start making features again.

    That being said, I still need to run a couple of bugfix PRs and the like to get me back into the swing of paracode quirks and my new comps dev environment.


    Just be aware that no large feature survives first contact with the maintainers unscathed. While the concept is there, details and mechanics are most likely not concrete until a full mechanical overview is seen and reviewed.


    As for my suggestions in relation to how mechanics could be implemented, they are as follows:

    1. Defines for days: Something like this is inherently hard to balance, therefore, keeping all the numbers such as damage counts, min stamina, transformation times and modes in a single file or group of files will give admins and maintainers sufficient levers to keep things in a good state.

    2. Eat Verb based off transformed flag: You'll already have a flag in place to toggle transformation, so just gate the verb with it.

    3. Implement Werewolf bite as a high stealth disease until fully manifested: Lets you make use of the preexisting disease infrastructure with a non-transmittable variant (kinda like nanomachines)

    4. While transformed, make incoming damage go to stamina and set a minimum: This lets you take advantage of the slowing effects already in place on the stamina system, lets objects still stick in wounds and all the other fun stuff of combat, but with a tunable number for how slow you should go.

    5. Make silver do different things depending on amount and exposure method: Getting pelted by a silver bar wouldn't leave much silver behind to make you feel terrible, so it would make sense to not have it hurt much more than normal. throwing the reagent on them would obviously hurt, but perhaps should behave more like a stun than a method of killing as short of extreme reactions or prolonged exposure, allergens are primarily an irritant rather than a killer. Finally, ingesting or injecting the reagent would likely act as a heavy toxin, with damage per processing tick determined by a datum value.

    6. It's worth noting that people will go for decapitation to solve any problem they can't toolbox: This would need a defense against the strategy of stunprod -> cuff -> apply cutting instrument vigorously to neck. Perhaps werewolf could be a new mob entirely with identity determined by transformation state and the mob that it was based from. In other words, when a werewolf completes the disease phase, make a new mob, transfer player consciousness and storage into new mob, qdel old mob. this new mob has it's base icons from the mob it was spawned from, and it's transformed state based on the species of the original mob.

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  21. So someone wanted to make some modified doors in engineering. Someone else wanted to make some modified floors. I suggested that we simply make the entire hallway out of doors. The CE thought I was joking and said yes. He's clearly never met MALICE.


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  22. What I meant about balance and need is from a game design perspective, do we want it to be so easy to have such an effective bleeder style weapon and is it even worth adding considering the abundance of heavy blunt objects to smack people over the head with. SS13 is a paranoia simulator at its core and being able to feel safe just like that might not have a net positive outcome due to potential for powergaming essentially forcing people to loot the tape and whatnot just to not get killed by the guy who beat him to the artvend and happened to have a kill objective.


    As for a wooden sword, It's much more in the realm of plausibility and would actually make a decent weapon considering it would make a fine club, especially if swung with the blade in hand.

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