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Posts posted by DisreputableSquid


    Do they normally bring hostile creatures? I would think if they were truly hostile, they'd kill the miner long before the miner got them all the way to the main station.

    Unless miners have some way to be immune to their effects that I'm not aware of?


    I've seen one or two Miners bring back a Facehugger in a locker before, usually by loading the locker first with facehugger toys then a live one, then finally dragging it on board the station and letting it cause havok when someone opens it in the bar or such.


  2. I've spent entire rounds as Clown trying to build a pnumatic cannon just to fire pies out of it, but only to saddly learn that I can't fire it because of clumsy. My little banana-heart was broken. Any sort of pie-traps would be appreciated.

  3. Id love to be a Dionae in that round, so long as the only weapons that can be used are projectile weapons rather than laser ones. It would be hilarious to see how many bullets he could collect inside him by the end of the round.

  4. All i can think of is 'Lets Get Medieval' where all the crew are allowed to brear arms, but only primative ones such as knives, spears, shields, and crossbows. Those would be much, much easier to keep a handle on than live firearms.


    I might be wrong on this, but from what I can remember, wasn't EVERYTHING causing dirt to build up, including ghosts and observers? Its one thing to have dirt, another to have even ghosts tracking filth into places the janitor cant reach.


    If we want janitors to have even a remote possibility of doing their job, then dirt needs to at least be nerfed so it accumulates slower, if there is such opposition to it being yanked entirely



    Most of the racial pages are out of date or just plain wrong.


    Definitely, the racial pages need to be redone to say the least, and I know the Dionae page is very much in need of some love. They might not get played a lot, but having a severely outdated wiki page for them will only make it less likely that people will play them.


    Also, on the Dionae front, the Dionae lack an entry in the Guide to Medicine, which should probably be fixed since I honestly have NO idea how you are supposed to treat one at the moment. I know they regenerate brute and suffocation damage in light, but someone probably should state if that includes things like broken bones or ruptured organs. Hell, the fact that they have no blood and no pulse is worth an entry in and of itself.



    I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

    Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?


    My thoughts exactly! And if you tweak things to include a Geneticists ID locked locker in there, they can keep the newly cloned and their items safe from the vultures that are the gray tide.


    And remember that any door you put in should be put in with the understanding that it will, quite likely, get EMP'd, shocked, bolted by rogue AI or antags, or otherwise messed with and could possibly seal the area off until engies can come and fix it (never exactly a timely responce) and for something as VITAL as cryo, this could lead to very full morgues and VERY unhappy players, especially since anything done to seal the Cryo-side doors could be used on the Geneticist's doors as well, sealing both Cryo AND Cloning off until someone can fix it.




    There had been a suggestion for departmental guards that would effectively do exactly what this theoretical job you described would entail. I think it got lost to the annals of time rather than actually fully being shot down, but effectively was a door-man / coordinator for each department that acted as more or less their go-to man for tossing people out of their department, but didn't have the clearance to actually arrest people and such like actual officers.


    It got shot down because when we DID have them, security never actually stayed there, used the door to storm medbay when they felt like it rather then being there to help on demand, and their supplies were stolen by Medbay and used to defend themselves.


    Maybe I should still ask the HoP for just a custom job then. I don't want any access or equipment, just the right to kick greytide out of medbay when doctors are busy actually doing their job. I doubt it could become an official position, but If I keep pitching it to HoP's, eventually one will say OK



    Dreamweaver magic.


    Personally, I just used paint.net.


    Thanks, I'll look those up right now!


    Despite "every second counting" I'm actually in favour of blocking cryo off like this, because I want to murder someone every time there's 4 fully healed random people standing in the cryo tubes room simply because they slipped in when a door was ajar.


    It also stops patient stealing by civilians dead in it's tracks.


    Ok, I follow your logic here, though we could probably help keep more chaff out of medbay if we made more use of the Exam room as well, since that puts one more door between the grey tide and the medbay proper. Also I just wish the medbay doors in general closed faster -.- They stay open for what feels like an age. I personally always close it by hand whenever I go through to make sure no one slips in. That and I try and make use of the door controls from inside the Medbay's front desk, since then I don't risk people just pushing past me on their way in.


    I should Bug the HoP and HoS one round to make a me a Custom job that is basically just a medbay security guard. No real secuirty access, just there to keep order in Medbay, since I don't know how many times I've had to call security tokick someone out who was just putzing around. Sit at the front desk, open and close the doors, eat donuts, kick out loiterers. Seems like a legitimate job.



    I definately support the idea of some kind of debuff or other penalty associated with having too many powers at a time. First thing that comes to mind would be just simply having the stability of the mutations decrease proportional to the number you've got (or how massive the change is, if that is possible. I'm a bit rusty on genetics. Do some mutations require more modified blocks than others?)


    If I remember correctly, radiation exposure run the chance of causing random genetic modification, correct? Perhaps apply a similar effect to mutations. If you could make having X number of mutations apply tox damage, then I see no reason why you couldn't use the same system to apply the genetic scrambling from Radiation as well.



    I'm not sure I can actually give this a +1, as much as a desperately want to. ANYTHING that might possibly make genetics more accessible is a positive in my books, but slapping doors in front of Cryo doesn't feel like the right way to do it. Even though this opens up the space near Genetics, it also closes off Cryo from the rest of the medbay, and that is most definately a big No-No. We all know that in medical, speed is key for the most critical cases, and if someone needs to be put in Cryo, there needs to be as few barriers as possible between the entrance to medbay and those tubes. This is why there are almost no doors at all for all treatment-related areas of the medbay (Excluding Surgery, as that area obviously needs to stay sterile, but even then I still have problems with having the patients have to go through the Observation Room doors to get into the OR's) since every second wasted waiting for doors increases the chances that someone might die on the gurney.


    That would be nice, however, would be if we replaced the entire wall section with glass so you could see through it, at the very least. Also, they need a pair of patient lockers for the Cryo-tubes, as well as one for Cloning so that we can put any equipment we need to take off of a patient into something secure!


    Maybe once I have unlocked Station Engineer I can try and convince the CoM, the RD, and the CE to let me spend a round fiddling with the layout of the Genetics area as a whole and see if I cant put together something better. (I actually love designing areas) Maybe If I can come up with something good enough, I can pitch it to the admins to get it formally changed.


    On a related note, how would one go about making example rooms to show like you did in the above picture, Shadey? is there a specific program or set of assets we can use, or do we have to do this all by hand in something like Gimp?



    First of all, i think that no matter WHO gets control, genetics really NEEDS to be handed over fully to one department or the other. They are the only job with such a clearly contested control issue, and all that having control of it split does is end up with it looking and feeling to most like its not really a part of either department and, as everyone has agreed on, left them with little to no accountability for their jobs on-shift since they can always turn it into a game of he-said, she-said between the CMO and the RD. This lack of solid connection to either department also makes RP as a geneticist difficult. Medbay staff can't really communicate with them other than radio aince they are always on the science side of their office, and when was the last time you saw a scientist in genetics who wasnt getting powers? Its effectively a hermatige by its current design, and that only further reinforces many Geneticists habit of just spending all their time on hunting superpowers rather then being a functional part of the station as a whole.


    Now for the Question of if they should be given over to the CMO or RD, I come down solidly on the side of CMO, and for one solid reason, Cloning! The geneticists are SUPPOSED to be handling all cloning activity, and cloning is (or at least was supposed to be) their #1 Priority. All research is supposed to be put on hold when someone needs a new body, and we ALL know that the only reason general Medbay staff were given access to the cloning equipment was because many a geneticist didn't do this part of their job, typically because they (like a lot of new science players) took the job for the toys, not the responsibilities. This was also exacerbated by the poor design of the genetics area in general, since you were essentially isolated from the rest of medbay and had no way to know what was going on unless you were keeping a close eye on the comms or people were banging on your door with a pile of corpses. If the genetics area could be redone to give them more situational awareness of the rest of medbay and, and also have cloning be brought back under their full, generally exclusive control, then I don't think that the discussion of who it should be under would even be happening. Their job is like Virology, typically its just doing MEDICAL research, but when the situation calls for their specific skill sets, the research is put aside and their medical job takes top priority, and remains their top priority until the situation no longer requires them. That means that if there's a blob devouring the station or the Nuke Ops Team is gunning down the Greytide in the hallways, the hunt for the perfect power gets put on the back burner and it's time to start popping out pod people.



    I'm not saying do away with the Outpost or to hand it over to other science departments, as I honestly feel that if the (albeit defunct) Xenoarcheology stuff gets tossed out and replaced with something new, then any hope of Xenoarcheology coming back dies with them. It's only because we still have that big cool outpost full of awesomely useless tools that Xenoarcheology still gets any notice at. The only reason I suggested that Xenoarcheologist get pulled from the sub-list of scientist is so people don't get confused and think you can actually play it at the moment.


    As for Ideas as to what we COULD do with the outpost in the meantime, it is still an almost completely functional and independent outpost (hell if you slap a Chem dispenser and a Autolathe in there it pretty much IS independent) so it's perfect as a base of operations for any Roleplay Events that people might want to do on the asteroid, plus it makes for a perfect teaching area since you could easily re-tool some sections to fit the purpose of the class. And of course its just lovely for the more slippery antags since almost no-one ever checks the research outpost out.


    But honestly, I hold the hope in my heart that we will someday soon see a return of glorious Xenoarcheology! Or at least signs of its return.



    Seeing the last mention of Xenoarcheology was about four months ago at the time of this post, I'm guessing that an opportunity to re-do and re-implement Xenoarch hasn't appeared. I'm sad about that, really, since I loved Xenoarcheology and many of my favorite SS13 experiences were when I played that job. That said, I also feel that getting something that actually works right is better then the clunky system that I used to have to bash my way through. Sure it felt like an accomplishment when I actually got something interesting, but for most shifts it just was a huge time suck.


    That said, if Xenoarch is going to stay out of commission for much longer, then could we figure out something else we could do with the Research outpost? Or at the very least, can someone pull the 'Xenoarcheologist' listing from the sub-list of scientist jobs until we actually get it back up and running? It feels like its just going to cause confusion to leave it up there.


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